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1、新高二暑假作业第十讲 (Module 4 Unit 1) Exercise A,主讲人:晋 玫 江苏省镇江中学 审 稿:王明霞 镇江市教育局教研室,一:单项选择,1. What is the book mainly about? Well, it a little boy who suffered a lot during the war. A. deals with B. deals about C. makes up D. talk about,deal with: 涉及,论述;D: talk about 也有谈论的意思但是形式错误。B,D两选项没有此意。答案选A。,2. Did he s

2、ay anything that you especially? Not really. Actually I slept through his speech. A. turned to B. happened to C. referred to D. appealed to,turn to : 转向;求助于 happen to: 发生于;偶然发生 refer to : 涉及;参考;指的是 appeal to: 对有吸引力;呼吁;要求;上诉,3. The captain all his soldiers before him, telling them to get ready for th

3、e fight. A. collected B. gathered C. selected D. elected,该题考察动词的区别: gather: 聚集,强调把分散得很远的东西集结在一起。如:to gather wildflowers collect:是指有目的的收集。 如:to collect stamps select:挑选;选拔; elect :选举,4. Im going to get this afternoon. A. these letters mailing B. mail these letters C. to mail these letters D. him to m

4、ail these letters,get sb to do sth : 让某人去做某事,get sth done = have sth done: 使某事被做 get sth doing :使某物开始运转 如 : to get the machine starting 使机器运转起来,5. At the meeting they discussed three different to the study of math. A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways,该题考查名词的辨析。题中四个选项都可做方法讲,但approach指学习或研究问题的方法

5、,后面接介词 to。 如:the approach to the problem。,means of doing sth the way of doing sth /to do sth the method of doing sth,be smart about: 对精明 fall for:受的骗,对信以为真;听信,,6. We have to be smart ads, or we may fall their tricks. A. for, for B. about, off C. about, for D. of, into,7. He was unable to get to the

6、students what he meant. A. through B. across C. down D. around,get through :通过;完成;接通电话 get across:(使)越过;使.被理解 get down: 下来;记下;使沮丧 get around= get round: (消息)传开来;走动;旅行,What a hard life they ! You should have helped them. A. had B. led C. played D. made,lead/ live a life:过着. 样 的生活,如: I have a big fami

7、ly, with mama, papa, grandma, grandpa and I. We love each other and lead a happy life.,trick sb into doing sth:诱使某人做某事, 本题用被动结构 ,答案为C,9. He was tricked a useless camera. A. to buy B. in buying C. into buying D. to have bought,10. All these gifts must be delivered immediately in time for Christmas. A

8、. in order to have received B. in order to receive C. so as to be received D. so as to be receiving,根据句意,此处表目的,用in order to do sth 或 so as to do sth 结构,这里强调被动,故用不定式的被动结构。答案选C。,11. She was so lost in her own thought that she was not the coming danger. A. careful about B. interested in C. concerned wi

9、th D. aware of,be aware of : 对意识到,be careful about :当心,注意 be interested in:对感兴趣 be concerned with:与有关;关心,12. Those problems are difficult for you, so you should think them over. A. hardly B. separately C. extremely D. generally,这里考察副词的意思。 extremely:非常,极其; hardly : 几乎不,简直不; separately:分离地;分别地;个别地 gen

10、erally:通常;总的,一般地,determine to do sth: 决定做某事(强调动作),13. Mary loves history so much that she to study history in university in the future. A. determines B. enables C. connects D. persuades,enable sb to do sth : 使某人能够做某事 be connected to sth 与有联系,与连接 persuade sb to do sth/ sb into doing sth: 说服某人做某事,14.

11、The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with talks, that he had enjoyed his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added,本句的谓语动词是 expressed ,故“,”后用分词 做伴随状语,又因为本句主语Minister 与add的之间是主动的关系,答案选C ,译为“补充道”。 A :强调动作发生在主句谓语动作之前;B:表示将来的动作 。若选D, added 前应加上 and ,与expressed一起做句中的谓语。,15. The

12、speech the minister made on TV the education reform made both teachers and students excited. A. being concerned B. to concern C. concerned D. concerning,concerning: prep. 关于;就而言,后面接n/ doing . concerning the education reform 做speech 的定语,译为 “关于教育改革的演讲”故答案为D ; 若选C, 应该在concerned后加上with,指“与有关”,做后置定语。,二:完

