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1、.词汇 1_ n. 电线_adj. 无线的 2_n. 执照,许可证_v. 允许,容许_n. 许可,允许 3_n. 车费_n. 代价,费用v. 花费_n. 费用,指控v.索价 4_n. 目的地,终点 5_n. 解答,答案_v. 解决,解答_adj. 可以解答的,可以解决的,6_ n. 心情,心境_adj. 喜怒无常的,易怒的 7_vt. 展示,陈列_n. 陈列,展览_n. 展览 8_v. 限制_n. 界限,限制,限度_adj. 有限制的,有限的 9_vt. 提供_ v& n. 补给,供给 10_vt. 探索_ n. 探索,探测_n. 探险家,探测者,11_vt. 吹响,吹掉_n吹动,吹气 12_

2、 vi. 反应_n反应,反作用 13_ adj. 郊区的,市郊的_n. 市郊,郊区_adj. 都市的 14_adj. 给人印象深刻的_v. 使有印象,铭刻_n. 印象 15_adj. 方便的_n. 方便,便利的事物,答案:1.wire, wireless 2.permit, permit, permission 3.fare, cost, charge 4.destination 5.solution, solve, solvable 6.mood, moody 7.display, display, exhibition 8.limit, limit, limited 9.provide,

3、supply 10.explore, exploration, explorer 11.blow, blow 12.react, reaction 13.suburban, suburb, urban 14.impressive, impress, impression 15.convenient, convenience,.短语 1be connected _与相连 2be/get stuck _被困于 3_ time马上,一会儿 4get _ 到处旅行,四处走动 5_ construction 正在建设中 6switch _ 关上(电灯、电视等),断掉(电源) 7_ cool 保持冷静 8

4、no _肯定不;没门儿,答案:1.to/with 2.in 3.in no 4.around 5.under 6.off 7keep 8.way,.句型 1Simply raise your hand, _ a taxi appears in no time. 只要你招招手,马上就有出租车出现。 2Tricycles are worth _ if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing. 如果你想探索老北京的窄胡同,人力三轮车值得一用。,3However, there is also a night bus service, _

5、 by buses with a number in the 200s. 不过,也有夜班车,编号在200到300之间。 答案:1.and 2.using 3.provided,1permit v. 允许,准许;n. 通行证,许可证 知识拓展 1)permitn./pron./doing 允许 2)permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事,4)ask for permission 请求许可 5)without permission 未经许可 6)with sb.s permission 在某人许可的情况下 注意: 1)可以说allow/permit sb. to do sth.

6、 不能说allow/permit to do sth.。 2)permit “许可证”,指一种文本形式,是可数名词;permission “允许”,表示同意,是不可数名词。,经典在线 Smoking is only permitted in the public lounge. 只允许在公共休息室里抽烟。(朗文P1457) With your permission,_Ill send a copy of this letter to the doctor. 如果你准许的话,我就把这封信的副本寄给那位医生。(朗文P1456) The authorities may refuse to issue

7、 an export permit. 当局可以拒绝签发出口许可证。(朗文P1457),辨析:permit, allow 1)permit强调权威性的正式批准。含有“积极地,从正面允许”的意义。常用结构:permit doing或permit sb. to do。 2)allow指不反对,不加阻止,侧重“默许,放纵”之意。常用结构:allow doing或allow sb. to do。,即学即用 Weather _, well have a picnic in the woods. Apermitted Bpermission Cpermits Dpermitting 答案:D,2conven

8、ient adj. 方便的,便利的,近便的 知识拓展 1)It is/was convenient for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做是方便的 2)sth. be convenient to/for sb. 对某人来说是方便的 3)at ones convenience 在某人方便时 4)for (the sake of) convenience 为了方便起见,提示:convenient作表语时,不可用人作主语,而要用物或形式主语作主语。“当你方便的时候”应译成“When it is convenient to you”而不能译成“When you are convenient

9、”。,经典在线 Is three oclock convenient for you? 3点钟你方便吗?(朗文P411) Our house is_very_convenient_for schools and stores. 我们的房子离学校和商店很近。(朗文P411),即学即用 Come and see me whenever _. Ayou are convenient Byou will be convenient Cit is convenient to you Dit will be convenient to you 答案:C,3provide vt. 提供 知识拓展 provi

10、de sth. for sb.(常不用to) 为某人提供某物(offer sth. to sb.),offer sb. sth. 给某人提供某物 provide against 预防;防备 provide for 抚养;为做准备 provided(providingon condition that)conj.(书面)只要,He had to provide food and clothes for his family. He had to provide his family with food and clothes. 他得养家糊口。 You neednt provide your so

11、n with everything that he wants. 对你儿子,你不必有求必应。 Youd better provide against earthquake. 你最好做好预防地震的准备。 Provided (that)there is no opposition, I will act as representative of our class. 倘若没有反对意见的话,我将担任我们班的代表。,即学即用 Solar cells have been developed primarily to_electricity power for spacecraft. Aprovide B

