细胞工程 实验技术.ppt

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1、10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 1,CE Lecture 1 细胞工程实验室基本实验技术,授课教师: 谢浩,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 2,细胞工程实验室的设置和运行都是为细胞工程服务的。,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 3,细胞培养的基本概念 细胞培养的基本条件 细胞培养的基本技术,10/2005,Wuh

2、an University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 4,CE1-1 细胞培养的基本概念,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 5,什么是细胞/组织培养? 体外细胞培养的优点和缺点 培养细胞生长的基本条件,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 6,什么是细胞/组织培养?,细胞的体外繁殖 Propagation of cells outside the organis

3、m 包括动物组织培养和植物组织培养 Tissue culture involves both plant and animal cells 通过组织培养可以获得克隆 Tissue culture produces clones, in which all product cells have the same genotype (unless affected by mutation during culture),10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 7,体外细胞培养的优点,细胞株和细胞系的遗传单一性可

4、由单细胞决定 Single well defined cell type 培养条件可控制,较易操作 Controlled conditions,also easy to manipulate 生物材料操作方便 Superb access 可代替动物试验 Alternative to animal testing Model system for discovery of physiological principles Check later on the smaller number of animals 可以获得大量的细胞 Large quantities of cells can be

5、obtained,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 8,体外细胞培养的缺点,细胞培养同动物培养完全不一样 Not at all like an animal In cell cultures cells are no longer organized into tissues Monolayer is nothing like a 3D tissue 细胞培养环境同体内环境不同 Environment is not like in vivo ECM scaffolding 受血清,血浆等培养条件的影响

6、 Effects of serum, plasma, etc. “Tissue culture can be a powerful technique if conducted properly and a great waste of time and money when done sloppily” Bernice Martin, Ph.D.,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 9,细胞的营养需要 细胞的生存环境 温度: 37 ,O2 CO2: 5%,CO2 +H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO

7、3- pH: 7.2-7.4 渗透压 无污染 无毒,培养细胞生长的条件,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 10,CE1-2 细胞培养的设备,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 11,无菌: 净化工作室,风淋室,传递窗,高效过滤器,洁净层流罩,生物安全柜,超净工作台,紫外灯,电热干燥箱,滤器,高压灭菌器,抗生素 细胞生长: 纯水蒸馏器,纯水仪,培养板,培养瓶,CO2培养箱,培养基,血清 细胞检测: 倒置显微镜,酶

8、标仪 ,微孔板震荡器,高速离心机,移液器 细胞保存: 液氮罐,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 12,无菌设备:净化工作室,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 13,风淋室是生物洁净室的理想配套设备,它不仅可以清除人体和物品表面附着的尘埃,减少带入洁净室的灰尘量,而且兼有气闸室的功能,可防止非洁净空气的侵入。风淋室的板壁采用轻质隔热夹芯钢板,吹淋板采用进口不锈钢制作,吹淋口方向可调,风淋时间可在30-99秒间的

9、调整。风淋室可以配合加热器,冬天可以加热,温度可调,一般控制温度在30-35较为适宜。,无菌设备:风淋室,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 14,该装置是一种洁净室的辅助设备,主要用于洁净区与洁净区,洁净区与非洁净区之间小件物品的传递,以减少洁净室的开门次数,把对洁净区的污染降低到最低程度。 PB系列传递窗按用途分为标准型和生物洁净型两种。(后者带空气自净装置)按门互锁形式分为机械互锁和电子互锁两种外壳按材料分为彩钢板型、薄钢板喷塑型和全不锈钢型三种通用型尺寸如下表所列,特殊规格按用户要求制作。,无菌

10、设备:传递窗,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 15,高效过滤器是用超细玻璃纤维纸作滤料,胶板纸作分隔板,可与铝合金框、木框及镀锌钢板框组合而成。 特点:具有低阻高效、轻质、容尘量大等特点,层高的要求,缩小净化设备静压箱体积等优点。 适用于常温常压常湿条件下环境空气的净化,尤其适用于需要高效空气过滤器覆盖率高的净化厂房。,无菌设备:高效过滤器,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 16,技术性能参数: (1)净化

