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1、 为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation2 文本+题目+答 案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation2 文本 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and his European History Professor. Professor: So I wanted to talk about your outline. I do like your topic: William, the conqueror, leading the Nor

2、man invasion of England. But Im a little concerned about your source and the fact that you want to use it as the entire basis of your paper. Student: Really? The Bayeux tapestry? I thought it was pretty creative to use something that was made to hang on a wall as a source. And as far as I know its t

3、he most important documentation of the invasion, a first-hand account, right? Professor: Well, you are right. Its considered a primary source. And at 70 meters long, the tapestry certainly is impressive. Imagine the time it took for those embroiderers to sew all those words and images to tell the st

4、ory of the Norman forces sailing from France to England. So, yeah, its an amazing artifact, but whats problematic is that the tapestry is a very controversial source. Were you aware of this? Student: Well, I know some pieces of it were probably lost. Professor: It is incomplete, but. Student: But I

5、also read that historians have relied on it to help interpret the events leading up to the invasion and the battle itself. Professor: Well, it has great historical value, no doubt, but in my opinion, theres a problem because.well.do you know who commissioned the tapestry? Student: It was a church of

6、ficial.um.the bishop of Bayeux, a city in France? Professor: Yes. And the bishop was also William the Conquerors half-brother. Student: Oh! That I didnt know. But regardless of who commissioned it, isnt the fact that it was based on eye witness accounts the most important thing? I mean, it was made

7、only 17 years after the battle. So plenty of eye witnesses were still alive. Professor: Yes, thats true. But the real point of the controversy isnt the battle itself. It has to do with the reason for the battle: who was the rightful heir to the throne? Who would be the next king? And if William the

8、Conquerors brother is the one whos commissioned this tapestry. Student: Then he would be the one to decide which words and images would go on the tapestry and what would be left out. Professor:Exactly. So of course the tapestry shows why William should be the new king. Student:I guess I see your poi

9、nt. Embroiderers are just gonna do what they are told to do. Professor:You have to understand that the tapestry depicted an entire series of events as they were interpreted by the Normans, the victors of the battle. And thats a problem if you are trying to write objectively about the invasion, espec

10、ially if you use it as your only source of information. After all, its important for historians to examine an event from all sides. 托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation2 题目 1.Why does the professor want to talk to the student? A. To review material from a previous class. B. To recommend a resource for an assign

11、ment. C. To outline steps the student should take to complete his research. D. To discuss the students plan for a paper. 2.What does the professor imply about the students outline? A. It needs to have a clearer thesis. B. It needs to include specific examples. C. It needs to have information from ad

12、ditional sources. D. It needs to be better organized. 3.According to the student, why is the Bayeux Tapestry an important historical document? A. It contains the earliest records of English kings. B. It is based on eyewitness accounts. C. It documents differences between life in England and life in

13、France during the eleventh century. D. Its images match those in other documents from the eleventh century. 4.What do the speakers say about the condition of the tapestry? A. Some of its parts are missing. B. It has been restored to its original condition. C. Some of the words on it have faded. D. I

14、dentifying people on it has become difficult. 5.Why does the professor emphasize the bishops role in the commissioning of the tapestry? A. To acknowledge that the history of the tapestry is well-known. B. To point out one of the weaknesses with using the tapestry as a historical document. C. To expl

15、ain why the tapestry has survived since the eleventh century. D. To explain how tapestries were typically paid for in the eleventh century. 托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation2 答案解析 Q1 题目解析: 正确答案:D “So, I want to talk about your outline. I do like your topic, William the conqueror, leading the Norman invasion

16、of England, but.Im a little concerned about your source, and the fact that you want to use it as the entire basis of your paper.“教 授找学生来讨论他的大纲, 以及参考资料的准确度。 故选项 D 正确。 A 选项说“为了复习上节 课内容“,未提及,故排除。 B 选项说“为了介绍作业所需资源“,未提及,故排除。C 选项 说“为了给学生列大纲步骤“,未提及,故排除。 Q2 题目解析: 正确答案:C “but.Im a little concerned about your

17、 source, and the fact that you want to use it as the entire basis of your paper.“教授比较担心学生把 tapestry 当成主要参考资 料,在下文中也多次提到这个材料的不好之处,故选项 C 正确。 A 选项说“需要更清晰的论 题“,未提及,故排除。 B 选项说“需要包含具体的例子“,未提及,故排除。D 选项说“需 要更好地组织“,未提及,故排除。 Q3 题目解析: 正确答案:B “But regardless of who commissioned it, isnt the fact that it was bas

18、ed on eyewitness accounts the most important thing? I mean it was made only 17 years after the battle so plenty of eyewitness were still alive.“学生认为这个资料是基于目击者来 记录的,所以很真实很重要,故选项 B 正确。A 选项说“它包含了英国国王最早的记录“,未提 及,故排除。C 选项说“它记录了 11 世纪英法两国生活方面的不同“,未提及,故排除。D 选 项说“它的图片和 11 世纪的其他文件相匹配“,未提及,故排除。 Q4 题目解析: 正确答案:

19、A “Student: Well, I know some pieces of it were probably lost. Professor: It is incomplete.” 故选项 A 正确。 B 选项说“它被修复到最初状态“, 未提及, 故排除。 C 选项说“ 一些字迹褪色了“,未提及,故排除。D 选项说“辨别上面的人很困难“,未提及,故排除。 Q5 题目解析: 正确答案:B 强调最直观的体现就是说话者对某个信息点的重复,对话中教授 2 次提到 the commissioning of the tapestry, 为了说明 bishop 是胜利者的 half brother, 所以为了维护 胜利者, 他可以篡改历史。 故选项 B 正确。 A 选项说 “为了承认 tapestry 上的历史广为人知 “, 对话中教授认为这段历史可能有被篡改的嫌疑,故排除。C 选项说“为了解释 tapestry 自 11 世纪来可存活下来“,未提及,故排除。D 选项说“为了解释 11 世纪时,tapestry 是如何被 付费的“,未提及,故排除。 以上是给大家整理的托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation2 文本+题目+答案解析,希望对你有 所帮助!


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