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1、1,有效备考 2009 英语课件,2,一备考内涵 教学、学生、资料,3,二. 阶段复习的重点 第一阶段,基础阶段 第二阶段,提高阶段 第三阶段,冲刺阶段 第四阶段,调整阶段,4,三重点研究 1复习课模式研究(语法、听力、阅读、写作) 2测试、讲评课模式研究 3如何调动学生主动参与复习,5,四高考英语写作 1. 题目要求不应太难,但应能体现不同水平的考生。应能体现写作的基本技能。 写作的目的是体现用语言做事,体现考生综合运用语言的能力。,6,写作是要特别注意以下几个方面: 目的性:要明确写作目的,是要获得信息还是要传达信息,获得和传达那些信息,读者是何人。 准确性:用词,书写,语法,以及句子和标

2、点符号是否正确 流畅性:表述是否简洁是否到位,是否有条理,是否连贯。 得体性:语言表述是否地道,符合语言国家的传统和文化习惯,是否受汉语影响。 完整性:要点是否完整,表达是否全面。,7,五高考阅读训练 时代性。 如每年都有一定的文章,特别是科普文章讲某一领域的新知识。或介绍一些新观念,新方法,新事物。 实用性。 每年都有一定的新闻和广告方面的应用文。注重与学生生活,社会生活的结合。竟可能体现语言的使用性。 多样性。 体裁广,语段包括叙述文,说明文,应用文和议论文体。可以说语言输入量没有一定的广度,是不能适应这种选材上的多样化。,8,思想性。文以载道,体现思想性,在学科教学和测试中都渗透思想教育

3、。如行善,助人,善解人意,学会沟通,礼貌待人。尊重他人,诚实守信等。 综合性。为了能够考察学生较高层面上的阅读技能,所选的语篇在结构上都较复杂,可以说,有内容(信息量),有层次,有深度,有逻辑。作者在时间顺序,空间顺序,或逻辑推理上,运用了较高级的组篇手段。另外,每年都有一定比例的文章是考语言以外的知识,如人文,地理。历史,政治,自然科学等,9,从近几年英语高考试题看明年的高考 新课标试验区的高考试题体现了对能力的测试。,10,2005年全国英语高考试题有十七套试题,2006年全国英语高考试题有十八套试题,2007年、2008年全国英语高考试题共十九套,其中广东、山东、海南、宁夏等省区已采用了


5、纯考查语言知识的题目所占的比重越来越小。,12,英语试题在结构上全国大多数省市没有变化,有些省市根据本省的情况在个别题型上有变化,但是考查的重点放在对篇章的理解上,而不是单纯地考查死记硬背,不是单纯考查语言知识,这一点是一致的。考查的重点是学生运用语言的能力,这一点是一致的。,13,六英语高考复习思路 高考始终强调稳定当中有发展,因此我们的复习总的策略可以借鉴往年的经验,第一学期以复习基础知识为主,同时加强阅读;第二学期转入综合练习,整体提高。,14,语法和词汇:主要考查考生对英语词法、 句法和语篇层面的基本知识的理解和在特定 语境中的运用能力,考查英语实词、常用短 语的用法和交际英语的习惯用

6、法。内容更侧 重考查考生的英语思维能力和在特定语境中 运用英语的能力。,15,完型填空题:该题旨在有空缺的短文中 考查学生的阅读、逻辑推断和词语辨析等综 合语言运用的能力,是全卷难度较大的部分 。可能是一篇故事情节相对完整的记叙文或 夹叙夹议、逻辑性强、富有教育意义的论说 文,内容较贴近中学生的实际生活。,16,阅读理解:注重考查学生理解语篇主旨大 意、事实细节,并在理解的基础上进行判断 和推理的能力。考纲对该部分内容要求具体 ,要求考生读懂有关日常生活话题的简短文 字材料,如公告、说明、广告以及书、报、 杂志中关于一般话题的简短文章。忠实原文。,17,短文改错:重点考查学生的基本语言知识 和

