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1、全国高校网络教育大学英语(B)级考试,内容目录,考试概述,考试大纲分析,解题技巧,复习资料,考试对象:教育部批准的现代远程教育试点高校网络教育学院和中央广播电视大学“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目中自2004年3月1日(含3月1号)以后入学的本科层次学历教育的学生。,考试概述,考试目标:本考试旨在考查现代远程教育所有专业(除英语类和艺术类专业)的学生掌握英语基础知识的水平及应用能力。考生应掌握基本的英语语法知识和词汇,具备运用不同语言技能进行交际的基本能力。,考试概述,(一)考试内容与要求 (二)试卷结构与题型 (三)考试方式与时间,考试大纲分析,(一)考试内容与要求,【交际能力】 考生

2、应掌握日常生活常见情景中的基本交际用语。,【语法】 考生应掌握基本的英语语法知识,并能较正确地加以运用。,【词汇】 考生应认知3000个单词,并熟练掌握其中的1800个单词及其基本的搭配。,【阅读】 考生应能读懂与日常生活和社会活动相关的不同类型的文字材料,阅读速度为每分钟50个单词。考生应能: 1理解主旨要义; 2理解文中具体信息; 3根据上下文推测生词词义; 4进行有关的判断、推理和引申,理解作 者的意图、观点或态度。,(一)考试内容与要求,【翻译】 考生应能在规定时间内将难度适中的英文句子翻译成中文。考生应能: 1对英语原文有准确的理解; 2做到译文通顺、达意。,(一)考试内容与要求,【

3、写作】 考生应能在规定时间内写出长度不少于80词的短文。考生应能: 1用较正确的语法、词汇、拼写、标点 进行表达; 2基本做到内容切题,条理清楚; 3根据不同的写作目的进行有针对性的 写作。,(一)考试内容与要求,(二)试卷结构与题型,(二)试卷结构与题型,(二)试卷结构与题型,(二)试卷结构与题型,(二)试卷结构与题型,(二)试卷结构与题型,(三)考试方式与时间,由全国高校网络教育考试委员会组织命题,在同一时间全国统考。闭卷考试,满分为100分。,解题技巧,(一)什么是技巧 (二)各种题型解题技巧,(一)什么是技巧,基本功,实战训练,总结规律,理性分析,合理判断,(二)各种题型解题技巧,解交

4、际用语题的技巧 解阅读理解题的技巧 解语法与词汇题的技巧 解完型填空题的技巧 解作文题的技巧,1. 解交际用语题的技巧,平时对日常交际用语的积累 掌握一般的问候、询问感受、时间、数字、爱好、健康和建议等常用的句型,例1:- Hi, Mike, How did you like the movie you saw last night? - _. A. Yes, I did. B. No, I didnt. C. It was a waste of time. D. It lasted two hours. 本题问题关键询问迈克对昨晚所看电影的感受如何。需要强调的是,题目问的是“How did

5、you like”而并非“Did you like”,所以不能简单的用“Yes”或“No”来回答,要针对所提的问题进行回答,一定不要答非所问。于是,本题描述对电影感受的只有选项C(那是浪费时间),言外之意就是“电影不好看”。,例2: - I think the internet is very helpful. - _. A. Yes, so do I. B. Thats a very good idea. C. Neither do I. D. Id rather go surfing on it. 本题考核征询对某事看法的答语。需要强调的是,题目说的是“I think the intern

6、et is very helpful”而答案C, “Neither do I”用于否定句中,如: “I dont like English.”(有人说) “Neither do I”(另一人的情形也如此)。答案B 的语境应是: “Lets go shopping.” “Thats a very good idea.” 答案D 的语境可能是: “We can learn English through the internet.” “Id rather go surfing on it.”大家要注意在交际用语中语境的判断是很重要的。,大学英语(B)模拟试卷,第一部分: 交际用语(共5小题;每小题

7、3分,满 分15分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对 每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项, 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正 确选项。,实战训练,1What day is it today? A. Its May I B. Its a fine day today C. Its March. D. Its Monday,D,2 Is that seat taken? A. Please dont worry B. I dont think so C. Why not? D. Its very nice.,B,3Thank you for calling. A. Dont mention it

8、. B. Thats fine C. Nice talking to you D. Call back again,C,4How do you do? A. Very well B. How do you do? C. Im adoctor D. Nice to have known you,B,5Hows your family? A. Thanks all the same B. Thanks for calling C. Not too bad D. Dont mention it.,C,2. 解阅读理解题的技巧,阅读理解题的体裁和题材 常用的阅读方法 解题步骤 不良的阅读习惯 题型分析

