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1、 为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福 TPO39 听力 Conversation2 文本+题目+答 案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福 TPO39 听力 Conversation2 文本 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the university career services center. Employee: Hi. Can I help you? Student: One of my sociology professors suggested that I com

2、e to the career services center and talk to you. She thought there was going to be a career fair soon where I could talk to different companies about a possible summer job. Employee: Well, these are classroom-to-cooperation career fair. Thats our largest fair every year. We get representatives from

3、over 100 companies and they actually conduct interviews right here on campus. Student: Great! What kinds of companies? Employee: This year well have representatives from all the major technology companies in the area. Student: Oh. Then I dont know how helpful that will be. Im a sociology major. Empl

4、oyee: Well, thats fine. Sociology students often get jobs in marketing, administration, human resources. Tech companies have openings in those areas. Student: Well, Im mainly interested in working with people, in human services. Employee: Well, in that case, we do have a smaller fair coming up, with

5、 smaller companies and some public service organizations. This one might be a better fit for you. Student: Yeah. I think that was the one my professor was talking about. Employee: Most likely. Now, have you been to a fair like this before? Student: Not really, but I just show up and talk to differen

6、t companies, right? I dont have to register or anything, do I? Employee: No, you dont have to register, but I highly recommend that you come prepared. Student: Prepared? Employee: You should dress professionally and have copies of your resume with you. Student: Copies of my resume? Do I really need

7、that? Employee: Well, its not a requirement, but a lot of students come to our career fairs. Plus, weve opened up these fairs to the public, to people in the neighboring communities. So anything you can do to make yourself look more.well.look more professional. Thats gonna set you apart from the oth

8、er job applicants. Student: UmI dont even have a resume. Ive never written one before. Employee: Oh, thats not a problem at all. Have you been to our new website? It has all sorts of information about how to write a resume. And once youve written it, you can make an appointment to bring it in to us

9、at the career services center and have someone look at it with you. Student: Okay. So I really need to have a resume just to get a summer job? Employee: That depends on the company, but its a good idea to have one. Student: Okay. I guess Ill need to have one sooner or later anyway. Employee: Oh, and

10、 well be adding other information to our website eventually. Like well have a list of the companies that are going to be at the career fair by the end of the week. You should check it out and then maybe do some research on the companies. That should help you when you talk to them too. 托福 TPO39 听力 Co

11、nversation2 题目 1.What is the conversation mainly about? A. How to register for an upcoming job fair. B. The womans career goals. C. How the woman should prepare for an upcoming event. D. Possibilities for summer jobs on campus. 2.Why does the woman think she will prefer the smaller job fair? A. She

12、will have more time to prepare for it. B. The jobs available there are more suited to her interests. C. One of her sociology professors helped organize it. D. Fewer people will be looking for positions there. 3.Initially, what was the womans attitude toward preparing a resume? A. She was concerned t

13、hat it would take too much time. B. She did not think it was necessary. C. She did not think she could do it by herself. D. She was certain that it would help her find a summer job. 4.Why does the man mention that the career fairs are now open to job applicants from the community? A. To show that th

14、e number of available jobs in the community has increased. B. To indicate that the woman will be able to talk to people who have job experience. C. To indicate that the career services center is funded by the local government. D. To hint competition for the available jobs may be high. 5.What does th

15、e man say the woman will be able to do on the career services centers Website? Click on 2 answers A. Find out which companies will be participating at the event. B. Register for the upcoming career fair. C. Learn tips on how to prepare a resume. D. Get suggestions for how to make a good impression d

16、uring an interview. 托福 TPO39 听力 Conversation2 答案解析 Q1 题目解析: 正确答案:C 本题需要听完对话。开头学生提到,自己的社会学教授之一提议她来找对话里的老师, 因为她的老师知道很快有一场招聘会,她也许可以得到一份暑期工作。以后的对话就围绕着 老师给女生提应聘的建议进行,比如准备简历什么的。所以选项 C 比较符合原文意思。其余 三个没有很好概括。选择 C。 Q2 题目解析: 正确答案:B 本题的出题点在于: Student: Well, Im mainly interested in working with people, in human

17、services. Employee: Well, in that case, we do have a smaller fair coming up, with smaller companies and some public service organizations. This one might be a better fit for you. Student: Yeah. I think that was the one my professor was talking about. 这里老师跟女生讲, 有一个小的招聘会, 里面是小公司和社会公共服务机构, 女生表 示这个很适合她的

18、专业。选项 B 符合。其余三个选项不符合。选择 B。 Q3 题目解析: 正确答案:B 本题的出题点在于: Employee: You should dress professionally and have copies of your resume with you. Student: Copies of my resume? Do I really need that? 这里老师告诉 女生要带自己的简历去招聘会,女生很惊讶,问自己真的需要这些吗。所以她一开始是认为 简历不一定是必须的。选项 B 符合。其余三个选项不符。选择 B。 Q4 题目解析: 正确答案:D 本题的出题点在于: Empl

19、oyee: Well, its not a requirement, but a lot of students come to our career fairs. Plus, weve opened up these fairs to the public, to people in the neighboring communities. So anything you can do to make yourself look more.well.look more professional. Thats gonna set you apart from the other job app

20、licants. 这里是在女生反问简历是不是必须的之后,老师告诉她不是必须要求,但是因 为很多学生和社会人士也回来招聘会,竞争激烈,所以要应聘成功率大一点的话,女生最好 把自己弄得专业一点。这样就可以从众多应聘者中脱颖而出了。告诉女生还有很多社会人士 来应聘是为了让她明白,竞争激烈。选项 D 符合。其余三个选项不符合。选择 D。 Q5 题目解析: 正确答案:AC 本题的出题点在于: Employee: Well, its not a requirement, but a lot of students come to our career fairs. Plus, weve opened up

21、 these fairs to the public, to people in the neighboring communities. So anything you can do to make yourself look more.well.look more professional. Thats gonna set you apart from the other job applicants. Employee: Oh, and well be adding other information to our website eventually. Like well have a

22、 list of the companies that are going to be at the career fair by the end of the week. You should check it out and then maybe do some research on the companies. That should help you when you talk to them too. 这两段分别是老师给女 生的两个建议,一个是把简历弄好,另一个是提前在网上调查下来招聘的公司,提前准备。 分别对应选项 A 和选项 C。其余两个选项没有原文依据。双选 AC。 以上是给大家整理的托福 TPO39 听力 Conversation2 文本+题目+答案解析,希望对你有 所帮助!


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