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1、What is the theme of the report,1,The tradition is at Marys Hospital doorway, wearing a red and gold Robe “town crier“ knocking on the clock, holding a paper called “Oyez, Oyez, Oyez“ The good news to the public announcement, the baby was born. This is a British tradition, dating back to eighteenth

2、Century, the knock on the clock to the street people broadcast news.,announcement,The little princes birth certificate printed by the hospital and the midwife after signing. Born document is loaded into a gilded frame, wooden frame on the announcement, placed in front of Buckingham Palace. Read: The

3、 Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Kate at four twenty-four this afternoon gave birth to a baby boy, at present, Kate and children in good health. This is the British royal family an old tradition.,announcement,celebrations,economic,In England they call it “the Prince George Effect.”,Bet on something,F

4、emale or male?,Whats his/her name?,Kate in March this year during travel eastern England seems to suggest that she is pregnant daughter, this soon dispelled all about her children gender speculation. Although the royal family denied this, saying no one know the child sex, even Kate, but there are st

5、ill many gamblers bet on Kates children as “girl“, tactic bears and pink princess dress has also been a large order. Shortly after, there are rumors that Prince Harry has confirmed his nephew for men.,economic,Business,The birth of Prince George not only to the British royal family and the joy of th

6、e people, but also make the businessmen excited, jewelers, booksellers, toys, fashion brand and so on have launched a royal baby for selling goods.,Heres an example: As soon as the picture was sent to Internet, Mums-to-be around the world wanted to know: What are you wearing? Less than four hours af

7、ter that photo appeared on the Internet, the website of the relatively small American company that produced the item, Aden crashed under the weight of orders. Over the next nine days, the company enjoyed a 1,000+% increase in sales in the U.K., 890% in Australia, 790% in Japan and 458% in the U.S.,e

8、conomic,It was estimated that, From July 1st to August 31st, the new-born prince brought 243,000,000 pounds of sales to retail, respectively was the festival consumption of 87,000,000 pounds, 80,000,000 pounds and books and video products souvenirs 76,000,000 pounds. During the consumption of 3,000,

9、000 bottles of champagne and sparkling wine,Word list,opt pt vi.选择,挑选 opt for something opt to do something cry kra vt.& vi.哭;喊,叫 town crier n 街头公告员 precede prsid vt.& vi.在之前发生或出现;在之上;处于前面的位置 easel izl n.画架,黑板架 dispel dspl vt.消除(疑虑等);驱散(云雾等);驱逐 swaddle swdl vt. 用襁褓包;束缚 n. 襁褓 gambler mbl n.赌徒;投机商人 ta

10、ctic tktk n.手段;策略;战术;战略 adj.按顺序的;依次排列 respective rspktv adj.各自的,分别的 Hand drawn style Mug手绘风格的马克杯 Small hand woven cotton padded shoes手织小棉鞋,Word List,robe rob n长袍;睡袍;礼服 v 覆盖;穿上 midwife mdwaf n 接生婆;助产士 v接生 gild ld v镀金;修饰;使阔气,使有钱 n协会,行会 Duchess of Cambridge 剑桥公爵夫人 Prince William Duke of Cambridge 剑桥公爵威廉王子,Thank You,


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