7、综合语言运用能力。短文多以简短的记叙 文、书信等形式出现,错误大多是中学生平 时书面表达中经常出现的错误。主要包括: 动词时态和语态的错误,主谓一致的错用, 名词单复数形式的错误,形容词和副词的混 用,连词、冠词的误用及代词指代不一致等 。,18,写作:该部分一方面考查学生观察、思维 、想象和创新能力,另一方面考查学生语言 表达和语篇组织能力。同时也要重视语言的 准确性和书写的规范性以及卷面的整洁美观。 应注意议论文和图表式说明文写作练习,试 题将突出时代特色,能较好地体现和反映学 生的语言基本功和运用能力。,19,高考英语试题稳定的含义,是指试卷难度的稳定,并不是指每个题项难度不变。命题组会

8、根据前一年的相关数据以及社会的反响,会在2009年试卷的命制时调整某些题项的难度,但又要确保总体难度的稳定。比如,完形填空的难度下调,阅读理解文章的阅读难度稍稍提高些,这样才符合目前中学的教学实际。,20,近几年英语试卷不偏不怪,不超纲,不 过难。而考生成绩并不理想,其中原因之一 是考生备考期间求难求多、漫天做题。 审题是解题的关键。在综合训练阶段, 要培养自己的审题能力。,21,高考复习的策略 学好考试大纲、考试说明 学好近两年的试题,22,提高课堂效率 1. 备课(生课熟课) 2. 每节课有重点 3. 不放任、不过于严厉 4. 重表扬 5. 多媒体课件 6. 学法指导 7. 提高自身业务水

9、平:课堂用语, 保持阅读 能力, 每日15分钟,学生做什么,老师做什么 8. 会自编练习,至少会选题,23,山东:按8级命题(3300单词) 增加题型: 阅读表达(15分)主观题2545分 paraphrase, title, blanks, opinion(10个词), translate 广东:听力 有填空,听取信息(35分) 单选取消,改为短文填空(部分给词)15分 完形变短,10个题 20分 阅读四篇 共40分 (信息匹配,信对广告) 写作包括基础写作(五句话)15分 短文写作 读信和回信 25分,24,听力 (1) 理解主旨意义 (2) 获得事实性的具体信息 (3) 对所听内容做出简

10、单判断 (4) 理解说话者的意图、观点或态度 第一节问题的设计有两个层次: 1就细节提问,提问的方式有: At what time does the train to Leeds leave? What did the woman like doing when she was young? How will the woman go home this evening? When should Susan go to meet Professor Brown?,25,根据对话进行简单的推理和判断,提问的方式 有: Where did this conversation most probab

11、ly take place? What can we learn about the man from the conversation? What is the mans problem? What do we learn about the man?,26,第二节中的短文材料难度一般低于阅读材料的难度,问题一般有两个层面: 1考查对整段材料的理解,归纳、概括出主旨; Why is the man unhappy about their weekends? On which aspect of the picnic do the man and woman differ? Why did t

12、he speaker want to move? Which of the following words best describes the day the speaker had?,27,2考查能否抓住文章所给的具体信息,推断出说话的背景、说话者之间的关系、说话人对此事的态度。 How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation? On which day will the Japanese Music Concert be held? How does he pay for the tickets? What is

13、the relationship between the two speakers? What is Mary probably doing?,28,1稳住情绪,认真听。 2记下相关信息 (日期、时间、价格、人物等) 3抓住表示时间顺序、条件、原因等关键的词语 before, after, until, if, unless, when, as, because 等等. 4注意对话双方所持的态度、对话双方的关系以利于理解全文。 5掌握好做题的节奏,在听之前先看题目。,29,引起失分最多的情况主要是: 1单词障碍 2听得太少 3词组不熟悉,30,单项填空 (1)单项填空题考查什么? 单项选择题主

14、要考查学生基础语法、词汇及日常用语方面的知识。 高考命题的指导思想:强调对语篇的理解,在检查基础知识的同时检查学生在实际生活中运用所学知识的能力。 可以得出以下结论: 1单项选择题考查的知识点覆盖面广。 2以考查动词的用法为主。 3难度有所降低,着重考查语法知识在特定的语言环境中的运用。,31,高考热点1:动词的时态语态 1. - Where did you put the car keys? - Oh, I _ I put them on the chair because the phone rang as I _ in. A. remembered; come B. remembered

15、; was coming C. remember; come D. remember; was coming 2. The water _ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels,32,高考热点2:情态动词 Is John coming by train? He should,but he not . He likes driving his car. A. must B. can C. need D. may,33,高考热点3:动词辨析 1.

