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1、 为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福 TPO36 听力 Conversation2 文本+题目+答 案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福 TPO36 听力 Conversation2 文本 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and the program manager of the university radio station. Student: Hi Im Jim, the guy whos trying to get a new show. Manager: Right. Jim. Student: My

2、 application got turned down and.um.l am not sure why. So I wonder if you could explain. Manager: Im glad you came in, Jim. I was actually quite impressed with your application. Student: Okay. Manager: But the thing is, we run a music station here, not a talk station. Weve been a music station since

3、 the beginning, since the stations inception. Student: This is where I get confused because of the article in last months campus newspaper about the poll. Manager: Yes. The survey. Student: I mean, a majority of students said they felt the station was stale, that it needed a breath of fresh air. Wel

4、l, um, how are we supposed to get fresh air if you keep all the windows closed? I was just trying to open some windows for people. Manager: I can tell you have a lot of passion for this, but Im really not convinced its a good idea. Okay. The first thing is, again, this is a music station. If we just

5、 have that one calling show, it just doesnt fit in with what we are doing. And studies have showed that mixed format stations just arent as successful as.Look. We do want to innovate, but within the format. And with a live calling show, for one thing, you have no idea what the caller is going to say

6、, no idea what you could end up broadcasting. Student: I understand, but that seems like a small risk to take in exchange for giving students a chance to talk publicly, interactively about issues they care about. I really think theyd like to have a place where they can air their views about current

7、events, about the university. Manager: But the university already has that. Theres a monthly meeting open to all students to discuss issues like the ones you mentioned in your application. And there are several student clubs on campus that discuss current events. But either way we have no plans to c

8、hange the format. Now, if you had an innovative idea for a new music program. Student: Well.how about a music program that includes taking calls from listeners? Manager: You really are determined to have a calling show, huh? Student: Well, Im a communications major, and Im hoping to get an internshi

9、p at a professional talk radio show in the city next year. I thought a little experience with the college station might help. Manager: Tell you what, theres still some time before the application deadline. Why dont you submit a new application with the music show idea that you just proposed? Then we

10、 will see if we can work something out. Student: Okay. Thanks! 托福 TPO36 听力 Conversation2 题目 1.What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. Results of a survey about the university radio station. B. Opportunities for internships at the university radio station. C. Problems associated with the students

11、 proposal for a radio show. D. Changes the student wants to make to his proposal for a radio show. 2.What are the womans objections to a call-in radio show? Click on 2 answers A. She does not like to call-in shows. B. The radio stations broadcasts only music shows. C. The radio station does not have

12、 the necessary equipment to broadcast a call-in show. D. It is difficult to predict what people might say when they call. 3.Why does the woman mention the universitys monthly meetings? A. To explain that students have a way to discuss their complaints on campus B. To suggest that the student present

13、 his proposal for a talk show at the next meeting. C. To mention that his proposal was the topic of a previous meeting. D. To explain the process of s approval for new radio shows. 4.Why does the student mention an internship at a professional radio station? A. To emphasize that he is qualified to r

14、un a radio show. B. To give an example of a radio station with a successful call-in radio show. C. To suggest that he will submit his idea to that radio station. D. To explain why he wants his own radio show at the university radio station. 5.What does the woman imply about the students idea to mix

15、a music show with a call-in show A. She is willing to consider it if he submits a new application. B. She doubts that it would be successful. C. She thinks that it would improve the students chances of getting an internship. D. She does not think that there is room for that type of show in the progr

16、am calendar. 托福 TPO36 听力 Conversation2 答案解析 Q1 题目解析: 正确答案:C 本题出题点在于: Student: My application got turned down and.um.l am not sure why. So I wonder if you could explain. Manager: Im glad you came in, Jim. I was actually quite impressed with your application. Student: Okay. Manager: But the thing is,

17、we run a music station here, not a talk station. Weve been a music station since the beginning, since the stations inception. 这一段对话告诉我们,男生之所以来找 老师,是因为自己投给学校广播电台的简历被拒绝了,他不服气。选项 C 符合题意。其余三 个则在原文里没有提及。选择 C。 Q2 题目解析: 正确答案:BD 本题出题点在于:The first thing is, again, this is a music station. If we just have tha

18、t one calling show, it just doesnt fit in with what we are doing. And studies have showed that mixed format stations just arent as successful as.Look. We do want to innovate, but within the format. And with a live calling show, for one thing, you have no idea what the caller is going to say, no idea

19、 what you could end up broadcasting. 本题听到 first 的时候就要意识到出题点出现了。老师这段话主要表达了两 个意思,一个是广播电台只播音乐,还有一个是如果加入一个听众来电的环节的话,不可控 因素会增多,不确定会怎样收场。选项 B 和选项 D 分别对应这两点。其余两个选择与对话内 容无关。双选 BD。 Q3 题目解析: 正确答案:A 本题的出题点在于: Student: I understand, but that seems like a small risk to take in exchange for giving students a chan

20、ce to talk publicly, interactively about issues they care about. I really think theyd like to have a place where they can air their views about current events, about the university. Manager: But the university already has that. Theres a monthly meeting open to all students to discuss issues like the

21、 ones you mentioned in your application. And there are several student clubs on campus that discuss current events. But either way we have no plans to change the format. 这一段对话的大意是, 男生认为广播台需要给学生机会谈论下学校里的事情, 但 是老师说已经有一个一月一次的会议用来谈这方面的问题了,而且还有其他的社团。所以就 是告诉了男生,学生是有渠道去讨论校园事情的,不需要广播电台再为此开一个新项目。选 项 A 符合题意。其

22、余三个选项未能准确理解。选择 A。 Q4 题目解析: 正确答案:D 本题的出题点在于: Student: Well, Im a communications major, and Im hoping to get an internship at a professional talk radio show in the city next year. I thought a little experience with the college station might help. 本段大意是男生说自己是通信 专业的,并且下一年想要在专业聊天电台找个实习,他觉得如果这个大学电台要他的话,这

23、段经历可以帮助他达到下一年的目标。选项 D 说解释了为什么他想要进入学校电台实习,正 确。其余三个选项不合题意。选择 D。 Q5 题目解析: 正确答案:A 本题的出题点在于: Manager: Tell you what, theres still some time before the application deadline. Why dont you submit a new application with the music show idea that you just proposed? Then we will see if we can work something out. 因为男生的一再坚 持,老师最后表示,因为离申请的提交还有一段时间,如果男生愿意出一份关于谈话节目的 申请的话,她可以再考虑考虑。所以选项 A 符合。其余三个选项不符合原文。选择 A。 以上是给大家整理的托福 TPO36 听力 Conversation2 文本+题目+答案解析,希望对你有 所帮助!


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