11、等级:100级(美国联邦标准209E) (2)平均风速:0.250.45m/s(可调) (3)噪音:62dB(A) (4)电源:220V/50HZ 层流罩是可提供局部高洁净环境的空气净化设备。它主要由箱体、风机。初效空气过滤器、高效空气过滤器、阻尼层、灯具等组成,外壳为不锈钢或彩钢板。该产品既可悬挂,又可地面支撑,结构紧凑,使用方便。可以单个使用,也可多个联接组成带状洁净区域,形成洁净隧道。洁净层流罩是将空气经风机以一定的风压通过高效空气过滤器后,由阻尼层均压,使洁净空气呈垂直层流型气流送入工作区,从而保证了工作区内达到工艺所需的高洁净度。,无菌设备:洁净层流罩,10/2005,Wuhan U

12、niversity of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 17,超净工作台的工作原理是利用鼓风机驱动空气遁过高效滤器除去空气中的尘埃颗粒,使空气得到净化。净化空气徐徐通过工作台面,使工作台内构成无菌环境。,无菌设备:超净工作台(Hoods),10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 18,无菌设备:超净工作台,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 19,一种既能使操作造成无菌、无尘

13、的局部空气环境,保证检验、检测不受污染,又能保证被研究的对象(如病菌、细菌等)不外溢,保护周围环境及操作人员的安全隔离设备。 该设备可广泛应用于低、中等危险度(病原体1-3,DNA重组P1-P3)的临床细菌学,病毒学、微生物学、组织培养、生物学及生命科学的研究,加工、检验部门。,无菌设备:II级A型生物安全柜,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 20,紫外线消毒主要用于培养室空气、操作台、塑料培养 皿和培养板等表面消毒,无菌设备:紫外灯,10/2005,Wuhan University of Scien

14、ce and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 21,干热消毒(160 ,2小时)主要用干玻璃器皿消毒,无菌设备:电热干燥箱,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 22,Zeiss滤器:过滤除菌:大多数培养用液,如人工合成培养基、血清、酶液等均采用滤过法除菌,无菌设备:滤器,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 23,大容量高压灭菌器,全自动手提式灭菌器,无菌设备:灭菌器,10/2005,Wuhan U

15、niversity of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 24,细胞生长设备:纯水仪,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 25,Pipettes, bottles, flasks, petri dishes 塑料 - better attachment and cell growth of monolayer cell culture - more expensive than reusable glass - suitable for storage at 4C

16、 玻璃 - Can withstand temperatures 0C use for maintaining frozen stocks - Steam sterilize by autoclaving * relies on steam pressure and high heat * use fast-dry cycle to dry condensate * use “wet” cycle for salt solutions to prevent evaporation * loosely place caps on bottles,细胞生长设备:玻璃和塑料器具,10/2005,Wu

17、han University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 26,细胞生长设备:,培养容器的选择 Majority of vertebrate cells in vitro grow as monolayers on an artificial substrate Most cells need to spread out on a substrate in order to proliferate Overcrowding will inhibit proliferation But cells dont like to be lonely C

18、ell yield is proportional to the available surface,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 27,细胞生长设备:培养板,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 28,细胞生长设备:培养瓶,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 29,10/2005,Wuhan University o

19、f Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 30,Sensing and control devices Chamber fans even distribution of heat and gases Disadvantage increased spread of contamination Copper walls are supposed to be antimicrobial CO2 delivery Reductors - to change the pressure between a tank and incubator (from about

20、900lb to 10-15lb) Two or more cylinders with an electronic switch Watch for leaking gas it can be expensive,细胞生长设备:培养箱(Incubator),10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 31,CO2培养箱设定的条件为37 ,5CO2 。 使用CO2培养箱培养细胞时应注意的问题: 用螺旋口瓶培养细胞时,需将瓶盖微松,以保证通气。 保持培养箱内空气干净。定期消毒 (90 ,14 h)。 箱内灭菌蒸馏

