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1、正确评价 -受体阻滞剂在高血压治疗中 一线药物的地位 华中科技大学同济医学院 协和医院心血管病研究所 戴闺柱, SNS 在心血管疾病的重要性 高血压早期已有SNS激活 -受体阻滞剂具有证据确鑿的 心脏保护作用 -受体阻滞剂的临床实践,Medalie JH, et al. J Chronic Dis,以色列公务员研究:心率与心肌梗死危险,Framingham:心率与死亡率,Gillman MW, et al. Am Heart J 1993; 125:1148-1154,Adjusted survival curves for overall mortality by RHR quintiles

2、,Cumulative survival,RHR in quintilies,- 83 bpm,1.0,0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6,0.5,0.00,5.00,10.00,15.00,20.00,Years after enrolment,Figure 1 adjusted for age, gender, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cigarette smoking, clinically significant coronary vessel, EF, recreational activity, treatment with antiplate

3、lets, diuretics, b-blockers, and lipid-lowering drugs. RHR, resting heart rate.,n=24,913 FU 14.7 years,Ariel Diaz et al. EHJ 2005,reference 1.06 (0.97-1.17) 1.09 (0.98-1.21) 1.16 (1.04-1.28) 1.32 (1.19-1.47) (p-value0.0001),Cumulative survival,RHR in quintilies,- 83 bpm,1.0,0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6,0.5,0.00,

4、5.00,10.00,15.00,20.00,Years after enrolment,Adjusted survival curves for CV mortality by RHR,Figure 2 Asterisk indicates adjusted as Figure 1 plus BMI. CV, cardiovas-cular; RHR, resting heart rate.,n = 24,913 FU 14.7 years,Ariel Diaz et al. EHJ 2005,reference 1.05 (0.97-1.17) 1.07 (0.98-1.21) 1.14

5、(1.04-1.28) 1.31 (1.19-1.47) (p-value0.0001),静息心率 冠心病病残率、死亡率的 强预测因素, 静息心率增快与心血管病死率和病残率呈前瞻 性正相关,独立于动脉粥样硬化其他危险因素 静息心率80-85bpm是正常和异常心率的分割水平 心率80bpm被证实易于使冠状动脉斑快破裂 -阻滞剂有保护作用 大量证据证明心动过速不仅是其他心血管危险 因素的一个“marker”,而且可导致额外的心血 管系统的损害 应将静息心率作为心血管病人危险因素分层的 参数,预防性治疗可使病人获得更大的益处。,Paolo Palatini. European Heart Journ

6、al(2005)26, 943-945,心理社会应激为触发因素,猝死,应激事件 防御反应,导致迷走抑制 2. 增加交感张力 (中枢神经系统、心脏),b1,增加猝死发生的危险性,降低心脏电稳定性,心率 收缩力 收缩压 缺血发生,Wikstrand 17:165A,January 1994,Leor et al, NEJM 1996,0,10,20,30,Number of Sudden Deaths,11,14,17,20,23,The Northridge Earthquake January 17, 1994, at 4.31 am,Relative Risk 5.2 (p0.001),Ps

7、ychosocial Stress and the Triggering of Sudden Death,-阻滞剂的作用机制, 降低交感神经张力 防止儿茶酚胺的心脏毒性作用 抑制异常、过度、持续的神经激素活性增高 和 RAS 间的相互作用: 降低血压 缓解心肌缺血(减少心肌耗氧、冠脉血流有利的重分配) 改善心肌重构 减慢心率 减少心律失常(包括复杂室性心律失常) 提高心室颤动阈值 降低猝死,ESC Expert Consensus Document on -blockers 2004,高血压早期已有SNS激活,Schlaish MP Hypertension 2004;43:169,去甲肾上腺

8、素释放增加,肌肉交感兴奋,高血压时交感活性增加,BP 107/58,BP 148/102,ECG,MSNA,BP (mmHg),B,A,48 y.o.female BP:107/58 mmHg MSNA:32 bursts per min 45 bursts per 100 hb,49 y.o.female BP:148/102 mmHg MSNA:42 bursts per min 77 bursts per 100 hb,150,100,50,p 0.01,MSNA (bursts / 100 heartbeats),100,80,60,40,20,0,NT,EH,A,800,600,40