9、,体裁主要有应用文、描述文、记叙文、说明文以及议论文等。 题材包括历史地理常识、幽默故事、科普类文章、文化社会类文章、经贸类及人物介绍等。,体裁和题材,略读 指通过快速地整体浏览,领略内容大意,帮助理解,为细读做准备。 跳读或寻读 寻找所需信息,如年代、数字、人名、地名等,把握住关键词,利用语法过渡词,语气转折词及时态等,抓住文章脉络。,常用的阅读方法,细读 分段细读,注意细节语言结构,抓住事实和关键信息,深入理解。 推读 根据上下文进行猜测,推测未直接写明的含义、因果关系以及生词词义。 概读 从每篇标题到各个部分都进行概读,以归纳出要点, 概括作者的主旨、意图、观点、态度,了解全文的概貌。,

10、常用的阅读方法,1. 通读全文 通读采用概读或略读法进行速读,即“skim” (read quickly to get the main idea)。考生在最 短的时间内要达到以下目的: (1)理解短文主旨大意 (2)辩识文体,掌握结构。记叙文要了解故事背景、时间、地点、人物活动等主要线索。论述文要了解其中心思想及其所做的阐述。,解题步骤,2. 看题、寻读 即浏览短文后面的试题。在阅读试题的题干和四个选项以后,了解每个试题的考查内容和题型,以便带着问题有目的地寻读短文,查找答案。,解题步骤,3. 复读 复读采用跳读法,即“scan”(read quickly without careful r

11、eading, often looking for a particular thing, such as facts, names, time, figures, etc.)考生按照试题要求,有针对性地从短文中迅速找出所需要的关键信息。,解题步骤,4. 核读 对感觉把握不大或较难的试题,尤其是概括归纳题、作者意图题等,可以根据全文及各题答案,反复思考,看其是否一致,是否合乎逻辑。尤其是对细节题、推理题、词义题等,不能仅凭主观想象,要在文中的有关段落找到根据,以做到正确无误。,解题步骤,避免不良阅读习惯,回视重读 因为担心遗漏细节、要点内容,或阅读材料超出学生的知识阅读理解范围而重读已读过的部

12、分。 默读时出声 在文字符号和意义之间加入声音。 指向阅读 手指或笔指着一个个单词阅读。阅读速度受制于手或笔的移动。,根据试题的答案是否已在文章中清楚地表明,将选择题分为:主观题 和 客观题 主观题:侧重考察考生根据已知的信息细节及相关的内容进行推理和判断的能力 客观题:主要是考察考生对文章细节、事实和主旨大意的辨别能力,题型分析-选择题,1. 理解和辨别与中心思想有关的事实和重要细节; 2. 根据材料中的相关事实和细节进行一定的判断和推理,理解文章更深层次的含义; 3. 掌握和理解所读材料的大意和中心思想;,解题从以下几个方面入手:,4. 根据中心思想和上下文正确判断和理解词汇、短语及句子的

13、含义; 5. 依据对整篇文章内容的分析,把握作者的口吻、语气、感情倾向、看法及态度。,解题从以下几个方面入手:,题型分析-常见考点,将阅读理解分为四种类型: 1 主旨题(main idea questions) 2 细节题(facts questions) 3 推断题(inference questions) 4 指代释义题(designation & paraphrase questions),主旨题(main idea questions),常见的提问方式有: The passage is about The theme/main idea of the passage is What i

14、s the purpose/conclusion/view of the passage? The best title for this passage would be What does the passage mainly discuss?,主旨题(main idea questions),命题特点: 1)段首、段尾句通常是表达文章中心思想的主 题句,为常考点; 2)对比转折处往往表达作者的真实写作目的或 观点,是文章的重要内容,为常考点; 3)用一些常见的因果词,如because, for, as, since, therefore(因此), consequently(结果), le

15、ad to(导致),owing to(由于)引导的因 果句用以表达文章主旨,为常考点。,主旨题(main idea questions),辨别主题句 一般而言,主题句具有语意完整、形式简洁、观点明确的特征,给人以“一言道破”的感觉。在有些文章中,段落主题句和语篇主题句一般位于段落或篇章的开头部分,开头就明确主题,然后展开讨论;在有些文章中,主题句则出现在段末或篇末,作为由具体事实引出的一般结论。,主旨题(main idea questions),干扰项的主要特点 1)有些干扰选项只概括了局部信息,即某个自 然段中的细节或某个自然段的大意,在做题 时,切记晃一眼就匆忙做选择; 2)有些干扰选项概

16、括范围过宽,即选项内容超 出或多于文章阐述的内容; 3)有些干扰选项涉及到无关信息,即文章本身 无法推断出来的信息,也就是文章中没有提 到也找不到语言依据的信息。,主旨题(main idea questions),Example 1: The snow was falling very heavily. The sky was very cloudy. The wind was blowing very hardabout 45 miles per hour. It was -18 degrees outside. It was hard to see objects only a few f

