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1、顺风车,助力北京蓝天行动,Climate change - NGOs in action,Shunfengche, Assisting to Beijing Blue Sky,“应对气候变化-非政府组织在行动”,WANG yong Secretary General of Brand China Industry Union Founder of Shunfengche 2011 Young Global Leaders of WEF 王 永 品牌中国产业联盟秘书长 顺风车发起人 2011达沃斯全球青年领袖,Although I was “King forever“, but,If the c

2、limate change, the king will be nothing! 虽然我是“永远的王” 但是如果气候恶化 王也是浮云呀!,首先,让我们来看一组图片: First of all, lets look at a group of picture: 有人能告诉我这是哪儿吗? Anyone tell me where it is? 我想这很难。 I think it is very difficult.,再来看看这张。 Take a look at this one. 是的,这就是华沙。 Yes, this is the Warsaw.,It looks like the weathe

3、r in Poland also worrying.,我昨天和今天在酒店拍摄了这些照片。 I took these photos in the hotel yesterday and today.,So, some people in Beijing joked that: Who is going to be mayor? The wind! 所以,有北京人戏称: 谁来当市长? 风!,Yes,The climate of the world is worsening!,Care is not enough, we need action!,Automobile exhaust is one

4、of the main pollution sources in city. 汽车尾气已经成为城市主要的污染源之一!,Have you ever taken a Shunfengche?,What is the Shunfengche? 1、Carpooling 2、Free ride 3、Car-sharing 4、Ride-sharing 顺风车,也叫拼车和搭便车。,A program that coordinates volunteering car owners to give free ride or mutually share cars, for going to work or

5、 other purposes. The key goal of this program is to reduce gas emission and thus protect environment. 顺风车就是倡导人们免费拼车出行。,Value of Shunfnegche Energy saving and environmental protection Slow traffic pressure Promote the trust between people 顺风车的价值 节能减排 减缓交通压力 促进任何人之间的信任,The Growing Experience of Shunfe

6、ngche,顺风车成长历程,A persons public welfare,A group of people of public welfare,A socials public welfare,19982012,2012Spring Festivel,2012till now,A persons public welfare Wang Yong has broad 10,000 people from 1998 till now 从1998年至今,我已经免费搭过上万名乘客。,Who is she? I met her in 1996 by Shunfengche. Then 她是谁? 我

7、1996年通过顺风车认识她,然后,A love story of Shunfengche!,Zhao Pu Wang Yong ChenWei hong LangYong chun Deng Fei,A Group of Peoples Public Welfear Shunfengche to home in Spring Festival 2012.,The host of China Central Television,The Secretary General of Brand China Industry Union,The host of China Central Televi

8、sion,The host of China Central Television,The Launch of Free Lunch,Two heads are better than one! 一个好汉三个帮!,A Socials Public Welfare,The logo of Shunfengche was be formed by 1000 students from Bayi junior high school in May , 2012.,+,Shunfengche,The meaning of this logo,+,顺风车可分为三类:长途短期、短途长期、短途短期,We c

9、an contribute Shunfengche into three kinds: Short Trip & Short Term、Long Trip & Long Term、Short Trip & Long Term.,长途短期,短途长期,短途短期,路边式扫活,Pick up others in radom “Randomly picking up on the street “,电影顺风车剧照The photograph of Shunfengchevideo,春节回家顺风车,Shunfengche to Home in Spring Festival,There are 3 bil

10、lion people flowed during the 40-day-transport in 2013 Spring Festival. Equivalent to two Chinese big population migration.,2013年为其40天的春运,共计30亿人次流动, 相当于中国人口的两次大迁移,There are more than 800 thousand peasant-workers from Guangdong province drove motorcycle back home when 2013 Spring Festival.,2013年春运,广东

11、超过八十万农民工 骑摩托车回家过年。,However, the accident was always happen and even cause the death during the trip.,然而,飞来的车祸往往会 让他们与家人天各一方。,50%,离京人数 50%,Beijing,There are 9 million people leave Beijing to return their hometown, and this date is nearly the half of Beijing resident population.(Equivalent to a Swedis

12、h or three Uruguays population),50% of Beijing residents leave Beijing back home to celebrate Chinese Spring Festival every year,每年春节北京有50%的人回家过年,2013年春节离京人员达到900万,接近常住人口一半(相当于一个瑞典或三个乌拉圭的人口数),80%,20%,Beijing motor vehicles more than 5000000 vehicles.,The estimated number of private Motor Vehicle lea

13、ve Beijing to celebrate Chinese Spring Festival will be more than 1,000,000 vehicles,北京的私家车已经超过了520万辆,估算离京回家过年私家车超过100万辆。,如果返乡过年的每一辆车能够搭载上一位老乡就可以帮助一百位人回家,If one car can take extra person on the way back home, you can help one million people go back to their hometown.,在2013年春节回家顺风车我们帮助了9678名乘客免费回家,we

14、 helped 9678 passangers go back their hometown during Shunfengche in 2013 Spring Festival.,今年我们希望顺风车 能够帮助10万人回家!,We hope Shunfengche can help 100000 people return home this year.,Moreover,Shunfengche can make a contribution in reduce the carbon emissions.,而搭乘顺风车所减少的碳排量也将会是一个天文数字!,1、顺风车代付高速费 2、顺风车进居民

