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1、 为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation1 文本+题目+答 案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation1 文本 Narrator:Listen to a conversation between a student and a counselor. Student: Hi, Im Tina Molly.Employee:Oh, Tina, yeah, good to meet you!You told me on the phone that you are looking for a part-time p

2、osition? Student:Yeah! My roommate works at the dining hall, and she heard a part-time job might be opening up there for this new semester. So I was hoping. Employee:There was one, but that got filled a couple days ago. Student:Oh, no! Really? The thing is Ive got to do something to pay for expenses

3、. And, well, Im not afraid of hard work. Employee:I guess not. You see, I always have to check the class schedules of potential applicants to make sure they are full time students in good standing. And your schedule this past semester, I mean, everything from computer science, to African history, to

4、 zoology and physics. How do you manage with such a heavy class load? Student:Pretty well! Actually. If I do get a job, of course, I may have to cut back to a more normal schedule. But, you know, therere so many great subjects to learn about. Employee: Ah, a generalist. Student:Yeah! Its gonna be ha

5、rd for me to pick just one thing to specialize in. Employee:Say, that gives me an idea. Youre pretty comfortable on a computer, right? With learning new software applications? Student:Sure! Im pretty good at that. Why? Employee:Well, last week I got a call from the folks over at the visualization pr

6、oject. They wanna add a couple part-timers to their staff. Student:Visualization project? Employee:Yes, they help professors from all different departments turn information into something their students can see. You know, instead of just writing on a black board, more and more professors want to pro

7、ject information onto a screen. And how do I say this? Some professors are really good in their own subject areas, but when it comes to computers, well. Student:I get the picture. So they use the visualization project to create what? Like graphs of different sorts? Employee:Graphs of economic trends

8、 for instance or population growth. And sometimes dynamic maps, maps that change on screen to show for instance how trade ebbed and flowed over the centuries along various routes between China and the Mediterranean. Student:Wow, thatd be interesting. Employee:Yeah! And thats just what they do for cl

9、assroom lectures. A project staffer might also be asked for to help professors pool together some of their research data and model that visually. They claim that putting their research in a map, for example, or a moving image helps them see connections, new relationships in data on, say, animal migr

10、ation patterns that they might miss if theyre just looking numbers on a piece of paper. Student:Thats terrific! What about working hours? Employee:They are pretty flexible. Staffers can go in to work day or night. They just have to make sure its all done by the time the professor needs it. So shall

11、I give you the number to call to get in touch with these people? Student:Oh, would you? To think I came in just hoping to get something in the dining hall. 托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation1 题目 1.What is the conversation mainly about? A. The womans schedule of classes for the coming semester. B. A job possib

12、ility in the dining hall. C. The womans need to specialize in a particular subject. D. Work involving the use of computer application. 2.What does the man imply about some professors? A. They have difficulty with some computer technology. B. They spend more time on research than on teaching. C. They

13、 often understand an idea better after presenting it to students. D. They often have their students give class presentations. 3.What does the Visualization Project provide to professors? Click on 2 answers A. Recordings of their lectures for viewing by students in distant locations. B. Presentations

14、 of data in ways that may give new insights into current research. C. Specially made graphs, maps, and other on-screen aids for classrooms use. D. Training in the use of computer software that shares data between academic departments. 4.What does the woman learn about staff members for Visualization

15、 Project? Click on 2 answers. A. They deal with information on a wide variety of academic topics. B. They often have to go to professors offices to help. C. They work at times of their own choosing. D. They come from many different parts of the world. 5.What does the man mean when he says this: A. H

16、e doubts the womans claim. B. He agrees with what the woman says. C. He needs to know more about the womans class schedule. D. He cannot evaluate the womans qualifications. 托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation1 答案解析 Q1 题目解析: 正确答案:D 对话整体在讲学生想做兼职,后面一大部分在讲有关于电脑的兼职,故选项 D 正确。 A 选项说“女生下学期课程时间表”,中心词非“schedule“,故排除。B 选

17、项说“餐厅工作的可 能性” ,中心词“dining hall“,故排除。C 选项说“女生专供一门功课的必要性”,未提及,故 排除。 Q2 题目解析: 正确答案:A “Some professors are really good in their own subject areas, but when it comes to computers.well.”对话中指出教授们不擅长使用电脑,故选项 A 正确。B 选项说“他 们在调研上花费的时间要多于上课的时间”,未提及,无关对比,故排除。C 选项说“教授在 把一个知识点向学生说明之后,会对这个知识点理解得更透彻”,未提及,故排除。D 选项说 “

18、他们经常让学生做演讲”,未提及,故排除。 Q3 题目解析: 正确答案:BC “Graphs of economics trends for instance, or population growth, and sometimes dynamic maps, maps that change on screen to show.A project staffer may also be asked to help professors pull together some of their research data and model that visually. ” 对话中通过并列引出 V

19、isualization Project 可以为教授做的事情,分别对应 BC 选顶,故 选顶 BC 正确。 A 选项说 “学生可以远程观看录下来的视频课“, 未提及, 故排除。 D 选项说 “培 训教授使用电脑软件,以便和各个系的教授共享数据”,未提及,故排除。 Q4 题目解析: 正确答案:AC “A project staffer may also be asked to help professors pull together some of their research data and model that visually.”对应 A 选项; Student: Thats terr

20、ific! What about working hours? Counselor: They are pretty flexible. Staffers can go in to work day or night. They just have to make sure its all done by the time the professor needs it.工作时间灵活有弹性,对应 C 选项。故选项 AC 正确。B 选项说“他们经常需要去教 授的办公室帮忙” ,未提及,故排除。D 选项说“他们来自于世界各地” ,未提及,故排除。 Q5 题目解析: 正确答案:B 判断依据如下: 重听

21、句: I guess NOT! 还原语境: Student: Im not afraid of hard work. Counselor: I guess NOT! 重听题需要根据语境来分析。 学生说她不怕吃苦, 顾问在回 答的时候重读了not, 说明同意学生所说的话, 故选项B正确。 ? A选项说 “他怀疑学生说的话” , 与原文相反,故排除。 ? C 选项说“他需要知道学生的课程表” ,原文中有所提及,但并不是 这道题目所对应的语境, 故排除。 ? D 选项说 “他不能评估学生是否能够胜任” , 未提及,故排 除。 以上是给大家整理的托福 TPO35 听力 Conversation1 文本+题目+答案解析,希望对你有 所帮助!


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