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1、Unit Four,Ordering,1.文体介绍,订货(order)是买方为要求供应具体数量的货物而提出的一种要求。此时,交易双方之间的陌生感已消除,可以说已经度过了接触障碍和难关。 写定货信时应注意以下几点: (1)开头就直接说明订购的意图; (2)订货信一般应包括:商品的名称、品质、数量、包装、价格条件、支付条件以及需要对方提供的单据等; (3)内容必须准确、清楚。不论是商品的价格还是商品的规格都应做到准确无误,否则会带来不必要的损失与麻烦。 卖方收到订货信件后必须进行确认。如果卖方无法提供买方所需要的货物,则最好介绍一些合适的替代品;如果买方所需货物的价格和规格发生了变化,卖方则提出还

2、价并劝买方接受,但要注意:写拒绝接受订货的信时,必须非常谨慎,应为日后有可能的交易留下余地。,2. Samples(i),Re: An order The price quotes contained in your letter of May 20, 2002 gained favorable attention with us. We would like to order the following items consisting of various colors, patterns and assortments: Large 2000 dozen Medium 4000 doze

3、n Small 2000 dozen As the sales season is approaching, the total order quantity should be shipped in July. At that time an irrevocable L/C for the total purchase value will be opened. Please confirm the order and send a shipping schedule.,2. Samples(ii),Subject: Out of Stock We thank you for your Or

4、der No.222 received this morning for 8000 dozen cotton shirts, but regret to have to disappoint you. At present we have no stock of shirts in the size required and do not expect further deliveries for at least another five weeks. Before then you may have been to obtain the shirts elsewhere, but if n

5、ot we will notify you immediately our new stocks come in.,2. Samples(iii)-订购商品,Please send us the following items to be shipped by way express,and bill us. The order is contingent on receiving the terms of 2%30days: 100 doz. linen handkerchiefs:$240.00 400 pair tan pig skin gloves: $1200. 00 200 doz

6、. assorted Orlon sport shirts : $7200. 00 500 pair assorted cotton socks : $200. 00 TOTAL : $8840 .00,2. Samples(iv)- 开具所需商品单并要求尽快装运,Please ship the following goods by motor freight as soon as possible,and charge them to our account: 1500Ibs. bicarbonate of soda $450.00 100gross boxes of aspirin $36

7、00.00 200bottles Rapp Syrup#47B $100.00 TOTAL $4150.00,2. Samples(v)-确认订货,This is to confirm my telephone order of yesterday for the following items: 400Jr. Sewing Machines Model 3A 70 Homemakers Ironing Boards 150 Fold Up Clothes Racks,2. Samples(vi)-要求按订货单发货,Thank you for your samples of striped c

8、oatings received today. Please make shipment in accordance with our Order No.2602 enclosed herewith.,2. Samples(vii)-无法供货,We refer to your telex of 12 , August and ours of today regarding the supply of black silk. As you perhaps know,demand for the above has been heavy since last year. We are conseq

9、uently fully committed at the moment and are unable to make you the offer as requested. We assure you, however, that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available. Should your customers requite other silks,please let us know.,2. Samples(viii)-再次订货,We have received the above shipmen

10、t ex SS Blue Seas and are pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite satisfactory. Since we believe we can sell additional quantities in this market,we wish to place with you a repeat order for 500 dozens of the same style and sizes. We would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment o

11、f this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the goods. If the goods are not available from stock, we would be grateful if you could advise us, with full particulars of the specifications, of replacement goods which can be shipped from stock.,2. Samples(iX)-拒绝接受再次订货,We are pleased to acknowledge

12、your letter of 6 March informing us that you are satisfied with our ladies tights shipped to you per SS Blue Seas. We also note that you wish to place a repeat order. We regret that we cannot at present entertain any new orders for Baletto ladies tights owing to heavy orders. We are,however,keeping

13、your order before us. As soon as we are in a position to accept new orders,we will contact you by telex. With regard to stock lines,we are enclosing a list for yourinformation. Should you be interested in any of these,please let us know your requirements,stating quantity,style and sizes.,2. Samples(

14、X)-拒绝特别订货要求,Thank you for your letter of 20 May concerning your special request. From time to time we do run special jobs,changing materials and colors for one particular order. But we have to consider many factors before we can accept the order. I have spoken to our production manager,and she has d

15、one the costings. I am sorry to report that even if we did the job for you at cost,it would come out well above the price you are willing to pay. I am checking with other manufacturers in the area who are working with the materials you want. They may be able to give you the quality you desire at a f

16、air price. I will get back to you in a few days. We appreciate your business and I am glad you asked us about this job. The next time you have a special need,please ask again. We will try our best to do the job for you. If we cannot,we will attempt to find the best company that can.,3 Useful express

17、ions,1.今给贵方寄去化妆品订单。 We have pleasure in sending you an order for Cosmetics. 2. We want the goods to be of exactly the same quality as that of those you previously supplied us. 希望此批订货质量与以前供应的完全一样。 3. Please supply . in accordance with the detail in our order No 请照我方第号订单供货。,3 Useful expressions,4. Thi

18、s is a trial order. Please send us 50 sets only so that we may tap the market. If successful, we will give you large orders in the future. 试订50台,以开发市场。如果成功,随后必将大量订购。 5.此订单须在5周内交货,否则我方将不得不撤销此单。 This order must be filled within five weeks, otherwise we will have to cancel the order. 6. We hope our pro

19、ducts will satisfy you and that you will let us have the chance of serving you again. 希望我方产品使你方满意,今后再来惠顾。,3 Useful expressions,7We are pleased to give you an order for 3000 computers in the current stock at the prices you quoted. 我方很高兴按你方所报价格订购3000套计算机,要求现货供应。 8.We wish to order from you your produc

