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1、一、被动语态 1被动语态的时态结构,Module 4 Great Scientists Period Four Grammar 课件(外研版必修4,课标通用),am is are,+过去分词,am is are,+being +过去分词,has have,been+,过去分词,was were,+过去分词,was were,+being,+过去分词,shall will,+have,been+过去分词,shall will,+be,+过去分词,should would,+be,+过去分词,should would,+have,been+过去分词,English is taught in mos

2、t schools in China.(一般现在时) 中国大多数学校都教英语。 They were given a warm sendoff.(一般过去时) 他们受到热烈的欢送。 Im afraid I am being followed.(现在进行时) 恐怕我被人跟踪了。 The case has recently been tried.(现在完成时) 案子最近已经审过了。 Their wedding will be held in the church.(一般将来时) 他们的婚礼将在教堂里举行。 All the tickets had been sold out when they arr

3、ived.(过去完成时)他们到达时,所有的票已经售完。,【单项填空】 Jackson_to work in government office though he hated serving there. Awanted Bwas wanted Cwas wanting Dhad wanted 解析 本题考查被动语态。由句意“尽管Jackson不愿意在政府部门工作,但却被政府部门相中了”可知want与句子主语Jackson之间是被动关系,故应选B项。 答案 B,在英语中,如表示被动含义,动词常用被动语态,但有时虽有被动含义,却不用被动语态,这往往是英语学习中值得注意的几个问题。 (1)连系动词

4、、不及物动词或不及物动词短语不能用被动语态。 The story happened last year.故事发生在去年。 (2)有些及物动词也没有被动语态。如have(有),equal(等于),fit(适合),hold(容纳),join(参加),mean(意味着),last(持续),cost(花费),wish(希望),look like(看起来像),belong to(属于)等。 The book cost him 20 dollars. 这本书花了他20美元。,2使用被动语态时常出现的几个误区,【单项填空】 He keeps telling his students that the fut

5、ure_to the welleducated. Abelongs Bis belonged Cis belonging Dwill be belonged 解析 本题考查动词用法。belong to意为“属于”,没有被动形式,故B、D两项被排除,C项现在进行时不符合句意,故A项正确。句意:他不断地告诫他的学生们未来属于受过良好教育的人。 答案 A,(3)动词look,smell,sound,feel,taste用作连系动词时不用被动语态,但有被动含义。 Cotton feels soft.棉花摸起来是软的。 (4)一些动词,像write,sell,wash,open,wear,lock等,如

6、表示主语的性能时,不用被动语态。 The pen writes smoothly.这钢笔书写流利。 (5)区别被动语态和系表结构:被动语态表动作,系表结构表状态。 The forms were filled by those who attended the meeting.(被动语态)表格由参加会议的人填写。 The bottle was filled with water.(系表结构) 瓶里装满了水。,(6)含情态动词的被动语态结构:情态动词be动词过去分词。 This work can be easily done.这项工作容易做。 (7)动词短语的被动语态。 动词短语如果是及物的,可以

7、用于被动语态,构成短语的介词或副词不能省略。如look after,talk about,set up,put off,do away with,put up with等。“动词名词介词”构成的动词短语,如make use of,pay attention to,take care of等变为被动语态时,一般把整个动词短语当作一个及物动词来处理。 These books are taken good care of. 这些书被照料的很好。,【单项填空】 His sister left home in 1998,and_since. Ahad not been heard of Bhas not

8、 been heard of Chad not heard of Dhas not heard of 解析 句意:他的妹妹在1998年离开了家,从那以后就没了音讯。根据句意,指的是过去离开后,到现在一直没有音讯,故用现在完成时;hear of与his sister在句中存在被动关系,须用被动语态,故选B。 答案 B,(8)带双宾语的主动句变为被动句,只把其中的一个宾语变为主语即可。 主动句:He gave me the present. 被动句:I was given the present by him. The present was given(to)me by him. 他给了我这份礼

9、物。 (9)含复合宾语的主动句变为被动句,把宾语变为主语,宾语补足语作用上为主语补足语,不定式都必须带to。 主动句:The farmer made his horse work for 3 hours. 被动句:The farmers horse was made to work for 3 hours.农夫让他的马干了三个钟头的活。,He made a living by teaching. 他通过教书谋生。 What do you mean by saying that?你那么说什么意思? Switch it on by pressing the button. 按下这个开关启动它。 T