12、ensure Cstore Dsecure 答案:A,4limit n. 界限,限度;v. 限定,限制 知识拓展 1)limit.to.(多用于被动be limited to.)把限制在 2)set a limit on sth. 限制 3)to the limit 到极限 4)within limits 在某种程度上;有一定限制,经典在线 Our finances are already stretched to the limit. 我们的财力已经用到了极限。(P1137) Seating is_limited_to 500. 限定500个座位。(P1137) We must limit

13、ourselves to one gallon of water per day. 我们必须把自己的用水量限制在每天1加仑以下。(P1137),即学即用 她到了忍无可忍的地步。 _ 母亲限制我们每人只可吃一块蛋糕。 _ 在我面前的选择不多。 _,答案: She has reached the limit of her patience. My mother limited us to one cake each. There are so limited choices in front of me. 5avoid vt. 避开,避免 链接:avoidable adj. 可避免的 avoida

14、nce n. 逃避;回避 avoid(doing)sth. 避免(做)某事,avoid后面常跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语。 常见的接动名词作宾语的及物动词(短语)有:mind, finish, admit, advise, enjoy, excuse, imagine, dislike, consider, escape, include, keep, pardon, practise, risk, miss, suggest, deny, stand(忍耐,忍受), give up, put off, set about, object to, insist on, cant help(忍不住

15、干某事)等 He is trying to avoid accidents. 他尽量防止发生事故。 I tried to avoid speaking to him. 我尽量避免与他说话。,知识拓展,即学即用 War destroys everything and should be_at any cost. Aavoided Bconquered Cignored Ddefeated 答案:A,.难点突破 1under construction 正在建设中 知识拓展 under在此处的含义是“(工作)在中,正被中”。与under相关的短语有: under attack 遭受攻击 under

16、repair 在修理中 under control 在控制中 under discussion 在讨论中 under consideration 在考虑中,经典在线 When we got to the hotel, it was still under_construction. 我们到达酒店时,它尚在建造之中。(朗文P399) The section now under_discussion focuses on tenants rights. 目前正在讨论的这部分集中于房客的权利问题。(朗文P533),即学即用 完成句子 正在修建的那座桥有300米长。 The bridge _ _ is

17、 300 meters long. 更换电脑的可能性仍在考虑之中。 The possibility of replacing the computers remains _ _. 他们很快控制住了火势。 They soon brought the fire _ _. 答案:under construction under consideration under control,2switch off 切断(电源等);(使人)感到乏味,厌烦;不考虑,不再想着 知识拓展 switch on 接通(电源等);开(电器) switch (sth.) over/to sth. 转变;改变;转换 swit

18、ch sth. with sb./sth. 与交换 switch on/offturn on/off 打开/关掉,经典在线 Dont forget to switch_off when youve finished. 用完后不要忘记关掉开关。(朗文P2028) Can you switch the television off? 请把电视关掉好吗?(朗文P2028) He just switches_off when you start talking to him. 你要对他说话时,他就不理不睬。(朗文P2028),即学即用 He used to play tennis, but now h

19、e has switched _ golf. Awith Bto Con Doff 答案:B,3in no time 立刻,赶快,马上 知识拓展 in time 及时;最终 in good time 不失时机地;在适当的时候,按时,及早 in ones own time 在有空的时候 at no time 在任何时候都不,从来没有 at all times 随时,总是 at a time 每次,一次 at one time 曾经;一度,经典在线 Jed got the car fixed in_no_time at all. 杰德马上就把那辆车修理好了。(朗文P2104) Let me kno

20、w in_good_time if you need any help. 你如果需要帮助,请尽早告诉我。(朗文P2104),即学即用 Dont all speak at once. _, please. AOne at a time BEach at one time COne for each time DOne by one time 答案:A,4be worth doing 值得做 知识拓展 be worth the money/price 值那么多钱/那个价 be worthy of being done/to be done 值得做 It is worthwhile doing/to

21、 do sth. 值得做 提示:worth为表语形容词,不作前置定语;可用well修饰,强调程度;但不用very用来修饰;后跟及物动词或词组的ing形式,不可使用被动形式。,经典在线 Its_worth_taking your time when you visit the cathedral. 你值得花时间参观这座大教堂。(朗文P2301) Have a medical every year; its_worth_it. 一年做一次体格检查是值得的。(朗文P2301) Its_well_worth_getting there an hour early, if you want a good

22、 seat. 你如果想占一个好座位,很值得提前一个小时到那儿。(朗文P2301),即学即用 Why are you killing time this way? Cant you find something _ doing at all? Auseful Bvaluable Cworthy Dworth 答案:D,.单元语法精讲精练 祈使句(Imperatives) 祈使句是表示说话人对听话人的命令、请求、叮嘱或劝告。 1)肯定祈使句(谓语动词用动词原形) Be careful! 小心! 2)否定祈使句(在谓语动词前加Do not/Dont/Never) Dont open the door

23、. 不要开门。,3)let开头的祈使句(Lets/Let sb.动词原形) Lets go to school now. 我们现在去学校吧。 Let me have a try. 让我试一下吧。,高考直击 (2008湖南24)_ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting. AHaving searched BTo search CSearching DSearch 答案:D 考查祈使句。“祈使句and/or句子”为一固定结构。,即学即用 Its really very dangerous. One more step, _the baby will fall into the well. Aor Bso Cbut Dand 答案:D,请同学们认真完成课后强化作业,


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