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1、English Teaching Plan for the last 100 days 冲刺阶段英语教学计划,1.早上6:50-7:00: 3500词汇高考前必须至少过两遍,第一遍自己默写(每天两列),第二遍对高频词汇进行测试。 2.课前3分钟,我在默写中:每天上课前3分钟默写模块单词,模块单词必须尽可能过关,模块9-10词汇根据同学们1-8的掌握情况推进,时间不够地自己花下课时间消化 3.24个话题单词,阅读高频词汇,写作材料,做过的题,口语材料,语法材料,模块复习材料通过早读自己有计划地消化 4.上课内容:7-8模块复习完;专题(偏重写作及阅读);语法难点最后攻关;套题训练;查漏补缺 5.

2、学生学习方法:重视词汇、语法基础+多做题,加强训练(每天至少做两篇阅读或一篇完形+语法填空)+自己背作文,总结句型+反思,2013届英语模块复习之book 7 unit 1,Unit 1 Living well,1.语篇提升 2. 基础知识自测(重点单词、短语、句型),Listen, read aloud and fill in the blanks. Marty used to dream about playing professional football and possibly 1. _(represent) his country in the World Cup. 2. _(fo

3、rtune), a muscle disease makes Marty disabled. Even when running a short way, he would get out of breath. But he never feels sorry 3. _ himself and has learned to adapt to his disability. He is happy to have found many things he can do, like writing 4. _ computer programming. 5._ambition is to work

4、for a firm 6. _ develops computer software. As well as/Besides/In addition to/Apart from going to the movies and football matches with his friends, he spends a lot of time with his pets. His disability has helped him become more 7. _ (depend).,representing,Unfortunately,for,and,that/which,His,indepe

5、ndent,He works hard to live 8. _ normal life. He thinks the disabled shouldnt 9. _ (make) fun of or ignored. Instead, by giving them encouragement, they can live as rich and full a life 10. _ everyone else does.,a,be made,as,话题之十三失物求助 三年1考 2010重庆假设你是李华,于2010年6月3日搭乘国外某航空公司航班(flight number BA793)回国后,发

6、现遗失了一个行李箱(suitcase)。现请用英文给该航空公司写一封信,请他们帮你寻找。信件要点包括:1. 陈述写信原因2. 简要描述该行李3. 说明其重要性4. 期待回复并表示感谢。注意:词数100左右。,写出下列必考单词 1.项目,进入,入口n. _ 2.笨拙的adj. _ 3.主题,主要倾向 n ._ 4.文学(作品),著作,文献 n ._ 5.保龄球 n _ 6.方便的,有利的 adj ._ 7.地下室 n ._ 8.尊严,高贵的品质 n ._ 9.收益,利润n. _ 10.同伴,伙伴n ._ 11.辞职vt. _ 12.证书n ._,1.entry 2.clumsy 3.mainst

7、ream 4.literature 5.bowling 6.handy 7.basement 8.dignity 9.profit panion 11.resign 12.certificate,13. _ (adj. ) 足够的;充分的 14. _ (adj. ) 适合的;适宜的 15. _ (vt. ) 使适应;改编 16. _ (n. ) 行为;品行 (vt. ) 指挥;管理;主持,suitable,adapt,conduct,adequate,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.伤残,无力,无能(n.)_ ; 伤残的,无能的(adj.)_ 2.雄心,野心(n.)_ ; 有雄心的,有野心的(a

8、dj.)_ 3.好处,利益(n.)_ ; 有益的,受益的(adj.)_ 4.缺席,不在某处(n.)_ ; 缺席的(adj.)_ ; 心不在焉的(adj.)_ 5.方法,通路,可接近性(n.)_ ; 可接近的,可进入的(adj.)_ 6.心理(学)(n.)_ ; 心理(学)的,精神上的(adj.)_ ,disability,disabled,ambition,ambitious,benefit,beneficial,absence;,absent,absent-minded,access,accessible,psychology,psychological,My husbands talkin