21、水3000毫升蒸馏水槽中以保持箱内湿度,避免培养液蒸发。,细胞生长设备:CO2培养箱,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 32,移液器,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 33,细胞检测设备:Inverted microscope,It is vital to look at cultures regularly A morphological change is often the first sign of

22、deterioration in culture Inverted because it is not good to open tissue culture dishes It should have phase contrast Most cells are not dense enough to be visible in a regular light without staining,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 34,酶标仪 微孔板震荡器,细胞检测设备,10/2005,Wuhan Un

23、iversity of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 35,细胞检测设备:高速离心机,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 36,细胞保存设备:,Equipment for cryopreservation 液氮 Liquid nitrogen Liquid phase (-196oC) or vapor phase (-156oC) 可调节速冻速率的容器 Fancy freezing chambers to regulate the freezing rate

24、Styrofoam containers work too,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 37,细胞保存设备:液氮罐,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 38,CE1-3 细胞培养的基本技术,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 39,实验室安全 培养基的成分及配置 细胞培养的基本操作,10/2005,Wuhan Un

25、iversity of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 40,实验室安全:制度,1、准入制度 2、安全制度 3、卫生消毒制度 4、出入制度,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 41,实验室安全:,Basic safety considerations Safety applies both ways Protect your cells and protect yourself General safety rules Aseptic vs. antiseptic

26、 technique,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 42,实验室安全:,Safety issues Broken glass Sharp instruments Electricity Frost bite from liquid nitrogen handling Burns (if you use Bunsen burner) Irradiation if isotopes are used Infection Chemical toxicity Biohazards,10/2005,Wuha

27、n University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 43,实验室安全:,Safety Disinfection Work surfaces, culture waste and equipment must be kept clean to prevent contamination Hypochlorides (bleach) Good general purpose disinfectant Corrosive against metals (i.e., centrifuges) Use at 1000 ppm for general s

28、urface use Alcohol 70% ethanol or 60-70% for isopropanol Waste disposal Dispose regularly, do not allow to accumulate tissue culture waste (media, pipettes, flasks, etc.),10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 44,实验室安全:,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie

29、H.,CE1 - 45,水:新鲜配置的三蒸水或去离子水 平衡盐溶液: 无Ca2+、Mg2+的缓冲液 PBS: NaCl 8.0 g KCl 0.2 g Na2HPO4.H2O 1.56 g KH2PO4 0.20 g 加水至1000 ml,培养基的成分及配置,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 46,培养基成分的选择 基本成分 附加成分,培养基的成分及配置,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 47,体外培养细胞缺

30、乏抗感染能力,所以防止污染是决定培养成功或失败的首要条件。即便使用设备完善的实验室,若实验者粗心大意,技术操作不规范,也会导致污染。因而,为在一切操作中最大可能地保证无菌,每一项工作都必须做到有条不紊和完全可靠。,细胞培养的基本操作:无菌操作技术,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 48,消毒(disinfection)和消毒剂(disinfectant) 灭菌(sterilization) 防腐(antisepsis)和防腐剂 抑菌(bacteriostasis)和抑菌剂(bacteriostatic

31、) 无菌(asepsis)和无菌技术/无菌操作(antiseptic technique),细胞培养的基本操作:无菌操作技术,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 49,【培养前准备】 在开始实验前要制定好实验计划和操作程序。有关数据的计算要事先做好。根据实验要求,准备各种所需器材和物品、清点无误后将其放置操作场所(培养室、超净台)内,然后开始消毒。这可以避免开始实验后,因物品不全往返拿取而增加污染机会。,细胞培养的基本操作:无菌操作技术,10/2005,Wuhan University of Scien

