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1、,中联重科营业收入结构Zoomlion operating income structure,2012年上半年In the first half of 2012,2011年全年In the whole year of 2011,上半年公司混凝土机械收入大幅增长51.9%,市场占有率由去年年底的45%上升至49.5%,毛利率小幅提升。随着公司财务效应的削减以及竞争对手的反击,预计下半年公司混凝土机械收入将放缓,市场占有率将保持稳定,净利润较去年同期小幅上升。 The first concrete mechanical income growth of 51.9%, the market shar

2、e of 45% by the end of last year rose to 49.5%, gross profit margin small ascension. With the financial effect of cut and rival counterattack, the second half of the company is expected to concrete mechanical income will slow, market share will remain stable, compared with the same period last year

3、net profit rose slightly.,主要产品:混凝土器械 Main products: concrete equipment,市场占有率(查不到就瞎编。) Market share,起重机业务市场总体规模下降明显,公司市场份额保持稳定(年均增速-5%0%) 上半年下游基建投资在底谷徘徊,工程起重机市场持续低迷,公司汽车起重机和履带起重机产品在市占率小幅提升的同时,仍然录得约30%的同比降幅。另一方面,建筑起重机上,公司今年布局全国八大产业基地,市场占有率同比提高了近10%,得以在行业下滑25.6%的背景下,仍保持正增长。Crane business market overall

4、 scale down significantly, the company market share remained stable (with an average annual rate of 5% 0%) In the first half of the downstream infrastructure investment in bottomed valley wandering, engineering crane market sustained downturn, the company truck crane and crawler crane products in th

5、e market share rate small ascending at the same time, still record about 30% year-on-year decline. On the other hand, construction crane, the company this year the layout of the eight industrial base, the market share of nearly 10% year-on-year increase, in the industry to decline 25.6% of the backg

6、round, remain positive growth.,起重器械市场规模Lifting equipment market scale (应该查得到,不行也瞎编。) 2013年580亿元 2012年E600亿元 2011年650亿元 2010年482亿元 In 2013, 58 billion yuan In 2012 E600 one hundred million yuan In 2011, 65 billion yuan In 2010, 48.2 billion yuan,主要产品:起重机器械 Main products: crane equipment,土方器械是未来看点 Ear

7、th moving equipment is read in the future,尽管行业降幅高达35-40%,上半年公司土方机械销售收入在低基数上强劲增长96.5%,显示出较强的“后发优势”。预计下半年土方机械收入依然保持强劲增长态势,全年增长110%。 Although by industry as high as 35-40%, the first half of the earth moving machinery sales income in low base on strong growth 96.5%, showing strong late-developing advan

8、tages. In the second half of the earth moving machinery income is expected to remain strong growth trend, the annual increase of 110%.,环卫机械保持平稳 Sanitation mechanical remain stable,上半年公司环卫机械收入小幅下降,毛利率下降4%显示盈利能力下降。预计全年收入下降15%,净利润下降20%25%. In the first half of the company sanitation mechanical income f

9、ell slightly to gross profit rate fell by 4% display profitability decline. Revenue is expected to drop 15%, net profit dropped 20% 25%.,融资租赁收入长期有较大增长空间但风险较大 Financing rental income long-term more growth space but risk is bigger,国际机械巨头融资租赁收入占比较大,中联重科未来在该项业务上有较大增长空间International machinery giant incom

10、e of financing lease is larger, zoomlion future in the business more growth space 由于国内竞争激烈,融资租赁业务保证金仅为20%,违约风险较大。Because the domestic competition is intense, financing lease business margin is only 20%, larger risk of default. 国际市场机械翻新率较高,适用于。国内目前尚不具备大规模开展此项业务的基础。未来几年融资租赁收入及利润将保持平稳。今年融资租赁收入增长15% The

11、 international market machinery refurbishment rate is higher, suitable for. Domestic at present are not possessed in the mass foundation of business. The next few years finance lease revenue and profit will remain stable. This year the financing lease revenue growth of 15%,分产品预测 Points product forec

12、ast,单位:亿元Units: one hundred million yuan 混凝土机械Concrete machinery 起重机械Hoisting machinery 土方机械Earth moving machinery 环卫机械Sanitation mechanical 融资租赁收入Financing rental income 其他other,毛利率Gross profit margin 混凝土机械Concrete machinery 起重机械Hoisting machinery 土方机械Earth moving machinery 环卫机械Sanitation mechanical 融资租赁收入Financing rental income 其他other,国际化进程尚处前中期阶段,机遇与不确定性较大,积极的海外并购及先天优势(年均增速20%),Internationalization is still in the stage of the medium-term, opportunities and uncertainty is bigger, positive overseas mergers and acquisitions and congenital advantage (with an average annual rate of 20%),


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