9、0,200,0,Total body NE spillover (ng/min),Cardiac NE spillover (ng/min),Ronal NE spillover (ng/min),B,80,60,C,40,20,0,250,200,150,100,50,0,NT,EH,NT,EH,NT,EH,Schlaich MP Circulation 2003;108:560,高血压交感活性增加和左心室肥厚的关系,去甲肾上腺素释放增加,左室重量/交感活性,A,70,60,50,40,30,20,10,0,HEART,Cardiac NE spillover (ng/min),NT,EH-

10、,EH+,100,80,60,40,20,0,MSNA (burals/105 heartbeaths),MSNA,NT,EH-,EH+,250,200,150,100,50,0,B,C,KIDNEY,NT,EH-,EH+,Renal NE spillover (ng/min),200,A,160,140,120,100,80,60,40,20,0,Left Vontilcular Miss inder (g/m2),200,C,160,140,120,100,80,60,40,20,0,Left Vontilcular Miss inder (g/m2),200,D,160,140,120,

11、100,80,60,40,20,0,Left Vontilcular Miss inder (g/m2),180,180,180,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,Cardiac NE Spillover (ng/min),0,200,400,600,800,1000,1200,1400,Whole Body NE Spillover (ng/min),180,160,140,120,100,80,60,40,20,0,Left Vontilcular Miss inder (g/m2),B,0,50,100,150,200,250,Reral NE Spillover (ng/m

12、in),0,20,40,60,80,MSNA (bursts/100 hoartboats),r = 0.50; p 0.01,r = 0.41; p = 0.054,r = 0.52; p 0.001,r = 0.50; p 0.01,100,Schlaish MP Hypertension 2004;43:169,高血压心脏NE和AII释放之间缺乏关系,动脉,冠脉窦,EH = 原发性高血压,NT = 正常血压,20,A,15,10,5,0,Anglotonsin II (fmol/ml),NT,EH,C,NT,EH,1.4,1.2,1.0,0.8,0.6,0.4,0.2,0.0,Anglo

13、tensln II/I ratlo (fmol/fmol,NT,EH,Anglotonsin I (fmol/ml),B,D,20,15,10,5,0,50,40,30,20,10,0,0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,Cardiac NE Spillover (ng/min),CS Angiotensin II (fmol/ml),r = -0.009 p = 0.961,原发性高血压交感活性增加,中枢交感活性输出增加 总体、心脏及肾脏去甲肾上腺素释放增加 肌肉交感张力增加 神经元去甲肾上腺素重新摄取降低 左心室肥厚程度与心脏交感活性相关 血管紧张素-II 浓度不增加,研究结果提示高血压

14、时交感神经系统激活先于 肾素血管紧张素系统激活,Slaich MP Hypertension 2004;43:169,因此治疗高血压时在阻断RAS之前 阻断NE活性可能更为合理,治疗无并发症的高血压患者 阻滞剂可在ACEI或ARB之前应用, SNS 在心血管疾病的重要性 高血压早期已有SNS激活 -受体阻滞剂具有证据确鑿的 心脏保护作用 -受体阻滞剂的临床实践,高血压病的一级预防,MAJOR CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS Comparisons of different active treatments,RR (95% CI),Favours first listed,Favo

15、urs second listed,BP difference (mm Hg),0.5,1.0,2.0,Relative Risk,ACEI vs. CA,CA vs. D/BB,ACEI vs. D/BB,0.97 (0.92,1.03),1.04 (0.99,1.08),1.02 (0.98,1.07),2/0,1/0,1/1,BPLT 2003,CARDIOVASCULAR DEATH Comparisons of different active treatments,RR (95% CI),Favours first listed,Favours second listed,BP d