16、Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _ his leg. A. damaged B. hurt C. hit D. struck,34,高考热点4:动词词组辨析 1. “Goodbye,then,”she said,without even _ from her book A1ooking down B1ooking up C1ooking away D1ooking on,35,高考热点5:定语从句 1. I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could re

17、cognize who she was,she had run back in the direction _ she had come. A. of which B. by which C. in which D. from which,36,高考热点6:非谓语 1. The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun 2. We all know that,_,the situation will g

18、et worse Anot if dealt carefully with Bif not carefully dealt with Cif dealt not carefully with Dnot if carefully dealt with,37,高考热点7:动词、名词、形容词辨析 1A new _ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago Anormal Busual Cregular Dcommon 3One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune b

19、ut would help cover my living_ Abills Bexpenses Cprices Dcharges,38,易混点 I can never forget the day_ we worked together and the day _ we spent together. A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when,39,中文干扰 Oh, its you! I _ you. Ive just had my hair cut, and Im wearing new glasses. A.

20、 didnt recognize B. hadnt recognized C. havent recognized D. dont recognize,40,省略 What made her upset? _. She was late again. Being late again. Not late again. Came late again.,41,插入语 He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C.

21、 which I think it D. I think which is,42,复习建议: 1更加注重基础性,实践性以及语言运用的灵活性。要在理解的基础上加强记忆,不用死抠难题、偏题、怪题。 2关注动词在语言运用中的灵活性和对动词的理解。在历年高考中,动词及与动词相关的时态、语态、情态、非谓语动词、短语动词辨析等都是考查的重点内容。 3提高成绩要从根本抓起 - 词的用法。,43,完形填空题已经形成了明确稳定的命题风格与题型特点,而且测试能够比较客观的反映出考生综合运用语言知识的能力。在解题的过程中,既要求考生熟练运用所掌握的词汇(词义、用法、搭配)及语法知识,更要求考生具备较强的阅读能力,具

22、备相应的篇章知识,能够根据上下文的线索通篇考虑,并结合个人所具备的常识以及逻辑思维、推理等与语言运用相关的经验做出正确的判断和最佳选择。,44,完形填空的选项设计思路清晰,充分反映出本题的命题特点:每小题所给出的四个选项一般都属于相同的词类,相同语义范畴,长短相宜,避免了对答案的明显暗示;错误选项也多半可以和空前,空后文字形成某种搭配,从而起到一定的干扰与迷惑作用。选项所用词汇避免重复,尽可能扩大了考查内容的覆盖面。,45,精选练习,不断总结。要有计划、按步骤,由简到难、由短到长地进行有针对性的专项训练,材料要精选,解题要限时,做后要分析总结。,46,做完形填空题判断的依据: 1、环境线索 I

23、m tired of sea food, so I didnt eat much _ that day. A. vegetables B. flounder(比目鱼) 2、因果线索 He was badly ill, so he was _. A. present B. absent,47,3、转折线索 He was badly ill, however, he was _. A. present B. absent 4、让步线索 He didnt _ the test, though he worked hard. A. pass B. fail,48,5、顺序线索 After he wro

24、te the letter, she _ it and then _ it. A. posted/ signed B. signed/ posted 6、用途线索 I like my _, which gives me great help in the rain. A. umbrella B. bike C. pot,49,7、反义词线索 He used to be lazy. But now he is quite _. A. hardworking B. handsome 8、同义词线索 He made a lot of mistakes in the last test. This t

25、ime we can still find _ a few in his paper. A. quite B. only,50,加强无词填空训练,旨在训练篇章意识和加强逻辑思维的训练。 可先不看选项,靠逻辑推理填上一个你认为可行的词,有时可练无词短文填空,这有助于增强语感。,51,例1. . It was an early morning in summer. In the street, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their 41 . . A. B. homes C. buses D. offices,52

26、,例2 “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “ for 42 writer.” A. a foreign B. a popular C. an unusual D.,53,例3 all of us were seated around the table and Aunt Pat 38 spaghetti for supper. A. cooked B. C. got D. made,54,Don and his 11-year-old son, Aaron, love basketball. For Aarons birthday last Octob

