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1、雅思阅读提分秘籍,-如何逐一击破阅读题型 因学书院微信号:Int-study,Major Points,What?Question Types & Difficulty Level Aim? 6(555) 7(333) 8(111) How? Structure Order Paraphrase,2013年6月8日考题回顾,Passage 1 Solutions to Indoor air pollution Q and A Flow Chart T/F/NG,2013年6月8日考题回顾,Passage 2 Ways of Birds Orientation Summary Matching,

2、2013年6月8日考题回顾,Passage 3 Why people do not want to buy innovative products Multiple Choice Sentence Completion,Structure(文章结构助你一臂之力),1 介绍类学术说明文(事物,现象) 按时间顺序,历史事件 (The life and work of Marie Curie) 并列,递进 (What do whales feel?) 逻辑,环境,自然类的文章( Tidal Power) 2 论证类的文章 试验类 (Pulling strings to build pyramids)

3、 逻辑论证((The Scientific Method)) 了解结构对于做List of Headings 以及Matching十分有帮助,Examples 范例1,THE ROCKET -FROM EAST TO WEST ( 发展史) i How the reaction principle works ii The impact of the reaction principle iii Writers theories of the reaction principle iv Undeveloped for centuries v The first rockets vi The f

4、irst use of steam vii Rockets for military use viii Developments of fire ix Whats next?,Examples 范例2,Nature or Nurture?(实验类) Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter A-I in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet. 14 a biological explanation of the teacher-subjects behav

5、ior 15 the explanation Milgram gave the teacher-subjects for the experiment 16 the identity of the pupils 17 the expected statistical outcome 18 the general aim of sociobiological study 19 the way Milgram persuaded the teacher-subjects to continue,Order(三个题型哪个先做?),List of Headings Summary (指定部分,全文Summary挪到最后做) Sentence Completion Multiple Choice T/F/Not Given Table Completion SAQ Matching,THE ROCKET -FROM EAST TO WEST,Paraphrase,词的变化 句型变化 具体与抽象变化,Requirement,练习剑桥雅思2-9 1 熟悉文章结构 2 了解解题顺序 3 攻克每种题型 4 总结同义转述,雅思高分,快到碗里来!,Contact us,


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