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1、语序调整翻译法,第十二单元,Warm-up,Title(所有权) with respect to(关于) each shipment of the products shall pass from the seller to the purchaser when the seller negotiates(转让/承兑) relative documents and receives proceeds(收益/进款) from the negotiating bank(承兑银行) for such shipment, with effect retrospect to (追溯到) the time

2、 of such shipment. 当卖方就每次的货物装船向票据承兑银行提交相关资料并从承兑银行提取货款时,每一批装船货物的所有权就由卖方转移到了买方,其效力可追溯到该次货物装船之时。,翻译中语序调整的普遍性,语序是在各级语言单位在组合中排列次序。 语序是语言重要的组合手段之一,既反映了一定的逻辑事理,又体现了人们在长期使用语言过程中所形成的习惯。 在翻译过程中,由于原文的语序无法在译文中得到完全的保留和再现,为符合目的语的习惯表达和目的语民族的思维模式而在译文中对原文语序进行重新排列、按照目的语的逻辑顺序、表达顺序和行文方式进行组句。 语序包括词序和句序。,英汉两者语言在词序上的差异,1)

3、主语和谓语的词序差异: 英语中除了“主语+谓语”的语序之外,常使用倒装,如疑问句。汉语中基本上都是用“主语+谓语”的语序。Eg. Can you do it? 2)宾语的词序差异: 英语中的宾语位置比较灵活,汉语中则一般出现及物动词之后。 Eg. What food did you eat?,英汉两者语言在词序上的差异,3)定语的词序差异: 英语中,定语的位置灵活多变,可置于被修饰名词之前或之后,还可同时置于被修饰词的之前和之后。 汉语中,定语则通常只能位于被修饰的名词之前。 例如排序差异: 英:限定词 - 描绘词 - 大小新旧 - 颜色 - 类别 + 中心名词 汉:邻属关系 - 时间处所 -

4、 指示代词或量词 - 动词性词语和主谓短语 - 形容词性词语 + 性质类别或范围的名词、动词,Traditional Chinese virtue 中华传统美德,英汉两者语言在词序上的差异,4)状语的词序差异: 英语中,状语的位置也很灵活。英语句子往往先说结果,再说原因或条件。 汉语中,则是先说明条件或原因,之后再讨论结果。 例如排序差异: 英:方式、地点、时间 汉:时间、地点、方式,英汉两者语言在句序上的差异,1)并列句的句序差异: 英语中“简单句 + 等立/并列连词(and, or, but etc.) + 简单句”。 汉语中基本上英语并列句语序一致。 2)复合句的句序差异: 英语中的复合

5、句由一个主句和一个或以上的从句(六种)构成,汉语中未区分。 具体处理P115,长句的翻译,长句翻译的要点,长句是指语法结构比较复杂、从句和修饰语较多,包含的内容层次在一个以上的句子 对于长句的翻译,有两点至关重要:一是对原文的准确理解;二是在译文当中恰如其分的表达。 表达:翻译时注意语义整合与语序安排,按汉语表达习惯将原文内容用地道专业的汉语加以再现。,理解阶段的四个步骤,一是扼要你出全句的轮廓; 二是要根据上下文和全句的内容领会要旨; 三是要辨清全句的主从结构; 四是要找出各句之间从属关系。 找出句子主句 找出主句中的主谓语,了解中心思想 理清主句与从句,主要成分与次要成分, 修饰与被修饰等

6、各层次关系和内容 按照逻辑顺序把句子的各个部分内容串成一个完整的话语。,表达阶段的四个步骤,一是将每个花开的单句逐一翻译; 二是将翻译出的句子进行调整和组合; 三是对译文进行加工润色 翻译时注意语义整合与语序安排,按汉语表达习惯将原文内容用地道专业的汉语加以再现。,长句翻译的步骤演示:,In Africa I met a boy, who was crying as if his heart would break and said, when I spoke to him, that he was hungry because he had had no food for two days.