10、hey put out the fire by pouring water on it. 他们泼水将火扑灭。,二、by的用法,1“bying”形式表示“通过的方式”,by表示方式。,The house is heated by gas. 这所房子是煤气供暖的。 May I pay by cheque? 我能用支票付款吗? Its not fair to judge people by their appearance. 以貌取人是不公平的。,2by表示方式时也可以接名词作宾语。,【单项填空】 What are you going to do next? To write a science s

11、tory about outer space_by Science and Technology Press. Apublished Bbeing published Cto be published Dpublishing 解析 根据上句中的next一词,可以推知动作还未进行,所以用不定式表示将来。句意:下一步你要干什么?写一篇关于外太空的科学故事,将要由科技出版社出版。 答案 C,【写作任务】 写一篇描写家庭成员的文章。 【写作内容】 某英语报就“My Family Members”为主题展开专题征文活动,让同学们描写自己的一位家庭成员。请你写一篇英文文章,描写你的一位家庭成员,并向该英语

12、报投稿。,记叙文之人物描写,【写作要求】 1内容完整充实,语言连贯通顺; 2词数:120左右。 【写作分析】 第一步:认真审题 本文要求写一篇描写人物的文章,属于描写文写作范畴。 1人物描写分为肖像描写和心理描写。我们既可以对人物的容貌、身材、神态、衣着等方面进行描写,展现人物的外貌特点,也可以对人物的心理活动、语言、动作、性格、兴趣爱好等方面进行刻画,表现人物的内心世界和个性特征。,(1)描写的过程当中应注意突出人物的特点,不宜面面俱到,以便读者能通过文章简单的描写就能对人物有一个相对完整的形象。 (2)语言贴切,符合人物特征。具体到本文,描写家庭成员,即应实事求是,还应体现出作者对所描写人

13、物的感情。 2文章可以分三部分。首先,简单交代自己想要描写的对象。其次,具体展示该描写对象的特点或特征。最后,可以表达对这位家庭成员的感情。,第二步:提炼要点 1give me a feeling of love and warmth 2his height,face,nose,eyes 3grow flowers 4take good care of me 5help me overcome difficulties,第三步:扩点成句 1My father gives me a feeling of love and warmth. 2He is of medium height with

14、a strong body.He has a thin face with a straight nose.His sparkling dark eyes are deepset. 3He likes growing flowers. 4He takes very good care of me. 5Whenever I run into difficulties,he will comfort me and tide me over.,【参考范文】 My Father In my heart,my father always gives me a feeling of love and wa

15、rmth.He is of medium height with a strong body.He has a thin face with a straight nose.His sparkling dark eyes are deepset,which makes him look very charming.However,as time goes by,his black bushy hair is turning thin and grey,and wrinkles are beginning to creep across his forehead.He likes growing

16、 flowers.Every time he sees the flowers blooming,his face will glow with delight and fulfillment.As a father,he takes very good care of me.Whenever I run into difficulties,he will comfort me and tide me over.This is my father and I will love him forever.,【亮点展示】 1本文是一篇描写人物的记叙文。文章结构清晰,层次鲜明。先概述对父亲的印象,然

17、后详细描述父亲的外貌、兴趣爱好以及对作者的帮助,最后表达对父亲的感情。语言贴切简洁,层次分明。 2对人物外貌的描写细致入微,栩栩如生:His sparkling dark eyes are deepset,.,his black bushy hair is turning thin and grey . 3文中正确运用了多种较为高级的表达形式,如of medium height,make him look charming,as time goes by,whenever I run into difficulties等;另外,灵活运用了medium,sparkling,charming,cr

18、eep across,run into,comfort等高级词汇。,【写作模板】 1以下一些关于人物描写的表达可以使我们的文章锦上添花: (1)容貌:thin / round / square face,curly / straight hair,black / dark / grey hair,deepset / sunken eyes,straight / small / flat / hooked nose; (2)身材:fat,thin,slim,big,small,strong,tall,short,of medium height; (3)衣着:welldressed,fashio

19、nable,dirty,casual,elegant,tidy; (4)神态:bright,happy,pleasant,sad,smiling,warm,cold; (5)心理活动:surprised,disappointed,excited,angry,frightened.,2人物描写文中常用的词组及句子 (1)Birthday and birth placewas/were born (2)Family backgrounda poor/rich family,the son of a poor family ,with the help of his parents ,

20、his father was very strict with him.,during his (her) childhood / spend his childhood in.,live a happy (hard ) life (3)Educationgraduate from.department,get higher education,go abroad for further studies,When at college ,he majored in.,receive a doctors degree,(4)Big events in his life

21、be interested in., work hard at.,devote his lifetime to.,make a big decision/make up ones mind to do sth /do sth with great determination and perseverance,be fond of.,be strict in sth,fight for,give up ones life for sb / sth,make rapid progress in.,become a member of. 5Evaluationone of the best (mos

