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1、研究方法與論文寫作,授課老師: 游政谷 文化大學大氣科學系,授課內容,1.研究基本概念與論文寫作注意事項(2週) 2.學術論文結構與其內容(23週) 畢業學位論文 期刊論文 3.英文期刊常用字詞及用法(5週) 4.英文論文寫作練習(34週),要學好英文需要一些工具書:,1.英漢字典 2.漢英字典 3.萬用字典 4.同義字典 5.反義字典 6.字詞用法相關書籍(較英漢字典的例句多) 7.Paper review,參考資料: 1. The Craft of Research, 2nd. W. C. Booth, G. G. Colomb, and J. M. Williams, 1995. 2.

2、AMS Authors Guide (4th)- 美國氣象學會網站可download 何謂SCI:Science Citation Index 在台灣地球科學相關期刊中,TAO(地球科學期刊)已被納入SCI 成績計算方式: 課堂參與與討論: 50% 期末考試: 50%,甚麼是研究? (分享時間),什麼是研究? (1)發現“問題“(科學問題) (from data,phenomena) 由文獻資料(paper)可知科學問題現階段的了解狀況 (2)研究方法: a.觀測分析 b.數值模擬 c.理論研究(少數) (3)成果or新發現:對研究的問題作進一步的探討 (4)Writing (i.e., co

3、mmunication with others),寫一篇好的論文應該注意哪些事項: (according to guidelines for MWR reviews) 1.Is the study an original contribution in its field? (1)思想的原創性:(研究) ex:縱然分析資料相同,但研究的主題不同或結果不同 (2)分析的資料:,2.Dose the author make errors in inference, interpretation, or mathematical analysis? 是否引用不適當(inappropriate),引用

4、的paper須有代表性. 其觀念須相符合.須正確詮釋其研究結果. 碩士論文一定要正確、適當的“描述“ (描述為一般的說明,而詮釋則含有主觀的意思), 在學術界:名利 ex:居禮夫人 文章投稿的審稿問題: Q:審稿者如何找? A: Chief Editor(12位) Associate Editor(25位) Editor(數10位) “ Science“ Journal,3.Does the material lend itself to application in its field? 要讓讀者知道文章的價值為何?說明文章的應用性(在前言提及),4.Is the authors prese

5、ntation clear, concise (brief and compact), and well-organized? 將文章講清楚、簡明的呈現出來,避免含混, 建議:寫論文前先組織其內容架構,通常論文圖表順 序確定後,內容順序大概即可呈現 ex:第一章 研究動機第七章 結論與未來 工作 presentation 口頭 書面:包含文(text)和圖(figure) illustration與presentation意思不同、前言著 重在圖 ex: Figure 3 illustrates (figure 放句首須大寫,若放句中可縮寫 Fig.3) ex: The surface ana

6、lysis, as shown in Fig.3, indicates,5.Is the abstract informative, giving the essence of the research in clear terms? 摘要應包含主要的研究成果或研究方法 摘要是決定他人是否要讀此篇文章的關鍵 看文章先看摘要和結論,其次再看前言、 Title 很重要 英文的Title是以名詞來取,不允許有動詞存在,但有例外: Is Buoyancy relative Quantity?,6.Dose the paper follow the AMS policy on the use of SI

7、 units (International System of Units) as stated in the 1992 Authors Guide? 標準單位寫法: 例:m/s 寫成 m s-1 , 而ms-1不標準 e 中文寫“相當位溫“ 英文寫“Equivalent Potential Temperature“ J 焦耳 W 作功的單位:瓦,Components of a scientific article (科學性文章的內容組織),1 Abstract(摘要乃全文重點之處) 需包含主要的結論,還有使用的方法 摘要盡量簡短扼要.AMS要求摘要長度不得超過250個字 不得有數學的表示式