7、 在非洲,我遇到一个小孩,他哭得伤心极了,我问他时,他说他饿,有两天没有吃饭了。,句子分析:拆分句子,In Africa I met a boy who was crying as if his heart would break and said, (when I spoke to him), that he was hungry because he had had no food for two days. 句子结构分析: 1)主干结构是主语+过去式+宾语: I met a boy。2)whosaid为修饰先行词boy的定语从句(有并列的两部分)。3)crying后面是定语从句(前)中的

8、一个条件壮语从句“as if his heart would break”。4)“when I spoke to him”是定语从句(后)中介于“said”和其宾语从句“that he was hungry”之间插入的时间状语从句。5)because的引导句为前一句 hungry的原因状语从句 。,例析,The economy could sink into a double-dip recession (双谷衰退期) due to the clouds hanging over the US economy and rising deflationary(通货紧缩的) pressures t

9、hat will accompany the accelerated disposal(处理) of non-performing loans(不良贷款). 由于美国经济一直低迷不振,再加上伴随着 对不良贷款的加速处理而带来的通缩压力不断增加,经济可能会陷入双谷衰退期。 The new prosperity may represent a long, sustained(持续的) plateau(稳定水平) of brisk demand(不断的需求), plentiful jobs, and increased living standards. 新的繁荣可能是一段较长时间的、持续的平稳状态

10、,其中有大量的需求、充足的就业机会,生活水平也得到了提高。,英语长句汉译的两种处理方法,大致按照原文句子结构的顺序进行翻译 (顺序翻译法) 按照汉语的逻辑顺序进行翻译(变序、拆分、融合翻译法),复杂长句的翻译方法,顺译翻译法 变序翻译法 拆分翻译法 融合翻译法,顺序翻译法,英语长句往往是由各种不同的从句和短语构成的,在翻译时经常可保留英语句子的语序,并在连接处适当添加汉语关联词。 在翻译时,大致按照原文的语序来行文的翻译方法为顺序翻译法。 通常情况下,译者应才采纳这种方法。,例析1, There is a tendency(趋势) for an organization of this typ

11、e to be rather romantic; this place isnt romantic it actually makes money. He is impressed equally by the open information policy (信息公开制度), which circulates (传播) details of all meetings to employees, and the rapid growth. 这种类型的机构往往有着相当浪漫的气息。但这个地方却并不浪漫 它实际上是个赚钱的地方。他印象同样深刻的是,公司采取了信息公开制度,根据该制度,所有会议的细节以

12、及公司快速发展的细节都要一一传达给员工。,例析2,When there is a particular average loss (单独海损), other interests in the voyage(海运), such as the carrier(承运人) and other cargo owners whose goods were not damaged, do not contribute to (分摊) the partial recovery (赔偿) of the one who suffered the loss. 在发生个别海损时,海运中的各相关方,例如承运人际货物没有

13、受损的船主,不必分担受损一方的那部分补偿费用。,例析3,It did not take long, however, for men to realize that there were some things he was more capable of doing than others and that it would benefit him to concentrate his efforts on the production of those goods in which he was particularly proficient and leave others to pro

14、duce the goods that called for skills which he did not possess. 但是,不久人们就意识到,有些事情他能比别人做得更好,而且,假如他集中精力生产那些他擅长生产的商品,而让其他人去生产那些需要别的技能(而这些技能他是不具备的)才能生产出来的商品,那么他就有利可图了。,变序翻译法,变序翻译是指对译文句式进行重组。 由于原文的语序无法在译文中得到完全保留和再现,为符合目的语表达习惯和目的语民族思维模式而在译文中对原文语序进行重新排列,根据目的语的逻辑顺序、表达顺序和行文方式进行组句。 其好处是“由于彻底摆脱了原文的语序和句子形式的约束,因此

15、,比较易于做到汉语的行文流畅、自然。”,例析1,International countertrade (对等/对销/反向贸易) is a practice whereby a supplier commits contractually as a condition of sale to reciprocate(回报) and undertake certain specified commercial initiatives(商务提案) that compensate and benefit the buyer. 国际对销贸易,作为一种销售条件,是指供应方以合同的方式 承诺对某些特别的、给购