16、ifference (mm Hg),0.5,1.0,2.0,Relative Risk,ACEI vs. CA,CA vs. D/BB,ACEI vs. D/BB,1.03 (0.94,1.13),1.05 (0.97,1.13),1.03 (0.95,1.11),2/0,1/0,1/1,BPLT 2003,TOTAL MORTALITY Comparisons of different active treatments,RR (95% CI),Favours first listed,Favours second listed,0.5,1.0,2.0,Relative Risk,BP di

17、fference (mm Hg),ACEI vs. CA,CA vs. D/BB,ACEI vs. D/BB,1.04 (0.98,1.10),0.99 (0.95,1.04),1.00 (0.95,1.05),2/0,1/0,1/1,BPLT 2003,Similar net effects on total cardio-vascular events of: ACE inhibitors Calcium antagonists Diuretics/beta-blockers,Conclusions I,高血压的一级预防 阿替洛尔随机研究 (22150 病人年),HAPPHY,MRC 老年

18、病人,两个研究荟萃分析,利尿剂组 (n=1604),阿替洛尔组 (n=1599),利尿剂组 (n=1081),阿替洛尔组 (n=1102),利尿剂组 (n=2685),阿替洛尔组 (n=2701),死亡例数,Wikstrand J et al, In Clinical trials in Hypertension, 2001, pp 141-58; The Steering Com. of the HAPPHY Trial, JAMA 1989;262:3273-74; MRC Working Party, Br Med J 1992;304:405-12.,26,33,134,160,160

19、,200,0,50,100,150,200,250,美托洛尔预防高血压患者动脉粥样硬化研究(MAPHY),3234例男性高血压患者,40-64y, 平均随访 5.0年 总病死率 22% (P=0.028) 美托洛尔组4.0%(65/1609例) 利尿剂组5.1% (83/1625例) 与利尿剂组相比,美托洛尔组 心血管猝死 30%( P=0.017) 冠心病事件(致死+非致死) 24%( P=0.0010),Wikstrand J et al JAMA 1988,一级预防 - MAPHY,利尿剂,美托洛尔,p=0.028,随访时间,年,5,10,0,累计死亡数,90,50,0,累计死亡数,50

20、,40,0,20,70,30,20,10,总死亡率,心血管猝死,利尿剂,美托洛尔,p=0.017,随访时间,年,5,10,0,Olsson G et al Am J Hypertens 1991,Wikstrand J et al JAMA 1988,一级预防 MAPHY 致死性非致死性事件 (至首次事件发生时间),冠脉事件,累计事件数,160,40,0,20,60,100,80,120,140,5,10,0,卒中事件,危险性降低 24%,利尿剂,美托洛尔,p=0.0010,利尿剂,美托洛尔,随访时间,年,Wikstrand et al, Hypertension 1991;17;579-88

21、,MRC, IPPPSH 和 MAPHY研究结果荟萃分析 10,951 例病人随机分组, 随访51,100 病人年,总死亡率 247 202 20% 0.023 猝死 101 64 38% 0.003 冠心病 (致死 325 263 21% 0.006 +非致死性),随机分组 非阻滞剂1 阻滞剂 危险性 (n=5452) (n=5499) 降低 p值 事件发生数 (%),研究终点,Wikstrand et al, In Clinical trials in Hypertension, ed Henry Black, New York, 2001, pp 141-158,1主要为利尿剂,卡托普利

22、与阿替洛尔: 型糖尿病患者 终点事件发生率比较( UKPDS ),UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group. BMJ 1998;317(7160):713-20,LIFE研究:主要结果,9193例高血压左室肥厚患者,平均随访54个月 主要终点(中风/心肌梗死/心血管病死亡) 氯沙坦组11% vs 阿替洛尔组13% (降低13.0%,p=0.021) 二级终点(10项,包括总死亡率) 致死或非致死中风降低24.9%(5% vs 7% p=0.001) 致死或非致死心肌梗死增高7.3%(p=0.49) 心血管病死亡率降低11.4%(p=0.21),Lancet 200

