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1、Colief婴幼儿膳食滴剂 no more LACTOSE INTOLERANCE,No TLD. 乳糖不再不耐!,June, 2015,肚子舒服了,宝宝不哭了, 妈妈解放了!,全球市场地图,COLIEF WORLD MARKETSMAP,Colief预览,COLIEF PREVIEW,LACTOSE INTOLERANCE,乳糖不耐受,TLD (TEMPORARY LACTASE DEFICIENCY),COLIEF , TLD REDRESSING,纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,2,1,ADVANTAGE OF COLIEF ,优势对比,5,4,3,6,Colief Infant

2、 Drops are added to the babys usual milk, whether it is formula or breast milk. 是一种婴儿滴剂,添加到婴儿的乳品(母乳或配方奶)中服用。 Colief contains: Glycerol, water and lactase enzyme. 成分是:甘油、水和乳糖酶。 Active ingredient is lactase, an enzyme which occurs naturally within the small intestine. 活性成分是乳糖酶,一种可以在人体小肠中自然生成的酶。 Colief

3、 reduces the lactose (milk sugar) content. 可以减少乳糖含量。 Colief is not a probiotic. 不是益生菌,COLIEF PREVIEW,1,Gluten Free 不含麸质 Natural approach for Infant Colic free of all harmful additives 是治疗婴儿肠绞痛的一种纯天然、无任何危害的有效方法 Breaks down most (approx. 70%) of the lactose into simpler sugars making milk more easily

4、digestible. 约70%的乳糖分解为单糖从而使得乳品更容易被消化。 Can be safely used from birth onwards. 可以在婴儿出生伊始即安全食用。 Sufficient for 90 feeds 一瓶可以充分满足宝宝90顿次的喂服,COLIEF PREVIEW,1,Milk and milk products all contain a complex sugar called lactose. Lactose play an important role in our be digested and absorbed by the lactose in

5、our bodies. When the body lacks lactase, lactose in milk can not be digested and absorbed in the small intestine but directly enter the large intestine. Being effected by the coliform in the large intestine, it fermented, hydrolyzed and caused to appear a series of symptoms such as abdominal distens

6、ion, bowel, gas, or diarrhea, known as lactose intolerance. 奶类(乳品,或乳制品)中含有一种特有的碳水化合物,叫做乳糖。乳糖须经由人体小肠内的乳糖酶( -半乳糖苷酶)水解为单糖后消化吸收,乳糖对于人类正常的生长发育起着重要作用。 当人体内缺乏足够多的乳糖酶时,乳品或乳制品中的乳糖不能在小肠消化和吸收而直接进入大肠,在大肠菌丛的作用下引起发酵、水解从而出现一系列症状如腹胀、肠鸣、气多、或腹泻等,称为乳糖不耐受。,LACTOSE INTOLERANCE 乳糖不耐受,2,LACTOSE INTOLERANCE 乳糖不耐受,2,Lactose

7、 broken down into glucose and galactose 乳糖被分解成葡萄糖和半乳糖,THE TREATMENT 乳糖不耐受的治疗,2,Medicated formulas 药物配方 Lactose-free formulas 无乳糖配方 Change breast feeding moms diet 母乳喂养的妈妈的饮食改变 Imethicone gas-relieving drops 西甲硅油滴剂(排气) Probiotics 益生菌 Soothing techniques 平滑法,Avoid milk, avoid milk product, avoid lacto

8、se! 回避乳品、乳制品!回避乳糖!,TEMPORARY LACTASE DEFICIENCY 阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,3,We believes that 我们认为,,LACTOSE INTOLERANCE is not a disease !,乳糖不耐受不是一种病!,But,such LACTOSE INTOLERANCE might be temporary !,这样的乳糖不耐受可能只是阶段性的!,And,TEMPORARY LACTASE DEFICIENCY 阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,3,Temporary Lactase Deficiency (TLD) occurs when a baby i

9、s not producing sufficient levels of lactase enzyme and results in the inability to digest lactose. If not treated it causes the undigested lactose in dairy products to be broken down by bacterial activity which can result in discomfort. 当婴幼儿体内还没有准备好生成足够多的乳糖酶来分解吸收牛奶、乳制品、婴幼儿配方奶,甚至是母乳中的乳糖时,会产生 “乳糖不耐”相

10、应的不适,常见的有肠绞痛、腹泻等现象。 这个现象我们称之为“阶段性的乳糖酶缺乏(TLD)” 。,TEMPORARY LACTASE DEFICIENCY 阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,3,We believes that 我们认为,,to avoid lactose is not good.,回避乳糖不是一个好办法!,Lactose is the unique carbohydrate in milk , it is the main energy source of infant food. Lactose digestion and absorption play an important role

