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1、英国的议会和政府,英国议会 英国议会渊源于古代的贤人会议,后来发展为大会议, 1688年“光荣革命”后,议会逐步获得至尊无上的地位; 议会代表了英国民主政治的传统,成为反对专制的坚强堡垒,英国议会的产生为人类民主社会作出了贡献.人们把英国议会称为“议会之母”。,英国议会,被称为“议会之母”的缘由: 议会是现代资本主义政体中最重要的组成部分之一,也是资本主义民主制度的主要体现。 英国是世界上第一个建立议会制的国家。 美、法等国都效妨英国建立起各具特色的议会制。,英国议会,(最高立法机关),下议院,上议院,(至尊议会),立法权,财政权,司法权,监督权,(起辅助 作用),监督下院工作,协助下院立法,

2、修改和否决议案,行政权力的最高来源,英国最高司法机关,(受理民事、刑事上诉案件,审理贵族案件),英国议会的地位:,英国议会的组成:,最高立法机关,(1)下议院 (2)上议院,British Parliament,The United Kingdom is a unitary , not a federal state (中央集权国家,而不是联邦制国家 ). Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons (议会由君主,上议院和下议院组成).,British Parliament,

3、The main functions of Parliament are: (1) to pass laws (通过立法 ); (2) to provide, by voting for, taxation (投票 批准税 ); (3) to examine government Policy and administrations (检查政府政策和行政管理 ); (4) to debate the major issues of the day (当天的议题辩论 ).,British Parliament,The House of Lords The House of Lords consi

4、sts of the Lords Spiritual (神职议员), who are the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England; and the Lords Temporal (世俗议员), those who either have inherited the seat from their forefathers (hereditary peers世袭贵族)or (life peers终身贵族)have been appointed. The lords mainly represent them

5、selves instead of the interests of the public.,British Parliament,Life peers-终身贵族 appointed by the sovereign at the suggestion of the Prime Minister ( a practice began in 1958) 注:终身爵士。1958年英国议会通过了终身贵族爵位法,对那些为英国社会作出杰出贡献的人-英国一些著名的政治家和高官,如首相、总督、高级大臣等,从现职退下来后,王室授封他们为终身贵族。他们以其丰富的从政经验进入上院继续参政议政,但其爵位不能传后代。

6、,British Parliament,The House of Commons The House of Commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where representatives (Members of Parliament) are elected to make and debate policy. These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent interests of the

7、 people who vote for them.,British Parliament,Britain is divided into constituencies (选区). Each of the constituencies returns one member to the House of Commons. The party which holds a majority of those “seats” in parliament forms the government, with its party leader as the Prime Minister. After a

8、 government has been in power for 5 years it has to resign and hold a “general election”.,British Parliament,General Elections Periodic national general elections are very important in the western model of democracy (周期性大选在西方式的民主制度中非常重要 ). The election is seen as an opportunity for people to influen

9、ce future government policy and to replace the incompetent political leader.,British Parliament,Anyone who is eligible (有资格当选的) to vote can stand as an MP. It is necessary only to make a deposit of 500 pounds (a quite easily obtainable amount in the UK) which is lost if the candidate does not receiv

10、e at least 5% of the vote.,British Parliament,The electoral campaigns Before a general election, the political parties would start their electoral campaigns (advertisements, postal deliveries of leaflets, etc. )in order to make their policies known to the public. These campaigns (attacking and criti

11、cizing the opponents policies )sometimes can be quite aggressive and critical.,英国的议会和政府,至尊的议会(“议会之母”),是最高立法机关,主要由上议院和下议院组成,内阁与首相,内阁是英国政府的核心领导机关,首相和内阁要向议会负责,而不用对国家元首(国王)负责,内阁权力很大,首相拥有非常广泛的权力,集党、政、军大权于一身,君主立宪制的实质,本质上是资产阶级政权的一种组织形式,英国议会是最高_,主要由上议院和下议院组成,有_之称。 内阁是英国政府的_ ,首相和内阁要向_负责。 首相拥有非常广泛的权力,集_大权于一身。

12、 君主立宪制本质是_政权的一种组织形式。,资产阶级,核心领导机关,议会,立法机关,“议会之母”,党、政、军,君主立宪制的实质,1、从英国君主立宪制的结构看,为资产阶级服务,不是为全体人民服务,具有阶级性。,英王和王室,上院 下院,保守党 工党,2、从政策层面看,议会,政党,右翼,左翼,保守党,工党,首相、内阁的产生:,议会大选后,英王任命多数党的领袖为首相,授权首相组阁,首相提出阁员名单,英王任命,首相的权利:,首相掌握政府人事大权,包括任免内阁成员和其他非阁员大臣(向国王提交任免名单).,首相领导内阁,对重大问题作出最终裁决。,首相控制国家财政大权,掌控预算决策权。,首相有权建议国王解散议会

