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1、亚行驻中国代表处 PRCM/ADB,移民安置的实施与管理 Resettlement Implementation and Management,亚洲开发银行非自愿移民培训之三 Involuntary Resettlement_ Session 3,内容/Contents,A. 贷款与项目协议中关于移民实施方面的条款 / Loan Covenants for Resettlement Implementation B. 移民实施过程与管理 / Resettlement Implementation and Management,A. 贷款协议中关于移民实施方面的约定 Loan Covenants

2、 for Resettlement Implementation,Loan Covenants for IR 贷款协议中关于移民实施方面的约定,General Provisions 一般性约定 Provisions for RP updating 移民计划更新 Contractor Provisions 承包商约定 Supervision, Monitoring and Reporting 监督、监测以及报告制度 Project Completion and Evaluation 项目完工与后评估,1) 一般性约定 General Provisions,Implementation in ac

3、cordance with the RP(s) and local laws 根据移民计划和本国法律开展移民实施 Compensation paid prior to dispossession 征用和搬迁之前支付补偿费用 Timely provision of funds, including contingency 移民资金及时到位,包括必要的预备费 APs must be better off or at least fully restored 移民在土地征用或搬迁后应超过或至少完全达到原有的生活水平,2) 移民计划更新的约定 Provisions for RP Updating,If

4、 based on FS, need a full update of RP based on Detailed Design prior to start project civil works 如果批准的移民计划是基于可研准备的,在土建开工前根据详细设计需要对移民计划进行完全更新 If based on PD, need to confirm or update based on Detailed Design (addendum) 如果是基于初步设计,需要根据详细设计进行审核或更新(增补) Significant changes during implementation 实施过程中的重

5、大变更 Requires endorsement, disclosure, ADB approval/concurrence & website uploading 更新的移民计划签署、公开、亚行的批复、同意以及上传到亚行网站,3) Contractor Provisions 承包商的约定,Specifications to include RP requirements 招标文件和合同中要包括有关移民计划的要求 Supervision of contractors for compliance 监督检查承包商的执行情况 Contractors give priority to hire AP

6、s, especially women 承包商优先雇佣受影响人,特别是妇女的岗位 Compliance audit prior to final payment of contractors (address all AP grievances) 支付给承包商最后一笔费用之前对其执行情况进行审核,(解决所有的受影响人的申诉),4) Supervision, Monitoring and Reporting 检查、监测以及报告制度,EA/IA have adequate & capable staffing for supervision and quarterly reporting 执行机构

7、和实施机构要有足够和能干的人员安排,检查监督以及准备季度报告 Engage a qualified independent monitor 雇佣一个有经验的独立监测机构 Semi-annual or annual M&E reporting (M during implementation vs E afterwards) 实施期间半年一次的监测以及结束后一年一次的生活水平恢复情况的跟踪评估 Focus on seriously affected, vulnerable groups and gender aspects 关注受严重影响、脆弱群体以及妇女权益,5) Project Comple

8、tion and Evaluation 项目完工以及后评价,Completion Report from EA/IA 执行机构/实施机构准备完工报告 Final M&E Report from Monitor (confirm) 监测单位完成最后一期监测报告确认移民影响都得到恢复 Resettlement Audit from government 政府对移民资金及其财务方面的审计 PCR Mission by ADB to confirm adequate completion or recommend follow-up actions prior to loan closure or P

9、PER 亚行完工检查团确认移民计划完成或建议一些在贷款关闭前或后评估前要解决的遗留问题,B. 移民实施过程与管理 Resettlement Implementation and Management,项目建设单位:1) 负责协调各有关政府部门完成各类审批事宜;2) 负责筹措移民资金并及时拨付;3) 委托移民实施部门实施移民计划并监督检查移民的实施情况;4) 完成移民计划的更新;5) 聘请外部监测机构;6) 向亚行定期报告移民进度;7) 完成移民完工报告 / Project Construction Unit: 1) Responsible for the coordination with r

10、elevant government organizations to complete various resettlement approvals; 2) Responsible for resettlement financing and timely fund disbursement; 3) Engage resettlement implementation agency to execute the RP and monitor the resettlement progress; 4) Update the RP; 5) Engage external monitoring a

