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1、CET-4 LISTENING,苏州环球雅思 陈静,Smiley available in:,Mail: chenjing11gedu.org Phone: 18962529779 QQ: 354085205 Microblog: 跳跳糖敌敌畏,听力考试试题结构,听力部分总比重:35% 四种题型: 11-18 short conversation 8% 19-25 long conversation 7% 26-35 passage comprehension 10% 36-46 compound dictation 11道题 10% 0.5x8+3x2=10%,听力改革机考,70%,35%,

2、短对话,短对话是四级考试中最有规律也最易提高的一个部分 所考的一般是与特定文化背景相结合常用语言点,所以不会考两人见面互相问候whats cooking? 短对话部分产生了一些固定的套路和思路,我们不难发现,近年的短对话出题主要分为三大类型:,数字类时间日期、价格钱款、倍数分数,一、时间日期(绝迹) 题型特点:题目中出现两个或两个以上的时间,并针对其中某个时间或二者间的关系进行提问 解题对策: 听提前先浏览选项,如果看到与时间有关的数字或表达,迅速在旁边做个小记号,提醒自己听这道题应全神贯注,准备随时记录听到的各个时间。,考查的是考生对信息的进一步加工的能力。即,将听到原始信息加工到有答题价值

3、。,知识储备,常用的标志时间的词汇: daily, each day, day by day, from day to day; weekly, monthly; yearly, annual; every 3 days , every other two days; every other day; the other day ; another day ,previously, formerly,时间的读法:7:45,两种读法,一种记法 a q t 8 用回头率换正确率(听到什么写什么,a quarter to 8,然后回头检查时再将其“翻译”为时刻),二、价格钱款,题型特点:题目中会出现

4、货币价格等,并针对其进行提问。 考的较少,但涉及的基础知识是听力提高的基石,会以不同的形式出现在其他类型的题目中,不能小觑。,知识储备,常用货币单位,及其相互转换: 1dollar=10 dimes =100 cents, a quarter ; pound penny pence; Euro (European dollar) 常用词汇: discount, on sales, on offer, bargain, deal, voucher, cash voucher, complimentary gift,三、倍数分数,倍数:double,twice as much as, triple

5、, three times as much as 分数:基数词+序数词pl形式 e.g. a third, a half a quarter one and a third,(2)关键词类人物关系、地点场景,一、人物关系 题型特点:就对话中出现或提及的人物身份及相互关系进行提问,常考关系: Teacher&student, doctor&patient, waiter/waitress/shop assistant/ attendant& customer, boss&secretary air crew& passengers,二、地点场景 题型特点:题目中出现某一特定地点或场景的词汇、表达

6、,要求猜测对话发生的场所及推测人物正在进行的活动或讨论的话题等。是短对话中常考的一类题。,解题对策: 以关键词为突破口,进行场景联想推断,需要考生熟练掌握常考的几类场景,了解此类题目常考的思路,地点场景总结,四级听力段对哈的场景比较广泛,但总体围绕一个中心:以学习生活场景为主。 我们将常见的地点场景分为4类: 校园生活;日常生活;交通出游;工作求职;,(一)校园生活,1.论文 场景思路: 1.论文topic难定 ; 2.数据资料难找(想借的书借不到,借到的没用,想还的过期了(overdue) ;,3.导师tutor要求严格; 4.好容易写完后发现电脑坏了break down,crash(没保存

7、),或去打印时printer 坏了,要么就是queue/wait in a long line,场景词汇,professor 教授; teaching fellow 讲师; tutor / mentor / director / supervisor 导师; faculty 全体教职员工;,type(type it out),typewriter, print,printer, sketch,draft,data,graph,chart,table,topic, thesis/ paper(1.论文 2.报纸 3.文件 4.纸张), laptop,desktop, laboratory,lan