27、er, Don decided to drive him to Cincinnati, more than two hours 36 , for the first 37 of the World Series. They had no tickets but hoped to buy a 38 from scalpers (票贩子). After arriving, they walked in the streets for two hours, carrying a 39 that said, “We need two tickets.” There were a lot of scal

28、pers but the 40 ticket was $ 175. They were 41 to leave when a man stopped them. He 42 out two tickets and handed them to the father. “How much do you want?” “No charge.” said the man, “ 43 the game .” When asked later, the man 44 , “I was working for Joe, who hadnt 45 a World Series in 16 years. Bu

29、t he was 46 and couldnt make it this time .So he told me to give the two tickets 47 . The only 48 he set was to give the tickets to people I thought would be worthy. A lot of people looked 49 they might just take the tickets and 50 them. Then I saw you. You seemed very 51 and you made me 52 my dad a

30、nd me when I was a child. I would have died to go to a World Series game with my father. But I never did.” How 53 it was to Don and his son! Here is what Don said, “Its the most memorable thing that ever happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other 30 times during the game and said, I

31、 cant 54 this. Well never forget 55 .”,55,36Away Baway Cdistance Dbeyond 37Agame Bshow Cexhibition Dsport 38Aticket Bbill Cpair Dcard 39Aletter BNewspaper Csign Dbook 40Abest Bcheapest Cworst Dmost expensive 41Aable Bglad Cwilling Dabout 42Agave Bturned Csent Dpulled 43AEnjoy BJoin CLook DPlay 44Aex

32、plained Bcontinued Cadded Drepeated 45Aseen Bmissed Cbeen to Dgone to 46Akind Bfree Cwell Dill 47Aup Bin Caway Doff 48Aticket Bgame Crule Dexample 49Aif Bas if Cthough Deven though 50Ause Bget Csend Dsell 51Ahappy Banxious Cshy Dexcited 52Arealize Brecognize Cknow about Dthink of 53Aproud Bnecessary

33、 Cfortunate Ddifficult 54Abelieve Bsee Cthink Ddo 55Athe game BJoe Cthat night Dthe players,56,Nowadays the whole world are worrying about a danger - global warming. In fact this began a long time ago. Yet, not all of us seem to realize it. One day around 30 years ago, the nine million citizens of L

34、ondon heard sirens (a loud noise of warning made by a special machine) all over the town. Emergency services, the 36 , the police, doctors and nurses 37 by, ready to go into action. In railway and underground stations, people read posters and 38 , telling them where to go and 39 to do in the emergen

35、cy. This was Exercise Floodcall. London wasnt flooded yet. But it is 40 that it will be. In 1236 and 1663 London was 41 flooded. In 1928, unluckily, quite a 42 people living in Westminster, the heart of London, 43 in floods. And in 1953, 100 people living on the eastern 44 , the London suburbs, were

36、 killed again in the floods. At last, the Great London Council(市政厅), is taking actions to 45 this disaster happening again. But the flood 46 were not built until 1980s. And in the 47 , Londoners must be 48 . When it happens, 50 underground stations will be underwater. Electricity, gas and phone serv

37、ices will be out of action. 49 will be impassable. It will be impossible to 50 any of the bridges between North and South London. 51 London will look like Venice. But Exercise Floodcall didnt cause 52 among Londoners. Most people knew it was just a 53 . One comment from a lady who was 54 along the E

38、mbankment when the sirens sounded was, “Its a flood warning, isnt it? The water doesnt look 55 to me.”,57,36. A. soldiers B. firemen C. engineers D. Repairmen 37. A. hurried B. went C. watched D. Stood 38. A. books B. magazines C. maps D. Dictionaries 39. A. what B. how C. why D. Which 40. A. believ

39、able B. true C. natural D. Possible 41. A. easily B. heavily C. strongly D. Poorly 42. A. many B. few C. lots D. Plenty 43. A. escaped B. killed C. survived D. Drowned 44. A. edge B. area C. part D. District 45. A. resist B. keep C. prevent D. Object 46. A. walls B. channel C. shelter D. Fence 47. A

40、. future B. past C. meantime D. End 48. A. delighted B. prepared C. frightened D. Encouraged 49. A. Roads B. Power C. Messages D. Traffic 50. A. see B. pass C. build D. Cross 51. A. Guess B. Remember C. Consider D. Imagine 52. A. panic B. attention C. notice D. Care 53. A. design B. plan C. warning