11、gency; 6) Provide periodic reporting of resettlement progress to ADB; 7) Responsible Resettlement Completion Report.,主要机构的安排与职责 Key Institutions and Responsibilities,移民实施机构:1)学习和理解亚行批准的移民计划;2)负责实施移民计划中的各项内容和要求;3)负责协调承包商与当地社区的冲突;4)配合外部监测机构工作;5)进行内部监测,定期向建设单位递交移民安置进度报告 / Resettlement Implementation Ag

12、ency: 1) Study and understand the approved RP by ADB; 2) Responsible to implement all contents and requirements of RP(s); 3) Responsible for the coordination of conflicts between the contractors and local communities; 4) Assist in the work of external resettlement monitoring agency; 5) Conduct inter

13、nal resettlement monitoring activities and submit resettlement progress reporting to the Project construction unit. 外部监测机构:1)编制移民监测评估大纲并获亚行批准;2)实施期间每年两次监测、移民完成后每年一次评估,并及时提交外部监测报告 / External Resettlement Monitoring Agency: 1) Prepare TOR of resettlement monitoring and evaluation and obtain ADBs appro

14、val; 2) Carry out two resettlement monitoring each year during implementation phase and complete one evaluation annually after resettlement, and timely submit external resettlement monitoring and evaluation report.,调查登记时需要多方到场,包括受影响人、当地社区负责人、当地政府代表、建设单位代表、监理单位等 / Various parties should be on site du

15、ring DMS and recording, including APs, leaders of local communities, representatives of government organizations and project construction unit, supervision unit, etc. 调查过程应透明、详尽,避免漏登或漏查 / DMS and recording should be transparent and in details, and avoid missing index. 每户列出详细的损失清单并由多方签字认可,认可的清单一式多份分别

16、由签字方存档保存 / The detailed list of loss for each household should be signed and confirmed by various parties and a copy should be kept in file by each party who signed the document.,详细的征地调查与财产损失调查与登记 DMS and Record,征用农村集体土地的由土地部门进行详细测量,村民委员会签字认可。并由村委会提供受影响的各承包户的土地面积清单 / For collective land acquisition,

17、 it should be measured by land administration department, and signed and accepted by village committee. The list of land area for each affected household should be provided by village committee. 及时发布停建公告,慎重区分并处理临时建筑、无证建筑、违章建筑以及恶意抢建等问题 / Timely notification of construction stoppage to the public, and

18、 carefully distinguish and handle temporary structure, structure without certificate, illegal structure and fraudant occupation for compensation issues, etc. 建立电子档案,详细调查的结果及时输入计算机进行存档处理 / Establish electronic filing system, and timely entry detailed survey results into computer for filing and proces

19、sing.,与受影响人和集体协商签订补偿协议 Negotiation and Signing of the Agreements,严格执行由亚行批准的移民计划的移民政策和补偿标准,亚行鼓励根据国内政策变化或协商结果提高补偿标准。/ Strictly implement the resettlement policy and compensation standards of ADB approved RP. ADB encourages to raise compensation standards based on the changes of domestic policies or co

20、nsultation results. 根据各方认可的详细损失清单和公开的补偿政策,与受影响人协商签订补偿安置协议。协议尽量详尽并且标准化,并由多方签字生效。/ Sign compensation and resettlement agreement with the APs based on the detailed list of property losses agreed by parties involved and publicized compensation policies. The agreement should be in details as much as poss

21、ible and standardized. To be effective, it should be signed by all parties.,根据征地调查的结果和公开的土地补偿政策,与受影响社区或集体协商签订征地补偿与安置协议。协议中应包括数量、标准、安置方案、社会保障安排等主要内容。/ Negotiate and sign land acquisition and resettlement compensation agreement with affected communities or collectives based on the result of the measur

22、ement survey and publicized compensation policies of land. The agreement should include the contents, i.e., quantity of affected items, standards, resettlement plan, social insurance, etc. 以上协议的签署应在充分协商、自愿、透明的原则下签署。/ The above agreement should be signed under the principles of sufficient consultatio

23、n, willingness, and transparency.,土地征用的报批以及拆迁许可的获得 Approval of land acquisition and Permit of House Demolishment,严格执行中华人民共和国土地法关于建设用地审批程序的规定 / Strictly implement the regulations of PRC Land Administration Law regarding the approval procedures of construction land use 建设单位应积极、主动并尽早与当地土地部门联系办理土地征用的审批手

