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1、作文中的连贯表达 Make Coherence,一、过渡性词语,1.在同一话题上补充内容: 另外,还有 whats more, besides, moreover, furthermore, also, likewise, in addition, in addition to, as well as, additionally, similarly, in the same way,Ive been fortunate to find a career that I love and, _, I get well paid for it. 我很幸运找到一份我喜欢的职业,而且薪水不错。 Mar

2、y is looking after her sisters children _ her own. 玛丽在照看她妹妹的孩子,也照看他自己的孩子。 3. The plan is not well-designed, _, it would have been too expensive. 这个计划设计的不好,再说花费也太大。 4. Im getting extra travel insurance and I suggest you do _. 我正办理特别旅游保险,我建议你也办一个。,whats more,in addition to,moreover,likewise,补充内容:,5. C

3、hoose a place which you may feel like visiting. _, you dont have to take any food with you, since lunch will be served at the place you will be visiting. 6. Whenever I do reading without understanding it thoroughly, I will remind myself to look up a dictionary quickly. That applies to Chinese _ Engl

4、ish learning.,In addition,as well as,补充说明,7. The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. _, fuel prices have fallen quite considerable. 8. People choose jobs for other reasons _ money. 9. _ that animals can adapt to negative conditions, man _ tends to make some form of adjustment to

5、 dangerous conditions.,Simiarly,besides,In the same way,also,2。表示转折意义,but, however, yet, instead, instead of, on the other hand, on the contrary, nevertheless, otherwise, still, although,Fill in the blanks with ,The London Marathon is a difficult race. _, thousands of runners participate every year.

6、伦敦马拉松是一种艰难的长跑竞赛,然而每年有成千上万的选手参加。 2. My remark was intended to comfort her but _ it upset her even more. 我的话就是想安慰她,结果反而更让她不安了。 3. It wasnt a good thing; _ it was a huge mistake. 这不是什么好事,相反是大错。 4.The drawer cannot be opened _ than with a key. 这抽屉不用钥匙打不开。,instead,on the contrary,otherwise,Nevertheless,表

7、转折:,5. We didnt talk much about the likelihood of his return to the war. _ we chatted that day about his computer. Its speed. Its size. Its amazing graphics. 我们没有多谈他可能重返战场的问题。相反, 我们那天聊的都是他的计算机。它的速度,它的体积,它那令人惊叹的图形显示功能。 6. Id like to eat out, but _ I should be trying to save money. 我也喜欢出去就餐,可是另一方面我还得设

8、法省钱哪。,Instead,on the other hand,3. 表示因果关系:因为,因此,所以。,since as so thus because (of) therefore as a result (of) so that due to,_ weve got a few minutes to wait for the train, lets have a cup of coffee. 2. _it was getting late, I decided to book into a hotel. 3. _ the heavy rain. I didnt go out. 4. The

9、car is bigger and _ more comfortable. 5. My knee started hurting, _ I stopped running.,Since,As,Because of,therefore,so,6. There has been no rain. _, the crops are likely to suffer. 7. _ of the bad weather, all flights have had to be cancelled. 8. The gravestones were covered with moss _ it was impo

10、ssible to read the names on them. 9. My father was one of six children, all of whom produced many children. _, two generations later, the size of the Kargudi extended family is over 200. 10._ the heavy traffic, John didnt catch the train to Shanghai this morning.,Thus,As a result,so that,So,Due to,4

11、. 表示条件关系:如果,只要,除非,否则。,if unless as (so) long as otherwise or else on the condition(that),_ it rains, we wont hold the sports meeting. I wont go to the party_ I am not invited. You may borrow this book _ you promise to give it back. You should go now, _ youll miss the bus. Hurry up, _ else youll be l

12、ate. Ill come _ the weather is fine.,If,unless,as long as,otherwise,or,on the condition that,5. 表示时间关系: 当时候,不久,自从,等等。,when while after before subsequently(后来) until as soon as later afterwards soon lately recently since from then on,1._ water becomes solid, we call it ice. 2. Some students were read