8、不得在摘要裡引用他人論文(no citation),且不能有註腳 ex:負渦度1平流顯示 1.2. (註腳),不能出現第一人稱(如 I myour) ex:1.our observations showed vertical flux (改成Radar, Mesoscale) of energy is very important. 2.We think that 中文改成根據觀測. 改成 It is suggested that(認為此事7080%) It is proposed that (認為此事7080%) It is believed that(認為此事百分之百一定是) It is

9、possible that(有可能) It is unlikely that(不可能) It is impossible that(一定不可能),ex3: “I (or We) measured the rainfall rates using” 可改成 “the rainfall rates were measured using”,2 Text(本文主體)有以下準則: 須分為幾個章節(sections) Text Section1 1.Introduction heading(標頭): Section2 賦予標頭實際的意義 Section3,Section與subsection應根據下面的

10、樣式 英文部分: 1. Primary heading 加粗.正體 a. Secondary heading 斜體 1) Tertiary heading 正體 () Quaternary heading 用羅馬的.斜體(少見) 中文部分: 一.標題 (一)副標題 1.副副標題 (1)副副副標題 2. (二) 二.,3 Acknowledgments (誌謝) 由誌謝可知該研究與哪些人有關, 亦可提高文章的可讀性與價值 ex:感謝who提供資料或誰幫助過我 期刊論文不須感謝指導老師(因為指導老師通常是作者之一),但學位論文須感謝指導老師 盡可能簡短提及主要且需感謝的人 對研究有直接幫助(寫作或

11、研究) 致謝金主和在哪個單位或研究室進行研究,4 Appendixes(附錄) 此內容不是主要的研究主題 如繁複的數學分析若對讀者有幫助,可放於附錄 若超過1個附錄,則須分為“附錄(一) “附錄(二) “ 或“appendixA“appendixB“(通常很少超過 2個附錄) PS. 期刊論文無目錄,學位論文有目錄,5 References(參考文獻)-有一定的寫法,準則如下: 編排依姓別 (last name)字母先後順序來排,不可給 定編號(如1. paper的寫法順序:Author(s), publication year: Article title. Journal

12、name, Volume, page range. ex: Carbone(姓-last name), R(名-用第一個字母代 表)., 1982: A severe frontal rainband. part: Stormwide hydrodynamic structure. J. Atmos. Sci.(斜體.簡寫), 39(冊.粗體), 258-279.,外國姓名寫法:名 姓 ex: 姓(last name,or family name): Yuter first name : Sandy middle name: E.(通常是一個字母) 若為第一作者,寫法: Yuter, S. E

13、., 若為第二作者,寫法: S. E. Yuter, 若為兩個作者,寫法: Carbone , R., and S. E. Yuter, (第三作者寫法同第二作者寫法),期刊全名與簡寫: ex: 全名: Journal of Atmosphere Sciences 簡寫: J. Atmos. Sci. 全名: Monthly Weather Review 簡寫: Mon. Wea. Rev. 若為台灣人的姓名寫法: ex: Cheng-Ku Yu Yu, C.-K., ChengKu Yu Yu, C., 二個作者: Yu , C.- K., and C.- Y. Hsu, 書在參考文獻的寫法

14、與paper不同,寫法如下: Author(s), publication year: Book Title. Publisher, total pages,斜體,6 Figure Captions(圖說) 每張圖須有圖說,讓讀者不須讀本文內容即可了解圖的意思 圖的編排順序依本文內容提及先後來排 編圖技巧:先把圖挑出來分別給圖名字,之後等paper寫完後再給圖編號 ex: Fig. Surface Fig. precipitation 碩士論文的圖和本文可分開,不硬性規定要放一起,但博士論文須在一起;而paper初稿其圖文多分開,定稿後才耗時處理圖與文的編排,7 Tables(表) 每一張表須

15、照號碼編排,並給予表說 表說置於表的上方;圖說置於圖的下方 8 Footnotes(註解) 註解須置於該頁頁尾 註解須順序編號 減低註解的使用量,在可能的範圍內, 盡量將註解內容安插於本文內,n(名詞),1. 特性.特徵 ex: observed characteristics / aspects 觀測特徵 observational aspects modeling aspects characteristics(內在特徵特性) 內在動力方面 feature(外在特徵) 外在外觀 environmental characteristics 環境特徵 (不可用environmental fea