24、续 / Project Construction Unit should be pro-active and take earliest action to contact land administration department for approval of land acquisition application 建设单位应尽早与当地拆迁部门联系,根据基本建设程序,及时与拆迁主管部门联系,及时取得拆迁许可证,特别是涉及城市拆迁的项目 / Project Construction Unit should take earliest action to contact house dem

25、olishment department for timely obtaining house demolishment certificate based on basic infrastructure construction procedures, especially involving house demolishment in cities.,目前的国内审批制度正在改革当中,审批的程序正在发生变化,建设单位应密切联系联系有关部门 / Current domestic approval procedures are under reform and the approval proc

26、edures are under changing, the Project construction unit should keep close communication with relevant departments. 项目预算中,应足额列入办理审批手续的各类费用 / In project budget, various costs for approval procedures should be adequately included in project budget. 没有取得合法的批准和许可前不得用地和拆迁 / No land acquisition and house

27、demolishment before obtaining legal approval and certificate.,安置点的建设与配套 Construction of Resettlement Sites and Facilities,安置点的选择应充分考虑和尊重移民的意愿 / Preference of APs should be adequately considered and respected for the selection of resettlement site 安置点的建设应及早进行,尽量避免或缩短移民的过渡期 / Construction of resettlem

28、ent site should be undertaken as early as possible to avoid or shorten the transitional period of the APs. 安置点的各项基础设施配套应尽早开始建设,避免出现移民迁入后的交通、用水、用电、就医、升学、通讯、排水等方面的困难和不便 / Construction of basic infrastructures and facilities in resettlement site should be undertaken as early as possible to avoid the di

29、fficulties and inconvenience of transportation, water supply, power supply, schooling, communication, drainage, etc., to be faced by APs after relocation. 安置点的建设应当注意环境保护的各项要求 / Attention should be paid to various requirements of environmental protection of resettlement site construction.,农村宅基地的分配与审批

30、 Allocation of Rural Homestead and Approval,根据项目具体情况,安置用地的费用应计入项目成本 / Cost of resettlement land use should be included in project budget in accordance with project specific situation 积极联系当地政府获得宅基地的审批,因公共利益项目搬迁的农村居民应在规划的许可范围内优先获得宅基地的批准,并享受审批手续费用的优惠或减免 / To be pro-active in contacting with local gover

31、nment for approval of homestead. For the rural residents who will be relocated due to public infrastructure construction, they should get priority for approval of homestead within the planned and permitted area, and enjoy preferential policies or reduction/exemption for costs involved in the approva

32、l procedures 农村宅基地的分配应做到透明公正,避免因宅基地分配产生纠纷和遗留问题 / The allocation of rural homestead should be transparent and fair to avoid conflicts and remaining issues.,农村安置住房建设 Construction of Rural Houses,宅基地分配完成后,根据项目具体情况,充分尊重移民意愿,尽量选择房屋自建或联户建设的方式,如可能尽量避免由政府统一建房。当地政府可以为居民提供房屋建设图纸,供居民在建房时参考使用,但不得强制性要求新房的规格 / Af

33、ter allocation of homestead, the preference of APs should be adequately taken into consideration and try to choose the option of house construction by individuals or groups, and avoid centralized house construction by government as much as possible. The local government could provide house construct

34、ion design for residents for reference, but can not enforce the specification of new houses. 建房过程中,建设单位、当地政府以及当地社区应帮助或协助单亲家庭、困难户、孤寡老人等脆弱群体建设新房 / During house construction, the project construction unit, local government and local communities should provide assistance in house construction for single

35、-person family, households with financial difficulties, elders and other vulnerable groups.,被拆迁房屋补偿款应在居民建房前及时发放到位 / Compensation should be paid to the APs before house construction. 尽量做到居民迁入新居后拆迁旧的房屋,以避免居民在外过渡 / Try to demolish old houses after the resettlers moved into new houses as much as possibl

36、e to avoid the transitions of the APs. 新房建成后,应积极与当地政府联系,为每户申请办理必要的房屋产权证以及土地使用证 / After the completion of new house construction, try to be pro-active to contact local government to apply necessary house ownership certificate and land use certificate for each household.,城市居民的货币补偿与实物安置 Cash Compensati

37、on & Property Exchange for Urban APs,根据项目具体情况,充分尊重移民意愿,灵活使用货币与实物安置方法对城镇移民进行安置 / Be flexible to resettle the urban residents in cash compensation and property exchange, based on project specific situation and taking APs resettlement preference into consideration. 货币安置要确保住房面积小、家庭贫困、以及其他脆弱群体能在搬迁后有房屋居住,