8、guage lab; library,librarian;,lend / borrow / check out ; reference book ;renew ;overdue ;return,2.演讲、上课、讲座 场景思路: 1.演讲过程难,有挑战性:自己的演讲感到紧张,但效果往往不错;别人的演讲要么rewarding,wonderful,exciting,inspiring要么boring,人们dozen off,2.课程内容难,不感兴趣;作业往往多而难(但若认真听课,勤奋学习就没问题),男生成绩差考试很难(道路曲折但前途光明) 3.虽然老师professor讲课boring,但学生对教授

9、评价往往较高如果听懂了非常精彩,场景词汇,presentation, speech ,address, report 演讲,报告; challenging, demanding,有挑战性; feel nervous=have butterflies in ones stomach=ones heart is pumping out, come through with flying colors=successfully course,lecture,assignment,exam=quiz,,borrow the girls note, reading assignment-extensiv

10、e reading, take the course =sign up for the course; register;pick up +课程名 学习 selective course / elective course / optional course; required course / compulsory, seminar; credit;introductory course;advanced course; Final exam; middle exam ;take a make-up test补考;pop test 突击测试,补充词汇: freshman 大一新生; soph

11、omore 大二; junior student 大三; senior student 大四学生; undergraduate student 本科生 ; graduate student / postgraduate student 研究生 doctor student博士; post doctor student 博士后,(二)日常生活,这类场景是对校园生活的补充,主要涉及有关购物消费,餐饮娱乐和日常交往等方面的话题。,1 购物、买票、订房间 场景思路: 1.学生穷,一般买的都是大减价的商品; 2.票一般很难买,需斗智斗勇; 3.订房间、座位时一般都出问题(即使当时没问题,后来也会出问题)

12、,但最终都能解决。,场景词汇,cost sb. an arm and a leg ; on sales=on offer; quite a bargain; steal, stolen from ; Shopping mall; department store; supermarket (WALMART,TESCO);,supplies; appliance; necessity; essential; make a reservation;confirm a reservation ; cancel a reservation ;be fully booked / full up / fu

13、ll 客满;,tips小费; at the reception 前台 check in 登记入住; check out 退房,single room 单人房; double room一张双人床房, twin room 两张单人床的房间; suite 套房; bathroom/toilet /wate closet/restroom 厕所; room service 客房服务; lobby大堂; ball 舞厅;bar酒吧;,2.餐饮娱乐,这类场景主要涉及有关外出就餐,日常饮食,休闲娱乐和文化艺术等方面。 场景思路: 1.一般与美食无缘:不想吃,不能吃; 2.所以有幸吃完后一定要赞美,场景词汇,

14、menu; order; steak; dessert; appetizer; appetite; have no appetite/stomach for; Bon appetit main course 主菜; apple pie 苹果派,make a reservation; reserve a table定位子; buffet自助餐, 快餐; fancy restaurant; meal ticket(饭票); eat out =dine out Eat here or take away ?堂吃还是外卖;,foot the bill 付账 ; Lets go dutch A A制;

15、My treat. 我请客; service charge 服务费; change 找零; tips 小费; keep the change 不用找零; Even my mothers cannot match this.(赞美食物好吃)我妈妈做的都比不上。,3.生病受伤,场景思路: 1.中国学生穷,生病受伤一般先拖着,直到比较严重才去看病; 2.病情一般不会太严重,注意饮食、休息、运动; 3.生病有时会耽误课(本人并不情愿)miss the class, (drop the class,skip the class),场景词汇:,medical center医疗中心; clinic诊所; p

16、hysician 内科医生 surgeon 外科医生 dentist牙医;,make an appointment预约; emergency room急诊; check up / exam 检查; cold感冒; flu流感 ; headache头痛; sore throat嗓子痛; fever发烧;,stomachache胃疼; dizzy, faint 头晕; vomit,throw up呕吐; twist ones ankle, break ones leg, hurt/strain ones back;,the remedy for/against治的药方 remedy sth 治疗.