11、in the human growth and development . Lactose digestion and absorption play an important role in the human growth and development . It restricts our food range and life style while being avoid the lactose. 乳品(配方奶或母乳)是婴儿主要的食物来源,而乳品(配方奶或母乳)中的自然乳糖又是乳品中唯一的糖,是婴儿非常重要的一种能量来源。乳糖在宝宝大脑生长发育过程中扮演非常重要的角色。 如果婴儿单纯

12、依靠回避乳品(有正常乳糖含量的配方奶,或者母乳),而不予及时纠正“阶段性乳糖酶缺乏”,那么他们很有可能,在很长一段生命历程中,包括在成年后也仍无法正常消化乳糖,无福享受乳制品。 回避乳糖,即约束了这群人的食物范围,这等同于生活方式被迫受限,生活质量因而也下降了。,TEMPORARY LACTASE DEFICIENCY 阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,3,TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,Colief Infant Drops are added to the babys usual milk, whether it formula or Breast milk Active ingr

13、edient is lactase, an enzyme which occurs naturally within the small intestine. reduces the lactose (milk sugar) content. Breaks down most (approx. 70%) of the lactose into simpler sugars making milk more easily digestible.,可以直接滴入配方奶或母乳中食用; 活性成分为乳糖酶,乳糖酶正常情况下在人体小肠内自行生成; 帮助分解乳品中70的乳糖,改善宝宝因阶段性乳糖酶缺乏而产生的

14、乳糖不耐的肠绞痛等不适感; 特意保留乳品中30的乳糖剩余,促使纠正、改善宝宝的消化系统对乳糖的适应能力。,Colief ensures the caloric intake. 膳食滴剂确保能量正常摄取。,Now, no change in feeding; Later, no limit in life style. 加服膳食滴剂, 现在不必改变喂养方式,将来不必受限生活方式。,COLIEF , TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,Colief allows the baby to easily digest the natural sugars that are need

15、ed for proper brain development vs. formula which contain corn syrup The mother does not have to switch formulas, which can cause further complications within the digestive system i.e., constipation Remaining lactose acts as a target substance for the development of lactase production by the maturin

16、g infant digestive system Allows Mothers to continue breast feeding,让妈妈们得以坚持母乳喂养,而配方奶则通常更容易引起宝宝便秘或其他消化道不适 与仅含有玉米糖浆的替代品不同, 使宝宝更易吸收消化大脑发育所需的自然糖。,Colief ensures the caloric intake. 确保正常的能量摄取。,Now, no change in feeding; Later, no limit in life style. 现在不必改变喂养方式,将来不必受限生活方式。,COLIEF , TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳

17、糖酶缺乏,4,Gas 喛气 Bloating肿胀 Hard belly 肚子发硬 Drawing the legs up 蜷腿 Prolonged crying 长时间的啼哭 Appears to be in pain 痛苦的表情 Symptoms may be triggered after a feeding 常在喂食后发生 Symptoms often happening in the early evening 常在傍晚发生 Failure to respond to normal methods of smoothing 常用的舒缓方式无效,Typical Symptoms of C

18、olic 婴儿肠绞痛的典型症状,TLD REDRESSING 康丽赋纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,Gas 喛气 Bloating肿胀 Hard belly 肚子发硬 Drawing the legs up 蜷腿 Prolonged crying 长时间的啼哭 Appears to be in pain 痛苦的表情 Symptoms may be triggered after amm feeding 常在喂食后发生 Symptoms often happening in the early evening 常在傍晚发生 Failure to respond to normal methods of s

19、moothing 常用的舒缓方式无效,4,Typical Symptoms of Colic 婴儿肠绞痛的典型症状,Prolonged crying 长时间的啼哭,Appears to be in pain 痛苦的表情,Failure to respond to normal methods of smoothing 常用的舒缓方式无效,TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,Colic can affect up to 35% of infants Family interactions disrupted by colic. Clinical studies on exce

20、ssive infant crying have reported: Colics association with problems in family interaction and distress(1), which has been shown to persist at 1 and 3 years (2,3) Psychological stress and fatigue in both parents (4) Depression, exhaustion, and anger in mothers (5) and feelings of inadequacy (6),有35%的

21、婴儿会受到肠绞痛的影响。婴儿的过度啼哭会导致疝气。 同时,肠绞痛组织在家庭问题的互动调研中发现: 婴儿的过度啼哭也给父母双方的心理带来压力,产生抑郁、疲劳,甚至是愤怒,导致夫妻感情的不和。,TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,When they not feel good, what the infants only can do is crying, that makes the parents worry and irritable. 婴幼儿,尤其是新生儿,当他们感觉不适,唯一的表达方式就是啼哭,所有的表达方式只有啼哭。令父母手足无措不明所以不知就里,Hard to p

22、redict ! 很难预见!,Do they have to be suffered? 非要让大人孩子都先吃点苦头?,Hard to recognize ! 很难识别!,TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,Can be safely used from birth onwards. 可以在宝宝出生伊始即安全服用!,Breastfeeding using : 4 Drops express a few tablespoons of breast milk into a small sterilised container, add 4 drops, give this to

