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1、牛津高中英语18 模块重点词汇讲解(二),11. survive(P50, M2): Of the 2,200 people on the ship, only 705 survived.,survive,Usage 1: 不及物,幸存,残存,活下来 e.g.: (1) He survived in the desert for a week on biscuits and water. 在沙漠中,他靠饼干和水维持了一周。,(2) Very few of these old coins survive. 这些古币几乎都失传了。 (3) - How can you cope with this

2、huge amount of work? - Dont worry; Ill survive. 你如何能够处理这么多工作? 别担心,我应付得来。,Usage 2: vt., 比活得长; 经历之后还存在 e.g.: (1) Few buildings survived the fire. 火灾过后,建筑物所剩无几。 (2) She survived her sons. 她活得比她的儿子们长。,(3) The government is unlikely to survive the next election. 这届政府不可能逃过下届选举这一关。,扩展: survival,Usage 1: 【U

3、】,幸存,残存;生存 e.g.: (1) Hopes are fading for the survival of the missing climbers. 失踪的登山队员幸存的希望越来越渺茫了。 (2) fighting for her political survival 为政治生存而斗争,Usage 2: 【C】,残存物;遗迹,遗风 e.g.: The fashion is a survival from the 1970s. 这种款式是上世纪70年代的遗风。,扩展: survival kit 救生箱 (包) (装有维持生命必需品供陷 入无助境地的人自救的救生 用具),扩展: surv

4、ival of the fittest 适者生存,扩展:survivor 幸存者,残存着,生还者 e.g.: (1) There was only one survivor from the plane crash. 在这起飞机坠毁事件中,只有一个幸存者。 (2) Dont worry about him; hes a survivor. 别为他担心,他能对付一切。,12. prove(P58,M2): He took all kinds of tests to prove that he was qualified for this important task.,prove,Usage1:

5、 vt.,证明,证实 e.g.: (1) In order to prove her point, she she showed them the latest sales figure. 为了证明自己的观点,她向他们出示了 最新的销售数据。,(2) The fingerprints on the gun proved conclusively that she was the murderer. 枪上的指纹最终证明了她就是谋杀者。,Usage 2: L.v, 被证明是, 被表明是, 显示出是, 类似turn out e.g.: (1) On the long journey he prove

6、d a most amusing companion. 漫长的旅途证明他是一位非常有趣的同伴。,(2) These revelations could prove highly embarrassing for the government. 揭露出来的这些事情可能会令政府非常尴尬。,13. observe(P2, M3): As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.,observe,Usage 1: vt.,

7、 to watch with careful attention 观察,监视,观测 e.g.: (1) to observe the stars 观察星相 (2) The police have been observing his movements. 警察一直在观察他的一举一动。,Usage 2: vt., to see and notice e.g.: (1) Did you observe anything unusual in his behavior? 你有没有注意到他有反常的行为?,(2) I observed that they were late. 我注意到他们迟到了。 (3

8、) They police observed him enter enter / entering the bank with a shotgun. 警察注意到他持枪进入了银行。,Usage 3: 及物动词,遵守,奉行 (法律、习俗等) e.g.: (1) to observe the speed limit 遵守限速令 (2) Do you observe Christmas? 你们过圣诞吗?,Usage 4: vt., to make a remark; say e.g.: (1) “Thats odd,” he observed. “那很奇怪,”他评论道。 (2) He observed

9、 that it was odd. 他评论说那很奇怪。,14. contribute (P22, M3): Many factors contributed to the development of this new type of English.,contribute,Usage 1: vi. (to) to help in causing a situation, event, or condition e.g.: (1) Various factors contributed to his downfall. 很多因素导致了他的失败。,(2)This advertising camp

10、aign has significantly contributed to the success of the new car. 广告宣传极大地促成了这款新车的 成功销售。,Usage 2: vt. /vi. , 捐献;捐助;贡献出; 出一分钱;出一份力 e.g.: I contributed ( a pound ) to Janes leaving present. 我为简的送别礼物出了钱 / 一英镑。,Usage 3: vt. /vi. ,(给杂志、报纸等) 撰稿,投稿 e.g.: She regularly contributes to the college magazine. 她定

11、期向校报投稿。,扩展:contribution make a contribution to (doing) sth.,15. access( P29,M3): Today, the spread of “borrowed words” is due to easily accessed television and radio programs from across the world, and the Internet.,access,Usage1: vt., to reach, enter or use sth. e.g.: The loft can be accessed by a

