veritas netbackup备份系统部署指南.doc

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1、XXXX备份系统实施报告Xx公司Xx项目备份系统实施报告 日期:2019年8月6日 目 录概述4项目简介4实施范围与目标4实施范围4实施目标5术语解释5第一章 系统架构511 系统架构512 FireWall(请酌情考虑是否加入)7第二章 系统安装721 安装说明722 软件7221 Veritas NetBackup DataCenter7222 Veritas NetBackup DataCenter Agent for Sybase723 软件补丁824 软件安装8241 NetBackup DataCenter MasterServer Installition8242 NetBack

2、up DataCenter MediaServer Installation12244 NetBackup DataCenter Agent for Oracle Database Installation1625 补丁安装18251 Patch for NetBackup DataCenter18第三章 系统配置1931 简介1932 设备配置19321 配置说明19322 机械手(本节仅作为样例,具体配置参数请参考IBM硬件手册相关描述)19323 磁带机20324 共享磁带机2033 介质配置21331 配置说明21332 volume pool 配置22333 Volume 配置223

3、.4 存储单元配置(StorageUnit)24341 配置说明24342 StorageUnit25343 StorageUnit Group2635 策略配置27351 配置说明27352 文件系统备份策略27353 Oracle数据库备份策略303.6 Catalog Database 备份配置31361 配置说明31362 NetBackup Catalog 备份配置3238 其他参数配置34381 配置说明34382 防火墙参数配置34383 共享设备参数配置35384 性能调忧36第四章 系统使用与维护374.1 Netbackup系统维护37411 进程管理37412 运行监控3

4、8413 文件系统备份与恢复40413 . 1 备份40413 . 2 恢复414.3故障恢复424.3.1 Master/Media Server恢复434.3.1.1 软件恢复434.3.1.2 Catalog恢复434.3.1.3 进程恢复44附录一 参照文件45附录二 附件列表45概述项目简介XXXX的备份系统是基于光纤交换机的SAN存储网络,在该网络上有应用系统,财务人事ERP系统,各系统的备份通过Veritas Netbackup DataCenter软件进行管理和实现。实施范围与目标实施范围根据应用需求,安装相应的软件,并按照一定的策略,对软件和硬件进行配置,将基于EMC Sym

5、metrix DMX800存储系统的SAN网络的各系统及应用数据准确有效地备份到IBM 3583 L36上。实施目标实现所有有备份需求的操作系统的全备份;实现所有有备份需求的应用的备份;保证备份安全可靠,可恢复;保证备份策略合理可靠;合理利用各类资源;不影响原有应用的运行;不破坏网络安全结构。术语解释以下是在本文中用到的术语解释SANStorage Area Network,一种以光纤通道为网络拓扑的存储网络NBUNetBackUp的简称,也通指Veritas Netbackup 系列产品,在本文中是指Veritas Netbackup DataCenter 4.5Schedul在备份策略中定

6、义备份任务启动的时间、备份可持续时间、备份类型、磁带数据可保存时间等内容Robot带库机械手,或称机械臂,用于识别和抓取磁带 MediaServer介质服务器,提供备份设备和管理备份设备的主机MasterServer主服务器,管理备份/恢复及各MediaServer/ClientClient备份客户端,提供备份数据的主机,可以是单机,也可以是双机环境中的虚拟主机数据库Agent提供NBU与数据库备份工具之间的一种程序接口存储单元又名:storage unit,是netbackup管理备份媒质的逻辑概念策略定义要备份数据所需的各种参数注:未提到的术语可在相关文档中查阅,参照文档见附录一。第一章

7、系统架构本章介绍备份系统的整体架构。11 系统架构备份系统是建立在SAN架构之上的,SAN作为网络基础设施,是为了提供灵活、高性能和高扩展性的存储环境而设计的。SAN通过在服务器和存储设备(例如磁盘存储系统和磁带库)之间实现连接来达到这一目的。高性能的光纤通道交换机和光纤通道网络协议可以确保设备连接既可靠且有效。这些连接以本地光纤或SCSI(通过SCSI-to-Fibre Channel转换器或网关)为基础,一个或多个光纤通道交换机以网络拓扑(SAN架构)形式为主机服务器和存储设备提供互联。由于SAN是为在服务器和存储设备之间传输大块数据而进行优化的,因此SAN对于集中的存储备份,其中性能、数

8、据一致性和可靠性可以确保企业关键数据的安全。基于SAN的操作还能显著减少备份和恢复的时间,同时减少企业网络上的信息流量。拓扑结构如下: 图1 备份系统拓扑结构在上述备份系统中,共包含MasterServer一台, SANMediaServer 二台,Windows2000 MediaServer一台:主机型号/数量OS备份环境角色IBM P610AIX 5100-03MasterServer/MediaServerIBM RS6000 P690 (2x2 HA)AIX 5100-03SANMediaServer/ClientIBM RS6000 P690 (2x1 HA)AIX 5100-03

