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1、Vowels,/ /,at sat hand lamp rash manly A black cat Jack and black Catch the rat Clap hands,/e/ e: beg egg set bed went ea: head bread breath dead a: any many thames/temz/ else: says said friend bury ate red pens set expressions a letter to a friend get ready best men,/ /,u: Up sun cut dull O: son co

2、me on one done month color monkey mother nothing Monday London ou: Country enough southern oo: Blood flood oe: does A lovely couple a cup and some nuts Another cup of honey a wonderful sunset Just once,/a:/,ar: car star march dark garden al: calm half (l is silent) A fast car A marvelous guitar A st

3、arved artist He laughs best who laughs last. Barbara and Charles are dancing in a large garden. A bargain is a bargain.,Sound distinguishment,Listening practices,/i/,i it sit fifth with rich Y city rhythm symbol E pretty wicket except expression A village language A big fish a ship on the river Litt

4、le lily,/i:/,e be these evening complete ee see tree wheel cheese ea sea leaf reason east ie piece field belief ei,ey seize receive key i machine magazine routine suite A key and a bee Heat the beef Peoples police Eat the meat, but dont eat the beef, please Please keep these streets clean.,Sentence

5、practices,Eat the meat, but dont eat the beef, please. Please give him this ticket. Do you see the green leaves in the tree? Three geese are eating green leaves in the wheat fields. He will bring his sister with him to the party. Isnt is a pity that you live in a big city like this!,Sound distinguis

6、hment,Listening practices,/u/,u put full sugar bull Muslim o wolf woman bosom oo good foot book cook took ou could should would A good-looking woman He stood on one foot, looked and looked. Mr. wood looks like a good cook.,/u:/,o do who move lose oo taboo soon moon spoon ou group you through u june

7、rude ew,ue,ui,oe chew blue juice Who said the soup was too cool? Please choose either boots or shoes. It was true that Mr. Luke killed the wolf and saved the woman from the cruel beast.,/ /,o on dog sorry holiday long a was want quality ou,ow knowledge au because Australia a box of socks Watch the s

8、wan Respond to the song Cost a lot John is strong. Oliver is not. Lots and lots of clocks and watches have gone wrong.,/:/,al talk all or horse born sword aw saw law yawn ou,au ought daughter fault cause Short stories Not at all Good morning. You ought to do what the doctor ordered. Bob quarreled wi

9、th his boss and lost his job.,/ /,Possible horrible gentlemen cupboard Woman about breakfast famous Suppose column figure nature Oblige meter father better manner Particular forward over our The leader, the teacher and the worker Sooner or later Around the corner Over and over again,/: /,Heard serve

10、 earth Bird first girl Turn nurse suburb Word world worse work Journey courtesy journalist Thirty shirts and skirts A bird and a worm A world-famous expert Prefer the red color(/ /),The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。(笨鸟先飞) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 Ernie yearne

11、d to learn to turn urns. 俄尼渴望学会转咖啡壶。 If I assist a sister-assistant, will the sisters sister-assistant assist me? 如果我帮助一个女助手,那个妹妹的女助手会帮助我吗?,/ai/,i,y I time climb bite cry Igh, eigh high height might Ie,ye die tried bye Ei,ai either aisle (s is silent) Buy eye A rise in the price my short-sighted eye

12、s five nice kites Friday night,Great minds think alike. Five times five is twenty five. Dinah dain decides to arrive on time. Fly, fly, fly your kite high in the sky. My eyes are tired because I tried to read in the poor light.,/ei/,a face lady waste ache cradle Cambridge change ai, ay rain aim wais

13、t may pay Ei,ey eight veil weight survey Ea great break steak April 8th the latest newspaper make a mistake A great change a railway station The rain in Spain is mainly on the plain.,Rain, rain, go away! Tom and Mary want to play! rain, rain, go away! come again another day! Aiken Bacon was baking b

14、acon The bacon he was baking was bought in Macon. So he was making baked Macon bacon.,/i /,Oi oil voice boil point noise Oy boy employ oyster A toy and a coin The noise of the boys Ill leave the choice of the toy to my boy. Please avoid pouring oil on the soil. He has a noisy voice and spoils our en

15、joyment.,Dont spoil the boy by giving him too many toys. Their hands were oily and soiled by their toil. The boy was overjoyed with his noisy toys.,/i /,Ear dear fear tear Fierce weird Idea million museum theory Easier and easier A dear young pioneer Here and there Near the heros ear,/ /,Care carefu

16、l rare Mary share various parent Air fair chair chairman Bear pear wear Questionnaire millionaire Mayor A bear with a pear A mayor in the armchair Upstairs and downstairs Please help me to repair the chair.,/u/ or /ju/,Poor Cure sure endure pure purity During curious security Tour gourd I am sure he

17、 is very cruel. Fewer tourists visit the rural areas. The poor man found a curious jewel.,/u /,O so old home both folk Comb noble Oa road soap oak Oe toe foe Ou,ow soul though shoulder blow A narrow boat hold the bowl My fellows, will you go?,Joan is combing her golden hair. Joe has a noble, roman n

18、ose. Joan and Joe go for a stroll. Joe shows Joan his roses. Joe and joan rowed the boat alone the coast.,/au /,Out brow house sound cow town allow fountain Pronounce thousand mouse nouns By leaps and bounds flowers our No doubt he heard the loud shouts of the crowd. April showers bring forth May flowers.,Mr. Brown, Mr. Brown are you going to the town? could you stop and take me down. thank you kindly Mr. Brown.,consonants,/p / /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ /l/ /h/ /w/ /j/ /r/,/ / / / /t / /d / /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/ / / / /m/ /n/ / /,


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