12、ladder. 通过一架梯子可以上阁楼。,Usage 2: 【U】, 进入;入口 e.g.: The only means of access to the building is along a muddy track. 进入这栋楼的唯一通道是一条 泥泞的小径。,Usage 3:【U】取得(接近)的方法 (权利等) e.g.: (1) Students need access to books. 学生们需要有获得书的途径 / 方法。 (2) My ex-husband has access to the children at weekends. 我的前夫在周末时可以来看小孩。,(3) It

13、 is the UNs duty to provide everybody with easy access to clean drinking water. 让每个人得到干净的饮用水是联合国的责任。,扩展: accessible adj.,Usage 1: easy to reach, enter, or obtain 容易达到的;易接近的;易取得的 e.g.: The island is accessible only by boat. 只能坐船去那座岛屿。,Usage 2: adj. easy and friendly to speak to 随和的;容 易接近的 e.g.: A man

14、ager should be accessible to his / her staff. 经理应对员工随和一些。,Usage 3: in a form that is easy to understand 容易理解的, 好懂的 e.g.: The information ought to be made more accessible. 应该让此信息变得更好理解。,16. remains( P43, M3): Sven found the remains of buildings buried under the sand, together with a lot of treasures,

15、 such as coins, painted pots, silk materials, documents and wall paintings.,remain,Usage 1: 复数形式,parts which are left 剩下的东西(部 分);遗址,遗迹 e.g.: the remains of dinner / of an old castle 剩饭菜 / 古城堡遗迹,Usage 2: 复数形式 fml., a dead body e.g.: His remains lie in the churchyard. 他的尸体葬在教堂的墓园里。,扩展:remain,Usage1: 不

16、及物动词,比较正式, 停留,留下:to stay or to be left behind after others have gone, been lost, etc.,e. g.: (1) She remained at home to look after the children when her husband went out. 丈夫出去的时候,她留在家里照看孩子们。,(2) Little of the original architecture remains. 原建筑物几乎没有了。 (3)The only remaining question is whether or not

17、 we can raise the money. 所剩的唯一问题是我们是否可以筹措到 这笔资金。,Usage 2: vi., remain + to-v. e.g.: (1) It sounds a good idea, but it remains to be seen whether it will succeed. 听起来不错,但是否会成功还有待于 进一步去看。,(2) Several things remain to be done. 还有好几件事情有待去做。 (3) It only remains for me to say that 剩下我要说的就是,Usage 3: 连系动词,依

18、然是,还是 e.g.: (1) He remains a prisoner for the rest of his life. 他将在牢狱中度过余生。 (3)Despite the danger, she remained calm. 尽管情况危险,她还是很镇静。,(4) Im sorry youre tired, but the fact remains that the job has to be done, so hurry up! 你累了,我很难过,但事实是工作 必须有人来做,所以请快点吧!,17. intend (P2, M4): PSAs are ofen placed for f

19、ree, and are intended to educate people about health, safety, or any other issue which affects public welfare.,intend,Usage 1: intend /mean + obj. + for / as / to-v : to have a plan for sth. in ones mind 为而准备;预定 通常用于被动语态: be intended / meant for / as / to-v,e.g.: (1) The chair was intended / meant f

20、or you, but she took it away. 椅子是为你准备的,但却被她拿走了。 (2) That remark was intended / meant as a joke. 那句话本只是个笑话。,The book is intended for young adults in their first year of learning English。 这本书是为那些头一年学英语的成年 人编写的。 (2) It was intended to be cooked slowly. 这种食物本要用文火慢慢煮的。,(3) The writer clearly intends his

21、readers to identify with the main character. 显然,作者想要读者和主人公产生 共鸣 。,Usage 2: to have in ones mind as a plan purpose; mean to do sth. 计划,打算,想要 e.g.: (1) He took it as an insult, which wasnt at all what I had intended. 他认为那是侮辱,但我根本没有此意。,(2) She intended to catch the early train, but she didnt get up in

22、time. 她本打算赶头班车,但她起晚了。 (3) I intend to report you to the police. 我打算向警察举报你。,(4) It was meant to be a surprise; I didnt intend you to see it so soon. 这本应是个惊喜,我没想让你这么早看到。 (5) We do not intend that they should know at this stage. 我们不打算让他们在此阶段知情。,扩展:intention 【C;U】意图,目的;打算 e.g.: (1) I have no intention o

