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1、2013届英语模块复习之book 7 unit 2,Unit 2 Robots,1.语篇提升 2. 基础知识自测(重点单词、短语、句型),Listen, read aloud and fill in the blanks. A robot used for housework 1. _(test) out in a family. He looked like a tall and handsome man with smooth hair, 2. _(speak) in a deep voice. Larry was going to be away from home so he hire

2、d such a robot 3. _ (accompany) his wife Claire. Claire didnt like the idea at the beginning, but she agreed to it at last. At the first sight of Tony, Claire was 4. _(alarm). When Tony offered to help her dressing, Claire felt embarrassed. Gradually, Tony began to win Claires trust.,was tested,spea

3、king,to accompany,alarmed,He helped Claire realize her dreams 5. _ making her home elegant, giving 6. _ a new haircut, changing the makeup she wore and giving her advice on her dresses. Therefore at the party all the guests 7. _ were invited were filled with admiration 8. _ they saw her house was co

4、mpletely changed. 9. _ the test, the company was satisfied with Tonys report because he had successfully made a woman regain her confidence 10. _ fall in love with him.,by,her,who,when,After,and,.写出下列必考单词 1.小说;虚构或想象出来的事n. _ 2同情;同感;同情心n. _ 3.事务,暧昧关系,私通n. _ 4.软垫,靠垫 n. _ 5.额外津贴,红包 n. _ 6.超重的 adj. _ 7.烹

5、饪(风味),菜肴n. _ 8.数码的 adj ._ 9.上帝的,神圣的adj. _ 10.较年幼的,资历浅的adj. _ 11.章,篇,回 n. _ 12.全体员工,手杖 n. _,fiction sympathy affair .cushion .bonus overweight cuisine digital .holy junior chapter staff,14. _ (vt. ) 忌妒;羡慕 15. _ (adj. ) 一定的;密切相关的 16. _ (n. ) 离婚;断绝关系 (vt. ) 与离婚; 与脱离 17. _ (vt. &vi. ) 服从;顺从,envy,bound,d

6、ivorce,13. _(vt. ) 陪伴; 伴奏,accompany,obey,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.渴望,欲望,想要n.&v_; 渴望的,可取的adj._ 2.警报,惊恐,使警觉vt.& n._; 使人恐慌的adj._; 担心的,害怕的adj._ 3.使尴尬,使不安vt._; 令人尴尬的adj._ ; 尴尬的adj._ 4.极坏的,讨厌的adj._; 极坏地,讨厌地adv._ ,desire,desirable,alarm,alarming,alarmed,embarrass;,embarrassing,embarrassed,awful;,awfully,5.优雅的,高雅的(ad

7、j.)_ ; 优雅地,高雅地(adv.)_; 优雅,高雅(n. _ 6.荒谬的(adj.)_; 荒谬(n.)_ 7.天才,才干(n.)_; 有天赋的,有才能的(adj.)_,elegant,elegantly;,elegance,absurd,absurdity,talent;,talented,8. _ (n. )满意;满足; 令人满意的事物 _ (vt. ) 使满足;使满意 _ & _(adj. )令人满意的 _ (adj. )满意的,satisfaction,satisfy,satisfying,satisfactory,satisfied,10. _ (n. ) 喜爱;恩惠(vt. )

8、喜爱;偏袒 _ (adj. )赞成的;有利的 _ (adj. ) 最喜爱的 11. _ (vt. )宣布;声明; 表明;宣称 _(n. )宣言;公布,favour,favourable,favourite,declare,declaration,9. _(n. )同情(心) _ (adj. )同情的,sympathy,sympathetic,To the _of the boss, his products could _the need of the customers. (satisfy) The _ singer was popular with his fans because of

9、his_. (talent) The old blind man asked me to do him a _ and find his _ book. (favour),satisfaction,satisfy,talented,talent,favour,favourite,.翻译下列必背短语 1.希望/渴望做某事 _ 2.一定做某事 _ 3.考验,试验 _ 4.打电话 _ 5.做使某人尴尬/害羞 _ 6.同情某人 _ 7.陪伴某人去某地 _ 8.转身,转向 _ 9.不管,不理会,让独自呆着 _ 10.一堆/叠,一堆堆 _ 11.严肃对待,认真对待 _ 12.将放在一边,节省或保留 _,d

10、esire to do sth. be bound to do sth. test out ring sb.up embarrass sb.with sth./by doing sth. feel/have sympathy for sb. accompany sb.to a place turn around leave.alone a pile of/piles of take.seriously set aside,17阻止某人做某事 _ 18寻找;搜寻 _ 19. 把和进行比较 _,13一共;总计 _ 14一定做 _ 15认真对待某事 _ 16对感到满意 _,in all,be bou

11、nd to,take sth. seriously,be pleased/satisfied with. . .,prevent sb. (from) doing sth.,search for,compare. . . with/to. . .,1.However,some enjoy _ other people _ private questions. (make others feel ashamed or uncomfortable) 2.I try to _ a few minutes to do some exercise each day.(lay aside,spare) 3