17、eet in front of you. Q: Which of the following sentences best express the main idea of the paragraph? A. Its cold outside. B. Its winter time. C. The weather was changeable. D. The weather was terrible.,细节题(facts questions),常见的提问方式有: Which of the following is (not) true? Which of the following is me

18、ntioned except? The reason for is that?,细节题(facts questions),命题特点: 提问方式灵活多变,对象涉及到短文的各种具体细节,如时间、地点、原因、结果、方式等等。但有一个共同特点,答案一般都能在文章当中直接找到。有时候,命题者为了增加考题的难度,会有意避开文中所用的词汇,而用该词的同义词或相近的短语。在这种情况下,考生就需要根据题目所涉及的细节,在文中找到出处,对比选项后再作答。,细节题(facts questions),语言标志词: 1)与主旨大意有关的重要事实或细节的词,如 for example, that is, it is es

19、sential等 2)表示因果关系的词,如because, since, so, as a result, derive from(来自,起源于) 3)表示转折对立关系的词,如while, however, but, although, yet, still, in fact, on the other hand, on the contrary等,细节题(facts questions),Example : One of the most important weapons used during the Second World War was not a weapon used agai

20、nst people, but rather a drug used against disease. The wartime use of penicillin(盘尼西林) saved thousands of lives. In the First World War, for example, pneumonia(肺炎) was responsible for eighteen percent of all the deaths in the United States army. In the Second World War, the rate went down to less t

21、han one percent. In addition, penicillin was instrumental in keeping wounds from getting infected and in helping to speed the healing process of those wounds that did become infected.,细节题(facts questions),Q 1: According to the passage, one of the leading causes of death during the first World War wa

22、s _. A. gas B. accidents C. disease D. drugs Q 2: According to the passage, penicillin was useful in the Second World War for all of the following purposes except _. A. hurting the enemy B. treating pneumonia C. preventing infection D. healing wounds,推断题(inference questions),常见的提问方式: We can learn fr

23、om the passage that The passage/the author imply that It can be concluded from the passage that Which of the following is the authors view on? The authors purpose of writing the passage is,推断题(inference questions),逻辑推理的关键词: 褒义词:positive(肯定的、积极的), useful, efficient等 贬义词:negative(否定的、消极的), disgusting(

24、令人厌恶的), critical (批判的), disapprove(不赞成)等 中性词:indifferent(冷漠的), neutral(中 立的)等,推断题(inference questions),Example: Each day every person in the United States throws away more than five pounds of garbage(垃圾). There is more garbage now than ever before and most of it is made up of the packages and cans i

25、n which we buy our food. The traditional way of getting rid of solid wastes is quickly becoming inadequate. Many cities are doing experiment with newer ways of handling their piles of garbage. One of these new ways is “recycling”(回收利用). Through recycling usable materials are taken out of garbage and

26、 made into something else. These usable parts of garbage are put through the cycle of going from a raw material to a finished product again.,推断题(inference questions),Q 1: Traditionally, garbage is thought to be _. A. a worthless burden to big cities B. something that can be reused C. a raw material

27、for making new products D. able to recycle but difficult to handle Q 2: A lot of cities are trying new ways to treat garbage mainly because _. A. their environment is becoming more and more dirty B. the traditional ways of treating wastes are not efficient C. they are short of useful material D. the

28、y need new material made from garbage,指代释义题 (designation & paraphrase questions),常见的提问方式: What is the meaning of “”in Line The word “” stands for According to the passage, the phrase “” means The word/phrase/sentence “” in line “”refers to等,几种推测词义的方法: 1)利用同义词的释义 例如:Jane is punctual, that is, every d

29、ay she comes here on time. 简很准时,也就是说,她每天都准时 来这里。 分析:that is引出对punctual的释义,即on time(准时,按时)。,指代释义题 (designation & paraphrase questions),几种推测词义的方法:,2)利用例子 例如:Select any of these periodicals: Times, Newsweek, Readers Digest or The New Yorker. 从这些期刊中来选择:时代周刊,新闻 周报,读者文摘或纽约时报。 分析:根据Times, Newsweek, Readers

30、 Digest or The New Yorker的共同点,可以得出 periodicals的释义,即周刊,杂志。,3)利用比较关系 例如:The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with the wind like feathers. 雪正下着,鹅毛般的雪花随风飞舞。 分析:根据like feathers的比喻意义引出对 flakes的释义,即“薄片”,几种推测词义的方法:,4)利用对照关系 例如:Mary is talkative, but her sister is reticent. 玛丽很健谈,但她的姐姐沉默寡言。 分析:由but可知,两句话

