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1、Unit 8 (LA, BOOK 2) The food we eat “Food is the heaven to the people.“,1. Whats this food?,Is it puding or salad?,2. What are the knives and forks for? Who usually use them? How about the Chinese?,bowls and chopsticks,A Quiz for Food,3. Which do most Chinese people prefer?,4. What is it called? A s

2、andwich made with a patty of ground meat usually in a roll or bun(肉饼).,A hamburger,5. Carrots and nuts are _. They are hard and make a loud noise when you eat them. hot salty sweet crunchy (crisp,脆的) oily bitter sour stale (not fresh),6. _ food stays fixed to your fingers when you touch it, like hon

3、ey. hot oily sour salty stale sweet sticky crunchy bitter,7. What is the coconut, fruit or vegetable?,8. Which country does dim sum(点心) originate from?,9. In England, what are French Fries called?,10. Which country does pizza originate from?,Italy,11. Sushi is popular in _.,chips,spaghetti spegeti n

4、. 意大利式细面条,12. Which of the following is rich in protein(蛋白质)?,A. fruit B. eggs C. water D. fat,the food we eat,seven nutrients for health(营养素),Protein (meat, eggs, milk, fish and beans) the start of life; It ensures the growth, development, reproduction(繁殖), inheritance(遗传) and provides energy. Fat

5、(oil) resource for energy; It helps to absorb vitamins A、D、E、K and renieratene rnir.ti:n (胡萝卜素), protect abdominal organs (内脏),prevent the heat from disappearing and keep the temperature。 Vitamin (fruit, vegetables) Its important for humans growth and physiologic accommodation(调节生理功能) .,Glucide; sac

6、charide skraid 糖类 (grain) The main energy provider(70) for life. carbohydrate k:buhaidreit 碳水化合物 Mineral composition 矿物质 (vegetables and fruits) Its the most important part of bones and teeth. Water (water we drink each day) Body fluid mainly comes from water. Its 60of the body weight; used for regu

7、lating the temperature, transporting and oiling(润滑). Dietary fiber 膳食纤维 (beans) mainly for digestion,等份,Listen to 4 kids talking about their diets. Finish Exercise 1, Page 60.,fresh fruit and raw vegetables,healthy; It tastes good,junk food like hamburgers or chips,just likes it; thought to be revol

8、ting,crisps- cheese and onion ones,delicious bad for one, though,sweet things, such as cakes and chocolates,cant resist them fattening, however,Ex.1,2. raw,1. fresh,3. healthy,6. revolting, disgusting,4. fattening,8. delicious, tasty,7. junk,9. fatty, oily,5. sweet,Describe food,great, delicious, yu

9、mmy, mmm-mmm good, tasty, spectacular, spicy, crispy, fresh, healthy,bitter, sour, sweet, salty, hot, oily, crunchy, stale, sticky, smelly, terrible, awful, fatty, fattening, disgusting, revolting, unhealthy,-Hows the pie? -Oh, it tastes like heaven! Hmmmits too good to be true. -Hows the pizza? -Go

10、od!/ Great!/ Delicious! -Hows the ice cream? -(its) Better than everything I have ever tasted.,My favourite food I love a lot /Im keen on because I would rather eat. Its rich in. Its good for. Im quite keen on junk food and sweet things. They are delicious and tasty, though not healthy. I eat a lot

11、of junk food, but I dont eat many sweet things because theyre bad for my teeth.,A speciality of food in my hometown,Introduce a speciality of food in your hometown. It can be a dish, a special product(特产),a cuisine kwizi:n烹饪 or things of this kind.,food idioms,bring home the bacon 谋生 (make a living)

12、 bread and butter 食物(food) bad egg 坏蛋,恶棍(scoundrel) big cheese 老板(boss) the cream of the crop 最优秀的人(the best) one smart cookie 聪明人(intelligent person) use ones noodles 思考(think) chew the fat 闲聊(chat) half-baked 还不成熟的(not yet mature) spill the beans 吐露秘密(share confidential information) hot potatoes 烫

13、手山芋,棘手问题(problematic issues),ones cup of tea 某人所喜欢的人或物(the type of person or stuff one likes) butter sb. up 奉承某人 (flatter sb) be nuts about 对十分热衷(crazy about) out to lunch 有点脱离现实(a little out of touch with reality) nutty as a fruitcake 有点疯狂(a little crazy) In a nutshell 根本上说(basically) polish the apple 拍马屁(flatter) a piece of cake 十分容易(very easy) gravy train 轻松可挣的大钱(big money easy way),


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