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1、Basic Condition of China,Peoples Republic of China,中国西南是白雪覆盖的崇山峻岭,人迹罕至。 Southwest China is mountains covered by snow with rare people living there. 在中国西北,有面积广阔的沙漠,世界第二大沙漠塔克拉玛干沙漠就分布在这里。 Northwest China is large scale of desert, the worlds second largest Taklimakan desert lies there. 中国北部是蒙古高原,这里冬天气候寒

2、冷,人烟稀少。 Northern China is Mongolia plateau, extremely cold in winter with less people. 中国东部是广阔的海洋,在人们发明指南针和掌握高超的造船技术之前,海洋无疑是对外交往的巨大屏障。 Eastern China is vast ocean, it has been a big obstacle untill compass and advanced ship buiding technology equiped.,中国古代历史上的三次大移民 Three large scale immigration in a

3、ncient Chinese history,第一次大移民:公元4世纪左右,原来生活在黄河流域的汉族人便成群结队地离开中原地区搬到了长江以南的江苏和安徽等的地区。 First immigration: In 4th century, han immigrated from Yellow river basin to Jiangsu and Anhui in the south of Yangzi river areas. 第二次大移民:唐代安史之乱期间,黄河流域再次受到战乱的破坏,又有一大批人在浙江、福建、江西等地住下来。 Second immigration: Discord times i

4、n Tang dynasty, Another large immigrates was settled in Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi areas. 第三次大移民:发生在12世纪中期,大批移民走到了广东、广西、福建,甚至海南岛等更靠南的地方。 Third immigration: In the mid 12th century, a large immigration moved to Guangdong, Fujian, even Hainan island in the very south.,到了中国近代,从北向南的移民基本结束。但是中国人口的增加并没有

5、停止,所以,这个时候,也有向其他方向移民的情况。最明显的,就是闯关东、走西口、下南洋。这三个方向的移民不分先后,从清朝乾隆 (17111799)年间开始,几乎是同时进行的。Immigration form North to South almost stopped in Modern China. But the population is still increaing, theres also immigrations towards other directions. Most significiantly is 、 、 。These three immigrations started

6、 from Qing dynasty(1711-1799), almost at the same time. 闯关东是以山东和直隶人为主,目的地是东三省一带;走西口是以山西、陕西人为主,目的地是蒙古草原;下南洋是以广东和福建人为主,目的地是东南亚一带。 C is maily Shandong people and Zhili People, they moved to Northeast part of China; Immigration to the west is maily Shanxi, Shaanxi people, moved to Inner Mongolia grassla

7、nd; Immigration to the south China sea maily Guangdong and Fujian people, they moved to southeast asia areas.,19世纪中期,随着人口压力的增加,及西方列强与中国先后发生的几次战争都迫使一大批生活在中国南方地区的人出海寻求新的居住地。 In mid 19th century, as the pressure of population rising and western countries invison, several wars, Chinese people went out t

8、o seek new habitats overseas 印尼2亿人,1000万华人; Indonesia has a total population of 2 billion, 10 million Chinese 马来西亚2500万人,600万华人; Malaysia has a total population of 25 million, 6 million Chinese 泰国6500万人,2000万华人; Thailand has a total pupulation of 65bmillion, 20 million Chinese 新加坡300万人,270万华人; Singa

9、pore has a total population of 3 milion, 2.7 million Chinese,海外华侨 Overseas Chinese,农耕区的扩展伴随着移民的过程。在中国历史上,大量北方人从黄河流域迁居到长江流域从事农业生产。移民的过程形成了北方与南方的交通道路,也对今天中国方言区的形成起到决定性的影响。 Expanding of farming lands is with process of immigration. In Chinese history, a large amount of people from north immigrated to Y

10、angzi river area engaging in agriculture. The process of immigration also conneced roads between North and South and had a determinative affect on formation of dialects.,移民与方言区的形成 Immingration & formation of dialects,中国现代汉语主要方言区示意图 Diagram of modern Chinese dialect areas,Capital,Beijing,Chairman,MR.

11、Xi Jinping,National flag,National emblem,National treasure,Giant panda,National flower,Mudan,National bird,Red-crowned Crane 1500 East Asia, China, Japan, Russia, North Korea and South Korea,National tree,Ginkgo 160 million years,义勇军进行曲由田汉作词、聂耳作曲,诞生于抗击日本帝国主义侵略的战争年代,1949年成为中华人民共和国国歌,象征着在任何时候任何地点,为捍卫国

12、家和民族的尊严,中华民族的坚强斗志和不屈精神永远不会被磨灭。1982年12月4日,第五届全国人民代表大会第五次会议通过关于中华人民共和国国歌的决议,恢复田汉作词、聂耳作曲的义勇军进行曲为中华人民共和国国歌。,中华民族到了最危险的时候,,起来!起来!起来!,National song,National day,October 1,Other important festivals,Spring Festival,Lantern Festival,Tomb Sweeping Festival,Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-autumn Day,Double Ninth Fest

13、ival,China is a vast country with a territory of up to 9,600,000 square kilometers. As the third largest country in the world, she is only smaller than Russia and Canada. 1 Russia 1,707.5 2 Canada 997.1 3 China 960.1 4 America 936.4 5 Brazil 854.7 6 Australia 774.1,Territory,Location,On the east of

14、Asia On the west of the Pacific,Neighbors,South Korea,Mongolia,Russia,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan,Afghanistan,Pakistan,India,Nepal,Bhutan,Myanmar,Laos and Viet Nam.,Climate,North Temperate Zone,Geography,Population,China has a huge population of 1.3 billion.,Ethnic groups,Han 90.56% 55 Minoriti

