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1、初一英语写作期末复习,天荣中学 郑辅雯,英语书面表达题目的特点,1、不能把汉语提示对应翻译。 2、“书面表达”不是命题作文,因为它不允许同学们脱离题意,任意借题发挥,它要求同学们只要抓住所给信息的要求和实质,用自己熟悉的语言进行表达就行了。,要让学生了解写作的以下几个内容,一、把握写作步骤: 1认真审题立意,用笔先划出主要的要求。 2草拟提纲或打造文章的骨架。 1)确定人称,安排好层次段落 2)铺设好过渡,用好连接词,注意段落间、句子间的连贯性 3)遇到生疏的词句要灵活变通 4)处理好开头和结尾。 5)如果是书信或日记,还要注意格式。 3. 检查修改(5个是否) 是否卷面整洁,是否切题,是否连

2、贯,是否有语法错误,是否有大小写、拼写、标点错误,二、所有写作都通用的要点 1.句子结构: 主语+谓语+宾语+地点+时间(小时间+大时间) 2.时态(一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时) 3.选用频率较高的连接词:and, but, so, because, then,and then, after that,三、拿高分的窍门(这是对好生的要求) 1在整篇文章中,避免只是用一两个句式,要灵活运用各种句式。如倒装句、强调句、省略句、主从复合句、对比句、分词短语、介词短语等。 2使用不同长度的句子,通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。 3改变句子的开头方式,不要一味以主+谓+宾+状的次序。可

3、以把状语置于句首,或用分词短语等。 4学会使用过渡词或时间状语从句 。如when从句,before 从句,after 从句,if从句 5避免重复使用同一单词或词组。 6注意运用固定词组、习语、谚语来代替一些词表达意思,以增加文采。,分析近两年天河区初一期末考的书面表达题,08学年期末考题 背景说明:昨天你与Dick看了一场电影“Life in the future”,科幻的,但十分有趣,尤其对“The Time machine”很感兴趣。因此你产生了要当科学家的想法,很想也设计一台新机器让你回到童年(childhood),同时也能让你飞向未来,生活在glass house里,将是多么神奇! 请

4、你根据所提供的信息,向同学们做一个“Daily Report” (70字左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计算在总字数内。请不要逐字翻译,但可适当的想象和发挥。) Hello,my friends. I went to see a nice film with Dick last night and we_ _ _ _ Thats all for my report. Thank you very much.,审题分析: 1.话题和Unit 6-7的内容吻合,同时也涉及到Unit1 的内容,谈及理想,展望未来 2.人称:第一人称 3.时态:一般过去时,一般现在时,一般将来时 4.不能逐字翻译,但要加上

5、适当的想象和发挥 5.开头已给出,要接上句子,不能自己开另外一句 组织文字: 1.列出可用到的词组:see a film, be interested in, want to, in the future,come back to, travel to, come true 2.想好可用到的连接词:because, and,but,so, so that(没学过,可用then I can/in this way I can) 3.增加发挥的内容,范文: Hello,my friends. I went to see a nice film with Dick last night and we

6、 enjoyed it very much because it is very interesting. The name of the film is Life in the future. Its a science fiction movie. After seeing the film, I want to be a scientist in the future. I want to make a Time Machine so that I can come back to my childhood and worry about nothing. Of course I can

7、 also travel to the future, so that I would live in the glass house and discover many new machines. I can get everything I want from the machines. Thats magic. I hope my dreams will come true. Thats all for my report. Thank you very much.,09学年期末考题 寒假到了,你被安排去winter school 学习英语, 老师要求你用英语向你的新朋友做自我介绍,并重

8、点介绍你的hobby。请你用英语拟一份发言稿(70词左右,开头和结尾已给出,但不计算在内;不能透露真实姓名和学校名称) 内容提示如下: 1) What is your hobby? 2)When did you begin? 3) Why do you like? 4) How often do you? Im Lilin, Im from Hongying Middle School _ Thats all for my presentation. Thank you!,审题分析: 1.话题和Unit4 的内容吻合,谈 论爱好 2.人称:第一人称 3.围绕4个疑问句提示组织文字 4.时态:一

9、般现在时, 一般过去时(只有一句),组织文字: 1.What is your favourite hobby? 常用句型:I enjoy doing sth./ I like doing sth./ I love doing sth. Doing sth. is my favourite hobby. =My favourite hobby is doing sth. I am keen on doing sth. 2.When did you begin your hobby? 常用句型:I enjoyed.when I wasyears old. I enjoyed.at the age

10、of . 3. How often do you do it? 常用句型:I always/usually/often do it every day./every week/at weekends/twice a month 4.Where do you do it? 常用句型:Iat home/in the school library/at school/ on the playground. 5.Do you do it alone or with a group of friends? 常用句型:I like doing sth. alone.(by myself). I like

11、doing sth. with my friends(brother/sister/parents),6.Why do you like it? 常用句型:I like doing sth because. Swimming can make me happy and relaxed.(excited) I think doing sth. is fun and interesting. I can learn a lot about. It brings me a lot of fun and interest. I like doing sth. because it can help m