17、; symptom 症状; cure sb.of a cure for 治愈; prescribe开处方 fill the prescription按方抓药;,pill / tablet 药片 liquid药水 injection/shot 注射 operation 手术 medical result 诊断结果,4. 约会、打电话,场景思路: 1.电话打不通/打错 2、想找的人不在 3、约好的事做不了 4、想办的事办不成,场景词汇: cell phone 手机;pay phone 公用电话; telephone box/booth 电话亭; run out of coin, fit sb./s

18、th in 找到时间(见某人、做某事) The doctor can fit you in today.医生今天能跟你见面;,stand sb. up=cool ones heel放某人鸽子; cut off被中断; hold on 别挂机; hang up=get off挂断; dial the wrong number=there is no one by this name 打错电话了; receiver 听筒 slot 投币孔; hook 钩 telephone book = yellow pages 电话簿,5居家住房,场景思路: 1.电视 television,冰箱 fridge,

19、烤箱 oven 电脑 computer需常修理; 2.房子难租:出租的房一般不会太好;价格一般较贵; 3.老外热情,喜欢帮朋友找住处; 4.去别人家做客时,往往找不到门; 5.如果要搬迁,理由一定是冠冕堂皇的:一般是为了方便工作学习,场景词汇: live on campus 住校; live off campus 住校外; suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心; rent 出租;condition 住房条件;unfurnished 无装修; blackout=powerfailure断电; repair修理, maintenance维护保养, apartment complex

20、公寓楼;,fill in/ fill out/ fill up填表格; bedroom 卧室; living room 起居室,客厅; rest room 厕所; land lord 房东; land lady 房东太太; tenant 房客; neat 整洁的; considerate 体贴的,细心的; messy / untidy 脏乱的; noisy 吵闹的,(三)交通出游,1.交通 场景思路: 1.出门是极困难的:骑自行车掉链,公交车难挤,挤上了也会抛锚; 开私家车堵车,上了路也会出车祸; 2.但车祸一般是死不了人的。,场景词汇: license 驾照; rush hours 高峰时间

21、; heavy ;traffic jam; be held up in the traffic被堵在路上; behind schedule= delay晚了; on schedule = on time; break traffic rules ; go speeding =be over speed 超速; overtake 超车;,one way street 单行道; police officer 交警; get a ticket被开罚单; pay the fine 交罚金; subway(美)/ underground(英) 地铁; fast way / express way / h

22、igh way 高速公路 motor way 机动车道; overhead 轻轨; flyover 过街天桥,2.机场场景 场景思路: 1.机票经常售完,改坐别的航班; 2.赶飞机时间紧,但大都赶得上; 3.接人晚点送人伤感; 4.行李需检查,场景词汇: airplane/direct flight 直达航班; hall 候机厅;terminal 候机大厅,终端; first class头等舱=business class; economy class经济舱; confirm the flight 确认航班 check in 登记 boarding card 登机牌 security chec

23、k 安检,see sb.off 为sb.送行 keep in touch with 与保持联系; board on 登机; switch off the cell phone; 关掉手机; take off 起飞; departure time 起飞时间;,safety/seat belt 安全; flight attendant乘务员; free food/snack available 提供免费食物; make a safe landing 安全降落; land 降落; pick up 接机,(四)工作求职,场景思路: 1.工作难找,面试需好好准备; 2.对现有的工作不很满意; 3.工作累

24、人,日程安排紧,场景词汇: have an opening for =job vacancy 有空缺职位 recruitment agency 职业介绍所; headhunter=head-hunting company; headhunting=executive search; paper报纸;,brochure 宣传小册; flier 传单; interview面试; resume简历; certificates证书; 身份证明identification =ID; qualification; reference letter推荐信;,cover letter自荐信; a tight

25、schedule; psychometric test 心理测试, hand-writing analysis 笔迹分析; work overtime 加班; ask for a pay raise 加钱; wage 周薪;salary 日薪;bonus奖金;allowance 津贴; get a promotion升职; dismiss sb.=fire sb.=give sb. the gate/boot/canvas解雇;,resign辞职; retire 退休; laid-off 下岗; post / position / title 职务; holiday 假日,假期; vacati