15、es: Zhuang, Man, Hui, Miao, Weiwuer,Yi,Tujia,Menggu, Zang,Religion,China is a multi-religious countries. Chinese people have religious liberty. More than 100,000,000 people in China have religious faith. There are over 100,000 places of religious worship, 3000 religious organizations in China. There

16、 are Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, Christian, Taoism.,Language,Chinese language is the most used language in the world. Except that Hui nationality and Man nationality speak Chinese, other minorities all have their own languages. Moreover, 22 nationalities have their own characters.,Economy,The syst

17、em of socialist market economy has been formed. The general economic strength has been reinforced greatly. GDP has jumped to the third place in the world but the economic system is still in need of improvement and perfection.,Constitution,China published the first Constitution in September, 1954.,Pa

18、rty,Multi-party led by the CPC and political consultation system: CPC is the ruling party and other parties participate in the management of the nation, mainly playing a role in consultation and supervision.,Administrative Division,China has 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 Municipalities, and

19、2 special districts.,Money,RMB,Military,Ground Army, Navy, Air force and Second Artillery Force,International Organizations that China Joined in,APEC,ASEAN,UN, WTO, WHO, International Development Bank, International Atomic Energy Organization, International Civil Aviation, IMFICPO,UNESCO,Education,T

20、he coverage of 9-year compulsory education reach: over 95% The enrollment ratio of children :99.27% Illiterate ratio of the youth: below 5% High school enrollment ratio: 59.2% College enrollment ratio: 56%,中国传统思想 Chapter 3 Chinese traditional thoughts,内容提要 General idea,1. 中国历代重要的思想家 Important thinke

21、rs of ancient China 2. 中国传统思想的继承与革新 Chinese traditional thinking Inheritance and Innovation,1,春秋战国:中国思想的黄金期 Spring and autumn warring period: Golden period of Chinese thought,春秋时期:老子、孔子、墨子 Spring and autum period: Lao Zi, Confucius, Mo Zi 战国时期:孟子、荀子、庄子,及法家、名家、 阴阳家、纵横家、杂家、农家和小说家等思想流派的代表人物,统称为“诸子百家”。

22、Warring period: Mencius, xun zi ,zhuang zi, and so on characterized by the yin-yang school, novelist and other representatives of the school of thought, are known as “hundred Schools of Thought “,老子 Laozi,老子像 Portrait of Laozi,“道”是天地万物的本源。 Tao is the origin of the universe,宇宙中的各种事物都有对立面,但相互依存的,相互转化。

23、 All sorts of things in the universe opposites, but interdependent, mutual transfer,在政治上,主张“无为而治”。 Politically, “Doing nothing Governance “.,老子是道家学派的创始人。 Laozi was the founder of Taoism.,孔子,孔子是儒家学派的创始人,也是春秋时期人本主义思想的集大成者。 Confucius was the founder of the Confucian school of thought, also a master dur

24、ing the spring and autumn period humanism thoughts “仁” Benevolence “礼” The ritual “中庸之道” Middle way 教育家 Educator,孔子像 Portrait of Confucius,墨子 Mo zi,墨子像 Portrait of Mozi,“墨者” Mohists,“兼爱” universal love vs “仁” benevolence,墨子是墨家学派的创始人。Mo zi is the founder of the mohist school.,孟子 Mengzi,老子像 Portrait o

25、f Laozi,人性本善 kindness is a human trait,仁政benevolent governance,对于国家的发展而言,人民 是最重要的,国王并不重要。 For the countrys development, the people are the most important, the king is not important,孟子是孔子之后最著名的儒家大师。 Mencius is most famous Confucian master after confucius,外部环境 Outer conditions,道德变化 Moral developement,

26、个人努力程度Individual efforts,荀子 Xunzi,荀子像 Portrait of Xunzi,人性本来是“恶”的,善只是一种伪装而已。 Human nature was evil and the kindness is just a camouflage,为了避免成为恶人,必须要接受教育,改造自己。 To avoid becoming evil, one must be educated and improve themselves,国家既应重视“礼治”,也要用刑法来压制百姓。 Government should attach importance to Confucian,

27、 but also need to use criminal law.,后世有人认为荀子不是一个纯正的儒家。Some people think that Xunzi is not a pure Confucian.,庄子 Zhuangzi,庄子像 Portrait of Zhuangzi,“道”是宇宙万物的本原, “道”通过“气”来产生万物。 “Tao” is the origin of the universe, all things are produced trough “air”,如果通过“道”来观察宇宙万物的话,那么,事物彼此的差别就是相对的,可以互相转化。 If we observ

28、e the universe through “Tao”, then, difference among things can convert each other relatively.,庄子是老子之后,道家学派最重要的思想家。 Zhuagnzi is the most important Taoist thinkers after Laozi,“五经” “经学” the Five Classics,西周和春秋时期,诗书、易、礼、春秋等古代经典也被创造出来,它们是中国早期思想文化的结晶。 The western zhou dynasty and spring and autumn perio

29、d shishu、yi、li、chunqiu, also are created as five classics, they are the treasure of early Chinese ideology and culture “五经” 孔子 The five classics Confucius “经学” study of Confucian classics,诗经 Shijing or The Book of Songs,Chinese Food Culture,8 Cuisine Lu、 Chuan、 Yue、 Min、 Su、 Zhe、 Xiang、 Hui Chuan,Lu Cuisine,Yue Cuisine,Min Cuisine,Su Cuisine,Zhe Cuisine,Xiang Cuisine,Hui Cuisine,Tianan Men,Great Wall,Summer Palace,Temple Heaven,Hutong,Silk Market,Pearl Market,


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