23、your baby on a sterilised spoon before initiating breastfeeding, breastfeed as normal. 母乳喂养时,加入: 4 滴 挤出几汤勺的母乳于已消毒的容器中, 加入4滴。 在正常的母乳喂养前,使用无菌匙给您的宝贝饮用加入了膳食滴剂的母乳, 继续正常母乳喂养。,Breastfeeding 母乳喂养,4 drops 只需4滴,TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,Can be safely used from birth onwards. 可以在宝宝出生伊始即安全服用!,Using with Formu

24、la: 4 Drops prepare the formula carefully according to the manufacturers instructions, add 4 drops to the warm (not hot) formula, shake the formula occasionally, and feed your baby after half an hour, having checked that the bottle is at the correct feeding temperature, discard any unused feed. 婴幼儿配

25、方乳喂养时,加入婴幼儿膳食滴剂: 4滴 根据生产商的说明书精心准备配方乳, 在温热的(非烫的)配方乳中加入4滴,然后搅拌 30分钟后喂食婴儿,并且确定配方乳在合适的温度后照常喂养婴儿, 丢弃未食用完的配方乳,Infant Formula 婴儿配方乳,4 drops 只需4滴,当场冲调配方乳,当场添加膳食滴剂,当场服用!,TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,Can be safely used from birth onwards. 可以在宝宝出生伊始即安全服用!,Making formula in advance using Colief Infant Drops: 2 D

26、rops prepare your infants formula as per manufacturers instructions, add 2 drops to the warm (not hot) formula, store in your refrigerator for a minimum of 4 hours before use and use within twelve hours, feed your infant as normal making sure that the formula is at the correct temperature, discard a

27、ny unused feed. 预先调配配方奶粉时,加入Colief婴幼儿膳食滴剂: 2滴 根据生产商的说明书精心准备配方奶粉, 在温热的(非烫的)婴儿配方奶粉中加入2滴,并搅拌 食用前配方乳在冰箱中至少存放4小时,并且在12个小时内食用完。 确定配方乳在合适的温度后照常喂养婴儿, 丢弃未食用完的配方乳。,预先配制配方乳,预先Colief 婴幼儿膳食滴剂,以备稍后服用!,2 drops 只需2滴,Infant Formula 婴儿配方乳,TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,Can be safely used from birth onwards. 可以在宝宝出生伊始即安全

28、服用!,Using with ready made formula: 4 Drops warm the formula, add 4 drops to the warm (not hot) formula, wait hour, shaking the formula occasionally, than feed your infant as normal making sure that the formula is at the correct feeding temperature, discard any unused feed. 配合已预先配制完的配方乳时,加入婴幼儿膳食滴剂: 4

29、滴 温热配方乳, 在温热的(非烫的)婴儿配方乳中加入4滴, 等30分钟,摇匀配方乳,确定配方乳在合适的温度后照常喂养婴儿, 丢弃未食用完的配方乳。,Ready Made Formula 已预先配制的配方乳,4 drops 只需4滴,已预先配制的配方乳,当场添加,当场服用!,TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,4 drops each time, comfort baby and free mum. 每次4滴,宝宝舒服了,妈妈舒心了。,TLD REDRESSING 纠正阶段性乳糖酶缺乏,4,Typical Nutritional Information per 100kj 每

30、100千焦营养素含量,优势对比,5,WORLD MARKETS MAP 全球市场地图,6,Future Markets,REFERENC 文献参考,*,Raiha H, Lehtonen L, Huhtala V, et al. Excessively crying infant in the family: mother-infant, father-infant, and mother-father interactions. Child Care Health Dev. 2002;28(5):419-429 Rautava P, Lehtonen L, Helenius H et al.

31、 Infantile colic: child and family three years later. Pediatrics. 1995;96(1, pt1):43-47. Lehtonen L. From colic to toddlerhood. In: Barr RG, St. James-Roberts I, Keefe MR, eds. New Evidence on unexplained Early Infant Crying: Its Origins, Nature and Management. Skillman, NJ: Johnson and Johnson Pedi

32、atric Institute; 2001:257-272. Papousek M, von Hofacker N. Persistent crying in early infancy: a non-trivial condition of risk for the developing mother-infant relationship. Child Care Health Dev. 1998;24(5):395-424. Pinyerd B. Infant colic and maternal mental health: nursing research and practice concerns. Issues Compr Pediatric Nurs. 1992;15(3):155-167 Stifter CA, Bono MA. The effect of infant colic on maternal self-perceptions and mother-infant attachment. Child Care Health Dev 1998;24(5):339-351.,Thank you!,肚子舒服了,宝宝不哭了, 妈妈解放了!,


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