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1、English for Design Art,ZENG LI,References 1.Art English艺术类专业英语 周小儒主编,化学工业出版社,2005.1. 2.English for industrial design and art design 工业设计与艺术设计专业核心基础英语,戴力农编著,机械工业出版社,2007.7. 3.English for art 艺术英语,王玉华主编,复旦大学出版社,2007.3. 4.设计艺术专业英语,杨正编著,武汉大学出版社,2006.1. 5.International standards for students writing, Bri

2、an Devlin英语论文写作教程基于国际标准的学术写作于发表,清华大学出版社,2003.1. 6.How to write a research paper, 英语学术论文写作,黄国文等编著,重庆大学出版社,2006.1. 7.如何撰写和发表科技论文,(美)罗伯特 戴,巴巴拉 盖斯特尔,2007.1.,How to write a research paper,1 Preliminaries for starting, continuing,and completing a research paper 2 How to write an abstract for a research pa

3、per 3 How to prepare an introduction for a research paper 4 Method section of a research paper 5 Results section of a research paper 6 Discussion section of a research paper 7 Conclusion section of a research paper 8 References section of a research paper,Preliminaries,1 introduction 2 focusing on a

4、 topic 3 asking questions while planning the research 4 research assumptions 5 how to choose between research approaches 6 methods associated with research approaches 7 choosing a format for the research paper 8 summary,Preliminaries,1 introduction The research paper is the most important as it embo

5、dies the many intellectual and linguistic skills that are needed in an academic environment such as in a college or a university.,Preliminaries,2 focusing on a topic There are many aspects to any subject or discipline that we study at a university.One way of breaking down a subject into a number of

6、smaller sub-topics is to look at the subject classifications provieded by a library.,Preliminaries,3 asking questions while planning the research (1) Is the topic researchable,given time,resources,and availability of data? (2) Is there a personal interest in the topic in order to sustain attention?

7、(3) Will the results from the study be of interest to others(e.g.in the state,region,nation)? (4) Is the topic likely to be publishable in a scholarly journal?(or attractive to a doctoral committee?) (5) Does the study (a) fill a void,(b)replicate,(c)extend,or (d)develop new ideas in the scholarly l

8、iterature? (6) Will the project contribute to career goals?,Preliminaries,4 research assumptions What topic we choose,how we design our research paper, and how we go about doing the research all depend on our assumptions about a number of factors. (1) What is the nature of reality? (2) What is the r

9、elationship of the researcher to that researched? (3) What is the role of values? (4) What is the language of research? (5) What is the process of research?,Preliminaries,5 how to choose between research approaches (1)the researchers worldview/outlook (2)the researchers training or experience (3)the

10、 researchers psychological attributes (4)the nature of the problem being researched (5)the audience for the research,Preliminaries,6 methods associated with research approaches Due to the research assumptions and factors affectiong the choice of an approach,a number of methods for data collection an

11、d analysis have been developed as a result of many studies in the science and humanities in the past.Experiments and surveys are usually associated with a quantitative approach while ethnographies and case studies belong to a qualitative one.,Preliminaries,7 choosing a format for the research paper

12、The elements of structure include (1)Title (2) Abstract (3)Introduction including Review of Literature (4)Method (5)Results (6)Discussion (7)Conclusion (8)References (9)Appendices,How to write an abstract,1 introduction 2 structure of an abstract 3 questions on the abstract 4 elements of structure i

13、n an Abstract 5 condensing in the abstract,How to write an abstract,1 introduction Writing a research paer is a complex and demanding task.It requires a lot of planning and preparation before the final copy is produced.,How to write an abstract,2 structure of an abstract An abstract is the first sou

14、rce of information for a would-be reader.It provides the purpose of the study,the way the research is carried out,some important findings,the implications,and a conclusion.,How to write an abstract,3 questions on the abstract (1)What is the subject/area the research paper is dealing with? (2)What ba

15、ckground information is provided by the author? (3)What is the purpose of the present study? (4)How is the research to be done? (5)What are some of the important findings? (6)What are some of the implications of the study?,A Study on the Model of Furniture Aesthetic Value Based on Fuzzy AHP Comprehe

16、nsive Evaluation,AbstractThe evaluation and quantification of furniture aesthetic value plays an important role in the furniture design, and it is one of the difficult issues in research field. Based on the establishment of furniture aesthetic value evaluation system, this paper confirmed the matrix

17、 and the weights of related indexes by fuzzy AHP comprehensive evaluation, then by the model building to evaluate and quantify the furniture aesthetic value. The evaluation results of mathematical model are consistent with the consumers and experts comments on questionnaire and interview with furnit

18、ure samples. The test result showed that the model can accurately quantify the furniture aesthetic value, which makes the evaluation of furniture aesthetic value from qualitative description to quantitative grading. The research had important significance on the furniture evaluation and design.,How

19、to write an abstract,4 elements of structure in an Abstract Topic Specification (TP) Background Information (BI) Purpose Statement (PS) Methodology and Data (MD) Results/Findings (RF) Implications/Conclusions (IC),How to write an abstract,5 condensing in the abstract Information condesning Grammatical consequence,


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