9、SANMediaServer/ClientWindows2000服务器Windows 2000 SP4 MasterServerMediaServer 表1 备份系统主机列表SAN 存储网络交换机: 2 IBM3583 L36 Tape Library:1 SCSI Controlled TLD robot 4 SCSI Controlled DLT tape drivers每台主机(MediaServer)和4个磁带机通过光纤同时连接到一个光交换机上以实现共享备份设备。由于L35只有一个机械臂,每台机器备份时都要使用它,必须由单独一台机器来管理,该机器需要和机械臂能通讯(需在SAN网络有通路

10、),又要和所有media server通过IP网络能通讯(TCP/IP网络连通),根据目前的网络连接情况,只有master server 可以承担此角色,所以机械手由MasterServer控制,而4个磁带机是在所有MediaServer之间共享。12 FireWall(请酌情考虑是否加入)备份系统中有4台MediaServer被防火墙隔离,为了实现设备共享和备份数据,各MediaServer必须与MasterServer进行进程间的通讯;具体的使用端口可参见附件一。因此,在防火墙上配置MediaServer与MasterServer的过滤规则时仅配置备份与恢复的相关端口。第二章 系统安装21

11、 安装说明系统安装主要包括NBU MasterServer/MediaServer/Client、Sybase Agent 、BMR Server/Client等软件和相关patch的安装。安装这些软件有一定的顺序,一般顺序如下:1、 安装Netbackup MasterServer 软件,并安装相关patch2、 安装Netbackup MediaServer 软件,并安装相关patch3、 安装Netbackup Client软件,并安装相关patch4、 安装Netbackup Agent for Oracle软件,并安装相关patch在本章的后续部分,首先介绍各软件,然后介绍软件的安装

12、过程22 软件221 Veritas NetBackup DataCenter在本项目中最终使用的NBU版本是Netbackup DataCenter 4.5FP3,此版本是在NetBackup DataCenter 4.5MP3的基础上增加了新的Feature,特别是关与Share Storage Opion(SSO)功能。Netback DataCenter中包含了MasterServer、MediaServer、Client端的软件,可通过不同的选项选择安装不同的软件。对于Server端,软件的同时也安装了Client端软件包,因此MasterServer与MediaServer同时也是

13、备份Client,而单纯的client需单独安装client软件。软件license包含多个服务器级别,并且MediaServer Licenses是基于SAN的,能够更好地支持SAN架构。具体license列表见附件二。222 Veritas NetBackup DataCenter Agent for Sybase在备份系统中共有2套Oracle数据库要实现热备份。为了对Oracle数据库的备份实现策略化管理,并把数据备份到带库上,必须提供NBU与Oracle的API接口,即Veritas NetBackup DataCenter Agent4.5 for Oracle,这个版本既支持Or

14、acle 9i on AIX4.3,又支持Oracle 9i on AIX5.1。另外,关于此软件的license也有两种服务器级别,具体见附件二。23 软件补丁为了更好的实现软件功能,避免已知的bug对软件使用的影响,Verita公司发布了相关patch,在本系统中,共安装了下列最新patch:NB_45_4_F_257944.rs6000 (for NBU server/client)NB_CLT_45_4_F_257955 (for NBU server/client)NB_JAV_45_4_F_257969 (for NBU server/client)NB_SYB_45_4_F_25

15、7998.rs6000_51 (for Sybase on AIX5.1)NB_SYB_45_4_F_257997.rs6000_433 (for Sybase on AIX4.3)patch-NBU-4.5.0-004_254634 (for BMR server/client)patch具体安装见2.524 软件安装 软件安装主要包括MasterServer、MediaServer、Client软件的安装。在备份系统中,选择backupserver做为MasterServer,同时充当MediaServer的角色。为便于管理,确定MasterServer作备份系统的Global Datab

16、ase Host,用于存放所有的配置和备份信息。下面逐一介绍每一种软件的安装过程,软件安装列表见附件三。241 NetBackup DataCenter MasterServer Installition安装前作如下准备工作,在MediaServer安装时也要作同样的准备:连接硬件所有MediaServer/MasterServer以及带库、磁带机均连接到一台SAN光纤交换机。硬件识别在安装软件之前,要保证系统能够识别磁带机和机械手(只需MasterServer识别机械手)#/usr/sbin/lsdev -C | grep I/O#/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -s scsi#/us