16、ture),2. 周圍,區域,位置 ex: dust storms in the vicinity of mountains Environmental condition is unstable along the front and its vicinity 沿著鋒面及其附近的環境條件不穩定 region area 強調地理位置,地方副詞,所有格. 形容鋒面的附近,western region,eastern region, district區 frontal position(鋒面位置),市,區,南北為 Ave. (Avenue),street,3.目的 ex: The scientif

17、ic objective(s) of this study is(are) to purpose 較口語話,目的較小 goal 理想,目標更大更遠 One of the major objectives of this study is to. This study is aimed at = This study aims at = It is aimed that,4. 平衡 ex: The mass and wind fields are in balance. I am not in a position to tell you the final result. The mass f

18、ield balance(s) the wind field. Thermodynamic Equilibrium,be,介系詞,名詞,*介系詞+名詞=形容詞,employment,5. 擾動,變化 ex: perturbation: (mean) + (perturbation) fluctuation Thermal bubbles can exist in a variety of form. 熱胞存在很多種形式 Vt與Vi的差別: Vt + O Vi,(check看看需要加a嗎?),6. 方向 ex: 這鋒面是東西走向:The front is oriented (approximat

19、ely) east-west. =Orientation of this front is roughly east-west. 這鋒面往東在移動: This front moved eastward =This front moved toward east. =This front had an eastward movement.,7. 檢視 ex: Future detailed investigation is required to (further) improve our understanding on this scientific topic. 8. 論點 9. 部分 s

20、egment:強調物理現象 較短的區段,10. 長命 11. 污穢 地面回波 ground clutter= contamination 12. 星號 補充: solid line dashed line long dashed line dotted line dashed-dotted line thick solid line thin solid line light shading dark shading,13. 繼起,隨後發生的事 subsequence (n.) consequencesequence subsequently (adv.) ex: ; subsequently

21、, ex: As a result, = As a consequence, ex: 有四張地圖,要說明時間序列可用下句 A sequence of surface analysis indicates,兩者不同,時間在前,時間在後,14. 儀器 instrument ex: 觀測儀器 observational instrument 設備 equipment 15. 一致 16. 障礙物 大氣中常指的障礙物barrier乃指山(mountain barrier) ex: barrier jet ex: mountainparallel wind maximum,即 barrier jet b

22、arrier 二維 obstacle 三維,17. 現象 單數 phenomenon 複數 phenomena ex: Barrier jet is an important phenomenon in Taiwan. Many weather phenomena in Taiwan are related to orographic effects.,18. decent 下降 updraft (上升) w:較大.尺度較小 ascent (上升) w:較小.尺度較大 downdraft (下降) decent (下降) 通常形容氣流慢慢上升或慢慢下降用 ascentdecent 通常做中小尺

23、度常用updraft, 大尺度多用ascent ascend (Vt.),19. 對流層 lower troposphere ( 高度 78km) low-to-middle troposphere (25km) mid-to-high troposphere (= 5km) 近地面 low levels (at low levels) 最低層 the lowest level near surface 20. scenario 描述整個事件的情況,一個事件的過程,Vt.(動詞),1. 預測 realize 與 visualize 之差異 2. 變寬 broaden = become wide

24、r ex: The frontal zone broadened in the next three hours. = The frontal zone became wider in the next three hours. ex: The frontal zone (which is) characterized by pronounced temperature gradient,3. 闡明 ex: We will elucidate this point (more detailedly) in section 4. interpret 詮釋(v.) interpretation (

25、n.) ex: Increase in temperature is interpreted as a result of warm advection. 溫度的增加可以詮釋為暖平流的結果,4. 強調 ex: We will emphasize this later. ex: We will emphasize the role of cloud physics in the formation/generation of this phenomenon. 我們將要強調雲物理的角色在這現象的產生 5. 執行 ex: execute a flight mission,不可用on,6. 認為 ex