22、t important),set sb a good example,be respected by,sing high praise for./speak (think) highly of.,his hard work brought him great success,be honored as.,be famous as.,be regarded as.,before的基本用法及由其构成的句型是高中英语语法的重点、难点,也是近几年高考的热点。因此,在学习中我们应给予before的用法足够的重视。下面我们结合近几年的高考试题和模拟题来看一下对before的考查特点和解题策略。,befor

23、e用法归纳,1Your time is running out.Change your mind_it is too late! (2011山东实验中学诊断),Asince Bwhen Cuntil Dbefore 【易错警示】 易错点 对句意理解不当导致作出错误选择。 错误原因 对before引导时间状语从句的用法掌握不牢固。,解题思路 before在引导时间状语从句时,其本意离不开“在之前”,但在具体句子当中不一定翻译成该意思。如在该句当中,应该是“趁着”。句意:你快没有时间了,趁着还不晚改变主意吧。since自从以来;when当的时候;until直到。该句容易误选B项,若选when,则句

24、意为“当太晚的时候改变注意”,很明显不当。,知识拓展 until在引导时间状语从句时,应该注意其特点: (1)在肯定句中,主句的谓语动词一般是一个表示动作延续或者是状态存在的词,即表示主句谓语动词的动作一直延续或存在到until引导的从句当中的动词所表示的动作发生时为止,意为“一直到”。如: He lay in bed until his father returned.他一直躺在床上直到他的父亲回来。 She lived with her parents until she got married.她与父母住在一起,一直到她结婚。,(2)在否定句中,主句的谓语动词一般是一个非延续性动词,表示

25、直到until所引导的状语从句当中的动词所表示的动作发生时主句的谓语动词所表示的动作才发生,意为“直到才”。如: He didnt get up until his father returned. 他直到他的父亲回来才起床。 She didnt know the truth until her father told her.直到她父亲告诉她,她才知道真相。 注意:当not until置于句首时,主句应使用部分倒装结构。,Not until he finished his housework_to make preparations for the party to be held the

26、next day.,Adid he begin Bhad he begun Che began Dhe had begun 解析 当not until所引导的时间状语从句放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装。该句的陈述语序为:He didnt begin to make preparations for the party to be held the next day until he finished his housework.句意:直到他做完了家务才开始为第二天举办的聚会做准备。 答案 A,2John thinks it wont be long_he is ready for his new

27、 job. (2010陕西高考),Awhen Bafter Cbefore Dsince 【易错警示】 易错点 对before,after,when引导时间状语从句的混合考查。 错误原因 对before引导时间状语从句的灵活用法没有掌握。,解题思路 该题考查的是before常用的一个句式:It will (not) be long before.“过很久(过不了多久)就会”。其实在before的该用法当中,before仍旧保持了“在之前”的意思。 知识拓展 现将before用作连词时的常见用法归纳如下,希望同学们认真总结领会。,(1)用于肯定句中表示主句所表达的时间、距离长,或花费的精力大,译

28、成“才” We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw lands.我们航行了四天四夜才看到陆地。 (2)用于否定句中,表示主句所表达的时间、距离短,或花费的精力小,译成“不到就”如: We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired. 我们跑了还不到一英里他就累了。 (3)与情态动词can/could连用:这时候从句虽为肯定形式,根据汉语表达习惯译成“还没来得及就”。如: Before I could get in a word,he had measured me. 我还没来得及插话他就为我量好了

29、尺寸。,3before用作连词,(4)用于Itbe/take时间段before句型:在这一句型中,若主句是肯定句意思是“要过多长时间才”;若主句是否定形式翻译成“用不了多久就”。 It will be two weeks before everything returns to normal. 两周之后一切才能恢复正常。 It wasnt long before she became a brave soldier. 没过多久她就成了一名勇敢的战士。,He was told that it would be at least three more months _he could recove

30、r and return to work. (2011浏阳一中高三第一次月考试卷),Awhen Bbefore Csince Dthat 解析 本题考查before引导时间状语的用法。句意:他被告知要至少再过三个多月才能康复回去工作。 答案 B,The police helicopter managed to land on the roof and rescued all the people_the fire burnt up to the top of the building. (2011上海交大附中模拟),Aafter Bbefore Cuntil Dwhile 解析 本题考查before引导是时间状语从句。由句意“警察的直升机成功的在楼顶着陆,在大火烧到楼顶前将所有人员全部救出。”可知,应用before。 答案 B,


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