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1、优化小学英语 语篇教学 提高阅读能力,2009 2 月 吴丽华,什么是语篇?,语篇是任何长度的在语义上完成的口语和书面语的段落。 - Michael Halliday,语篇通常指一系列连续的话段或句子构成的语言整体,它应有一个论题结构或逻辑结构,句子之间有一定的逻辑关系。 -黄国文,text texts discourse,什么是语篇教学?,语篇教学即从语篇分析入手,把课文作为一个整体来考虑,是一种从整体到部分、自上而下的教学方法,,小学高年级语篇阅读教学存在的问题:,注重语言知识的学习,忽视学生语篇分析能力 的培养。,小学英语阅读教学的目标 :,培养学生从语篇中获取信息的能力。,英语课标二级

2、要求:能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单信息;能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,养成按意群阅读的习惯。,小学英语阅读教学的的三个阶段 :,1)阅读前活动(pre-reading activities),阅读前活动目的是激活学生头脑中与语言学习相关的背景知识与信息,提供少量的可能影响学生理解语篇的语言知识,为学生顺利阅读扫清障碍。,活动形式 :,(1)学习少量的生词或句子; (2)让学生看标题、插图等预测阅读材料的内容; (3)让学生回忆与阅读主题相关的经验; (4)介绍有关的背景知识; (5)将材料的插图打乱顺序,让学生排序;,2)阅读中活动 (While-reading activities):,让学

3、生顺利阅读和理解所提供的语篇内容,同时教师要检查学生对语篇的理解情况。,活动形式:,(1)阅读并了解文章意思; (2)根据文章内容判断正误、回答问题或完成句 子等; (3)根据文章内容进行信息转换,如填表、填空、 连线、标图、配对或排序等; (4)猜测词义、了解重点细节等。 (5)给阅读材料加标题;,3)阅读后活动(post-reading activities),开展说或写的活动,促进学生想象力和语言输出能力的发展,同时要开展促进学生语言吸收的活动。,活动形式:,(1)单词、词组运用的口笔头练习; (2)句子运用的口笔头练习; (3)语言赏析类活动,如让学生划出短文中自己 觉得好的单词词组或

4、句子; (4)复述、改写或续写原文的内容; (5)根据原文进行角色扮演等 (6)在原文基础上开展拓展性活动,特别是拓展 学生思维的活动;, Skimming 略读: 略读又称为跳读或浏览,是一种非常实用的快速阅读技能,是指以尽可能快的阅读速度,有选择性地获得文章大意与信息,某些部分可以不读。,寻读 Scanning: 又称查读,寻读也是一种快速阅读技巧。熟练的读者善于运用寻读获得具体信息,以提高阅读效率。也就是说,在对文章有所了解(即略读)后,在文章中查找与某一问题、某一观点或某一单词有关的信息,寻找解题的可靠依据。寻读时,要以很快的速度扫视文章,确定所查询的信息范围。,第四届全国小学英语观摩

5、研讨课 一等奖获得者 江苏南京的林丽老师,Jobs,教学目标: 阅读不同职业人的访谈笔录,确认基本特点,发现他们工作对我们生活的意义。,.,There are many jobs in our life and people love their jobs. I interviewed a family. Here is my report: Bing Bing is a little boy. He is 6. His mother is a street cleaner. She is 32. She is hard-working. She usually works early in

6、the morning. She likes her job, because she can make our city clean and beautiful. Bing Bings father is a fireman. He is 34. His job is to put out fires. He likes his job, because he can save people in fires. He is brave. Bing Bings uncle is a spaceman. He is 37. His job is to fly rockets into space

7、. He likes his job, because its exciting. He wants to walk on the moon one day. He is strong. But Bing Bing wants to be a superman and help people in need.,. Warm-up,T: How are you ? Nice to meet you. What is your name?,. Pre-reading,T: I am a new teacher today. Do you know my name? Let me tell you.

8、,My name is May I am a teacher today. I like the cake 图片 , because its yummy. I like pigs 图片 , because theyre lovely I like flowers图片 , because theyre pretty. I like my job 图片 , because its exciting.,T : What is my name? What is my job? What do I like? why?,T: Teacher is a kind of job. Do you know a

9、ny other jobs?,(doctor ,nurse , dancer, singer,policeman),T: Its interesting to talk about jobs, so last week I interviewed a family. They are Ding Ding, father, mother and uncle. Can you guess: What are their jobs?,. While-reading:,T: Read fast and circle their job (Learning tips: 快速默读短文找出答案时,不必逐字逐

10、句读完全文 。 ),Skimming 阅读技能略读法,Street cleaner fireman spaceman, (老师板书 ),T:What do they do?,仔细默读课文,找出他们所做的事,在下边划线 。,cleaner fireman spaceman Clean the city put out fire fly rockets into space,Scanning 寻读 / 查读,T: Can you chant ?,Cleaner cleaner what do they do? Clean clean clean the street. Fireman firema

11、n what do they do? Put out put out Put out fires. Spaceman spaceman what do they do? Fly fly fly a rocket .,T:Why do they like their jobs?,学生回答:likes her / his job, because it is / she / he exciting, save people, make the city clean and beautiful,老师根据学生的正确回答,将写有原因的卡片贴在黑板上。,T: Listen and read the sto

12、ry.,T: Bing Bings mother likes her job, because she can make the city clean and beautiful. She gets up early in the morning, so she is hard-working. Bing Bings father (-brave, strong),T: What does Bing Bing want to be? (a superman),.Post-reading,The students read the story loudly in groups,The students report and try to retell the story,(Learning tips: 复述短文时,可先整理出关键词,再根据关键词进行复述。),板书设计: Jobs Cleaner fireman spaceman Hard-working brave strong Clean the city put out fires play rocket into space Make our city clean save people exciting,


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