16、买方以补偿和利益的商务提案予以回报和承办的一种做法。,例析2,Where an enterprise is willing and able to develop the finished products that are not subject to the unified operation by the State through joint efforts with the industrial enterprises in Tianjin, particularly in respect of machinery and electronic products and refine

17、d chemical products, by means of technology transfer, introduction of technical personnel, technical assistance and economic support, and to provide for foreign companies the finished products through the sales channel of the foreign parties, they may apply to the Municipal Commission of Foreign Eco

18、nomic Relations and Trade for the expansion of the business of joint development.,例析2,Where an enterprise is willing and able to develop the finished products that are not subject to the unified operation by the State through joint efforts with the industrial enterprises(工业企业) in Tianjin, particular

19、ly in respect of machinery and electronic products and refined chemical products, by means of technology transfer(技术转让), introduction of technical personnel, technical assistance and economic support, and to provide for foreign companies the finished products through the sales channel of the foreign

20、 parties, they may apply to the Municipal Commission of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade for the expansion of the business of joint development. 任何企业,只要同天津市的各工业企业共同努力,通过技术转让、技术人才引进、技术援助和经济支持等途径,愿意并且有能力开发不属于国家统一经营的产品,尤其是机电产品和精细化工产品,并依托外方的销售渠道,为外国企业提供产品,就可以向(天津)市对外经济贸易委员会申请拓展联合开放业务。,拆分翻译法,英语:长句复杂,

21、且一般由主从复合句构成,但各部分之间的关系并不一定十分紧密。 汉语:使用动词连动,少用连词,依靠词序、语序及其内在逻辑关系行文,各分句趋向短小。 拆译可使句意清晰明了。 如果一个句子无法照原文句子结构的顺序进行翻译,译者就可以考虑将原句的结构拆开,在不损害愿意的情况下按照汉语的表达习惯重新组合,以时间的先后顺序、因果关系、假设与结果等逻辑关系相继翻译成一句或两到三句意思连贯、内容完整的句子。,例析1-2,The security of buying the products of the world famous business companies was wonderful. 购买世界知名

22、企业公司的产品非常安全,这种安全的感觉奇妙无比。 The Tokyo metropolitan(大都市的) government has proposed negotiations on reaching a settlement in a lawsuit filed by 17 banks seeking to abolish a local corporate tax formula(计算方式) based on business size. 东京政府已提议就一项诉讼案达成协议进行谈判,该诉讼案由17家银行提起,它们请求废除以企业规模来确定当地公司税费的计算方式。,例析3,And conf

23、idence is growing in the debt-restructuring(债务调整) progress, the infuriatingly(令人气愤的) slow and untidy effort that puts debtor nations(债务国) on the International Monetary Funds (国际货币基金组织) stringent(严厉的) diet of hardnosed monetary policy(货币紧缩政策), curtailed(削减) government spending, and fewer imports. 人们在

24、债务调整进程中的信心正不断增强;人们在将各债务国置于国际货币基金组织的严厉货币紧缩政策之下所做出的令人气愤的拖沓而散漫的努力的信心正不断增强;人们在消减政府支出方面的信心正不断增强;人们在更少量地进口外国产品方面的信心正不断增强。,融合翻译法,融合翻译法是指在翻译中,要么将英语原文中主句的先行词同该先行词后面的定语从句融合成一个主谓结构的句子(即将定从句译成汉语句中的谓语或并列谓语),要么将英语原文中的从句同主句融合成一个紧缩句,要么整合原文句子的信息并按照汉语句子的行文方式先说明具体情况,再进行总说的等各种翻译方法。 本方法可使汉语句子结构简练、紧凑,表达通顺、地道。,例析1,The US

25、stock markets(股票市场) were attacked from the worst one-day crash in modern history on October 19th, 1987, the day which has come to be know as Black Monday. 美国的个股票市场于1987年10月19日遭遇到现代历史上最严重的“一日暴跌”,这天现已成为尽人皆知的“黑色星期一”。,例析2,The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are t