31、是相反的意思。从 talkative(健谈的)可推出reticent(沉默 寡言的)。,几种推测词义的方法:,5)利用常识 例如:The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel. 门太低以至于我的头撞到了门梁上。 分析:根据常识我们知道门的上面应该是门 梁,由此可知“lintel”的意思。,几种推测词义的方法:,补充解题窍门:,转折原则:注意文中的几个单词 but、however、yet 列举原则:注意文章当中出现的比较级、最高级,绝对意义的词,如the most important,only。,补充解题窍门:,认真审题,找出文中根据

32、仔细辨别四个选项之间的细微差别,读完四个选项再做判断 将与试题有关的词、句、语段划出来,标上试题的序号,然后对照进行查读,以做出判断 观察判断问题类型,不同类型的题采取不同方法 善于从短文、试题的题干、试题的四个选项中寻找线索,第二部分: 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分 20分) 题型一:此部分共有一篇短文,每篇短 文后有5个句子,请根据短文内容对这5 个句子进行判断。认为对,选择 A (True);认为错,选择B (False),大学英语(B)模拟试卷,实战训练,Passage 1 There was once an ant that was very thirsty. It ran

33、 here and there looking for some water but could not find anyThen suddenly,when the ant was almost ready to die of thirst,a large drop of water fell on it. The ant drank the water,which saved its lifeThe water was actually a tear from a young girl who was cryingBecause of her sadness,the tear had ma

34、gical qualities and suddenly the ant could speak the language of human beings,The ant looked up and saw the young girl sitting in front of a huge pile of seeds “Why are you sad?”asked the ant.,“Im the prisoner of a giant.”the girl told the ant. “He wont let me go until Ive made three separate heaps

35、of grain,barley(大麦) and rye(黑麦) out of this huge pile of seeds in which they are all mixed together.”,“That will take you a month!” the ant said,looking at the huge pile of seeds “I know,” the girl cried, “and if I havent finished it by tomorrow,the giant will eat me for his supper!”,“Dont cry, ” th

36、e ant said, “my friends and l will help you.” Soon thousands of ants were at work, separating the three kinds of seeds The next morning,when the giant saw that the work had been done,he let the girl go Thus it was one of her tears that saved her life,6 The ant was playing when it ran here and there

37、AT BF,B,It ran here and there looking for some water but could not find any,7The drop of water fell on the ant When it was nearly dying AT BF,A,suddenly,when the ant was almost ready to die of thirst,a large drop of water fell on it.,8 The young girl was crying because she wanted to have supper AT B

38、F,B,Because of her sadness “Why are you sad?”asked the ant. “Im the prisoner of a giant.”,9 The giant would eat the girl if she failed to do the work AT BF,A,“and if I havent finished it by tomorrow,the giant will eat me for his supper!”,10The ants friends saved the girls life. AT BF,A,Soon thousand

39、s of ants were at work, separating the three kinds of seeds The next morning,when the giant saw that the work had been done,he let the girl go,题型二: 此部分共有一篇短文,每篇短文后有5 个问题。请从每个问题后的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。,11What makes a scientist according to the passage? AThe tools he uses. BThe Way he uses his

40、 tools. CHis ways of learning. DThe various tools he uses.,B,What makes a person become a scientist?. It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist,12The underlined part in the passage shows_. Athe importance of information B. the importance of thinking

41、Cthe difference between scientists and ordinary people Dthe difference between carpenters and people with other jobs,C,You will probably agree, too, that knowing how to investigate, how to discover information, is important to everyone. The scientist, however, goes one step further, he must be sure

42、that he has a reasonable answer to his questions and that his answer can be confirmed by other persons,13A sound scientific theory should be one that_. A. works not only under one set of conditions at one time, but also under the same conditions at other times B. does not allow any changes even unde

43、r different conditions C. can be used for many purposes D. leave no room for improvement,A,He must be as nearly right as the conditions permit. What works under one set of conditions at one time must work under the same conditions at other times.,14The author quotes the case of Albert Einstein to il

44、lustrate _. Athat measurements are keys to success in science Bthat accuracy of mathematics C. that investigations are important in science Dthat the mathematical calculations may test his investigations,C,This is one reason that investigations are important in science. The accuracy of his mathemati

45、cs was later tested through investigations,15What is the main idea of the passage? AThe theory of relativity BExactness is the core of science CScientists are different from ordinary people DExactness and ways of using tools are the keys to the making of a scientist.,D,What makes a person become a scientist? The scientists knowledge must be exact.,祝各位考生顺利通过考试 !,


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