17、r/sbin/lsdev -C -s fcp(如果用上述命令看不到连接的磁带机,用命令cfgmg重新识别)。系统空间安装MasterServer之前,确保系统空间大小:RAM 512Mb安装目录可用空间64Mb/tmp可用空间32Mb系统配置 在备份环境中每台主机都要修改/etc/hosts文件,提供hostname/ip的解析。在MasterServer端的/etc/hosts文件中增加如下内容: 主机IP主机名地址HA主机填入虚拟主机名(双机共有)HA主机填入虚拟IP地址(双机共有) 表2 主机/IP-Address对应表 安装步骤如下:step1: Mount cdrom #mount

18、-v cdrfs -r /dev/cd0 /cdromstep2:切换到光盘目录 #cd /cdrom/cdrom0step3:执行安装脚本 #./install VERITAS Installation ScriptCopyright 1993 - 2002 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved. Installation Options 1 NetBackup 2 NetBackup Client Software 3 NetBackup Client Java Software q To quit from this scri

19、ptChoose an option default: q: 1 /*选则1,安装Server,同时也安装mediaserver 软件The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on RS6000 hardware.Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files? (y/n) y yNetBackup is normally installed in /usr/openv/netbackup.Is it OK to install in /usr/openv

20、/netbackup? (y/n) y y /*确定Netbackup安装目录Media Manager is normally installed in /usr/openv/volmgr.Is it OK to install in /usr/openv/volmgr? (y/n) y y /*确定MediaManager安装目录The RS6000 clients will be loaded.Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? (y/n) y n /*确定是否安装其他client,server

21、本身已包含client软件,所以选择“n” Enter license key: /*输入NetBackup DataCenter Base licensexxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx: NetBackup DataCenter Base product with the following features enabled: Core Frozen Image Services Open Transaction Manager has been registered.All additional keys should be added at

22、this time.Do you want to add additional license keys now? (y/n) y y /*输入其他相关license,也可在安装完软件后再输入其他license License Key Utility - A) Add a License Key D) Delete a License Key F) List Active License Keys L) List Registered License Keys H) Help q) Quit License Key UtilityEnter a letter: Installing NetBa

23、ckup DataCenter version: 4.5GAIs backupserver the master server? (y/n) y y /*设置主机backupserver作masterserverDo you have any media (slave) servers? (y/n) n y /*设置其他主机作mediaserverEnter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)? 虚拟主机名1-AP domainEnter the fully qualified name of a med

24、ia (slave) server (q to quit)? 虚拟主机名2-DB domainEnter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)? 虚拟主机名3-D SAPEnter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)? Windows 2000 主机名(如果该主机属于域,输入全域名)Enter the fully qualified name of a media (slave) server (q to quit)?

25、 qChecking for a bpcd entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding bpcd entry.Original /etc/inetd.conf saved as /etc/inetd.conf.NBU_061103.10:25:08.Checking for a vnetd entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding vnetd entry.Checking for a vopied entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding vopied entry.Checking for a bpjava-msvc ent

26、ry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding bpjava-msvc entry.Checking /etc/services for the needed NetBackup and Media Manager services.Copying original /etc/services file to /etc/services.NBU_061103.10:31:32_32;1H_K_7minstall_trace.26466 (94%)_m_32;1H_32;1H_KEditing /etc/services to update NetBackup and Media M

27、anager services./etc/services will be updated to add the following entries for NetBackup/Media Manager.bprd 13720/tcp bprdbpcd 13782/tcp bpcdbpdbm 13721/tcp bpdbmvnetd 13724/tcp vnetdvopied 13783/tcp vopiedbpjobd 13723/tcp bpjobdnbdbd 13784/tcp nbdbdvisd 9284/tcp visdbpjava-msvc 13722/tcp bpjava-msv

28、cvmd 13701/tcp vmdacsd 13702/tcp acsdtl8cd 13705/tcp tl8cdtldcd 13711/tcp tldcdts8d 13709/tcp ts8dodld 13706/tcp odldtl4d 13713/tcp tl4dtsdd 13714/tcp tsddtshd 13715/tcp tshdtlmd 13716/tcp tlmdtlhcd 13717/tcp tlhcdlmfcd 13718/tcp lmfcdrsmd 13719/tcp rsmdTo change these entries modify the file /tmp/s

29、ervices.ov_edited.24848and enter when ready to continue:/etc/services has been updated to contain NetBackup and Media Manager services.To make NetBackup and Media Manager start up automatically when the system isrestarted, the rc.veritas.aix script found in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies hasbeen p

30、laced in the /etc directory, you must modify /etc/inittab to include it.Enter which host will store global device information.(default: backupserver): backupserver /*设置masterserver 作全局设备信息中心To be able to install the client software the NetBackupprocesses need to be started. Do you want to start theN