9、g with full food in his mouth _me. Although I am _ with him about his _habit, he cant get rid of it. (annoy) Your suggestion is very _ and I _a lot from it. (benefit),7. _(vt. )使不悦;惹恼 _ (adj. )颇为生气的 _ (adj. )使人烦恼的 8. _(n. )鼓励;奖励 _(v. )鼓励;鼓舞 _(n. )勇气;胆略 9. _(n. )协助;援助 _ (v. )帮助;援助 10. _(vt. )祝贺;庆贺 _

10、(n. )祝贺;贺词,annoy,annoyed,annoying,encouragement,encourage,courage,assistance,assist,congratulate,congratulation,annoys,annoyed,annoying,beneficial,benefited,翻译下列必背短语 1.对有益 _ 2.换句话说 _ 3.适应 _ 4.上气不接下气 _ 5.缺席,不参与 _ 6.因 而生的气 _ 7.总而言之 _ 8.取笑 _ 9.切去,省去,停止 _ 10.闲坐着 _ 11.在许多方面 _ 12.(祝你)一切顺利 _,be beneficial

11、to sb./sth. in other words adapt(oneself)to sth. out of breath be absent from be annoyed with sb.for sth. .all in all make fun of cut out sit around in many ways all the best,13. 和;也 _ 14. 不必担心 _,as well as,never mind,1.Its rude to_ the people just because they are in rags. (laugh at) 2.Im too busy

12、to_ here. (spend time doing nothing useful) 3.You can stay at home and neednt come here any longer._, you are fired. (that is to say) 4.He may have some shortcomings, but_ he is a good student. (in general;in a word) 5.Reciting as many articles as you can will _ your writing. (do good to) 6.He quick

13、ly_ the new school. (adjust to) 7.After running for almost an hour, he was_. (breathing quickly) 8.Why are your parents so_ you?(angry with),15. 遇到;经历;会晤 _ 16. 而不是 _,meet with,rather than,make fun of,sit around,In other words,all in all,benefit/be beneficial to,adapted to,out of breath,annoyed with,

14、IV. 句式扫描 1. Unfortunately, the doctors dont know _ _(怎样使我更好), but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. 疑问词+to do sth. (1)仿写:看到他来了,我真的不知道说什么好了。 (2)Its no use having ideas only. Dont worry. Peter can show you _ to turn an idea into an act. (3)_ to hold the meeting has not yet

15、 been decided. 2. _(每当我在缺课后回来),I felt stupid because I was behind the others.,how to make me better,Every time I returned after an absence,how,When/Where,Seeing him come, I really didnt know what to say.,3. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around _ _(顾影自怜). 4Just accept them for who they

16、are,and give them encouragement to _(像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满).,feeling sorry for myself,live as rich and full a life as you do,every time 引导时间状语从句 仿写:每当我在学习上有问题,我经常去找老师寻取建议。 Every time I have a question in study, I often go to ask for my teachers advice.,现在分词作状语 仿写:他躺在床上,眼睛盯着树上的最后一片叶子。 He lay in bed, starin

17、g at the last leaf on the tree.,“as+形容词+as”的结构是用来比较说明前后两者在某方面相同。,I think the temperature today is _ _ _ it was yesterday. 我觉得今天的气温和昨天一样高。,这种结构有时也可以与名词连用,其中的形容词必须放在冠词之前形成“as +形容词+ a/an+名词+as”的结构。 今天的天气与昨天一样晴朗。 It is as beautiful a day as it was yesterday.,as high as,1. adapt v. 使适应;改编;改写,(1)adapt to.

18、 . . 适应 adapt oneself to. . . 使自己适应或者习惯于 adapt. . . from. . . 根据改写(改编) adapt. . . for. . . 改编/改作之用 (2)adaptation n. 改编本;适应,When he moved to Canada,the children _ _the change very well. 他移居加拿大后,孩子们很快适应了变化。 The play is _ _a novel. 这部戏剧是由小说改编而成的。 When you go to a new country,you must adapt yourself to

19、new manners and customs. 当你到一个新的国家时,你必须使自己适应新的礼仪和风俗习惯。,adapted to,adapted from,This film is an adaptation of Nikolai Gogols short story, “The Diary of a Madman”. 这部电影改编自果戈里的短篇小说狂人日记。,2. absence n. 缺席;不在某处,(1) absence from school/lecture 逃学/缺课 absence of mind 心不在焉,精神恍惚 in the absence of (人)不在,缺席;(物)不