23、2,所有终点总结,The area of the blue square is proportional to the amount of statistical information,阿替洛尔 苄氟噻嗪更好,0.50,0.70,1.00,1.45,主要终点 Non-fatal MI (incl silent) + fatal CHD 次要终点 Non-fatal MI (exc. Silent) +fatal CHD Total coronary end point Total CV event and procedures All-cause mortality Cardiovascul

24、ar mortality Fatal and non-fatal stroke Fatal and non-fatal heart failure 3级终点 Silent MI Unstable angina Chronic stable angina Peripheral arterial disease Life-threatening arrhythmias New-onset diabetes mellitus New-onset renal impairment 事后分析 Primary end point + coronary revasc procs CV death + MI

25、+ stroke,2.00,Unadjusted Hazard ratio (95% CI) 0.90 (0.79-1.02) 0.87 (0.76-1.00) 0.87 (0.79-0.96) 0.84 (0.78-0.90) 0.89 (0.81-0.99) 0.76 (0.65-0.90) 0.77 (0.66-0.89) 0.84 (0.66-1.05) 1.27 (0.80-2.00) 0.68 (0.51-0.92) 0.98 (0.81-1.19) 0.65 (0.52-0.81) 1.07 (0.62-1.85) 0.70 (0.63-.078) 0.85 (0.75-0.97

26、) 0.86 (0.77-0.96) 0.84 (0.76-0.92),氨氯地平 培哚普利更好,only 14.3% of patients in the amlodipine group and 8.6% in the beta-blocker group remained on monotherapy at the end of the study, making this a trial of combination regimens. Dahlf said. Devereux said. “I think the differences should be interpreted as

27、 being between regimens rather than between classes of drugs.“,ASCOT, 为药物联合方案之间的比较,而非 二类药物之间的比较 一级终点: 非致死性MI和致死性冠心病 二组无差异 -受体阻滞剂应用的是氨酰心胺,The results observed are not necessarily applicable to all blockers. They could simply indicate particular disadvantages of the specific drugs usedeg. atenolol, as

28、 recently suggested. Bjrn Dahlf et al in ASCOT-BPLA, Lancet,Carlberg B Lancet 2004;364:1684,Atenol vs placebo in hypertension,Stroke,Mortality,AMI,CV Mortality,Atenolol in hypertension: is it a wise choice? Bo Carlberg, Ola Samuelsson, Lars Hjalmar Lindholm Lancet 2004,Hence, based on the results of

29、 our meta-analyses and on the effects of atenolol in other cardiovascular disorders, we have doubts about the suitability of atenolol as a first-line antihypertensive drug and as a reference drug in outcome trials of hypertension.,However, pending further information, we believe the combination of a

30、 blocker and a diuretic should not be recommended in preference to the comparator regimen used in ASCOT-BPLA for routine use, but only for specific circumstances. Bjrn Dahlf et al in ASCOT-BPLA, Lancet,Carlberg B, et al. Atenolol in hypertension: is it a wise choice ? Lancet 2004; 364:16841689. Lind

31、holm LH, et al. Should -blockers remain first choice in the treatment of primary hypertension ? A meta-analysis. Oct.18, 2005.,Clinical Trials in Lindholms Meta-analysis, Dutch-TIA Coope(HEP) MRC-old STOP-H TEST IPPPSH (Oxprenolol) MRC-1,vs. placebo or no treatment, ASCOT-BPLA MRC-old Berglund NORD

32、IL CONVINCE STOP-2 ELSA UKPDS HAPPHY Yurenev INVEST MRC-1 LIFE,vs. other antihypertensive treatment, Berglund Yurenev MRC-1,Non-atenolol trials,如何认识-阻滞剂治疗高血压的荟萃分析(1), 20个临床试验中,17个试验使用的 -阻滞剂是阿替洛尔。 其中3个为混合性。 3个非阿替洛尔与其它降压药的比较试验: Berglund: : n=106 Yurenev : n=304 MRC: 是唯一样本量较大的临床试验 n=8700 上述三试验应用的 -阻滞剂均