13、形填空,这篇完形填空讲述了一位母亲与儿子情感交流的动人故事。母亲每次为儿子准备上学所带午饭时,都会在午餐盒内夹上一张小纸条以此来与孩子进行情感交流。母亲的良苦用心最终得到儿子的理解和感激。,A. carried B. found C. included D. held,通过上下文语境可知,主人公“我”每次在包午饭时,都会include( 夹入)一张便条,故本题选C。 A : carry(携带,搬运 );B: find (发现);D: hold(抓住,握住)与文意不符。 【提示】把握上下文的语境和结构是做好完形填空题的关键。,17. A. difficult B. special C. comf

14、ortable D. separate,该题考查形容词用法,字条内容既然是thank-you for a ,说明是“特殊”时刻。答案为B。 A.困难的;C.舒适的;D.分离的;均不符合句意。,18. A. congratulation B. improvement C. explanation D. encouragement,该题考查名词意思。 根据下文的the coming test or sporting event可知,作为母亲,对于将要参加考试或体育比赛的孩子所给予的当然是鼓励(encouragement)。答案为D。 A:congratulation祝贺; B:improvemen

15、t进步,改进;C:explanation解释,说明,19. A. loved B. answered C. wrote D. examined,根据上下文,孩子在上低年级的时候,喜欢字条。答案为A。,20.A. in no time B. by the way C. by the time D. on the average,从后面句子结构可以看出,该空应用一个可作连词引导时间状语从句的短语,by the time符合要求,意思是“到上中学的时候。答案选C。in no time 立即,马上;by the way 顺便提一下,顺便问一下;on the average 平均的。,21. A. re

16、ceived B. understood C. enjoyed D. collected,通过上下文,和上面的loved对应再结合no longer说明:随着年纪的增长,Marc对“小纸条”这种“小儿科的东西”已经不再喜欢了。答案选C。,22. A. copy B. read C. take D. send,既然不喜欢,可以不看,英语中表示“看书、报、文章等”用read一词。 答案为B。,23. A. stayed B. stopped C. followed D. continued,该题考查动词的意义。从上一句的I still needed to write there可知,作者还是con

17、tinue(继续)写纸条。答案为D。,24. A. out B. home C. in D. on,从下文得知,主人公的儿子上学、实习、工作一直在外,所以此处应为: move home。答案为B。,25. A. organizing B. planning C. comparing D. completing,从前文“He had spent those years wellbecoming a technical assistant” 得知儿子一定是complete(完成)了两个阶段的实习。答案选D。organize(组织);plan(计划 ); compare(比较) 均不符合文意。,26

18、. A. hopefully B. finally C. particularly D. certainly,根据语境,Marc大学毕业,完成实习, finally(最终)成为一个 technical assistant。答案为B。particularly adv :特别地,独特地 ; certainly adv:当然;必定;,27. A. Because of B. Instead of C. Except for D. As for,儿子主要是在外工作,偶尔回家度假,所以用except for (除了以外 ) 。答案选C。,because of : 因为; instead of:代替;不是

19、而是 as for =as to :关于,至于,28. A. especially B. immediately C. equally D. generally,根据常识,母亲看到儿子回家,应该especially (特别地)高兴。答案选A。,immediately :立即,马上; equally :平等地; generally 一般, 通常, 一般地,29. A. once B. again C. still D. even,根据上下文的逻辑关系,母亲still(仍然)在为小儿子准备所带午饭,于是也为Marc准备了一份。答案选C。,30. A. packed B. fetched C. bo

20、ught D. filled,“pack the lunch” 意为准备午饭, 答案选A,31. A. fear B. surprise C. anger D. disappointment,根据常识,母亲接到儿子询问午饭的电话,当时的情绪,一定是surprise。答案选B。,32. A. waiting for B. worrying about C. caring for D. asking about,该处为 Marc打电话询问午餐的问题 ,ask about (询问)符合上下文语境. 所以答案选D。,wait for 等候某人; worry about 担心; care for :关怀

21、, 照顾, 愿意, 计较,33. A. wrong B. funny C. strange D. smart,根据后一句Dont you love me可知此处儿子询问母亲,自己是否做错了事情。答案选A。,34. A. any more B. any time C. once more D. once again,Dont you love me any more?” 含义为“你不再爱我了吗?” 答案为A。 once more = once again 意为“再一次”。,35. A. interestingly B. bitterly C. politely D. laughingly,由下文

