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1、写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级,long fast_ _ close_ _ large_ _ big_ _easy_ _ good_ _ far_ _ dangerous_ _ expensive_ _,longer,longest,faster,fastest,closer,closest,larger,largest,bigger,biggest,easier,easiest,better,best,farther,farthest,more dangerous,most dangerous,more expensive,most expensive,Welcome to our Clas

2、s!,平罗城关逸夫学校 沈艳红,Module 7 Unit 1 Tony has the longest journey.,ferry,New Words,by subway,taxi,train,plane,crowded,journey n. modern adj. ferry n. subway n. taxi n. crowded adj. plane n. train n.,旅行;旅程 现代的 渡船,渡口 地铁 出租车 拥挤的 飞机 火车,by,by+交通工具,意思是“乘, 坐”。,注意:表示交通工具的名词前不能有冠词。,by+交通工具类名词单数 by plane 乘飞机 by ca

3、r 坐小汽车 by train 坐火车 by taxi 乘出租车 by ship 乘轮船 by bike 骑自行车 by electric bike 骑电动自行车,Language Points:,-How do you go to school ? -I go by bus. / I walk.,Work in pairs.,Module task,Work in pairs. Ask and answer.,Talk about the journey from your home to school.,How do you get to school? I go by bus becau

4、se I live farthest from the school. How about you ? I go by bicycle because .,-How does Tony go to school ? -He goes by bus.,Work in pairs.,Listen to the quiz, and fill in the blanks.,A: Lets try a quiz. Question one: whats the most modern train in the world? B: A: OK, question two: whats the larges

5、t plane in the world? B: A: Right. And question three: whats the most famous ferry in the world? B: A: Question four: whats the cheapest means of transport in China? B: A: And question five: whats the most crowded subway in the world? B: A: And question six: whats the most comfortable taxi in the wo

6、rld? B:,I think its the Shanghai airport train.,The Boeing 747.,The Star Ferry in Hong Kong.,The bus.,I think its the Tokyo subway.,I dont know. The Mercedes? The Toyota? The Cadillac?,Listen and repeat: Bettys mum: How does Tony get to school ? Betty: lives farthest from, so the longest journey. go

7、es by bus. the best way . Bettys mum: How Daming get ? Betty: the fastest journey because by . Bettys mum: But most dangerous way. And Lingling ? Betty: Her home is closest to , walks. Does Dad always by taxi ? Bettys mum: Yes, most expensive , but the most comfortable . He sometimes takes , but unc

8、omfortable .,Listen and choose the correct answers: 1._ lives farthest from school. A. Tony B. Betty 2. _ lives closest to school. A. Daming B. Lingling 3. _ has the most dangerous journey. A. Daming B Tony 4. _ has the longest journey. A. Betty B. Tony,1 Tony has the _ journey. A. longest B. most d

9、angerous 2 Daming has the _ journey. A. longest B. fastest 3 Bettys Dad has the _ journey sometimes. A. closest B. most uncomfortable,Listen again and choose the correct answers:,Listen and answer the questions., Who lives farthest from the school? Tony lives farthest from the school. 1.Who lives cl

10、osest to the school? 2.Who has the most dangerous journey? 3.Who has the longest journey in our class? 4.Who has the most expensive journey in our group? 5.Who has the fastest journey? 6.Who has the most uncomfortable journey?,练练吧,1 Tony lives _ ( far) from the school in his class. 2 Going by bus is

11、 the _( good) way t get to school. 3 I think going by bicycle is _ ( danger) way of all. 4 Linglings home is _( close) to school. 5 Daming has _(fast) journey by bicycle.,farthest,best,the most dangerous,closest,the fastest,用所给单词的适当形式填空:,练练吧,根据所给汉语完成句子: 1 他住得离学校最远。 He lives _ _ the school. 2 乘车是去上学最

12、好的方法。 Going by bus is _ _ _ to get to school. 3 它是世界上最快的火车。 Its _ _ train in the world. 4 Mike 有时候乘船回家度假。 _ Mike _ home _ his holidays _ ship.,farthest from,the best way,the fastest,Sometimes,goes,for,by,Grammar: 语法,当我们需要对三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较,来表达最高、最远、最快等意义的时候,我们可以用形容词和副词的最高级形式来表达。 构成方法: 1 一般在词尾加-est. 2 以字母e结尾的形容词/副词,直接加-st. 3 以重读闭音节结尾的形容词/副词,应先双写该字母,再加-est. 4 在词前加most,单 音 节 和 少 数 双 音 节,多音节词和部分双音节词,注意:形容词的最高级前一般要加定冠词the, 而副词的最高级前则可加也可不加the。,.,课下记下列动词短语 take a bus 乘公共汽车 take ones motorcycle 骑摩托车 drive a car 开小汽车 ride a horse 骑马 ride a bike 骑自行车 walk to. 步行去,Thank you!,Goodbye!,


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