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1、第2讲 15至18世纪 西方印刷新闻业的形成,(上),外国新闻传播史,一、西方的兴起与印刷革命,大国崛起:欧洲时代的来临 文艺复兴 地理大发现 宗教改革,Europe Prior to the Renaissance(文艺复兴),Europe in 1300 was fragmented, made up of numerous small kingdoms, but relatively unified by faith. The Church in Rome tried to control doctrine.,Marco Polo(马可波罗),In the 1300s, a manusc

2、ript account of a journey to China, written by Marco Polo (left) was read by many scholars and merchants in Europe. While some are still uncertain that Polo ever actually traveled to China, many were excited by his descriptions of the great wealth of the Chinese cities and the cities of the Middle E

3、ast. Ships from the Italian port cities now began to engage in trade with ports on the eastern Mediterranean, purchasing goods and information from Asia and the silk road trade.,New Trade and Trade Routes,Polos account of his journey to China stimulated new east-west trade. The Italian cities benefi

4、ted from this trade because it used the old eastern Mediterranean route of ancient times.,New Technology Boosts Learning,In the 1400s, a group of enterprising businessmen perfected moveable type in a new printing press, which further revolutionized the spread of information in Europe.,Rise of Humani

5、sm,In the 1300s and 1400s, new ideas began to flourish, partly because many of the “old” ideas of the ancient Greeks and Romans were being more widely distributed with the growth of the printing press. Petrarch (比特拉克), an Italian scholar, wrote numerous poems and essays in imitation of the works of

6、ancient Roman poets and philosophers. Petrarchs focus on human affairs as opposed to theology and faith helped spur a “rebirth” of creative work centered on humanity.,美好的瞬间(十四行诗),比特拉克(意大利) 美好的年,美好的月,美好的时辰, 美好的季节,美好的瞬间,美好的时光, 在美丽的地方,在这宜人的村庄, 一和她的目光相遇,我只好束手就擒。 爱神的金箭射中了我的心房, 它深深地扎进了我的心里, 我尝到了这第一次爱情的滋味。

7、 落进了痛苦又甜蜜的情网。 一个动听的声音从我的心房, 不停地呼唤着夫人的芳名, 又是叹息,又是眼泪,又是渴望。 我用最美好的感情把她颂扬, 只是为了她,不为任何别的人, 我写下了这样美好的诗章。,Additional Factors in Changing the European Mindset.,New methods of measurement and record keeping: Increases in the processing of wool led to factories of two-three dozen workers in France and Italy.

8、Work schedules were created to organize workers and time-keeping was established new clocks are created. Double-digit bookkeeping created to keep accounts and inventories. More precise tools for measuring distance, weight, and volume developed, which also influences map-making and navigation, New na

9、vigation instruments are developed to better determine latitude and astronomical tables printed for ship use.,1. Renaissance Man: Leonardo Da Vinci,Could he really see into the future?,圣母头像 达芬奇,Leonardo the Scientist,在达芬奇的艺术遗产中,大量的素描习作也颇值得重视,这些素描和他的正式作品一样,同样达到了极高的水平, 被誉为素描艺术的典范。其特点是:观察入微,线条刚柔相济,尤善于利

10、用疏密程度不同的斜线,表现光影的微妙变化, 他的每一件作品 都以素描作基础 。其艺术理论 散见于他的 5000多件笔记和未完稿的画论中,也是文艺复兴时代理 论研究的重大成果。达芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期著名的画家,也是整个欧洲文艺复兴时期最杰出的代表人物之一。他是一位思想深邃、学识渊博、多才多艺的美术家、雕塑家、建筑家、工程师、机械师、科学巨匠、文艺理论家、大哲学家、诗人、音乐家和发明家。他在几乎每个领域都做出了巨大的贡献。后代的学者称他是“文艺复兴时代最完美的代表”,是“第一流的学者”,是一位“旷世奇才”。所有的,以及更多的赞誉他都当之无愧。,Leonardo the Artist,Leona

11、rdos desire to paint things realistically was bold and fresh, and eventually became the standard for painters who followed in the 16th century Went beyond his teaching by making a scientific study of light and shadow in nature Objects were not comprised of outlines, but were actually 3-D bodies defi

12、ned by light and shadow Known as chiaroscuro, this technique gave his paintings the soft, lifelike quality that made older paintings look “cartoony” and flat,The Last Supper,The Virgin of the Rocks,Leonardo the Inventor,Adapted drawing skills to the more lucrative fields of architecture, military en