26、on休假; annual leave年假; ask for sick leave 病假; coffee break休息喝咖啡.,(3)转换推理类双向转换、逻辑推理 (难点),一、双向转换 题型特点:所考察的问题在原题中有明确的对应答案,但往往不是原来的表述,正确答案常常是原文表达的同义或反义转换(视听错位) 解题对策:迅速浏览题目,划出关键词,熟练掌握,知识储备:同义表达 passer-by=people who pass by=pedestrian Call off=cancel; interesting=fascinating=stimulating=not boring Go over=

27、brush up on,Hit the ceiling=be very angry (2005.12.20) Be starving=ones stomach is grumbling=Im not half=I can eat like a horse Have a taste for=like doing sth.=go in for 。,二、逻辑推理,否定 虚拟 比较,(一)否定类 题型特点:通过对话人的语音,语调,谈话的内容,对事物的褒贬表达,来判断说话者的态度看法。难度较大,题目出现几率大约为2-3道题 解题对策:“透过现象看本质“,锻炼从暗示,转折,引申中推断答案的能力。掌握英文常

28、用的肯定、否定表达,了解真实条件句和虚拟语气的用法,熟悉比较句型,知识储备,表示同意: Yeah! How true! Exactly! Absolutely! Well said! You got it! You said it! You can say that again. You bet! Thats for sure. My opinion exactly! You took the words out of my mouth. I wish I had said that.,Could be! Yes, youve point there. I am with you there

29、So it seems! So to speak! In the manner of speaking. Thats one way of looking at it.,正式同意: I share your view on that! It makes a lot of sense . I couldnt agree with you more. You are a genius.,Youre really talented! Okay, you are the doctor. I think I will go along with your proposal. I get your bac

30、k. Out of question,不同意: Not really. Not at all. Of course not. No way. Not a chance. In your dreams. Over my dead body. Do you really think so . If I were you I wouldnt speak too soon.= Dont speak too soon.,I am not convinced. Im afraid we dont see eye to eye on this. That was not the case. No, I do

31、nt agree. Dont waste your breath. You must be joking. / kidding .,You cant be serious. I wasnt born yesterday. Thats ridiculous. Its pure fiction. Non-sense! Thats out of the question!,(二)条件句及虚拟语气 条件句有两种,一是真实条件句,二是虚拟条件句。真实条件句表达的意思是直接而明显的,一般有可能实现; 虚拟条件句是间接而含蓄的。 听到条件句时首先想它是真实的还是虚拟的。,条件句中以if引导居多, 它们经常用

32、省略的形式,如if possible, if any, if not, if so, if necessary, if needed等, 听省略形式的条件句,主要应该抓住主句的基本内容, as long as, so long as, suppose, supposing, lets say,虚拟语气可以表示与事实相反的含义。 表示与现在及将来事实相反的虚拟条件时,谓语的主要形式为:当从句为过去式,主句为wouldshouldcouldmight+动词原形; 表示与过去事实相反的虚拟条件时,谓语动词的主要形式为:当从句为had+过去分词,主句则用wouldshouldcouldmighthav

33、e过去分词。 听力中考的相对简单,虚拟语气就是把时态往过去推。,常用于引导虚拟语气的词有: were if I were you I would=you should 00.06.4 W: If I were you, I would have accepted the job as if, as though, if only, provided that, but for, if it were not for, if it had not been for,(三)比较句 等比情况 用原级表比较: as+adj原形+as not half as good as 不等比情况 用比较级表最高级

34、 No one knows better. No one knows more aboutthan,用比较级最高级表否定 should be better. You deserve better. be the last thing I want in the world, be the least of worries, be superior to, be inferior to , prefer A to B, prefer to do A rather than do B ,would rather do A than do B. be far from satisfactory st

