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1、,院校名称:太原科技大学 演示者姓名: 潘 洁,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,新视野大学英语 视听说教程 Book 2 Unit 3 Every Jack has his Jill!,Unit overview Introduction Teaching objectives Teaching plan Demo class,Unit 3 Every Jack has his Jill!,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,Unit Overview,Teaching Objects: freshmen, non-English majors Teaching Material:

2、 New Horizon College English: Viewing, Listening and Speaking, Book 2, Unit 3,Introduction,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,Each unit consists of: Lead-in Listening Speaking Further Listening and Speaking,Unit Overview,Unit Overview,to learn about romantic love to learn to comfort people and express worries in E

3、nglish to talk about love and marriage,Teaching Objectives,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,Unit Overview,Time allotment: 1. Check-up (5 mins); 2. Lead-in (10 mins); 3. Listening (20 mins); 4. Viewing 6. Assignment (2 mins).,Teaching Plan,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,Demo Class,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,Unit 3 Every Jack has h

4、is Jill!,Unit 3 Every Jack has his Jill!,It comes from a nursery rhyme (poems or songs for young children). The sentence means “Everybody will eventually find someone to be his/her romantic partner”.,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,I. Lead-in,Were married!,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,I. Lead-in,wedding,best man/ grooms

5、man,wedding ring,bride/groom,minister,bouquet,wedding dress/gown,Brainstorming,maid of honor/ bridesmaid,ceremony,bukei,wedding vows (结婚誓言),外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,. Listening, engage toast certificate,to promise to marry,Word Tips,to wish success, happiness, etc. to sb. by drinking wine,a document prov

6、iding the truth of something,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,. Listening,1,6,5,3,4,2,7,The minister greeted the guests. The bride and the groom exchanged vows. The minister signed the certificate. The minister declared the couple husband and wife. The minister prayed for the couple. The minister talked about th

7、e meaning of marriage. The reception was over.,Listen to the passage and arrange the following events in the order they happened. The first event has already been given.,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,Listen to the passage again and complete the statements.,. Listening,1. When we got , an announcement was publ

8、ished in the newspaper. 2. The announcement includes the names of the , the and their parents. 3. About a month before the wedding, we sent out to relatives and friends. 4. The bride threw her to the unmarried women after the wedding. 5. When the reception was over, the minister signed the .,engaged

9、,bridegroom,wedding invitations,wedding certificate,bride,bouquet,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,. Viewing & Speaking out,Watch the following video clip, and figure out the meaning of : . be made for each other . Therere lots more fish in the sea.,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,. Viewing & Speaking out,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修

10、班,. Viewing & Speaking out,. be made for each other . Therere lots more fish in the sea.,be perfect for each other,Therere other choices. Its often used to comfort a person who has lost a girlfriend or boyfriend.,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,. Viewing & Speaking out,Useful Expressions for Comforting People,外

11、研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,Pair Work,. Viewing & Speaking out,Create a dialogue with your partner according to the given situation.,A finds B very upset. B says he just broke up with his girlfriend Susan, because she wants to get married but he wants to have a career first. A tries to comfort B.,外研社 全国高等学校大

12、学英语教学研修班,. Viewing and Discussing,What we dont know about marriage?,,In this video, Jenna McCarthy shares her research on how marriages really work.,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,. Viewing and Discussing,Questions (Group Work): According to the video, how do marriages really work? What do you think contributes to a happy marriage?,外研社 全国高等学校大学英语教学研修班,V. Assignment,At the end of her speech, the speaker says “I plan to work extra hard to not win an Oscar ” In what ways does winning an Oscar influence a marriage?,Thank you!,Hold your hand, until death do us part.,


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