38、对该部分移民需要制订相应的特殊政策 / Under cash compensation, the households with small living area, in financial difficulties, and other vulnerabilities should be ensured to have houses to live. Special preferential policies should be provided to them.,实物安置应尽量提前规划建设,避免居民在外过渡期过长,而且项目成本会增加 / Property exchange for res

39、ettlement should be planned and constructed as early as possible to avoid long transitional period for the APs and increase of project costs. 实物安置应充分考虑各类家庭的需要,在安置房的设计前建议进行意愿调查,设计方案公开透明 / Property exchange should adequately take the needs of different households into consideration. Survey on the APs

40、preference should be carried out before the design of resettlement houses and the design should be publicized and transparent. 在居民迁入安置房后,积极协调有关部门协助移民户获得房屋产权证 / To be pro-active to coordinate relevant departments to assist the resettlers to obtain house ownership certificate after they have moved int

41、o the resettlement houses,补偿及相关费用的发放与使用 Delivery and Utilization of Compensation,严格按照移民计划的要求,及时足额发放各类补偿及其相关的费用 / Strictly follow the requirements of RP to timely and adequately disburse various compensation fund and relevant costs. 涉及私人财产补偿费用在发放时,由户主和一位家庭主要女性成员同时到场签收 / When involving in the compensa

42、tion disbursement of private properties, the household head and one key female family member should be on site for signature and acceptance. 涉及农村集体土地或公共财产补偿费发放时,根据村民委员会组织法以及村级集体经济组织财务管理的有关规定对土地以及公共财产补偿费进行严格管理 / When involving in the compensation disbursement of rural collective land or public proper

43、ties, the compensation fund should be strictly managed in accordance with the regulation of the organizational law of village committee and financial management of collective economic organization at village level.,尽早召开村民会议讨论土地补偿费的分配与安置方案,根据土地补偿费与安置补助费应主要用于安置受影响村民的原则,合理制订分配方案,使直接受影响的村民尽快恢复其原有的生产生活水平

44、 / Village meeting to discuss the allocation of land compensation and resettlement plan should be held as early as possible, the allocation plan should be properly formulated to restore the original production and living standards of the directly affected persons, based on the principles of land com

45、pensation and resettlement subsidy should be mainly used for the resettlement of affected villagers. 集体土地补偿费的分配与使用应公开、透明并接受村民代表的监督 / Allocation and usage of collective land compensation should be publicized and transparent, and monitored by the representatives of villagers.,移民经费的来源与到位 Financing of R

46、esettlement Cost,严格按照移民计划的要求,所有的移民经费应足额纳入项目预算,并由建设单位负责筹措 / Strictly follow the requirements of RP to include all resettlement costs into project budget. The Project construction unit will be responsible for the financing. 移民资金在移民工作实施前必须足额到位 / Resettlement fund should be in place in full amount befor

47、e resettlement implementation. 不得以任何名义由受影响的集体和个人承担移民的费用 / Resettlement costs can not be bearded by the affected collective and individuals in any names. 亚行新政策允许对合格的征地与移民费用进行支付,目前在菲律宾等国家已经开始实施 / ADB new policy allows to pay qualified costs of land acquisition and resettlement. Currently, Philippines

48、and other countries have already started the implementation.,搬迁与安置 Relocation and Resettlement,严格按照移民计划的要求,及时发放搬迁补助费 / Strictly follow the requirements of RP to timely disburse resettlement compensation fund. 建设单位、当地政府以及社区为居民搬迁提供交通、运输、安全等方面的帮助,特别是那些需要关注的脆弱群体 / Project construction unit, local govern

49、ment and communities should provide necessary assistance of transportation, transfer, safety, etc. to the resettlers, in particular those vulnerable groups. 帮助移民社区协调与安置区周边社区的关系和及时解决冲突和矛盾 / Assist in the coordination of the relationship between the affected communities and host communities and timely resolve conflicts and problems.,收入恢复计划的实施 Implementation of Income Restoration Measures,严格按照移民计划的要求,尽早实施收入恢复计划中的各项措施和要求 / Strictly follow the requirements of RP, implement various measures proposed in the income rehabilitation plan as early as possible. 农业安置的应尽快分配生产用地 / Production land sho


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