15、社区 3、顺风车走进地方,1.Pay the toll fee 2.Publicity in community 3.Go to other province,CHINA,In 2013, the quantity of Chinese car reach to 1.2billion.,2013年中国汽车保有量达1.2亿,Beijing,Motor vehicle quantities is 5.2million in Beijing,北京机动车保有量达520万,400 thousand cars can reduce Consumption of 2.2 million tons of fr

16、esh air.,400 thousand cars can reduce 30 thousand carbonic oxide,400 thousand cars can reduce Consumption of 170 thousand tons of oil,40万辆车一年所消耗的资源量,400 thousand cars consumption of resourse per year.,Consumption of oil/year Carbonic oxide/year Consumption of fresh air/year,40万辆车每年则可减少消耗新鲜空气220万吨,40

17、万辆车每年则可减少一氧化碳3万吨,40万辆车每年则可减少油耗约17万吨,油耗量/年,一氧化碳/年,新鲜空气/年,Exaggerated tidal flow Shooting Time:7:57a.m. 27th May,2013 Shooting Sections:The badaling high-speed qinghe toll station.On the left side is the lane for go to Beijing.,夸张的潮汐车辆,one persons trip Shooting Time:8:03 a.m. 27th May,2013 Shooting Se

18、ction:The exit of badaling high-speed qinghe toll station.,一个人的旅途,The crowded subway,拥挤的地铁,顺风车可以提高车辆的载客率 Shunfengche can improve vehicle occupancy rate 降低车辆的出行率 Reduce vehicle travel rate,免收高速通行费,不受尾号限行,减免车船税,优先走公交车道,The fulfilled Shunfengche,Free highway tolls,Without the tail number limit line,Fre

19、e highway tolls,Priority use the bus lanes,满载的顺风车,Three people take one car, the Shunfengche foundation will pay the highway toll for the car owners.,Schematic plot of free highway toll,6月17日至9月18日近3000名车主加入顺风车高速试点活动,共计3263车次免费搭载乘客超过一万人次。,From 17th June to 18th Sep. There are 3 thousand car owners p

20、aticipate in this activity, and they have picked up 10 thousand people for free.,贵阳市建设生态文明城市条例,用法规保障和促进生态文明城市建设,实现经济社会全面协调可持续发展。,Guiyang City Construction of Ecological Civilization Rules ,With laws and regulations safeguard and promote the construction of ecological civilization city, in order to r

21、ealize the economic society can have a comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development.,绿色顺风车走进贵阳,Shunfengche go into Guiyang City,Whats the challenge? 我们的挑战是什么?,No Profits,No Trust,No Safty,No Fun,阻碍顺风车发展的四个障碍,Four obstacles affect the development of Shunfengche,无乐趣,无实惠,不安全,不信任,No Trust,Trust?,

22、To contribute a Real-name identification system:all the car owner and passagers, who paticipate in this activity should use the real ID,No Safty,No Profits,No Fun,不信任?,建立顺风车实名认证体系,所有加入顺风车的车主和乘客须进行实名认证,Safty?,No Trust,No Safty,No Profits,No Fun,We will donate an traffic accident insurance for both th

23、e car owner and passageer for free.,不安全?,为加入顺风车的用户免费赠送一份交通意外伤害险,The car owner and passager will sign an agreement in case of occuring accident dispute.,Safty?,No Trust,No Safty,No Profits,No Fun,搭乘顺风车签订免责协议书, 免除顺风车路上出现交通事故出现的法律纠纷等,不安全,Profits?,No Trust,No Safty,No Profits,No Fun,To particite in publ

24、ic walfare mileage. the mileage of take passagers for free, we can donate a present from sponsers.,无实惠,加入“公益里程”概念,车主搭乘乘客的公里数作为“公益里程”,其可兑换赞助商赞助的物品。,Profits?,To introduce the concept of“carbon trade,”sale the carbon emissions which the car owner reduced and return cash to the owners.,No Trust,No Safty

25、,No Profits,No Fun,无实惠?,引入“碳交易”,把车主搭乘乘客所减少的碳排放进行售卖,返现给车主。,Fun?,Policy encouragement,in order to realize the Shunfengche can unconstrained by the tail number,free highway toll and .,No Trust,No Safty,No Profits,No Fun,无乐趣?,政策鼓励,推动政策对满载的顺风车不受尾号限行、免收高速通行费、优先走公交车道、减免车船税等。,Fun?,Bring in fashion public we

26、lfare, priority to use the bus lanes.contribute an communication platform, in order to attact more people to take fun from public welfare.,No Trust,No Safty,No Profits,No Fun,无乐趣?,引入时尚公益,建立社交平台,吸引更多的人快快乐乐的参与公益。,Respond to the smog The Chinese people in action! The Chinese enterprise in action! The Chinese Government in action!,应对雾霾 中国人民在行动! 中国企业在行动! 中国政府在行动!,Maybe for the World, no one can call back yesterday ,but I want to say , never be late to turn.,Thanks!,Come on, join us ! The world need Shunfengche and Shunfengche need you!,


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