41、D. Joke 54. A. living B. walking C. working D. Studying 55. A. deep B. high C. shallow D. wide,58,(a)理解作者的思想、观点和意图; (b)理解主题思想,进行总结概括; (c)理解文章中所提供的细节,其中包括词义、句义和段落大意。 (d)透过表面文字,挖掘和理解文章的深层次含义。通过分析对比,总结归纳,推理判断等诸项思维活动,推导隐含的寓意。,59,能力要求: 丰富的英语词语知识和巩固、扎实、熟 练的英语语法知识。 综合运用各项英语基础知识和阅读技巧,进行快速阅读、获取信息的能力。 正确的阅读方法

42、、科学的阅读技巧和合理的阅读速度(达到大纲规定的要求7080w/pm)。 正确分析认识文章结构,理解各段落、各层次之间的逻辑关系和表达的方法。,60,良好的学习品质,敏捷的思维活动,正确的思考习惯。要求学生善于捕捉信息,理解深刻,推导合理,判断准确。 丰富的阅历,广博的知识,多样的背景知识。,61,1. Not all the students like sports. 2. All the students dont like sports. 3. Not every student likes sports.,62,4. When he heard the cry for help, he

43、 ran out immediately. 5. Hearing the cry for help, he dashed out. 6. On hearing the cry for help, he ran out at once.,63,长句子 Decision - thinking is not unlike poker it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think.,64,如何答概括中心题 文章中

44、心:A. 太笼统 B. 太片面 C. 既具体又全面 D. 不沾边 段落中心:首句尾句,65,通过定义和解释来猜测词义。可以根据一些标志词找出猜词的线索, 如:means, in other words, that is to say等。 如:Annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly.,66,根据同义、反义、同位等关系来猜测词义。如: Most people object to the plan; only a few are for it.,67,利用

45、常识来推测词义 有时可利用直接或间接的生活经验及常识来猜测词义。如: The door was so low that he hit his head on the lintel.,68,阅读理解的复习方法 精读与泛读 每天一篇精读,数篇泛读 精读要分析句法,尤其有插入语的句子。 泛读尽量选一些有国外文化背景的文章,不做大的分析,理解主要意思就可以,个别的地方稍加注意。,69,短文改错 短文改错试题目的是检测考生对书面语篇的校验能力。话题贴近学生生活,语言难度不大,错误类型均属学生在进行书面表达时常见的错误。 错误设置通常为种:多词、少词和用错词。考查的语言错误涉及:动词、名词、代词、介词、冠

46、词、形容词、副词以及搭配等。可以看出考查重点为考生基础知识的掌握情况。,70,短文改错是一个综合考查学生基础知识的题型,因此没有必要在复习的第一个阶段在这个题型上多花时间,最好在基础复习阶段结束之后进入到短文改错的练习,而且短文改错在第一个阶段要做也与书面表达结合起来做效果更好些。,71,短文改错不是改会的。,72,书面表达 1书面表达考什么 近两年的书面表达题常用看图或表格的形式出题,意在考查学生看懂图中所表示的内容后自己组织文章的能力。,73,2书面表达中应注意的问题 应考虑以下问题: (1)要表达的是什么; (2)用什么时态来表达以上内容; (3)用那些基本词汇和句型; (4)文章中需要

47、那些起承上启下作用的词汇,使文章读起来更顺畅;,74,3如何提高书面表达能力 1)语言的组织能力; 2)语言的情感处理能力; 3)语言的行动和表现能力;,75,对学生书面表达能力的具体要求 内容表达清楚,体现活跃的思维和清晰的逻辑 句式和词汇丰富,语法和用词准确 语篇连贯,交际得体,76,研究评分标准 第五档:(2125) 完全完成了试题规定的任务。 1. 覆盖所有内容要点。 2. 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。 3.语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为了尽量使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具有较强的语言应用能力。 4.有效地使用了语句间的连接成份,使全文结构紧凑。 完全达到了预期的写作目的。,77,第四档:(1620) 完全完成了试题规定的任。 1. 虽漏掉1-2个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。 2. 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。 3. 语法结构和词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是为了尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。 4. 应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结


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