20、存在,缺少 in ones absence 在某人不在时,在某人缺席时,(2)absent adj. 缺席的,不在的 be absent from. . . 未出席,缺 absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的,His repeated absence from school is worrying. 他一再缺课使人担忧。 Love was totally absent from his childhood. 他童年时根本没有得到过疼爱。 They spoke ill of the captain _ _ _ /_ _ _ _ _. 他们在背地里说上尉的坏话。,in his absen

21、ce in the,absence of him,【助记】,3. resign vi. 辞去(工作、职位等),resign from 辞去职务 resign as sth. 辞职,Mr Smith resigned from the union last year. 去年史密斯先生辞去了工会的职务。 He _ _ manager after eight years. 八年后,他辞去了经理的职务。,resigned as,4. congratulate vt. 祝贺;庆贺,(1)congratulate sb. on (doing) sth. 因为(做)某事而向某 人祝贺 (2)congratu

22、lation n. 祝贺;贺词 congratulations to sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事,She was congratulated on what she had achieved. 人们祝贺她所取得的成就。 Late Tuesday, President Obama telephoned Republican Leader Boehner to congratulate him on his win. 星期二晚上,奥巴马总统致电共和党领袖博纳,对他的胜利表示祝贺。 Congratulations on your happy marriage! (英译汉) 祝贺你喜结良缘!

23、,【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空,意思是举行仪式、典礼的“庆祝”,只能用事 (节日、胜利、成功等)作宾语,构成 celebrate sth.,意思是“祝贺、道贺”,只能用人作宾语,若 要表明所祝贺的事情,后面要用on (upon)连 接,构成congratulate sb. on (upon) sth.,We held a banquet to _his birthday and _ him on his promotion as well.,celebrate,congratulate,5. access n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性(常与to连用),(1)have access t

24、o 有机会使用;接近 (2)accessible adj. 可接近的;可进入的;可使用的 be accessible to sb. 可让某人使用;接近,The people living in these apartments have free access to that swimming pool. 住在这些公寓的居民可免费使用那个游泳池。 Students must have access to a good library. 学生们必须有机会使用一所好的图书馆。,6. in other words 换句话说 I dont have money or time. In other wo

25、rds, I cant accompany you to the Great Wall. 我没有钱和时间。换句话说,我不能陪你去长城了。,【拓展】翻译以下短语,in a word _ have a word with sb. _ have words with sb. _ get in a word _ keep ones word _,总而言之,和某人谈谈,和某人吵架,插话,守信用; 履行诺言,7. out of breath上气不接下气 After climbing that long flight of stairs she was completely out of breath. 爬

26、完这么长的一段楼梯后,她已经完全喘不过气来了。,【拓展】out of sight 看不见 out of control 失控 out of date 过期 out of order 出故障 out of work 失业 out of patience 不耐烦,This medicine is_ _ _. 这药已过期了。 The Ford went _ _ _and crashed over the cliff. 这辆福特牌小汽车失去了控制,从悬崖上坠毁。,out of date,out of control,8. Just accept them for who they are, and g

27、ive them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do. 接受他们, 给予他们鼓励, 让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。 “as+形容词+as”的结构是用来比较说明前后两者在某方面相同。 I think the temperature today is _ _ _ it was yesterday. 我觉得今天的气温和昨天一样高。,as high as,【点津】 这种结构有时也可以与名词连用,其中的形容词必须放在冠词之前形成“as +形容词+ a/an+名词+as”的结构。 It is as beautiful a

28、 day as it was yesterday. 今天的天气与昨天一样晴朗。,(1)cut相关短语的辨析 (2)never mind在情景交际中的应用 (3)“疑问词+不定式”结构中疑问词的选择,1. 完成句子 2008全国卷, 35Sorry, I made a mistake again. _(没关系). Practice more and youll succeed. _(没关系)! Perhaps youll have a better chance next time.,Never mind,Never mind,2. 选词填空(cut up/cut in/cut off) Because of the powerful earthquake, telephone lines, electricity and water supplies were _in that area for several days I _the meat for cooking meat ball.,cut off,cut up,


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