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1、 为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福 TPO54 听力 Conversation1 文本+题目+答 案解析,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福 TPO54 听力 Conversation1 文本 Title: Story Theater Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor of her theater class. Student: So, Professor Baker, about our next assignment you talked about in class. Professor: Yes,

2、this time youll be in groups of three, each of you will have a chance to direct the other two in a short scene from a play youve chosen yourself. Student: Right, and, well, Ive been reading about story theater, and Professor: Ah, story theater, tell me about what youve read.a1 Student: Well, its a f

3、orm of theater where folk or fairy tales are acted out. It waseh, introduced, by the director Paul Sills in the 1960s. In Sillss approach, an actor both narrates, and acts out a tale. So, like someone will appear on stage, and then will start narrating a tale, aboutsay a king, and then the same pers

4、on will immediately switch to and start acting out the role of the king, with no props or scenery. Professor: Sills, you know I actually saw his first story theater production in 1968, he did the fairy tale the blue light. Student: Really, so whatever gave him the idea to produce that? Professor: We

5、ll, as you know, back in the late 1960s, lots of people in the United States were disillusioned with the government. Sills was grappling with how to produce theater that was relevant in such times. Then he happened to read the blue light, and he realized that it had just the message he wanted. See,

6、in the story, a man has lost all hope as a result of the unfortunate events in his life, completely turns his life around, with the help of a magical blue light. So,the blue light in the story symbolizes a way out of seemingly unsolvable human problems.a2 And for Sills, that light symbolized an answ

7、er to the political turmoil in the US.a3 Student: But werent youum, audiences bother that the actors were performing on a bare stage? Professor: Well, story theater is a departure from traditional dramatic theater with its realistic elaborate props and scenery, but Sills could make us see, say a big

8、 tall mountain through the facial expressions and body movements of the actors, and theyre telling of the story. We were all swept up, energized by such an innovative approach to theater, even if one or two of the critics werent as enthusiastic.a4 Student: Cool, so, anyway. What I really wanted to a

9、sk, Id love to try doing story theater for my project instead of just a scene from a traditional play.a5 Professor: Um, thats possible. A short tale can be about the same length as a single thing. Which fairy tale would you do? Student: Actually, I was reading about another director of story theater

10、, Rack Stevenson. You know, he produces plays based on folk tales as well. Maybe I could direct one of those. Professor: Okay, yes, Rack Stevenson. Now, Stevensons styles story theater is a little different from Sillss. Hell use simple props, a chair will represent a mountain, but the significant di

11、fference is with the narrator. The narrator will play only that role. Lets talk about why.a6 a1Q1 出题点 1 a2Q3 出题点 a3Q2 出题点 a4Q4 出题点 a5Q1 出题点 2 a6Q5 出题点 TPO54 Conversation1 听力题目与解析 1、Why does the student go to see the professor? A. To learn about the background of a director who was discussed in class

12、 B. To ask permission to use a specific type of theater for her class assignment C. To discuss the symbolism in a play she wants to use for her assignment D. To find out what scenery she is allowed to use in presenting her assignment 答案:B 解析 : 本题为目的主旨题,题目问学生去见教授是为了什么?学生一开始询问教授下一个 作业任务,提到故事戏剧,进一步询问能否

13、将故事戏剧作为任务。B 选项的意思为: 为她的 课堂任务采用一个特别的表演模式来征求同意。结合全文可知,正确答案为 B。 A 选项是了解一个课堂中讨论过的一个导演的背景。 听力中虽然出现了美国的政治背景, 但是那是蓝光的写作背景,并不是导演的背景,并且那只是学生和教授对话的一部分, 并不是学生去见教授的目的; C 选项是讨论一个她想在她的作业中用到的戏剧中的象征手法,全文完全未提及; D 选项是为了找出一个她可以用于她的任务的场景。文中并没有提到这个观点。 2、Why does the professor discuss the political environment in the Uni