13、gineering, canal building and weapons design Leonardo wanted to create “new machines“ for a “new world“ Based on the gear, he came up with loads of different ideas, including the bicycle, a helicopter, an “auto-mobile”, and many military weapons,Leonardos first idea for a catapult(弹努),Leonardos Heli

14、copter(直升机),The First Tank,“Leo-chute”,Right to Left,Leonardo wrote in Italian using a special kind of shorthand that he invented himself He usually used “mirror writing,” starting at the right side of the page and moving to the left Only when he was writing something intended for other people did h

15、e write in the normal direction,Leonardos Signature in a notebook,Mystery of the Mona Lisa,He recorded in his notebooks the records of model sittings; but records of the Mona Lisa model sitting are nowhere to be found Theories are that Leonardo painted himself, and this theory is supported by analyz

16、ing the facial features of Leonardos face and that of the famous painting If the features of the face were placed on top of each other, and flipped, they would align perfectly,2. Christopher Columbus,The Explorer,Born:1451 Genoa, Italy Main accomplishment: One of the rewards Columbus received when h

17、e returns to Spain was a personal coat of arms, notice the pictures anchors and islands on his coat arms. Columbus was the explorer for Spain in the 1490s-early 1500s Died: May,20,1504 at the age of 55,Purpose of Journey,Christopher Columbus was sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spai

18、n in order to find new lands, great wealth, spices, gold, and riches.,Journey,On August 3, 1492, Columbus set forth with 89 sailors and three ships_ the Nina, the Pita, and the Santa Maria. His first voyage was in 1492-1493, the second voyage, 1493-1496, the Third voyage, 1498,and the Fourth voyage,

19、 1502-1504.,Encountering the Native People,On October, 12, 1492, Columbus and his crew arrived at an island in Bahamas inhabited by the Arawak Indians. When Columbus and his sailors came ashore, the Arawaks ran to greet them bringing food, parrots, balls of cotton, spears, and many other things.,Con

20、sequences of the Exploration,Christopher Columbus believed that he had reached Asia. He never even suspected that he had been responsible for the encounter for two world : the old world ( Europe, Africa, Asia ) , and the new world which would later be called America. From this moment on two areas of

21、 the world that had been separated for thousands of years, would come together to change both ways of life.,Results of the Exploration,The new things that Columbus discovered in the new land are all kind of spices and gold, and he also discovered America that other people didnt know about. This expl

22、oration of Christopher Columbus is really important to the world and the most is to the European people.,Voyages of Christopher Columbus 1492-1504,3. Protestant Reformation(宗教改革),1517: Martin Luther breaks with Roman Catholic Church(基督教) Justification(理由) by works vs. justification by faith alone(独立

23、信仰) Calvinism(卡尔文教义): predestination(天命论), hostility toward ceremony, emphasis on preaching “elect” vs. “damned”,Martin Luther,九十五条论纲,资本主义的兴起,道格拉斯.诺斯 西方世界的兴起:新经济史 “有效率的经济组织是经济增长的关键;一个有效率的经济组织在西欧的发展正是西方世界兴起的原因。” 制度重于技术吴敬琏,印刷革命,1450年,德国 1464年,意大利 1468年,瑞典 1470年,法国 1476年,英国,1539年,墨西哥 1564年,俄罗斯 1788年,澳洲

24、 1795年,南非,谷腾堡,Movable Print,Johann Gutenberg (c.1398-1468) is credited with the invention of movable type for use on a printing press. The only published work ascribed to Gutenberg with any certainty is the 42-line Gutenberg Bible, which was set and printed between 1452 and 1457.,谷腾堡圣经,印刷革命的意义,售价低廉

25、难以控制,邮政制度,1464年,法国 1478年,英国 1502年,神圣罗马帝国,二、近代印刷报纸的出现,欧洲成为近代新闻事业的发祥地 万历十五年,即1587年。这一年,海瑞去世,一代名将戚继光去世,努尔哈赤崛起,然而大明王朝却未予注意;西班牙无敌舰队即将出征英吉利,揭开世界历史新的一页,News Sheet,报纸的历史:中西方的对比 为何在德国最早出现报纸 西欧各国早期的报纸发展史,德国最早的报纸,1609年,通告报道或新闻报 1615年,法兰克福新闻,英国新闻周刊,1620年,欧洲定期报刊的涌现,法国,1631年 意大利,1645年 波兰,1661年 俄罗斯,1703年 日本,1615年,