26、o be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to (陷入) a state of wretchedness(悲惨) from which no human efforts will deliver(释放) them. 美国人到底是会变成自由人还是奴隶,到底是否会拥有他们能称之为自己的财产,

27、他们的房屋和农庄是否会遭到掠夺和毁坏 以及他们自己是否会陷入任何人力无法拯救的悲惨境地现在,也许必须觉得这一切的时刻就在眼前。,例析3,The documentary credit(跟单信用证) offers a unique and universally(广泛地) used method of achieving a commercially acceptable compromise(让步) by providing for payment to be made against(凭借) documents that represent the goods and makes possib

28、le the transfer of rights to those goods. 跟单信用证提供了一周独特而广为采用的方法,即凭借代表货物的单据来支付款项,这就使得这些货物的权利转移成为可能,它也实现了从商业角度看可以接受的折中方案的实施。,例析4,At the first glance this looks like a way to make the balance of trade(贸易差额) worse, but in the long run the repatriated(返还回国的) revenues that flow back from services performed

29、 abroad, like those from American-owned factories overseas, will join the column(列/项) of export earnings(出口收益). 乍看上去,这种方式似乎会使贸易差额变大,但从长远的观点来看,从向国外所提供的服务中返还给国内的收益,就像从美国在海外开设的工厂中所获得的收益一样,会被列入出口收益这一项之中。,不同译文鉴赏:P122-123,industrialization 工业化 rein 控制 resume 恢复 money supply 货币供应 customs duty 关税 heedless 不

30、顾 tame 驯服 with respect to 至于,在方面 impose 征收 formality 手续 importation 进口 exportation 出口 privilege 特权 immunity 豁免 accord 给予 international transfer of payment 国际支付转账 Which one is better?,Exercise: 将下列英语词汇译成汉语,negotiating bank proceeds contracting parties customs duties international transfer of payment

31、immunity average loss deflationary pressure non-performing loans advance payment debt-restructuring debtor nation monetary policy curtail documentary credit balance of trade revenue export earning chartering agent carrying vessel loading capacity lay days irrevocable L/C world banking system trade s

32、urplus monetary stringency,承兑/议付银行 收益、进款 缔约方 关税 国际支付转账 豁免 海损、共同海损损失 通缩压力 不良贷款/ bad loans 预付款 债务调整 债务国 货币政策 削减 跟单信用证 贸易差额 收入、收益 出口收入 租船代理人 装货船只 载荷能力 装卸货日数 不可撤销信用证 世界银行体系 贸易顺差 银根收缩、金融紧迫,Preparation for exercise,irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证 in favor of 以为受益人 draw 提款 amicable 友好的 settlement 和解 dispute 争议 sub

33、mit 提交 arbitration 仲裁 defendant 被告人 facilitate 促进、促成 proposition 提案 article 商品 trade by barter 以物物交换的方式 monetary stringency 银根收缩 on behalf of 代表,Exercise:,Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the seller by

34、 opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of USD 30 000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export point so that the Seller may draw the sum in due time. 买方须于本合同签字并生效后30天内通过出口地银行开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部计3万美元,以便卖方及时提取款项。,Exercise:,In case no amicable settlement can be reached between the two

35、parties, the case in dispute shall be submitted to arbitration which shall be held in the country where the defendant resides. 如果双方无法通过友好途径解决争议,争议案须提交至法律仲裁,仲裁须在被告人所在国进行。 In order to facilitate business in consideration of the present monetary stringency, the corporation, on behalf of which I am stud

36、ying this proposition, is willing to base transaction on trade by barter and would import any articles, which you would ship to the United States. 考虑到眼下银根吃紧,为促成这笔交易,本公司(本人代表本公司正在研究该提案)愿意以物物交换的方式进行交易,将进口贵方会运往美国的任何商品。,Finish the remained exercises,Backdrops: - These are full sized backdrops, just scale them up! - Can be Copy-Pasted out of Templates for use anywhere!,,更多自考课件可登陆 http:/ 自考试题中心网址 http:/


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