26、: Coastal Range can be (reasonably) considered/regarded as a two-dimensional barrier. ex: In this study, Coastal Rang is assumed to be a two-dimensional barrier. 7. 推測 speculation (n.) ex: Too many speculation are found in your paper.(文章太多推測不好) = Your paper is filled with speculations. conjecture 和

27、speculate須以人為主詞,8. 允許 ex: Measurements from disdrometer allow us to study the (characteristic of) drop-size distributions. ex: Dual-Doppler synthesis permits a detailed examination of three dimensional wind fields. = Measurements from disdrometer permit the investigation of drop-size distribution. p

28、ermission (n.) 權限,允許 ex: You cannot enter my room without my permission.,* allow + o. + to,9. 顯示 句型: indicate that ex: Analysis from Fig.8 indicates that warm advection is very important in triggering convection. = Analysis from Fig.8 indicates/shows/reveals the importance/significance of warm advec

29、tion on triggering convection.,名詞子句,10. 促進 improve our understanding = explore our knowledge ex: The main objective of this study is to improve our understanding of dust storm. 11. 幫助 ex: This research is proceeded with the aid of a numerical model. paper 中通常以 helpful (adj.) 出現 ex: A convective unst

30、able environment is helpful/favorable for the development of deep convection.,= can help,12. 展示圖示 displayillustrate 圖示 illustrate 亦可用在意念的展示 demonstrate 通常用於意念的展示證明 ex: This study has demonstrated that 但不可用 This study has displayed that,13. 建議提出記載報告 suggest 的主詞可為人或物,但propose主詞須為人 propose有建議提出的意思 ex:

31、Cheng-Ku presents on interesting concept. statenotereport表較不重視的表明 ex: Tun-cheng notes/states this information in his book. present (adj.) 存在的 ex: The code advection was present in the lowest 1 km.,14. 詳述 detailedly (adv.) in detail = detailedly 15. 代表 ex: Light (dark) shading represents the regions

32、of upward (downward) motions. 16. 描述 ex: Fig.10 is described/depicted to explain the role of static stability.,17. 檢視 investigate study ex: This study will document the structure and evolution of a squall line occurring in Taiwan. 數值模式的論文用investigate 觀測模式的論文用document documentation (n.) 18.獲得 ex: Dua

33、l-Doppler synthesis can allow us to obtain three dimensional wind information.,19. 建立 觀念上的建立用establish ; build 和construct 用 於實體的建立 ex: The concept of air parcel had been established before 1960. 20. 推導反求 ex: The moisture information used in this study is retrieved from satellite data. drivededuceinf

34、er 後接介系詞from thermodynamical retrieval (熱力反演法),21. 減小 ex: The error is reduced/mitigated by using detailed observations. to mitigate the problem.(只能減輕不能移除掉),( remove ),22. 限制 ex: The layer of instability was confined to the lowest 2 km. restrictlimit常用於思想上的侷限 ex: Our understanding on this scientific

35、 topic is very limited because of the lack of observation. ex: The layer of instability was present between 850 mb and 700 mb. ex: The instability was confined to a shallow layer between 700 mb and 750 mb.,通常用於空間上的侷限,23. 產生 cause (vt. n.) ex: The cause of formation is still questional. ex: Warm adve

36、ction is possibly to generate/produce/create large-scale vertical motions. originatefrom/in(來源) ex: Strong winds and low mountains can yield a large Froude Number (Fr). = Strong winds and low mountains can yield a Fr of 3.,24. 評估 ex: (主動)This study will evaluate relative importance terms in thermody

37、namic equation. = This study will evaluate relative magnitudes of terms in thermodynamic equation. = (被動)Relative importance of terms in thermodynamic equation will be evaluated in this study.(在前言用will be),若此句用在結論須將will be改成has bee,25. 需要需求 26. 經營 27. 改變 ex: The convective heating alters the distrib