14、ted States in the 1960s? A. To compare events at that time to events that occurred in one of Stephensons plays B. To suggest that the woman do additional research on that period of United States history C. To point out why political themes are common in folk and fairy tales D. To explain Sillss insp

15、iration for his first story theatre production 答案:D 解析 : 本题为组织结构题,题目问教授为什么要讨论 20 世纪 60 年代的美国的政治背景? 对话中提到了 20 世纪 60 年代美国很多人对政府失望,而 Sills 希望做出和时代关联的戏剧, 蓝光的故事情节,就是他对美国政治动乱的答复,所以提到时代背景是为了解释 Sills 第一部故事戏剧的灵感来源于哪里,则答案为 D。 A 选项的意思为:为了将那个时代的事件和 Stephenson 戏剧中的事件进行比较。后面虽 然对 Stephenson 和 Sills 的故事戏剧进行了比较, 但并不

16、是教授讨论政治背景的目的, 故排 除; B 选项的意思是:为了表明女生做了关于那个时期美国历史的调查研究。这个属于无中 生有,望文生义了,故排除; C 选项的意思是:为了指出为什么政治主题在民间和童话故事里是非常常见的。这二者 之间没有因果关系,故排除。 3、According to the professor, what does the blue light in the fairy tale called “The Blue Light“ represent? A. A plan that is impossible to follow B. A conflict between two

17、 opposing forces C. A solution to complex problems D. A question that has no clear answer 答案:C 解析:本题为细节题,题目问“根据教授可知,在名字叫蓝光的童话故事里,蓝光 象征着什么?” 由出题点可知,“在 蓝光 里, 蓝光象征着能解决人类不能解决的问题的方法” , 则答案为 C。 A 选项的意思为:一个不可能遵守的计划,对话未提及故排除; B 选项的意思是:两个对立力量之间的矛盾,对话未提及故排除; D 选项的意思是:一个没有明确答案的问题,对话未提及故排除。 4、What is the profes

18、sors opinion about Sillss production of The Blue Light ? A. He thinks that it was an inventive and powerful performance. B. He believes that the use of some props would have enhanced the performance. C. He thinks that the theme is even more relevant today than it was in the 1960s. D. He believes tha

19、t it was less effective stylistically than some of Stephensons plays. 答案:A 解析:本题为态度题,题干问“教授怎样看待 Sills 的作品蓝光?” ,由出题点可知 人们都被这种创新的戏剧方法所震惊、鼓舞,则答案为 A。 B 选项的意思为:一些道具的使用可以提高表演,虽然教授提到了道具的使用,但没有 说这些道具加强了演出效果,故排除; C 选项的意思是:他认为相比 20 世纪 60 年代,故事的主题更适合于当代,对话未提及 故排除; D 选项的意思是:他认为这些作品在形式上没有 Stephenson 的作品有影响力,不存在这

20、 种比较关系,故排除。 5、According to the professor, what is the most important difference between Stephensons and Sillss style of story theatre? A. The actor who plays the role of the narrator plays only that role in Stephenson s productions. B. The actors wear elaborate costumes in Stephensons productions. C

21、. The stage settings are realistic in Stephensons productions. D. Political themes are avoided in Stephensons productions. 答案:A 解析 : 本题为细节题,题目问“根据教授可知,Stephenson 和 Sills 的故事戏剧的最大 不同点是什么?” ,由出题点可知, “Stephenson 式的故事戏剧的风格和 Sills 的只有一些小 地方的不同,Stephenson 使用简单的道具,一个椅子可能代表一座山,但是,最大的不用是 在于讲述者,旁白将只扮演一个角色。 ”则答案为 A。 B 选项的意思为 : 在 Stephenson 的作品里,演员穿着华丽的服装,对话未提及,故排除; C 选项的意思是:在 Stephenson 的作品里,舞台设置是现实主义的,对话未提及,故排 除; D 项的意思是 : 在 Stephenson 的作品里,政治主题是避而不谈的,对话未提及,故排除。 以上是给大家整理的托福 TPO54 听力 Conversation1 文本+题目+答案解析,希望对你有 所帮助!


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