22、语境可知,母亲面对儿子的询问,一定是laughingly(笑着问)怎么了。所以答案选D。 interestingly (有趣地);bitterly(痛苦地);politely (礼貌地)均不符合当时母亲的情绪状态。,三、阅读理解,本文是篇记叙文,讲述了一群孩子把一位老太太当作巫婆的有趣故事,告诉我们“人不可貌相”的道理。,36. Why were the children hiding in the tree? A. They wanted to watch Mrs. Tailor do her housework closely. B. They were playing a hide-an

23、d-seek game. C. They wanted to find out if the rumors about Mrs. Tailor were true. D. They were pretending to be spies.,细节理解题;从第一段最后一句“They were determined to find out if she really was a witch. ”得知答案为C,37. Mrs. Tailor stopped sweeping when . A. her front steps were clean B. she noticed the children

24、 in the tree C. she was ready to take a flight D. she heard the hen cackling,细节理解题;从第二段“Suddenly, the old ladys work was interrupted by the cackling of her hena signal that an egg had been laid in the warm nest on top of the haystack. ”得知答案为D,38. Ben did not rush to help Mrs. Tailor because he . A.

25、thought that she could be tricking them B. knew that they could not have been in the tree C. did not see the old lady fall down D. was afraid of the three-legged cat.,细节理解题;从第六段Ben说的话:“What if it is a trick?” 得知答案为A,归纳判断题;据文章内容 孩子们根据老妇人手里的扫帚和她的三条腿的黑猫判断她是个巫婆,但实际上老妇人不是巫婆,而且拾鸡蛋时摔伤了需要帮助得出了不能以貌取人的观点。 Nev

26、er judge a book by its cover.意思不要以貌取人。答案为B。,39. Which of these old sayings best suits the storys lesson for us? A. Make hay while the sun shines. B. Never judge a book by its cover. C. People in glasshouses should not throw stones. D. A bird in the hands is worth two in the bush.,Make hay while the

27、sun shines. 晒草要趁太阳好,即抓紧时机的意思。 C. People in glasshouses should not throw stones. 自己有短处就不要掲别人的短。 D. A bird in the hands is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林 。,四、单词拼写,40. It was on that (特别的) day that we met and became good friends. 41. Do you have any good idea of (推销) this new product? 42. In (极其) co

28、ld weather, the engine might refuse to start.,particular,extremely,promoting,43. The (功能)of the heart is to pump blood through the body. 44. Parents should try their best to (鼓励) their children to behave well. 45. Everyone arrived late at the party for v reasons.,function,encourage,arious,46. A man

29、came up to her and asked for help. She was not a of the danger which was coming also. 47. The kind of medicine will c your headache. 48. This dress is such a good style; it will be f for many years. 49. She was soon out of b , but she continued to run.,ware,ure,ashionable,reath,五、任务型阅读,Effects,50:由表

30、格内容看出该处讲食物对我们身体的影响 ,根据第一段首句have great effects on our health得出答案为Effects;该处要注意首字母大写和复数形式。,51:由 all human illnesses are related to diet 看出该空的意思是“ 与什么有关”,故把原文中的be related to 结构转化为 be connected/ associated / linked/ concerned with。,connected/ associated / linked /concerned,52: 从第一段the food that is chara

31、cteristic in these cultures找出答案cultures 。,cultures,left,53: 从第二段 Yet, these additives remain in our food中找出关键词remain,但是此处是被动结构,remain为不及物动词不能使用,所以用left 。,54: 在第三段Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medical purposes一句中找出medical一词。,medical,treat,55. 从第二段The additives in the milk of tr

32、eated cows 中找到关键词treated ,但是表格内为be used to do sth 结构,故此处需要动词原形, 答案为treat 。,financial,56:在第三段 not for medical purposes, but for financial reasons 中找出financial 一词。,fat/ fatter,price,57:该题为词性转换题。在第三段中找到动词fatten,但是该空需要adj 做make 的宾语补足语,故用fat;因暗含比较之意,所以还可用 fatter一词,58:在 obtain a higher price on the market 中找到 price一词。,practices,59:在第三段话最后一句 Although the practices continue 中找到关键词practices。,Thank you!,


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