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1、Unit8,在自然的世界 自然 (n.),in the natural world nature,在有风的天气 在有风的日子 具体的某一天用介词: 在三月 在三月一日,in windy weather on windy days,on,in March on March the first _ the morning of March the first,on,不同种类的有风天气 名词: 形容词: wind rain cloud snow sun fog,windy rainy cloudy snowy sunny foggy,different kinds of windy weather

2、一阵微风 一阵强风 一阵台风 e.g. 一阵微风轻轻地吹 A gentle wind blows gently.,a gentle wind a strong wind a typhoon / a fierce wind,天气 (Un.),形修名,副修动,We enjoy flying kits _ windy weather. (介词) 2. The flag is flying slightly when there is a _ wind. A. gently B. strong C. big D. gentle,in,要求某人做某事 要求某人不做某事,ask sb. to do sth

3、. ask sb. not to do sth.,帮助某人做某事(3) 帮她做一个展示板 帮助他们学习英语(3),help sb. do sth. help sb. to do sth. help sb. with sth.,help her make a display board,help them learn English help them to learn English help them with English,看见某人做某事 动词-词过去式-过去分词 看见人们在公园里放风筝 看见人们在海上进行帆板运动 看见人们紧紧地抓住雨衣 看见树叶轻轻的吹 看见云快速的移动,see sb

4、. doing sth. see-saw-seen see people flying kites in the park see people windsurfing on the sea see people holding raincoats tightly see leaves blowing slightly/gently see clouds moving quickly / fast,当有一阵微风的时候,你能看到什么? What can you see when there is a gentle wind?,(adj. / adv.),看报纸 看杂志 动词-过去式-过去分词 n

5、ewspaper 报纸 news 新闻 paper 纸,read newspapers read magazines read-read-read a newspaper a piece of news a piece of paper,Cn. Un. Un.,fall 动词-过去式-过去分词 掉下来 从某人的自行车上掉下来 掉在某物上,fall-fell-fallen fall down fall down from ones bike fall on sth.,strong quick slow fierce careful immediate sudden gentle possible

6、 happy heavy easy,strongly quickly slowly fiercely carefully immediately suddenly gently possibly happily heavily easily,直接加ly,去e加y,去y变成i加ly,形容词&副词的转化:,strong quick slow fierce gentle happy heavy easy careful,strongly quickly slowly fiercely gently happily heavily easily carefully,形容词&副词比较级的变化:,er,e

7、r,er,r,r,ier,ier,ier,more,more more more more more more more more more,The wind is _. It blows_. (gently/gentle) There is a _ wind. (strong/strongly) The clouds move _. (quick/quickly) What a _ wind it is! (fierce/fiercely) There is a typhoon now. The wind blows _ (fierce/fiercely) and it is raining

8、 _. (heavy/heavily) Leaves are blowing _ because the wind is _. (strong/strongly) I think the typhoon is coming. The wind will become _. (strong/strongly) Tom is poor at running. Look! Tom is running _ (slow/slowly) than any other student.,gentle,gently,strongly,fierce,quickly,fiercely,strong,heavil

9、y,strong,stronger,more slowly,The wind is gentle.(划线部分提问) How is the wind? The clouds move quickly. (划线部分提问) How do the clouds move?,形容词,副词划线提问:,How,把某物吹走(2) blow away sth. = blow sth. away 把它吹走 blow it away 把人们公寓外面的花盆吹走 blow away flower pots outside peoples flats outside反义词:,inside,立即回家 immediately

10、同义词: 小心地走在街道上 carefully (adv.) (adj.) (n./v.),be careful with take care of = look after,go home immediately at once=right away=right now walk carefully in the street,careful,care,词组:小心,当心 词组:照顾,照料,照顾得好(2),take good care of = look after well,become + 类似:get/keep/stay/make 生气 保持干净 保持健康,形容词 / 形容词比较级,ge

11、t angry keep clean stay / keep healthy,词组: 起先 反义词:最后(3),at first,at last in the end finally,考虑某事/做某事 think about sth. / doing sth. 句子:思考一下当有台风时会发生什么. Think about what may happen when there is a typhoon. happen同义词组: What _ (happen) to Mary yesterday? She looked sad. 把A和B配对 match A with B,take place,h

12、appened,sink 同义词: 动词-过去式-过去分词 沉没轮船和船只 沉入海中,sink-sank-sunk sink ships and boats sink in the sea,go under/down,happy (adj.) 快乐的 副词: 反义词: 副词: 名词: Look! The children are playing kites _. (happy) Tina felt _ because she failed in the exam. (happy) Reading books can bring me _. (happy) His jokes can make

13、me _. (happy),happily unhappy happiness,unhappily,happily,unhappy,happiness,happy,安全规则 动词: 形容词: 副词:,safety rules save 拯救某人的生命 safe 使我们城市成为一个安全的地方 safely,We must try our best to _ the environment. People must obey the traffic rule for their _. Please wear the _ belts when I am driving. At last, the p

14、lane landed on the airport _.,中文:拯救,节约,save ones life,make our city a safe place,save,safety,safety,safely,呆在室内/家里/我们的公寓里 stay indoors/at home/in our flats 把我们的花盆拿进我们的公寓 take our flower pots into/in our flats 把他们的汽车停在停车场里 put/park their cars in the car parks,渔船 渔夫(单数) 渔夫(复数) 钓鱼(动词) 去钓鱼,fisherman fishermen fish go fishing,fishing boats,呆在台风庇护处 stay in typhoon shelters 可数名词 给动物提供住所 provide animals with shelter 不可数名词,


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