32、ce and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 50,【操作野消毒】 无菌培养室每天都要用0.2%的新洁尔灭拖洗地面次(拖布要专用),紫外线照射消毒30-50min,超净工作台台面每次实验前要用75酒精擦洗。然后紫外线消毒30min。在工作台面消毒时切勿将培养细胞和培养用液同时照射紫外线,消毒时工作台面上用品不要过多或重叠放置,否则会遮挡射线降低消毒效果。些操作用具如移液器、废液缸、污物盒、试管架等用75%酒精擦洗后置于台内同时紫外线消毒。,细胞培养的基本操作:无菌操作技术,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xi

33、e H.,CE1 - 51,【洗手和着装】 原则上和外科手术相同。平时仅做观察不做培养操作时,可穿着细胞培养室内紫外线照射30min的清洁工作服。在利用超净台工作时,因整个前臂要伸入箱内,应着长袖的清洁工作服,并于开始操作前要用75酒精消毒手。如果实验过程中手触及可能污染的物品和出入培养室都要重新用消毒液洗手。进入原代培养室需彻底洗手还要戴口罩、着消毒衣帽。,细胞培养的基本操作:无菌操作技术,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 52,【火焰消毒】 在无菌环境进行培养或做其它无菌工作时,首先要点燃酒精灯。

34、以后一切操作,如按装吸管帽、打开或封闭瓶口等,都需在火焰近处并经过烧灼进行。,细胞培养的基本操作:无菌操作技术,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 53,【操作】 进行培养时,动作要准确敏捷,但又不必太快,以防空气流动,增加污染机会。不能用手触及已消毒器皿,如已接触,要用火焰烧灼消毒或取备品更换。,细胞培养的基本操作:无菌操作技术,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 54,细胞培养的基本操作,Sterilizat

35、ion Techniques Metal - A Glass - A, R Plastics A, R, G Medium -R, F Serum - R, F Salt solutions - A, R, F A-autoclaving, R-radiation, F-filtration, G-gas,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 55,Filtration Sterilization of solutions for maintenance growth or treatment Do no

36、t autoclave nutrient mediumheat will destroy some of the compounds in the medium Pass through sterile filter with small pore size (22 m) use sterile techniques,细胞培养的基本操作,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 56,Filtration Always filter through 0.2 m filter to remove bacteri

37、a (bacteria are 1-2 m) 0.45 m filters remove only particulates Mycoplasma and viruses will still filter through Filters come in many sizes, all are $ Cellulose, polycarbonate, PTFE, best are low protein binding,细胞培养的基本操作,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 57,肉眼观察培养物颜色及混浊

38、度 倒置显微镜观察细胞生长状态,细胞培养的基本操作:培养细胞的观察,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 58,细胞培养的基本操作:清洁液的配制,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 59,浸泡(自来水)、刷洗(洗衣粉)、酸泡(24小时) 流水冲洗、蒸溜水浸泡和冲洗、50烘干,细胞培养的基本操作:常用玻璃器皿清洗,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology X

39、ie H.,CE1 - 60,甚至可发生在最好的实验室 Happens to even the best 真菌 Fungal - yeast 细菌 Bacterial 支原体 Mycoplasma filterable bacteria which will pass across 0.2 m filter. Big problem. It is treated with cephalosporin antibiotics. Can take over laboratories.,细胞培养的基本操作:Contamination,10/2005,Wuhan University of Scien

40、ce and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 61,Cryopreservation Definition: storage at low temperature most often in liquid nitrogen (-196C) Aim: preserving plant material over a longer period to minimize growth and development in vitro maintain viability and genetic stability maintain full developmental and fun

41、ctional potential saving of labour input Practical use: gene banking,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 62,Protocol: For succesful cryopreservation the material must be cooled slowly to ca -30 to -60C, before transfer to liquid nitrogen. This slow cooling gives rise to c

42、ellular dehydratation which progressively concentrates the cellular constituents and depresses their freezing point. Once cell solutions have been concentrated by slow cooling, remaining water can be vitrified by freezing the plant material as rapidly as possible. In some cases small plant material can be transferred immediately to minus 196C without damaging the plant tissue. Thawing usually is most succesful when it happens rapidly.,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 63,10/2005,Wuhan University of Science and Technology Xie H.,CE1 - 64,The End,


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