31、etBackup processes so client software can be installed? (y/n) y y Starting the NetBackup database manager process (bpdbm). /*启动bpdbm进程以装载client软件Do you want to create policy and schedule examples that you can view or usewhen you are configuring your own policies and schedules? (y/n) yn /*确定是否安装策略模板

32、Client database indexing reduces the search time when restoringclient files, but it takes about 2% more disk space.Do you want to index the client database files? (y/n) y y /*确定是否采用client index 文件The default index level is 9 levels. Use the default? (y/n) y y /*确定 client index levelRunning index_cli

33、ents process in background mode.Output from the process will be written to /tmp/index_clients.output.Do you want to start the Media Manager device daemon processes? (y/n) y yStarting the Media Manager device daemon processes. /*确定是否启动MediaManager 进程Do you want to start the NetBackup bprd process sob

34、ackups and restores can be initiated? (y/n) y yStarting the NetBackup request daemon process (bprd). /*确定是否启动Netbackup 监听进程Done executing NB.instStep4 :确认安装成功 #/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/bp.kill_all关闭所有已启动的NBU进程 #/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/netbackup start启动NBU进程 #/usr/openv/netbackup/bin

35、/bpps a查看NBU进程 #/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbSA&启动NBU的java管理界面至此,MasterServer软件安装完毕。可以继续安装其它server,或者安装patch,见2.5242 NetBackup DataCenter MediaServer InstallationMediaServer的安装与MasterServer相类似,以其中一台为例,其他可照仿。需要注意的是,在HA环境中,参与HA的每台主机,每个Domain均需要安装MediaServer,虽然在任何时候,仅有活动主机(Active Host)参与备份进程,但MediaServe

36、r程序体必须安装在所有Domain上。在本安装环境中,需要安装MediaServer的主机包括:Ff_ap1Ff_ap2Ff_db1Ff_db2Sap1Sap2W2K安装前作如下准备工作,在MediaServer安装时也要作同样的准备:连接硬件将MediaServer 的光纤连接到SAN光纤交换机。硬件识别在安装软件之前,要保证系统能够识别磁带机(只需MasterServer识别机械手)#/usr/sbin/lsdev -C | grep I/O#/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -s scsi#/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -s fcp如果用上述命令看不到连接的磁带机,用命令cf

37、gmg重新识别。系统空间安装MasterServer之前,确保系统空间大小:RAM 512Mb安装目录可用空间64Mb/tmp可用空间32Mb系统配置 在备份环境中每台主机都要修改/etc/hosts文件,提供hostname/ip的解析。在MediaServer端的/etc/hosts文件中增加如下内容: Master主机IP地址 Master主机名 安装步骤如下:step1: Mount cdrom #mount -v cdrfs -r /dev/cd0 /cdrom 或#mount backupserver:/cdrom /mntstep2:切换到光盘目录 #cd /cdrom/cdro

38、m0 或 #cd /mntstep3:执行安装脚本 #./install VERITAS Installation ScriptCopyright 1993 - 2002 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved. Installation Options 1 NetBackup 2 NetBackup Client Software 3 NetBackup Client Java Software q To quit from this scriptChoose an option default: q: 1 /*选则1,安装Serv

39、er,同时也安装mediaserver 软件The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on RS6000 hardware.Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files? (y/n) y yNetBackup is normally installed in /usr/openv/netbackup.Is it OK to install in /usr/openv/netbackup? (y/n) y y /*确定Netbackup安装目录Media

40、Manager is normally installed in /usr/openv/volmgr.Is it OK to install in /usr/openv/volmgr? (y/n) y y /*确定MediaManager安装目录The RS6000 clients will be loaded.Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? (y/n) y n /*确定是否安装其他client,server本身已包含client软件,所以选择“n” Enter license key: /*输入

41、NetBackup DataCenter SAN MediaServer licensexxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx: NetBackup DataCenter Base product with the following features enabled: Core Frozen Image Services Open Transaction Manager has been registered.All additional keys should be added at this time.Do you want to add addit

42、ional license keys now? (y/n) y y /*输入其他相关license,也可在安装完软件后再输入其他license License Key Utility - A) Add a License Key D) Delete a License Key F) List Active License Keys L) List Registered License Keys H) Help q) Quit License Key UtilityEnter a letter: qInstalling NetBackup DataCenter version: 4.5GAIs Ff_ap1 the master server? (y/n) y n /*设置主机backupserver作masterserverWhich host will be the master server : p610-1 /*填入MasterServer的主机名Checking for a bpcd entry in /etc/inetd.conf: Adding bpcd entry.Original /etc/inetd.conf saved as /etc/inetd.conf.NBU_061103.10:25:08.Checking for


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