12、e know more about 结尾句: My hobby makes my life more interesting. I hope I can be a(n) when I grow up. = I would like to be a(n).in the future. I think I will be a(n) .in the future.,范文: Im Linlin, Im from Hongying Middle School. I have many hobbies, such as reading, watching movies, playing table ten

13、nis, but my favorite one is reading. I was keen on reading when I was only 6 years old. I often read books when I am free. Sometimes I do it with my friends. I like reading because I can learn a lot from books. I think it is a good habit as well as a nice hobby to keep. My hobby makes my life more i

14、nteresting! Thats all for my presentation. Thank you!,7A(上)各单元的写作题材,例如Unit 5 是看图作文的话题 Unit 5 Writing 学练卷 图(省略) I. 学习范文 One day, Li Ying found a purse on her way home. She picked it up and found some money and a name card. According to the information on the name card, she made a phone call. Then she

15、 waited at the bus stop. A few minutes later, a lady came. Li Ying gave back her purse. The lady thanked Li Ying a lot and wanted to give some money to her. But Li Ying said, “No, thank you. Its my pleasure to help you.” And then she walked home.,II. 如何写看图作文 1.叙述故事有三部分:起因-经过-结果 用一般过去时描述 2.不仅要审“文”,而且

16、要审“图”。看清图的内容,特别是细节的地方,可用笔圈起一些细节部分。看懂图后,先写出各图的单词或词组 3.连句成文,再加上适当的连词,如and, first,then, and then, but,at last/finally/in the end 4.如果会用上一两句复合句就更好了,如、when从句,if从句,before从句,after从句,III. Writing 图(省略) IV. 写作分析-列出各图的词组 1 2 3 4 5. V.Writing _,如Unit 6 谈论活动安排的话题 Unit 6 Writing 学练卷 假如你是班长,下个周末你们班将要去广州市科学技术协会(Gu

17、angzhou Association For Science & Technology)参加活动。请你根据下面的活动内容写一份通知,告诉所有学生这次活动的安排,通知开头已给出。 Next weekend, we will go to Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology. We will,I.学习范文 Next weekend, we will go to Guangzhou Association For Science & Technology. We will meet at the school gate at eight on

18、 Saturday morning. And it will take us one hour to get to the farm. Our teachers will tell us something important when we get there. Then we will begin to grow vegetables. We will learn to make dinner on our own at three in the afternoon. Well have a rest in the evening. After that well take a bath.

19、 We will go to bed at ten. The next morning, we will learn to make potteries at nine. In the afternoon, we will go to a fruit garden and help the farmers pick oranges. We can eat them. We will go back to school by bus at six. I think we will have a great time!,II. 如何写活动计划 1.结构:总-分-总 2.用一般将来时写 3.描述活动

20、的安排要有条理,按表格中早上,下午,晚上是顺序讲述 4.适当利用连词 如 and, and then, after that, but, so等或时间状语从句 when从句,before 从句,after 从句 5.句子结构:主语+谓语+宾语+地点+时间 6.可适当分段,III. Writing 假如你是Ben,元旦假期将到,你的外地朋友李华将要来拜访你,你为他安排了一系列的活动。请你根据下面的活动日程表写一封邮件给他,告诉他你的安排。 指导:the Guangzhou Museum(广州博物馆 ), the Baiyun Hills(白云山 , the night zoo in Panyu(

21、番禺的夜间动物园),Dear Li Hua, I am so pleased that you can come to visit me on New Years Day. During the following days I will show you around the city. _ Best wishes to you! Yours, Ben,又如Unit 2谈论日常生活的话题 UNIT 2 Writing 学练卷 Step 1 Put the pictures in the correct orders(书上P 26 图片) Step 2 complete the article

22、 A day in the life of Fang Fang Fang Fang is my best friend. She lives a healthy and happy life. She gets up at 6:00 every morning. She does some exercise _ 6:15 _ 6:30. Then she often _ for half an hour. She _at 7:10 am. She always eats two pieces of bread and an apple and drinks a glass of milk. S

23、he lives near school and always _. She goes to school at 7:30 am and usually _ at 8:00 am. She _at 4:45 pm. She usually _ before dinner and sometimes watches TV. She _ at 9 pm. Fangfang has a busy day every day.,from to,does exercise,has breakfast,walks to school,starts school,goes home,does her hom

24、ework,goes to bed,Step 3 如何写某人的daily life 1.以时间顺序写 2.先写出词组出来,再连成句 2.用一般现在时(时态)写,注意第三人称做主语时动词的形式 3.句型:主语+谓语+宾语+地点+时间 4.用适当的连词连接句子, 如and, but, before, after,then,and then,fromto 5.结尾加适当的点评,Writing: Alexs daily life,Alex is my best friend. He lives a healthy and happy life. _ Alex is busy but happy every day.,学练卷的设计都是以中下生为出发点,先让学生学习范文,再进行写作指导,让他们不会害怕写作,为写作做好铺垫和辅导后才让学生动笔写。,写作的训练其实是在平时的积累,Thank you,


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