12、.She insisted on _the professor _the airport. (go somewhere with sb.) 4.He _ his friends as soon as he got to America. (give sb.a call) 5.He _knowledge. (be eager for) 6.Youd better _ him _ for a while when he gets angry for something like this again. (not show attention to, not stay with) 7.Ive tol

13、d you I am _ it _.(not joking),embarrassing,with,set aside,accompanying,to,rang up,has a strong desire for,leave,alone,taking,seriously,IV. 句式扫描 1. His name was Tony and he seemed _ _ (不像一台机器,更像人的样子). 2. As she turned around, _ (站在那儿)Gladys Claffern.,more like a human than a machine,there stood,句中th

14、ere stood Gladys Claffern是一个倒装句。,当副词there, here, out, in, up, down, away, back, now, then等放在句首,谓语动词是go, come, run, lie, stand等,且主语是名词时,用完全倒装。其中,谓语动词多用一般现在时或者一般过去时,而不能用进行时态。,公共汽车来了! Here comes the bus! 门开了,观众们涌了进来。 The door opened and in rushed the audience. 现在轮到你了。 _ _ your turn. 【点津】 在以上情况下,当主语是代词时

15、,不用倒装句。 他来了。 There he comes. 【想一想】完全倒装一直是高考考查热点,除了上述情况外,还有哪些情况下要使用完全倒装呢?,Now comes,【拓展延伸】 (1)There be 结构。如: There are many people in front of the hall. There used to be a temple in the forest. 能与there连用的动词还有exist, happen, appear, live, stand, lie等。如: There lived a king who was cruel to his people. (

16、2)当句首为副词out, in, up, down, off, here, there时,且主语为名词。如: In came the doctor. 医生进来了。 (3)当表示地点的介词短语位于句首,且主语为名词时。如: 山顶上耸立着一棵大树。 On top of the hill stands a big tree.,3. But even though Tony had been so clever,he would have to be rebuiltyou cannot _ _ (让女人与机器相爱). 4. Use a clear simple style _ _ (好像你正在给青年学

17、生们写信) in your school.,as if you were writing to younger students,have women falling in love with machines,have sb. doing sth. 允许某人做某事 仿写:我不能允许你那样和你的母亲说话。 I cant have you speaking to your mother like that.,as if就像似的,仿佛 仿写:她看起来好像年轻了十岁。 She looks as if she were ten years younger.,1. desire n. 渴望;欲望;渴求

18、vt. 希望得到; 想要,(1) a desire for sth. 对某物的渴望 a desire to do sth. 做某事的渴望/愿望 a desire that-clause (should+)动词原形 渴望,(2)desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 desire sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 desire that-clause (should+)动词原形 希望,Most people have a strong desire for success. 大多数人都非常渴望成功。 David has won the first prize in the E

19、nglish Competition; he is still very satisfied and proud now and feels the least desire to go to bed. 大卫在英语竞赛中获得了一等奖。他现在仍然感到满足和骄傲,几乎没有睡意。,He expressed a desire that the papers _public. 他表示很希望这些文件能公之于众。 Helen desired me to get there earlier. (句型转换) Helen desired that _ _ _ _.,(should) be made,I (shou

20、ld) get there earlier,2. alarm vt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 n. 警报;惊恐,(1)in alarm 惊恐地 fire alarm 火警;火警警报器 alarm clock 闹钟 sound/give/raise the alarm 发出警报;敲警钟 (2) alarm sb. 使某人惊恐,(3)alarmed adj. 受惊的, 惊恐的 be alarmed at/by. . . 被吓一跳,对感到担心 be/feel/get alarmed to do. . . 做感到惊恐 (4)alarming adj. 引起惊恐的;令人担忧的,“Whats up? ” h

21、e asked in alarm. “出什么事了?”他惊恐地问道。 The little girl _ _ _the snake. 小女孩被蛇吓了一跳。,was alarmed by/at,【助记】 We were alarmed at the alarming alarm as the alarm did alarm us. 我们被那令人惊恐的警报声吓了一跳,因为那警报的确使我们感到惊恐。,3. favour n. 喜爱;恩惠 vt. 喜爱,偏袒,(1) in favour of 赞同,支持 in sb. s favour 对某人有利,得某人欢心 (2) ask a favour of sb

22、. 请某人帮忙 do sb. a favour/ do a favour for sb. 给某人以恩惠;帮某人一个忙 do sb. the favour to do sth. / do sb. a favour by doing sth. 给某人帮忙做某事,Do me a favour and turn the radio down while Im on the phone,will you? 劳驾,当我打电话的时候,把收音机关小好吗? Was he _ _ _the death penalty? 他支持死刑处罚吗?,in favour of,【熟词生义】根据语境选择句中加黑部分的最佳汉语意

23、思 He divided the candy among the children without favour to any one. A. 赞同 B. 恩惠 C. 偏爱 答案:C,4. accompany vt. 陪伴; 伴奏;附有;配有,accompany sb. =keep sb. company 陪伴某人 accompany sb. to some place 陪伴/陪同某人到某地 accompany sb. at/on sth. 用某物为某人伴奏 accompany (sth. )with/by sth. 与同时存在或同时发生,My neighbor came to accompa