13、ing _ others were writing 3. I found your coat _ you had left the house. 4. He turned and ran away _ I said a word. 5. At first, we thought we would go, _ we learned we were needed at home. 6. Please wait here _ I come.,When,while,after,before,subsequently,until,7. I will tell him _ I see him. 8. _

14、she and he came to join us, too. 9.She is having lunch with me, and _, were going for a walk. 10. I havent heard from him _. 11. Where have you been _ I last saw you. 12._, he finished his homework by himself.,as soon as,Later,afterwards,recently/ lately,since,From then on,6. 表示特定的顺序关系:,above all fi

15、rst of all firstly (first) second (secondly) next then in the end finally lastly,_, remember to send us your new dress. _ tell us your name. _ you should listen to the teacher attentively. _, do what he or she tells you to do. _, when you have finished your experiment, tidy the lab. _, put everythin

16、g back in the cupboards. _ write down your name and class. _, you should write down what you hear. _, check the paper and hand it in. After putting it off three times, we _ managed to have a holiday in Greece.,Above all,First of all,First,Next,Then,In the end,First,Second,Lastly,finally,7.进行举例说明:例如,

17、比如。,for example takefor example for instance like such as,1.You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas, _. 2.There are several people interested, _ Mr Jones and Mr Simpson. 3.You should choose a profession _architecture or engineering. 4. _, he is a diligent student.,for example,like,such as,Take

18、Tom for example,8. 用于陈述和强调事实: 实际上,跟你说实话。,actually as a matter of fact to tell you the truth in reality in fact ; in deed in particular namely,_, he is an honest boy. _its we that owe you a lot. _, he didnt know it either. _, he did not know where he was going. _ nothing happened to him. She accepted

19、 the proposal _. It was a good concert -I enjoy the last song _. Only one man was absent, _Turner.,In fact,Actually,As a matter of fact,To tell you the truth,In reality,in deed,in particular,namely,9. 换一种方法表述:换句话说。,that is to say / in other words / to put it another way I will arrive on the 10th of

20、May, _, in three weeks. Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard, _, you failed. Many people came to listen to him sing, _ , the concert was a success.,that is to say,in other word,to put it another way,10.表示选择,ratherthan / otherwise / whetheror 1. _ doing it by John, I

21、d prefer to do the job by myself. 2. The leaders settled the argument, _, the world have been war. They will find out who did it, _you tell them _.,Rather than,otherwise,whether,or not,11. 进行总结: 总而言之,总的说来,all in all, on the whole, in general, in short , in a word. 1._, her condition is greatly impro

22、ved. 2. The weather this month has been good _. 3. _ her work has been good, but this essay is dreadful. 4. The hotel was miles from the centre, it was noisy and the food was awful, _, I wouldnt stay here. 5. _, this is a decisive victory.,All in all,on the whole,In general,in short,In a word,Multip

23、le choice,Permission was not granted for the interview: _ the reporter never gave up hope. moreover B. however C. because D. instead 2. James Joycy was a painstaking writer; _ he once spent half a day on the composition of a single sentence. for example B. on the other hand C. nevertheless D. moreov

24、er,_,_,3. The discover of gold in California created the gold rush; _ the discovery of oil in Alaska created an oil rush. likewise B. yet C. such as D. so 4. Astronomy has to deal with the largest bodies and the greatest distance in the universe; _ chemistry has to deal with the smallest particles a

25、nd the shortest distances in the universe. so B. on the other hand C. when D. therefore,_,_,5. Smith kept his business from getting smaller, _ he could not expand it. as B. though C. because D. as long as 6. If you think twice _ you speak once, you will speak twice better for it. After B. when C. as

26、 D. before 7. The leaders settled the argument; _ there would have been war. A. otherwise B. because C. so D. unless,_,_,_,8. He went home, _ went straight to bed. from then on B. when C. then D. until 9. This play, _, is very wonderful: There are many interesting Characters in it. out of question B

