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1、阅读理解答题技巧,微博高中学习资料库,1.阅读理解题的题型: 故事性文章 应用文 科普文章,解题步骤四步: 1、扫描题干,划出关键词,2、通读全文,抓住中心 1)通读全文 a首段原则:文章的第一段逐字读明白,可以反复和回读 b首末句原则:其余各段的段首、段尾句要细读,其他各句保持正常阅读 2)抓住中心 a whats the main idea of the passage?,3、仔细审题,返回原文(定位) 关键词定位原则:由题干出发,寻找题干中的关键词,首选是大写字母、数字等,其次是表示时间、地点、人物的词 .During the Second World War, it was diffi

2、cult to travel by plane, because the seats were needed for important government officials and any officers. .Mr. Brown worked for the government during the war and he was doing very secret work. Nobody was allowed to know how important he was except very few people. One day he had to fly to London t

3、o give a talk to a few top people there, but an important army officer came to the airport at the last minute. Mr. Browns seat was given to him, so he was not able to fly to the city to give his talk. It was not until he reached the city that the important officer discovered that the man whose seat

4、he had taken was the one whose talk he had flown to hear. 49. Mr. Brown was _. A. an army officer B. a secret worker C. a government official D. a public speaker,推断题,1.解推断题应注意: (1)不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点; (2)推理的根据来自于上下文。,推断题的常见形式:,(1) It can be inferred from the text that _. (2) From the text we know that _

5、. (3) The story implies that _. (4) The paragraph following the passage will most probably be _. (5) The writers attitude towardis _.,解推断题最主要的方法:根据词义关系推断具体细节。,Some people are never right. They never have good luck. They usually do the wrong thing and say the wrong thing. And even if what they say or

6、 do is OK, they as a rule say it or do it at the wrong time. So these people always have problems. They often break dishes. They sometimes miss buses and airplanes. Mr Neff is different. He is always right. He is never wrong. He usually has good luck. He seldom has problems. He never breaks dishes.

7、He never misses buses or airplanes. Even if he does miss them, it is always the fault of the buses or air planes. Mr Neff knows al-most everything. He doesnt ask questions;he answers q uestions. He never says,“I dont know.” Q: Which of the following best describes the writers attitude towards Mr Nef

8、f? A. He finds Mr Neff hard to understand B. He thinks Mr Neff wonderful C. He feels pity for Mr Neff D. He does not like Mr Neff 解析:本文中使用never,还写到Even if he does miss them, it is always the fault of the buses or the airplanes.故暗示他对Mr Neff的讨厌之情。答案为D。,事实题,在解答这类问题时要求学生抓住题干文字信息,采用针对性方法进行阅读,因为这类题的答案在文章中

9、可以直接找到。,A giant dam was built many years ago to control the Colorado River in the U.S. This dam was built to protect the land and houses around the river. This huge dam is in the Black Canyon. It is possible to drive a car from one sid e of the river to the other on a road, which is on the top of th

10、e dam. This dam is so big that there is an elevator inside. The elevator goes down forty-four stories from the road to the bottom. There is enough concrete in this dam to build a highway from New York to San Francisco. Thousands of people worked on this d am for five years. This huge dam was called

11、Boulder Dam when it was finished in 1936. Later it was renamed Hoover Dam in honor of a president of the United States. Hoover Dam, one of the highest dams in the world, is situated between the states of Arizona and Nevada. Q: Hoover Dam lies _. A. between Arizona and Nevada B. in the Black Canyon C

12、. between New York and San Francisco D. both A and B,完形填空答题技巧,解题思路与技巧,1)先通读全文,理解大意 2)按先后顺序,对文章进行综合判断,找出与备选答案有关的信息或关键词。 3)如果实在没有把握,也不要空着不填。 4)检查验证。,When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai.One day he 36 a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street.It caught the 37 of an American, w

13、ho asked, “How much does it cost?” He said, “500 dollars.” The foreigner thought it was too 38 and asked again,“Can you make it cheaper?”He answered,“No,” Then he tore(撕)it to pieces. In great 39 , the foreigner said, “Young man, are you angry?” “No, sir.Im not angry.I sold it 40 500 dollars because

14、 I thought it was worth the 41 . But you wanted a lower price. It means 42 didnt think so and it is not good enough. Ill go on working 43 until my customers(顾客) are satisfied.” At that time, 44 Liu Kaiquwas not famous at all, he never 45 his dream. Now he is well known all over the world as a great

15、artist.,( )36. A.stoleB.pickedC.drewD.saw ( )37.A.attentionB.instructionC.decisionD.discussion ( )38. A.terribleB.bigC.oldD.dear ( )39. A.fearB.difficultyC.surpriseD. Excitement ( )40. A.overB.forC.aboutD.among ( )41. A.sizeB.priceC.weightD.position ( )42. A.weB.heC.youD.it ( )43. A.faster and faste

16、r B.better andbetter C.slower and slower. D.harder and harder ( )44. A.thoughB.becauseC.whetherD.until ( )45. A.broke offB.cut upC.gave upD.sent off,英语作文写作技巧:四步流程,第一步,正确审题,2000年的中考作文:Write a letter in reply with at least 50 words according to the given situation(根据所给情景,写一封回信)Situation:Aihuas aunt is

17、 now in Australia. She went there ten years ago. In her letter she wants very much to know what Shanghai is like.,2.连贯与完整表达,一篇文章表达是否连贯完整将直接影响评分结果。因此,根据题目要求,按其内在联系安排句子的先后顺序,力求表达一个完整意思后再转向另一内容,避免句子意思跳跃或是不完整。句子间添加适当关联词使文章连贯与顺达。,3.写好主题句,英语文章中主题句(Topic sentence)很重要。在着手开写之前先设计好段落的主题句,然后围绕着主题句展开23句的阐述,完成一个

18、完整意思的表达。,4.用好“已知条件”(suggested outline,clues,etc.),近年来中考作文题在开放性的前提下,给予一定的提示及规定,要求学生在一定的范围内进行写作,避免开无轨电车。实际上,学生如能仔细研读“已知条件”,按其写作,可以大大避免偏题、漏点现象的出现。,例如,2002年的中考题: 以“My Favourite Things”为题写一段话,内容必须包括英文提示中的3项要求,不少于60个词。Makesureyou:1.introduce what the thing(s) is (are)2. say when and / or where,and how you got it (them) 3. explain why you like it(them) and why it is(theyare) special to you.,


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