24、ny me/keep me company while my parents were out. 我邻居在我父母外出时过来陪我。 She accompanied the singer on the piano. 她用钢琴为那个歌手伴奏。 Strong winds were _ _heavy rain. 狂风夹着暴雨。,accompanied by,【点津】 accompany当“陪同,伴随”讲时,本身就有go的含义,所以,不能再与go连用。,5. affair n. 事务;事情;暧昧关系 Premier Wen Jiabao often deals with many affairs at h

25、ome and abroad every day. 温家宝总理每天要处理许多国内外事务。,【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空,含义最广,可以指公共或政治的事务,也可以指 个人的事务。,指意外事故。,指“小事件”或“政党事件”和“政治事变”。,指“重大影响的事件”或体育比赛的赛事。,指“事情;问题”, 常常需要考虑和处理的事情。,指公事、商业事务、职责或需要处理的事情,往 往强调任务、职务等指派的工作。,He was badly hurt in a traffic_. A strange_ happened in the ceremony. One of the chief _ of 2010 wa

26、s that the 16th Asian Games were held in Guangzhou, China. Whats the _ with the machine? He is away on_. The minister is busy with important _ of state.,accident,incident,events,matter,business,affairs,6. declare v. 宣布;声明;宣称,declare sb. /sth. to be 宣布某人或某事是 declare for/against 声明赞成/反对 declare war (o

27、n/against) (向)宣战 declare+that从句 宣告;宣称,This area has been declared (to be) a national park. 这个地区已被宣布为国家公园。 The government _ _ _ the drug dealers. 政府向毒品贩子宣战。,declared war on,7. envy vt. & n. 忌妒;羡慕,(1)envy sb. sth. 忌妒或羡慕某人某物 (2)become the envy of. . . 成为忌妒(或羡慕)的目标 feel envy at. . . 对忌妒 out of envy 出于忌妒

28、,What a sweet victory to be envied by those women! 被那些妇女忌妒是多么甜蜜的胜利啊! His new house was the envy of all his friends. 他的新房成了所有朋友羡慕的对象。,8. test out 试验;测试;考验 They tested out the new sports car. 他们试验了那辆新跑车。 He wished to _ _ the item before selling it. 他想在卖出此产品前先测试一下。,test out,【拓展】 stand/bear the test 经得起

29、考验 put. . . to the test 使受考验;试验 take a test 接受测验,This round-the-world voyage will really _ his sailing experience _ _ _. 这次环球航行将使他的航海经验真正经受一次考验。,put,to the test,9. turn around 转向;回转 Turn around and let me look at your back. 转过身去让我看看你的背。 Though the situation looks gloomy, it will eventually turn arou

30、nd. 尽管形势看起来不好,但最终会有好转的。,【拓展】补全以下短语 turn _ 背叛;和敌对 turn _ 把打发走 turn _ 求助于;翻到;转到 turn _ 考虑,思索;翻过来 turn _ 把声音开大;出来;来临;露面 turn _ 出动;生产;结果是;证明是,against,away,to,over,up,out,10. As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 她刚一转过身去,就看见格拉迪丝克拉芬站在那儿。 句中there stood Gladys Claffern是一个倒装句。,当副词there, here, ou

31、t, in, up, down, away, back, now, then等放 在句首,谓语动词是go, come, run, lie, stand等,且主语是名词 时,用完全倒装。其中,谓语动词多用一般现在时或者一般过 去时,而不能用进行时态。,Here comes the bus! 公共汽车来了! The door opened and in rushed the audience. 门开了,观众们涌了进来。 _ _ your turn. 现在轮到你了。 【点津】 在以上情况下,当主语是代词时,不用倒装句。 There he comes. 他来了。,Now comes,【想一想】 完全倒

32、装一直是高考考查热点,除了上述情况外,还有哪些情况下要使用完全倒装呢?,【拓展延伸】 (1)There be 结构。如: There are many people in front of the hall. There used to be a temple in the forest. 能与there连用的动词还有exist, happen, appear, live, stand, lie等。如: There lived a king who was cruel to his people.,(2)当句首为副词out, in, up, down, off, here, there时,且主

33、语为名词。如: In came the doctor. 医生进来了。 (3)当表示地点的介词短语位于句首,且主语为名词时。如: On top of the hill stands a big tree. 山顶上耸立着一棵大树。,(1) ring up 短语用法 (2) leave. . . alone 短语用法 (3) in all 与其他短语辨析,1. 选词填空(after all/above all/in all) The film which was shown yesterday was very boring, and there were only 20 people in the cinema _ . I enjoyed all the subjects, but history _.,in all,above all,2. 完成句子 万一发生火灾,就打电话报警。 In case of fire, _ the police. 不要把孩子一个人留在黑暗处。 Don t _ the child _ in the dark.,ring up,leave,alone,


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