38、ution of winds. = The distribution of winds has been/was/is altered by the convective heating. = The distribution of winds is altered due to convective heating.,因為由於,28. 加強 訊號加強放大或過程加強可用amplify ex: Precipitation was enhanced over mountain slopes due to upslope forcing.(降水在斜坡被 加強由於上坡風影響) 某東西隨時間加強用int

39、ensify, 但不能用 enhance 29. 尋求 ex: To seek a possible cause, Eq8 is calculated.,30. 消散 31.減弱 weaken intensify ex: The intensity of the polar low was weakening. 減弱並非是消散,而減弱到某種程度才是消散 32. 拉長 ex: The elongated pressure trough lay 200km south of Taiwan.,反,過去分詞當adj.用,形容,同about,33. 維持 maintain ex: Stratiform

40、precipitation persisted 3 hr after frontal passage. 34. 具有存在 ex: The cold front exhibits strong temperature gradient.,35. 消去 appear disappear 在數學上可用disappear表消去 片語: It appears that.(有此事;對你而言是了 解的) = It seems that(似乎是) It seems to me that (對我而言似乎是) Its hard to tell.(這很難說) =Hard to tell. =Case by case

41、,反,36. 忽略 37. 發展 由小到大: grow development (n.),This issue is beyond the scope of the book. 這議題超出本書的範圍 You deserve it.你應得的 The possibility of formation = the formative possibility the possibility of development the possibility of creating positive PV I appreciate very much = I highly appreciate 我非常感激,s

42、trong winds 強風 = high winds = intense winds = severe winds,adj.(形容詞),1. 主要的 以majormainprimary最常用 2. 明顯的顯著的 ex: One of the most striking topographic effects is the upstream blocking. insignificant significant,反,3. 後來其後的 ex: ; subsequently subsequent development之後的發展 ex: Owing to the lack/absence of d

43、ata at later time, subsequent development of the front is unclear. 4. 合理的 5. 基本的,之前發生的,之後發生的,6. 個別的 respectively (adv.) ex: A and B is equal to C and D, respectively. 7. 決定性的 crucial = key ex: key issue 8. 全部的 單一的: sole sole all,反,9. 藏入的 ex: Embedded Convection within the MCS. 10. 經驗的 ex: empirical

44、equation 經驗方程式 但不可用experienced equation 11. 逼真的真實的 12. 類似的 句型: be + similar + to be + analogous +to,13. 特別的 14. 鄰近的 ex: My house is located adjacent to a mountain. 15. 現在的工作,目前的工作: current job current vita 履歷表 16. 前述的 17. 過去的研究: previous studies 18. 魅力的 intriguing 意同於 attractive 有吸引力的,19. 粗糙的 rough

45、強調實體 ex: Sea is rough. 20. 額外的 ex: A considerable additional work will be required to solve this problem. 21. 相同的 句型: be identical to be same as ,22. 實質上的 23. 兩個擇一的 24. 足夠的 adv. adequately、sufficiently 25. 不明確的、含混的 ambiguous clear 折錯風速 ambiguous velocity ambiguous idea,反,26. 包圍的 ambient = environmen

46、tal 27. 結構特徵 structural characteristics 28. 完全的、徹底的 complete incomplete 完整描述 complete description ex: When I complete this work, I will complete (v.) = finish 完成,反,29. 準確的 30. 關聯的 31. 原始方程組: primitive equations 32. 同時的 ex: A and B occurred at the same time. = A and B occurred simultaneously. 33. 暫時的

47、 tentative 暫時的行程 34. 永久的 35. 連續的,36. 有幫助的 37. 親密的 ex: a close relationship between A and B. = an intimate relationship between A and B. 38. 大略的 ex: a gross feature of the typhoon a detailed feature ,反,翻譯, About a half of century before 1990s, the studies of typhoons focus primary on axissymmetric dynamics. The current understanding of typhoon dynamic is base on a areat article by Ooyama In 1968. Under the consideration/scope of “axisymmetric dynamics “, he proposed six crucial scientific questions. These scientific questions and concepts still remain valuable currently and many of


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