13、,宣布重新大选。,首相是武装部队的实际最高领导人,可宣布全国处于“紧急状态”。,内阁的权力:,制定内外政策,向议会提交议案以及需要议会审议的政策,行使最高行政权力,协调和确定政府各部门职权,在国家处于紧急状态时,采取紧急行动,必要时宣布提前大选,British Government,The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy (君主立宪制),which is governed, in the name of the Sovereign by His or Her Majestys Government. The power of the mo

14、narchy was largely derived from the “divine right of kings”. (上帝和神赐予的)“君权神授论” 联合王国是君主立宪制国家,国家的首脑是国王或女王。联合王国以君的名义,由国王或女王陛下政府治理。,British Government,Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. While the official head of the state is the Queen, her powers are largely traditi

15、onal and symbolic. The government at national and local levels is elected by the people and governs according to British constitutional principles.,British Government,The party, which wins sufficient seats at a General Election in the House of Commons usually forms the Government. By tradition, the

16、leader of the majority party is appointed Prime Minister by the Sovereign. The party, which wins the second largest number of seats, becomes the official Opposition组成反对党.,England in the 18th Century:,Robert Walpole (罗伯特沃波尔) The first Prime Minister The most influential member in the Whig Party First

17、 Lord of the Treasury encouraging trade and industry and avoiding foreign entanglement “Any Peace is preferable even to successful war.” Robert Walpole,British Government,Members of Parliament assembled themselves into groups which eventually would become political parties. Historically, there are t

18、wo parties in Britain The Whigs 辉格党- the Liberal Party自民党 The Tories 托利党- the Conservative Party The two major parties now are the Conservative Party (保守党) and the Labor Party(工党),The two-party system The Whigs: supporting the government Liberals replaced by the Labor Party (20th century) The Tories

19、: supporting the monarch Conservatives The party in power (执政党) the majority party, the legislative body, the executive branch The party in opposition (在野党) A collection of opposing parties,British Government,The Conservative Party descended from the historic Tory Party (托利党), which was founded in 1

20、678, was in government for two-thirds of the 20th century. Margaret Thatcher won her partys leadership election in 1975 following victory in the 1979 general election until 1990.,British Government,The Labor Party was founded in1906 at the start of the 20th century and has been the principal party o

21、f the Great Britain since the 1920s. It surpassed the Liberal Party as the main opposition to the Conservatives in the early 1920s. Tony Blair was the Labor Prime Minister 19972007.,British Government,Government Department 政府各部 the Civil Service文职人员部 The principal Government department mainly includ

22、es: the Treasury, the House of office, the Foreign and Commonwealth office, the Ministry of Defense 主要的政府部门包括:财务部,内务部,外交部,国防部等。,British Government,Members of the Civil Service are called Civil Services文职人员部的成员被成为公务员 . They staff government departments. Civil Servants are recruited mainly by competit

23、ive examination公务员主要是通过竞争考试录用 . Civil servants do not belong to any political party. Changes of Government do not involve changes in departmental staff, There are about 541800 civil servants in Britain now.,1925年10月13日,前英国首相撒切尔夫人出生。 撒切尔夫人是英国保守党政治家和首相(1979-1990),也是欧洲历史上第一位女首相。在1987年保守党赢得大选后,她成为英国在20世

24、纪连任3届的首相,在她辞职时成为1827年以后英国任期最长的首相。,英国首相布莱尔27日在最后一次前往议会 接受议员提问之后,向英国女王伊丽莎白二世正式递交辞呈,从而宣告结束自己长达10年的首相生涯。 英国执政党工党新任领袖布朗日下午应英国女王伊丽莎白二世的邀请前往白金汉宫,接受女王授权组建新一届内阁,并从女王手中接受御玺,正式就任英国首相。,1997年5月上台执政,2001年连任,2005 年再次连任.2006年6月因”金钱换爵位”刑事事件提出辞职. 是英国工党历史上在任时间最长的首相.,2005年英国首相布莱尔成功连任。 5月6日,英国首相布莱尔在觐见英女王后在伦敦唐宁街10号首相府门前发

25、表讲话。 英国大选的当天最新统计结果显示,以现任首相布莱尔为首的工党在本次大选中获胜已成定局,布莱尔将因此成为工党历史上首位连任三届的首相。,返 回,人事大权,最终裁决权,预算决算权,建议解散议会,武装力量的实 际最高领导人,议会的监 督,内阁和 党团 的支持,国王有磋 商 和警告权,舆论监 督,反对党,首相权力,受到制约,责任内阁制,首相内阁制,戴维卡梅伦1966年10月9日出生于伦敦,家境富裕,父亲是股票经纪人,母亲是治安法官。他先后就读于伊顿公学、牛津大学。大学期间他学习了哲学、政治学和经济学专业。 卡梅伦的政治生涯并不长,2001年他首次当选议会下院议员,2003年进入保守党影子内阁。



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