20、ts as per our purchase. 我方希望能按照定货单从你处订购贵方的产品。 9.我方很高兴地向贵方订购2000台洗机衣,希望能现货供应。 We are pleased to place with you an order for 2000 washing machines to be supplied from current stock.,3 Useful expressions,10.我们希望能按照这个购货订单向你方订货。 We wish to order from you according to this purchase order. 11.感谢贵方5/20日的报盘,

21、这是我方购买10台宫灯的正式订单。 Thank you for your quotation dated May 20th, and this is our official order for 10 palace lanterns. 12.我方很高兴地通知贵方,你们的样品我方很满意,我方想订购其中的4个商品。 We are glad to inform you that your samples are satisfactory. We would like to order four of the terms.,3 Useful expressions,13.如果质量能符合我方要求的话,我

22、方将会在不久的将来继续向贵方订货。 If the quality is up to our exception, we shall send further orders in the near future. 14.we find both the price and quality of your produces satisfactory to our clients and are pleased to give you an order for the items on this sheet. 我方用户对贵方产品的价格和质量均很满意,现向你们订购写在这张纸上的产品。 15.如果贵方能

23、够接受我方购买编号为3003号咖啡的订单的话,我方会感很高兴。 We should be glad if you would accept our order for coffee whose number is No. 3003.,3 Useful expressions,16.Wed like to place an order with you for 1000 cases each of No.77 and 100 at $5 and $6 per case FOB Shanghai respectively. 我方想向贵方订购编号为77和100价格分别为每箱上海离岸价5美元和6美元的

24、商品各1000箱。 17.贵方货物的最低订购量是多少? What is the minimum quantity of an order for your goods? 18. I am trusted to place an order for 100 sewing machines at 250$ each. 我受托订购每台为250美元的缝纫机100台。,3 Useful expressions,19.这是我方500台电脑的正式试订单。 This is our official trial order for 500 computers. 20.我们需要各种尺寸的铁钉。 We need i

25、ron nails of all sizes. 21. If you can fill our order of 5000 ties very soon wed like to place the order with you now. 如果贵方能很快的执行我方5000条领带的订单的话,我方想现在就下单。,4 Special terms-Shipping marks,中文含义运输标志,习称“唛头”或“唛”。其作用是便于在装卸、运输、存储过程中识别、点数,防止错发错运。运输标志通常与收、发货人代号(有的伴有几何图形)、目的港(或目的地)和批件号等组成。,4 Special terms-Certi

26、ficate of Origin,是出口商应进口商要求而提供的、由公证机构或政府或出口商出具的证明货物原产地或制造地的一种证明文件。原产地证书是贸易关系人交接货物、结算货款、索赔理赔、进口国通关验收、征收关税的有效凭证,它还是出口国享受配额待遇、进口国对不同出口国实行不同贸易政策的凭证。,tariff item number,就是编号,比如你申报几个货物 就从1编到几,是系统自动生成的!,HS编码,海关编码即HS编码,为编码协调制度的简称。其全称为商品名称及编码协调制度的国际公约(International Convention for Harmonized Commodity Descrip

27、tion and Coding System)简称协调制度(Harmonized System,缩写为HS),是1983年6月海关合作理事会(现名世界海关组织)主持制定的一部供海关、统计、进出口管理及与国际贸易有关各方共同使用的商品分类编码体系。,4 Special terms- Confirmation of Purchases,确认书(Confirmation)较正式合同简单,是买卖双方在通过交易磋商达成交易后,寄给双方加以确认的列明达成交易条件的书面证明,经买卖双方签署的确认书,是法律上有效的文件,对买卖双方具有同等的约束力。确认书包括销售确认书和购货确认书。,5 外贸订购业务商务英语词

28、汇,分批订单:split order 出口订单:export order 进口订单:import order 已收到订单: order on hand 领到订单: order booked 寄出订单: order given 收到订单:received order 邮购:mail order 新订单:new order 口头订单:verbal order 电报订单:cable order|telegraphic order 试验订购|试购:trial order,5 外贸订购业务商务英语词汇,向寄出订单:to order from|to give an order for|to place a

29、n order with|to put in an order|to pass an order 对订货:to pass one an order 对传达订货:to transmit an order to 接到订单|收到订单:to receive an order 寄空白订单:to place an order in blank 订货|已列帐:to take an order|to book an order 接受订单|接受订货:to accept an order|to take an orde / 决定成交:to close an order 执行订单:to fill an order|

30、to execute an order|to attend to an order|to put an order through,5 外贸订购业务商务英语词汇,完成订货|已交货:to complete an order / 寄送一份订单:to send an order 发货|寄出货品:to dispatch an order 装船|已装船:to ship an order 改变订货|变更订单:to modify an order|to make alterations in an order 继续订货:to repeat an order / 取消订货|撤消订单to cancel an o

31、rder 确认订货:to confirm an order / 已将订货列帐:to book an order 增加订货:to increase an order / 将定货增加一倍:to duplicate an order 减少订货:to reduce an order 请求订货:to solicit an order|to invite an order 错过一次订货:to miss an order /,5 外贸订购业务商务英语词汇,按照订单:as per order|as ordered|as one wishes 费用:charges 免费:free of charges / 5月

32、至6月交货:May/June delivery / 5月至6月装船:May/June shipment 货已备妥待装运:“ready|for delivery / 立即交货:immediate delivery 立即装船:immediate shipment / 近日内马上交货:prompt delivery| near delivery 交货期|交货时间:time of delivery 交货日期:date of delivery / 交货地点:place of delivery / 交货港口:port of delivery 目的地:destination / 运送工具:transport|transportation /,


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