26、欧洲日报的出现,1650年,德国新到新闻 1663年,德国莱比锡新闻 1702年,英国每日新闻 1777年,法国巴黎新闻 1778年,法国小广告报,三、集权政府对报刊的控制,16601789年,欧洲专制主义盛行,宗教对新闻政策的影响,近代欧洲政府控制新闻业的手段,Taxation The Stamp Act (1712) - tax on newspapers, pamphlets, advertising and paper,新闻许可证制度 新闻检查 保证金制度 煽动诽谤罪,弥尔顿与出版自由,John Milton - Areopagitica (1644) Truth and falseh

27、ood grapple: truth wins System of censorship risks condemning good ideas Most people either are not fit to be censors or find the job repulsive Marketplace of ideas 出版自由是人民与生俱来的权力,Marketplace theory,Often referred to in 1st A opinions How many marketplaces are there? How long does it take for truth

28、to emerge? When doesnt marketplace theory work? Not everyone is an equal participant: race/class/income differences, fear of rejection, big money/more attention v. little money/less attention,Libertarian philosophy,John Stuart Mill (19th c.) False statements deserve to be protected if they are direc

29、ted toward public officials. We need always to be checking that to see that our officials are operating it properly, so thats why we allow false statements the watchdog theory,Libertarian philosophy,Thomas I. Emerson (20th c.) His article (on reserve) summarizes Libertarian press theory,北美报业(1690176

30、5),历史的省察:北美信息传播的变迁,经济、文化发展的模式,报纸产生的背景,1690年,,(国内外公共事件,1690)Newspapers have not always been the sophisticated, full-color extravaganzas we know today. American journalism had its humble beginnings in the Colonial period with the publication of Benjamin Harris Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Dom

31、estick, which was shut down after its one and only issue on Sept. 26, 1690.,This newspaper was printed on three sheets of stationery-size paper and the fourth page was left blank so that readers could add their own news before passing it on to someone else.,Unfortunately, the essays which this paper

32、 contained did not please the authorities, and Harris had not bought the required license, so the paper was shut down after just one issue.,(波士顿新闻信,1704)The first continuously published American newspaper did not come along for 14 more years. The Boston News-Letter premiered on April 24, 1704. The p

33、ublisher was John Campbell. The paper originally appeared on a single page, printed on both sides and issued weekly.,In the early years of its publication the News-Letter was filled mostly with news from London journals detailing the intrigues of English politics, and a variety of events concerning

34、the European wars. The rest of the newspaper was filled with items listing ship arrivals, deaths, sermons, political appointments, fires, accidents and the like.,One of the most sensational stories published when the News-Letter was the only newspaper in the colonies was the the account of how Black

35、beard the pirate was killed in hand-to-hand combat on the deck of a sloop that had engaged his ship in battle.,On view here is the May 14, 1761 issue of the News-Letter. The front page is displayed in its entirety. As was the custom then, the front page was devoted to events overseas. This issue con

36、tains news from London, a speech by the King to the House of Commons, and various accounts from Westminster and Whitehall,Also displayed from this issue is an ad from the back page for a Scheme of a Lottery. The lottery was created to sell 6000 tickets at $2 each to raise funds to pave the highway i

37、n Charlestown from the Ferry to the Neck. Of the $12,000 to be raised, according to the ad, $10,800 is earmarked for prizes and $1200 for paving the highway.,Perhaps the most famous name in early American journalism is that of Peter Zenger. Publisher of the New York Weekly Journal, Zenger was accuse

38、d and tried for libel against the colonial British government in 1735. In this picture, Zenger is arrested and his printing press is burned by Colonial authorities.,NY Weekly Journal(新闻周刊),John Peter Zenger(曾格), editor “Containing the freshest advices, foreign & domestick” 1734: Dispute between Brit

39、ish & Dutch factions,NY Weekly Journal,Gov. Wm. Cosby put Zenger on trial for “seditious libel” Andrew Hamilton (汉密尔顿)defended Zenger Truth as a defense Zenger acquitted,Zenger was found innocent and it was that one verdict that paved the way for a free and independent press in America. For the firs

40、t time it was considered proper for the press to question and criticize the government. This is a pillar of a free press in the United States and any country that is free. Journalists have to be able to question the actions of the government in order to make them accountable.,思考题,1。为什么印刷革命推动了西方的兴起? 2。为什么英国首先出现了争取出版自由的斗争?,


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