27、. on the whole C. otherwise D. finally 10. Susan is a good student; _ she gets good grades in school. that is to say B. for example C. moreover D. as a result,_,_,_,11.He was born and brought up in America, _ he can speak English. in fact B. instead C. so D. furthermore 12. He must have passed this

28、way, _ there are his foot-prints. first of all B. namely C. in fact D. for 13. Phone home, _ your parents will start to worry. otherwise B. even though C. thus D. so that,_,_,_,14. I like games _ and especially football. in particular B. in general C. in fact D. in other words 15. It is just a week

29、_ we arrive here. as soon as B. since C. when D. soon,_,_,Find out the connectors,There are many reasons for animals dying out, but the most important one is the part that the human beings have played. First, many animals have been killed for food. Secondly, many of the places where these animals us

30、ed to live have been destroyed. Dry lands have been watered. Wetlands have been turned into fields. Forests have been cleaned into agricultural land or used for building. Polluted rivers and lakes have also been a cause of animal death.,_,_,_,_,_,Fill in the blanks:,Nowadays, doing part-time jobs ha

31、s become a fashion to us students. There are many advantages in doing part-time jobs while you are in school.Doing part-time job can offer you a chance to make money. _ you can use the money to pay for your education, _ buy something you need. You can _ gain some working experience from it. _ you wi

32、ll be able to adapt yourself to future life.,Then,and,also,Therefore,_ part-time jobs also have some disadvantages. _ it might occupy some of your time so that your school lessons will be affected. _ if you dont know how to deal with the money you earn correctly, the extra pocket money may lead you

33、to waste more money and form bad habits. _ part-time jobs can give a bad influence on you. Because of the advantages and disadvantages of the part-time jobs, you should maintain a correct attitude and choose jobs properly, then you can benefit from it.,However,On one hand,On the other hand,So,Fill i

34、n the blanks with connectors,_ people have spread in the world, they have killed wolves, usually to protect their own animals _ sheep and cattle. _, the number of wolves has been greatly reduced. They are extinct in many countries. In Britain, _ , wolves became in about 1650. _ , there used to be ma

35、ny thousands of wolves in America. Now there are fewer than 2,000. If people had not come to America, wolves would not have disappeared.,Whenver,such as,As a result,for example,Similarly,Rewrite:,Today is Labor Day. It is a festival. I went to the East Lake Park with my friends. I saw lanterns and s

36、treamers. Many people were there. We had a picnic. We cleared away the rubbish. Today is Labor Day. In honor of the day, I went to the East Lake Park with friends, where I saw lanterns and streamers. Many people were also there. In the park, we cleared away the rubbish. After that, we had a picnic u

37、nder a tree. And we had a good time today.,Rewrite:,2. In the morning, I got up. I walked to school. I saw smoke rising from a building. It must be on fire. I dialed 119. Fire engines arrived. The firemen put out the fire. I got up early in the morning. After breakfast, I was about to walk to school

38、 when suddenly I saw plenty of dark smoke rising from a building nearby. I knew it must be on fire. So I went to the nearest telephone booth and dialed 119 immediately. Three minutes later, some fire engines arrived and the fire was put out finally.,Rewrite:,I will tell you the change of my life. Be

39、fore, we had many classes every day. I had to do a lot of homework after school. I went to bed at 11:30 in the evening. I had no time to play. I was very tired. Now I can visit museums. I can learn computer and drawing. In the evening, I can read books and newspapers and watch TV. I go to bed at 10:

40、00 now.,Im very pleased to tell you the changes in my life since our homework has been reduced. Before that, learning during the day was very simple. Having class and doing homework was the only thing we should do. In the evening, we also had a lot of homework to do. We could not go to bed until 11:30. Nevertheless, since reducing the learning load, my life has become much more interesting. I also have time to watch TV and read newspapers. I no longer stay up late; on the contrary, I go to bed at about 10pm. In short, I am quite satisfied with my life now.,


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