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1、我的学习成果展示,永吉县口前镇第一小学:Lily,目 录,作品名称,作品内容,作品最出色的地方,作品中需要改进的地方,我展示作品的名称,My favourite season教学实施计划, My favourite season授导型教学设计方案,返回,我的作品内容,教学实施计划,教学流程图,学生活动评价表,学习内容分析,学习者分析,学习目标,重难点及解决措施,教学设计思路,信息技术应用分析,教学过程,返回,授导型教学设计,一、设计说明 “My favourite season”是人教版(PEP)小学英语第六册第二单元的核心话题。教材中的“ Lets learn” “Lets chant” “

2、Lets find out”部分充分考虑到小学生的学情特点及实际需求,设计了真实自然的情景,以最大限度地激发学生的学习动机和兴趣为宗旨,紧密联系小学生的生活实际和学习实际,将“Whats your favourite season? .”等教学内容进行合理的语言分配,其目的在于分散教学难点,循序渐进,便于表演。在教学过程中我充分发挥多媒体和网络技术的优势,利用多媒体网络课件创设情景,营造氛围,给学生提供合作探究、自主实践、操作练习的机会,实现师生互动、生生互动,进而突破本课重难点,拓展学习内容,丰富学生的感受和体验。,二、设计详案 I. Contents Words: season, spri

3、ng, summer, fall, winter. Sentence:Whats your favourite season? II. Purpose 1. Knowledge:Enable the students to catch the new words: season, spring, summer, fall, winter. 2. Ability: Enable the students to ask and answer: - Whats your favourite season? - Spring. 3. Feeling: (1)Raise the students int

4、erest to learn English. (2)Encourage the students to have good cooperation with each other and learn from each other.,T: Fall is yellow. Fall is cool. (4)教师慢慢地呈现几张图片,让学生猜是什么季节,同时引出新单词:winter,并操练这个单词。学生回答教师提问的有关冬天的问题。如:What colour is it in winter? Whats the weather like in winter? Winter is white. Wi

5、nter is cold. (教师出示一首歌谣fall and winter,教师和学生一起吟唱。) (设计意图:创设情境,开篇即导入目标内容,旨在将整堂课作为一个完整的演练过程,整堂课始终在创设的情景中进行语言教学和操练,学生身临其境,心理上自然放松,且充满参与的热望,淡化了对新学词句的戒备感,每一个词句的学习最终均要归位到具体情景的交际活动中去,给学生一个完整而明确的认识。) 2. Read the words(多媒体课件展示本课所学四季图片及单词) T: Please look at the screen, lets read the new words together, s-p-r-

6、i-n-g, spring, spring, spring. (2) Learn the new sentence T:Ok, we know there are four seasons in a year, but my favourite season is spring, whats your favoutie season?(板书句型并且教学) Ss: . T: Whats the weather like in.? Ss: Its. (设计意图:这个环节体现了语言的交互性,也为最终要把句子交给学生来进行交际活动做了自然的训练。),Step 2: Presentation 1. Te

7、ach the new words (1) T:Oh, boys and girls, youre so good. Now look at the screen, I have a beautiful picture. Can you tell me whats the weather like? (多媒体课件展示一幅春天图片) S1: Its warm. (2)(播放知了的声音)T: Whats the sound? Which season is coming? Ss:Its summer.(教师引导学生回答并操练新单词。) T: What colour is it in summer?

8、 S1: Summer is red. T: Whats the weather like in summer? S2: Summer is hot. T: What can you do in summer? S3: I can swim. S4: I can eat some ice-cream. . (教师出示一首歌谣spring and summer,教师和学生一起吟唱。) (3) T: Look! What colour is it? Ss: Yellow. T: Which season is yellow? S1:Fall.(教师引导学生回答,并操练新词fall。),III. F

9、ocus 1. Words: season, spring, summer, fall, winter. 2. Sentence: Whats your favourite season? IV. Method and Preparation Teaching pictures, tape, some seasons pictures, CAI etc. V. Teaching procedures Step 1: Warm - up 1. Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you. Ss: Nice to see you too.

10、 T: What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? Ss: . 2. Chant Follow me, follow me, fly a kite, fly a kite. Follow you, follow you, fly a kite, fly a kite. Follow me, follow me, swim, swim, swim. Follow you, follow you, swim, swim, swim. Follow me, follow me, run, run, run. Follow you, foll

11、ow you, run, run, run. Follow me, follow me, make a snowman, make a snowman. Follow you, follow you, make a snowman, make a snowman. (设计意图:通过课前的热身活动,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习兴趣,为本课的教学创造积极的条件。),Step 3: Practice 1. Game: Little inspector 将单词卡片藏在一个同学的抽屉里,让另一个同学当侦察兵去找这张卡片,其他同学齐声说这张单词卡上的单词,并用声音的强弱来提醒侦察兵。当侦察兵离卡片越来越近

12、时,同学说得越来越响,反之声音越来越弱。该活动能使学生说得自然流畅,而且能调动学生的兴趣,使他们在不断地重复中学会说这些单词。 Step 4: Consolidation and extension Activity 1:Whats the music for? T: Listen, whats the music for? What do you think from the music? . (教师播放一些有关四季的歌曲)学生通过听歌曲,谈谈歌曲所代表的季节,想象其季节中的场面,并用英语表述出来。 Activity 2:说唱歌谣 教师示范相关的歌谣,如:Spring is green, s

13、ummer is bright, fall is golden, winter is white提供给学生歌谣的节奏,鼓励他们自编一段有关季节的歌谣,比一比谁的歌谣琅琅上口,让学生互相学唱。 (设计意图:英语学习的目的就是要在交际活动中学以致用。这两个任务型活动交际性极强,在完成任务的过程中,让学生灵活运用所学的知识,让他们真正用英语做事情,体验到成功与快乐。),Step 4: Homework 1. Make a season book. 2. Write down 2 more sentences about the seasons. The topic is “My favourite

14、season“. (设计意图:课后作业不应是课堂教学的结束,而应是课堂教学的延续、拓展和深入。本次作业,我围绕本课教学内容,考虑到学生兴趣爱好、能力水平的不同,以培养学生的综合素养为目标,设计了两个实践活动供学生自由挑选,努力体现作业的开放性和层次性,也具有很大的灵活性和创造性。从而使英语学习变成学生所喜爱的事情,让学生乐于接受、乐于学习。通过多样的课后作业,有效地提高了学生学习和运用英语的兴趣,并帮助他们及时复习和掌握新知识,为继续深入学习奠定了基础。),返回,教学流程图,知识快递 合作探究 分组合作讨论 小组对老师给出的主题进行探讨,归纳、总结。 检测反馈 主题研讨 创新堂,返回,学习活动评价表,返回,作品中最出色的地方,通过本节课可以看出对多媒体的运用很成熟,能够调动学生的积极性,充分发挥了学生的主题作用,而且知识点落的比较实,又有及时的习题巩固。 课堂氛围较轻松、有序。,返回,作品中需要改进的地方,对时间的把握仍然不够精准。 对学生使用的激励性语言不是很丰富。 对学生的评价不够。 学生动手操作的时间短。,返回,Thanks,


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