35、h. leaves much to be desired,短对话解题技巧,利用试音及中途停顿时间看选项,学会迅速浏览选项并划出关键词,或找出选项的不同之处,便于迅速把握各选项涵义,减少反应时间。 如果选项中有数字,迅速记下来。 看到选项中出现场景词汇可大致猜测一下对话的内容和问题。 尽量多浏览几道题,如果时间不够,至少看完前三道题。,听到试音结束,立即停止浏览,集中精力看要做的题目,利用选项做相关记录 一定稳定心态,没听清也不要慌,继续听下面的。 把握听力关键小词,如转折、因果、时间、暗示等,对关键句型要敏感,如反问、建议等,着重听but, although 等后面的话,这些往往是答案所在。

36、如果有没有听清的,可依靠常识、平时的特定场景及思路进行判断与猜测。,解题原则,一、兜圈子原则 即所谓的“听到什么不选什么”:多数情况下,对话中一般没有现成的答案,需对对话进行推理,故直接在对话中听到的一般不是正确答案。 在听的时候要注意抓住选择项的同义或反义词,或根据对话内容采用归纳、推论或辨别的方法回答。,1.语音、语调: 通常用降调,特别是在一般疑问句或反义疑问句中用降调,表示对事物的肯定; 用升调,特别是在肯定句中或特殊疑问句中用升调,表示对事物的怀疑和否定。 有时通过反义问句的否定含义来表达说话人的意图。,2.事物间的联系 不直截了当地回答问题,而是大放烟雾弹,需要脑筋急转弯,顺藤摸瓜

37、,领会说话人意图 3虚拟语气表达相反的意图,二女尊男卑原则:一般男生地位低,女生较为“上等”。 男生提出的观点女生都是不同意或有不同看法的,反之女生提出的观点男生都是同意和赞赏的。 男生不论学习工作生活上往往都时已受挫,女生则常常春风得意。,三悲惨原则: 所谈论事必然坎坷波折多磨难,决不可能一帆风顺,意外是一定发生的,但通过主人公积极发挥主观能动性,往往结局较好。即血泪交加中的光明与希望,曲折性与前进性相统一。 四常识原则: 符合常识的不一定总对,但不符合常识的,日常生活中不太可能发生的;内容不合理的,比较荒谬的选项,不利于精神文明及和谐社会建设的,一定不对.,平时的训练:,首先,要纠正发音,

38、应注意熟悉并模仿纯正英语的发音。还要注意连读弱读等, 其次,注意积累并理解常考的场景和思路,掌握每个场景相关常考的词汇和表达。 然后,最重要的是听真题。,一份真题最好能听三遍: 1.边听边做题,然后核对答案 2. 不看原文再听一遍,着重听做错的题。 3.将仍做错的题找出,看着原文听一遍,并总结出错的原因:,单词没听清,单词不认识,不熟悉特殊语音现象引起的变音,固定搭配不理解。 五套题,听力水平会有大幅提升。听烂一套题比滥听十套题更有效。 重视常用语的固定表达与固定搭配,如果不了解其中固定用法的意义就不能判断说话人的意图,这就要求我们熟练掌握、积累短语、习语、惯用法的意义。,长对话,长对话考察的

39、内容和形式与短对话十分相似,一脉相承,是短对话的加长版,属于短对话到篇章听力理解的过渡形式。 从量上说:通常为6-9个回合,时间控制在1:40-2:00之间。信息量大,关键信息容易被淹没,持续时间长,容易走神。 从质上说:题目常以客观题为主,辅以少量的主观判断题。题目类型,出题规律等与短对话极为类似,句子口语性强,考点往往蕴含在长句中,且分布得比较均匀(对话的开篇,中间和结尾),可依据顺序原则进行答题。,长对话命题特点总结,1. 一般会有一题整体把握,考察对话主题、对话人物关系或对话地点场景等。 若为多话题内容,则选择其中几个话题进行考察; 若为内容为单一事件的描述,则关注事件的起因、经过、结

40、果等方面; 若为调研性内容,则考察点往往可能集中到被调研人的观点、意见、建议等方面。,2. 对话的开头和结尾几句话往往是考察的重点,同时还会根据题目设置,针对对话中部的一两处进行提问。 问题的设置符合顺序原则。在文中问答交替处,尤其是问题的回答部分。 出现以下“灯塔词汇”的地方往往为问题答案所在,或者答案的同义转述。,a.转折词:But, However, Nevertheless, Otherwise, Whereas ,Yet, Unfortunately,In contrast b.动词:Said, Told, Discovered, Found, Showed, Indicated.