33、是普萘洛尔,属非选择性。 而不同-阻滞剂存在药理异质性。 MAPHY试验未包括在内,非阿替洛尔与其它降压药的比较试验,非阿替洛尔与其它降压药的比较试验, 各项终点事件(MI、总死亡率、卒中)均无显著差异 其中,MI、总死亡率、倾向有利于受体阻滞剂 L H Lindholm 等认为: 所有的受体阻滞剂均不宜再作为 治疗高血压的首选药物 但从荟萃分析未能提供有力的证据, 荟萃分析搜集的临床试验 治疗随访脱落率较高,影响 ITT分析 有的试验样本量太小,95%可信限极宽 异质性检验均有显著差异 缺乏整个试验期间的血压数据,因而, 终点事件的差异未能用血压差值校正。 药物的剂量、剂型与试验结果未作相关

34、分析 入选试验跨度二十年,病人的特征与 高血压保健等均有改变,如何认识-阻滞剂治疗高血压的荟萃分析(2),Comment The end of blockers for uncomplicated hypertension ?,Their current endorsement of blockers must surely be changed. But in the process they may be in danger of “ throwing out the baby with the bath water ”. Some patients genuinely do need b

35、lockers as their first line therapy, and there are also distinct theoretical hazards from their rapid discontinuation, particularly in patients who might be judged to be “ coronary prone ”.,D Gareth Beevers.Lancet 2005,Dr Peter S Sever (Imperial College London, UK) told a press conference here. “We

36、recognize that there are clearly subgroups of patients in whom beta blockers are indicated :”those with a prior myocardial infarction or symptomatic coronary heart disease”.but in uncomplicated hypertension, I think the ASCOT data seriously raise questions about the future position of beta blockers

37、in the management of hypertension.“ “We have reason to believe there may well be an adverse interaction between atenolol, thiazides, and statins and also a potential for beneficial interaction between amlodipine, perindopril, and statins,“,Effects of combined statin and beta-blocker treatment on one

38、-year morbidity and mortality after acute myocardial infarction associated with heart failure,30,25,20,15,10,5,0,0,6,12,18,24,30,36,Month,Neither (n=830) Beta-blocker only (n=2004) Statin only (n=496) Both (n=1971),Endpoint rate (%),A Hognestad et al. Am J Cardid 2004;93:603-6,How to define the “ un

39、complicated hypertension ” ?,Importance of Primary Prevention,Women,0,Patients (%),Men,20,40,60,Murabito et al Circ 1993 88: 2548,Framingham Heart Study (n=5144) MI or SD as 1st Presentation,朝鲜战争死亡者 300人尸检 平均年龄 22.1岁 77.3% 冠脉AS 39% 阻塞斑块 ENOS JAMA,Tuzcu Circ 1999,32 Year Old Female,Prevalence of Athe

40、rosclerosis by Donor Age,Atherosclerosis: Change in Approach,Early intervention pays long term dividends,John Deanfield,高血压病早期受体阻滞剂的应用? 高血压病早期已有交感神经系统的过度激活 受体阻滞剂在高血压病一级预防 对心脏的保护作用从未被超越 如何识别高血压病早期 晚期? 高血压病早期仍应针对最佳人群 及早应用受体阻滞剂,冠心病高危患者 心梗后患者 心衰患者 室上性和室性心律失常 心源性猝死 糖尿病,高血压病的二级预防,ACC/AHA指南:慢性稳定性心绞痛药物治疗(20

41、02年版,推荐水平“Class I”),阿斯匹林(无禁忌证者) -阻滞剂:作为首选抗心绞痛药(无禁忌证者) ACE抑制剂:用于合并糖尿病和(或)左室收缩功能异常的 确诊冠心病患者 降胆固醇药:LDL-C 130mg/dl的冠心病患者(目标 100mg/dl) 硝酸甘油舌下或喷雾:用于迅速缓解心绞痛发作 钙拮抗剂或长效硝酸盐:-阻滞剂有禁忌证的患者,全部患者必需 长期应用-阻滞剂,ESC Expert Consensus Document on -blockers 2004,慢性、稳定性冠心病,-阻滞剂治疗慢性稳定性冠心病指南 (ESC 2004 -阻滞剂专家共识),UA/NSTEMI 指南 如