23、f helping him after what he said to me. 听了他的话,我不打算帮他了。 (2) They went into town with the intention of visiting the library. 他们为了去图书馆而进了城。,(3) It is our intention to be the number one distributor of health product. 我们的目标是做保健品的第一大批发商。 (4) So much for all our good intentions! 让我们的一片好心到此为止吧!,18. commit (

24、P3, M4): One of these is “Smoking is committing suicide slowly.”,commit,Usage 1: vt., to do something wrong or illegal e.g.: to commit a crime / a sin / suicide / murder 犯罪 / 自杀 / 谋杀,Usage 2: to promise (esp. oneself, ones property, etc.) to a certain cause, position, opinion, or course of action 使(

25、尤指自己)承担义务;做 出保证;承诺,e.g.: The government has committed itself to improving health education has committed considerable resources to improving the rail system. 政府承诺要改善健康教育 / 要投入大量 的资源改善铁路系统。,扩展: commitment 【U; C】承诺;诺言 承担的义务;忠诚;信奉;支持,e.g.: (1) Come and look round our shop without commitment to buy anyt

26、hing. 到我们店里来看看吧,并 不一定要买什么。,(2) I dont want to get married because I dont want any commitments. 我不想结婚,因为我不想承担任何责任。 (3) The companys success this year would not have been possible without the commitment and dedication of the staff. 没有员工的忠诚和热忱奉献,公司今年 不可能获得成功。,Usage 3: (to) fml. to put into a particular

27、 place or state, e.g. in order to be kept for future use or to be got rid of 把置 于某处;把置于某种状态下,e.g.: (1) The body was committed to the flames. 尸体被火化了。 (2) She committed the facts to writing / to paper. 她把这些事实记录了下来。 (3) to commit sth. to memory 记住,19. determine(P18, M4): In order to determine your audi

28、ence, you will need to do a little research.,determine,Usage1: 及物动词,确定,测定 e.g.: (1) to determine the position of a star 测定卫星的位置 (2) We should first try to determine how much it is going to cost. 首先我们应该确定一下费用。,Usage 2: vt., fml., to (cause to ) form a firm intention or decision (使) 下决心; (使)做出决定,e.g.:

29、 (1) We determined to go at once. 我们决定立刻出发。 (2) The court determined that the man was guilty of assault. 法庭作出决定,此人犯有人身侵害罪。,(3) Her encouragement determined me to carry on with the work. 她的鼓励让我下定把这项工作继续下 去的决心。,Usage 3: vt., fml., to have a controlling influence on, have a direct and important effect

30、on 限定; 支配;规定;决定,e.g.: The amount of rainfall determines the size of the crop. 降水量决定收成的好坏。,扩展:determined adj. having a strong will 坚定的;坚决的;决意的,e.g.: (1) a very determined woman who always gets what she wants 一个总能得到所想、意志坚定的女人 (2) I am determined to go and nothing will stop me. 我一定要去,什么都阻拦不了我。,比较: _ to

31、 train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper, “_ , an English teacher for a ten-year-old girl”. Determined; wanted Determined; wanting C. Determining; wanted D. Determining; wanting,20. appeal (P18, M4): It is important to always try to appeal to the way the audience will reac

32、t.,appeal,Usage 1: vi., not in progressive forms, to please, attract, or interest 使喜欢,吸引,使感兴趣,e.g.: (1) Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you ? 你对到国外工作感兴趣吗? (2) inexpensive jewellery which appeals to the 13 30 age group 对13到30年龄段的人有吸引力的 便宜首饰,扩展: appealing adj., able to move the feelings; att

33、ractive, pleasing, or interesting 打动 人心的;有吸引力的,有趣的,e.g.: (1) the appealing eyes of a hungry dog 一条饿狗悲伤的眼睛 (2) What an appealing little baby! 多可爱的小宝宝啊! (3) The idea of free holiday is rather appealing. 免费度假的想法真的很有吸引力。,Usage 2: (to, for) to make a strong request for help, support, mercy, etc. 恳请,恳求; 哀

34、求;强烈呼吁,e.g.: (1) The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim. 警察号召公众提供被杀害者的信息。 (2) They are appealing for funds to build a new church. 他们正在募捐,要建新教堂。,(3) The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府号召人人节水。 (4) By appealing to his better nature, we p

35、ersuaded him to change his mind. 我们唤醒了他的良知,说服了他改变想法。,Usage 3: (to, against) to formally ask a higher law court to change the decision of a lower court (提出)上诉,e.g.: (1) I intend to appeal against the sentence. 对于这个判决,我要上诉。 (2) The defendant has been given the leave to appeal to the High Court. 被告被允许向高等法院上诉。,


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