41、c.语气加以强调的词:frst, last, most, just, only d.此外,出现下列情况时考生也应多注意:举例、重复、设问,这些地方也是答案集中区域。,解题步骤与原则,总原则:与短对话正好相反,“听到什么选什么”。 1、答案设置的顺序原则:问题的顺序与行文顺序一致。 2、对于较短的选项,可以边听边看选项,一般都是细节题。,3、较长的选项,如果时间充裕,可以快速浏览并划出其关键词,掌握选项的大致含义。如果时间紧迫,来不及浏览选项,可以先集中精力听完文章,做好记录,回头再仔细阅读每个选项,结合笔记作答。 出现长选项的题一般以主旨大意题为主,考查的是整篇文章的中心主旨等,所以概括性强、

42、反应中心的选项一般更有可能是正确答案。,4、首末句加中间:一般而言,对话的开头结尾对应着第一和最后一道题,对所选答案不确定时,可以看那个选项与首末句最为接近。听到中间部分时要对上面总结的几类“灯塔词汇”分外敏感,着重记录,防止混淆。,知识储备:一词多义,paper: 1 论文 2005.06.33. W: I am going to Marthas house. I have a paper to complete. And I need to use her computer. M: Why dont you buy one yourself? Think how much time you

43、 could save. Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?,2008.12.1717. M: How about joining me for a cup of coffee? W: Id love to, but Im exhausted. I was up till 3 this morning, writing a paper for my literature class. Q: Why does the woman decline the mans invitation?,2 报纸 2002.06.9 M: Excuse me, I

44、d like to place an advertisement for a used car in this Sunday edition of your paper. W: Ok, but you have to run your advertisement all week. We cant quote rates for just Sunday. Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place,3.纸 2001.01.6 W: Im looking for a quality paper to type my essay.

45、 I dont see any on the shelf. M: I saw some in the stock room in the morning. Ill go and check. Q: What does the woman want to buy?,bill,1 账单,买单。 2007.12 passage 3 and thus you dont have to have sufficient cash to pay the entire bill at once.,2)提案。 We all passed the bill on yesterdays board meeting.

46、 在昨天的董事会上我们全票通过该提案。,3)纸币。 2003.9.passage two The guards and other employees stood back and let him stuff the bills in his shirt and pants without trying to prevent him from taking the money. Heres a 10-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonights show please. 4)人名,book,1)书。本意,简单名词。图书馆场景中常见。(textboo

47、k, bookstore 较常出现) 2001.01.8. M: I bought a few books at the new bookstore. Would you like to have a look at them? W: A few? It looks like you bought out the bookstore Q: What does the woman mean?,2002.01.2. W: Did you find the book for your reading assignment in the library? M: It closed before I g

48、ot there. I had no idea that it closes so early on weekends. Q: What does the man mean?,2) 预定,订购。 be booked up 被预定空了;booking office 售票处 All the rooms have been booked up. 2006.01.7 M: I am going to New York next week, but the hotel I booked is really expensive. W: Why book a hotel? My brother has 2

49、spare rooms in his apartment. Q: What does the woman mean?,2007.6 长对话1 W: No, no, hold on-according to our records, a room for 5 guests was booked under your name. 2008.12.长对话1 . Once the jobs over, thats it. Im not on their books any more.,change,1) 改变,更改。 Id love to date a different type of man for a change.,2000.01.9 M: Jane, you wont be able to get to the airport in time to catch t


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