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1、句子成分,*句子由各个组成部分构成,这些组成部分叫句子的成分。 总的来说,一个完整的句子包括以下两部分:,句子,主语部分:发出动作的人或物,谓语部分:动作/谓语动词,例:我开门.,I open the door.,主语部分,谓语部分,例:这本书非常有趣。,This book is very interesting.,主语部分,谓语部分,句子,1.主语,2.谓语,3.宾语,4.表语,5. 定语,6.状语,7.补语,8.同位语,*但是具体来分,一个句子可分为以下各种成分:,1.主语:,主语是一个句子的主题,是句子所陈述的主体,一般 放于句首,可以是人,也可以是物,指动作的执行者。,例:那个学生问了

2、老师一些问题.,The student asked the teacher some questions.,例:今天的天气非常好.,The weather is very nice today.,2.谓语(predicate):,谓语一般是指主语的动作或状态,由动词或动词短语充当,位置一般放于主语后面。,例:他工作非常努力.,He works very hard.,例:今天的天气非常好.,The weather is very nice today.,例:他在字典里查出了这个单词.,He looked up the word in the dictionary.,3. 宾语(object):,

3、宾语在句子中主要充当动作的承受者, 一般放于及物动词之后。,例:老师把灯关了.,The teacher turned off the lights.,介宾,例:他们将不会伤害我们.,They wont hurt us.,动宾,例:他在上个星期放弃吸烟了.,He gave up smoking last week.,介宾,动宾,介宾,4. 表语:,表语主要用于表述主语的特征,状态,身份等。它位于连系动词后,构成系表结构。,连系动词,例:我是一个老师.,I am a teacher.,例:这种水果尝起来味道很好.,This kind of fruit tastes very delicious.,

4、1.be动词(am, is, are, was, were),3.感官动词(look, smell, hear, feel),+表语,2.表状态变化的动词(get/become/turn/keep/remain/stay),例:那个女孩变得非常担心.,The girl got worried.,5. 定语:(attribute),定语是用来说明名词(代词)的品质与特征的词,形容词通常作定语。,这是一节生动有趣的课,This is a lively and interesting class.,有一些难题要处理,There is something difficult to deal with.

5、,前置定语,后置定语,. 状语:(adverbial),状语是修饰动词,形容词,副词以及全句的句子成分;按用途分,可分为时间,地点,原因,结果,目的,条件,让步,程度,方式,伴随状况等。,表时间:yesterday, today, tomorrow,Shall we go shopping today or tomorrow?,我们是今天还是明天出去买东西啊?,表地点:in China, at the airport,I saw a student in the classroom.,我在教室里看见一个学生,表原因: because, as, for, since,他因为生病所以今天没有去上学

6、,Because he was ill, he didnt go to school today.,表结果:to+do, v+ing, 从句,那个男孩从树上掉下来了,头撞到地上了,The boy fell off the tree, striking his head against the ground.,表目的:in order to, in order that, for the purpose,为了考入一个更好的学校,我必须更加努力,In order to get into a better school, I must study even harder .,表条件: as/so l

7、ong as, if, unless,只要努力学习,你就会取得好成绩,As long as you study hard, you can get a high mark.,表让步: in spite of, despite, although, though,他虽然不认识我,但却帮了我,He helped me although he didnt know me.,表程度: very, enough, to some extent,那里的风景非常漂亮,The scenery there is very beautiful.,表方式: like that, as, as if,不要那样看我,D

8、ont look at me like that!,表伴随状况:,老师走进教室,手里拿着一本书,The teacher came into the classroom, catching a book in his hand.,with,. 补语:(complement),补语,主语补足语:,宾语补足语:,补充说明主语的动作或状态,补充说明宾语的动作或状态,我又累又困,就去睡了。,Tired and sleepy, I went to bed.,2我发现那本书很有趣。,I found that book interesting.,主语补足语,宾语补足语,8. 同位语:(appositive),

9、当两个同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,一个句子成分可被用来说明或解释另一个句子成分,前者就叫做后者的同位语。,我们有两个孩子,一男一女,We have two children, a boy and a girl.,那人是我的老师,他从来都不骑自行车,The man, my teacher, never rides a bike.,Pop, a German volunteer, who works in the Olympics language service, said, “ I am looking forward to the Beijing Olympics , as it will be my first volunteer experience in the Olympics.”,主语,谓语,宾语,同位语,定语,从句,主语,谓语,宾语,状语,原因,从句,主语,谓语,地点状语,Thats all,


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