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1、 为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福 TPO39 听力 Conversation1 文本+题目+答 案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福 TPO39 听力 Conversation1 文本 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and a theater professor. Student: Hi, Professor Johns. Professor: Hey, didnt I see you at the performance of Crimes of the Heart last night? Student

2、: Yeah. Actually my roommate had a small part in it. Professor: Really? I was impressed with the performance. There sure are some talented people here. What did you think? Student: You know, Beth Henley is an okay playwright. She has written some decent stuff, but it was a little too traditional, a

3、little too ordinary, especially considering the research Im doing. Professor: Oh, whats that? Student: On the Polish theater director Jerzy Grotowski. Professor: Grotowski. Yeah, thats a little out of the mainstream. Pretty experimental. Student: Thats what I wanted to talk to you about. I had a que

4、stion about our essay and presentation. Professor: Okay. Student: Yeah. Some of these ideas, uh, Grotowskis ideas are really hard to understand. They are very abstract, philosophical. And, well, I thought the class would get more out of it if I acted out some of it to demonstrate. Professor: Interes

5、ting idea. And what happens to the essay? Student: Well, I will do the best I can with that, but supplement it with a performance. You know, bring it to life. Professor: Alright. But what exactly are we talking about here? Grotowski, as Im sure you know, had several phases in his career. Student: Im

6、 mainly interested in his idea from the late 1960s: poor theater. You know, a reaction against a lot of props, light, fancy costumes, and all that. So it would be good for the classroom. I wouldnt need anything special. Professor: Yes. Im sure a lot of your classmates are unfamiliar with Grotowski.

7、This would be good for them. Student: Right. And this leads.I think theres overlap between his poor theater phase and another phase of his, when he was concerned with the relationship between performers and the audience. I also want to read more and write about that. Professor: You know, I saw a per

8、formance several years ago. It really threw me for a loop. You know, you are used to just watching a play, sitting back, but this performance, borrowing Grotowskis principles, was really confrontational, a little uncomfortable. The actors looked right in our eyes, even moved us around, involved us i

9、n the action. Student: Yeah. I hope I can do the same when I perform for the class. Im a bit worried since the acting is so physical. That theres so much physical preparation involved. Professor: Well, some actors spend their whole lives working on this, so dont expect to get very far in a few weeks

10、, but Im sure you can bring a couple of points across. And if you need some extra class time, let me know. Student: No. I think I can fit it into the regular time for the presentation. Professor: Okay. I think this will provide for some good discussion about these ideas and other aspects of the audi

11、ence and their relationship to theatrical productions. 托福 TPO39 听力 Conversation1 题目 1.What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. A play by Grotowski that was discussed in class. B. A proposal that the student has for an assignment. C. A play that is currently being performed at the university. D. T

12、he main phases in Grotowskis career as a director. 2.What does the student imply when he talks about the play he recently attended? A. He attended the play because he is writing an essay on it. B. He wished the play were more experimental. C. He thought his roommate showed great talent. D. He was no

13、t familiar with the author of the play. 3.What are two characteristics of Grotowskis theater that the speakers mention? Click on 2 answers A. The minimal equipment on the stage in his productions. B. The single stories that his plays are based on. C. The elaborate costumes the actors wear in his pla

14、ys. D. The actions of the performers in his plays. 4.Why does the professor mention a play she attended several years ago? A. To compare it to the play she saw the previous evening. B. To suggest that Grotowskis principles do not necessarily lead to effective theater. C. To show how different it was

15、 from Poor theater. D. To provide an example of one of the ideas the student wants to research. 5.What does the professor imply about the acting the student wants to do? A. Audiences are no longer surprised by that type of acting. B. The acting requires less physical preparation than he thinks. C. H

16、e will not be able to master that style of acting easily. D. He should spend less time acting for the class and more time on class discussion. 托福 TPO39 听力 Conversation1 答案解析 Q1 题目解析: 正确答案:B 本题的出题点在于: Professor: Grotowski. Yeah, thats a little out of the mainstream. Pretty experimental. Student: That

17、s what I wanted to talk to you about. I had a question about our essay and presentation. Student: Yeah. Some of these ideas, uh, Grotowskis ideas are really hard to understand. They are very abstract, philosophical. And, well, I thought the class would get more out of it if I acted out some of it to

18、 demonstrate. 开头这里告诉我们, 男生觉得 Grotowski 的观点比较难以理 解,因为太抽象哲学了,所以他想给班里同学表演一下。选项 B 符合原文意思。其余三个则 不符合。选择 B。 Q2 题目解析: 正确答案:B 本题的出题点在于: Professor: Really? I was impressed with the performance. There sure are some talented people here. What did you think? Student: You know, Beth Henley is an okay playwright.

19、She has written some decent stuff, but it was a little too traditional, a little too ordinary, especially considering the research Im doing. 这里男生提到自己前几天去看的一场演出。 他觉得这场演出还可以, 作者写的规规矩 矩,但是也普普通通,有点太寻常了。他可能希望看到更加实际的东西。选项 B 符合男生的 意思。其余三个选项不符。选择 B。 Q3 题目解析: 正确答案:AD 本题的出题点在于: Student: Im mainly interested i

20、n his idea from the late 1960s: poor theater. You know, a reaction against a lot of props, light, fancy costumes, and all that. Professor: You know, I saw a performance several years ago. It really threw me for a loop. You know, you are used to just watching a play, sitting back, but this performanc

21、e, borrowing Grotowskis principles, was really confrontational, a little uncomfortable. The actors looked right in our eyes, even moved us around, involved us in the action. 这两段分别说到了学生想做的表演的两个特 点:一个是舞台道具非常简单,不用很多的灯光或者漂亮服装;第二个是教授说的,他几年 以前看过一场类似的演出,观众不只是坐在后排单纯在看,演员会围着观众演出,让观众近 距离感受。这两点分别对应选项 A 和选项 D。其

22、余两个选项不符合原文。双选 AD。 Q4 题目解析: 正确答案:D 本题的出题点在于: Professor: You know, I saw a performance several years ago. It really threw me for a loop. You know, you are used to just watching a play, sitting back, but this performance, borrowing Grotowskis principles, was really confrontational, a little uncomfortab

23、le. The actors looked right in our eyes, even moved us around, involved us in the action. Student: Yeah. I hope I can do the same when I perform for the class. Im a bit worried since the acting is so physical. That theres so much physical preparation involved. 这里教授提到了他几年前看的一场 演出,认为这场演出的演员会到观众中去,让观众近

24、距离深入表演,来启示学生想办的演出 也可以这样办。选项 D 符合原文意思。其余三个选项不符合。选择 D。 Q5 题目解析: 正确答案:C 本题的出题点在于: Professor: Well, some actors spend their whole lives working on this, so dont expect to get very far in a few weeks, but Im sure you can bring a couple of points across. And if you need some extra class time, let me know. 这里老师 表示,很多演员花费一辈子研究这种表演,投入精力很多,所以学生不用期待在短短几周内 就能取得很大的进展。还是在提醒学生这种表演风格还是不容易掌握的。选项 C 合适。其余 三个选项不合适。选择 C。 以上是给大家整理的托福 TPO39 听力 Conversation1 文本+题目+答案解析,希望对你有 所帮助!


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