42、何使用-阻滞剂 (ACC/AHA 2002),若无禁忌证,-阻滞剂应早期开始使用( I类推荐 ) 高危患者以及持续胸痛的患者, -阻滞剂先静脉注射再继以口服 中、低危患者口服给予-阻滞剂 休息时的目标心率为5060bpm,除非发生限制性副作用,NSTEMI ACS 应尽早开始应用 -阻滞剂 ( I B ) 急性期后全部病人均应接受 -阻滞剂 ( I A ) 目标心率:50-60次/分,ESC Expert Consensus Document on -blockers 2004,-阻滞剂早期治疗急性心肌梗死的疗效 28 项临床试验汇总分析(n27000),ISIS Collaborative

43、Group. Lancet 1986, 2(8498):57-66,AMI后长期使用-阻滞剂的效益,总死亡率绝对危险显著降低(p0.0001) 827/10452例(7.9%):986/9860例(10.0%) 总死亡率相对危险降低23% 95%可信区间15%30% (p0.00001) 非致死性心肌梗死绝对危险显著降低( p0.0001 ) 549/9643例(5.7%):693/9198例(7.5%) 非致死性心肌梗死相对危险降低26% 95%可信区间17%34% (p0.0001) 猝死相对危险降低30% 95%可信区间20%40% (p0.00001),Yusuf S, et al.

44、Prog Cardiovasc Dis 1985, 27(5):335-371,-阻滞剂降低老年心肌梗死患者死亡率,STEMI -阻滞剂治疗 (ACC/AHA Guidelines 2004), 无禁忌证的患者应立即给予-阻滞剂口服治疗 不论是否同时接受溶栓治疗或直接 PCI 治疗 (I类推荐、A级证据) 除非有禁忌证或低危(心室功能正常或接近正常、 再灌注成功、没有明显室性心律失常),所有 STEMI 后的患者都应该接受 -阻滞剂治疗。 这种治疗是无限期的。( I 类推荐、 A级证据),-阻滞剂与心肌梗死 AMI: 口服 -阻滞剂适用于全部病人无禁忌症者(I A) i.v. -阻滞剂亦可应用

45、(I B) MI后长期预防: 口服 -阻滞剂适用于全部病人无禁忌症者( I A ) 无限期使用。可: 改善生存率、防止再梗、猝死 效益可见于并用再灌注治疗、ACE-I者 高危病人受益更大: 大的、前壁梗死;糖尿病、心梗后缺血、迟发室律失常、 Q波与非Q波心梗、老年人 下列情况效益大于危险: I 型糖尿病、COPD、严重外周血管病、PR间期达0.24秒,ESC Expert Consensus Document on -blockers 2004,STEMI:-阻滞剂的相对禁忌证(ACC/AHA Guidelines 2004),现有证据提示: -阻滞剂降低再梗死和死亡率的效益实际上超过其危险,

46、包括非活动期轻度哮喘、胰岛素依赖糖尿病、COPD、严重外周血管疾病、PR0.24s、中度心力衰竭的患者。 上述患者使用-阻滞剂时需加强监测,避免发生不良反应。 大多数哮喘患者能够耐受心脏选择性的 1-阻滞剂。,二级预防: -阻滞剂的受益人群(ACC/AHA 2004 STEMI Guidelines ),接受或未接受再灌注治疗的患者 病程早期或较迟开始接受-阻滞剂治疗的患者 所有各种年龄组的患者 高危患者得益最大(死亡率降低):左室功能异常、室性心律失常、未接受再灌注治疗的患者 已经接受冠状动脉重建治疗(介入或搭桥手术)的患者,仍然需要长期-阻滞剂治疗;因为-阻滞剂能够进一步降低死亡率。,心肌梗死后的二级预防:-阻


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