五年级英语下册unit6myholiday课件5陕旅版 (2).ppt

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1、Unit 2 My Holiday,我的假期,孩子们在花园里讨论着他们的假期。vacation=holiday(假期),We will travel to Tibet.我们将去西藏旅行。,Great!太棒了!我喜欢海滩!,度假,不,果果!西藏没有海滩!,那里有山。,山?我也喜欢山。,珠穆朗玛峰 Mount Everest 高度:8844.43m,-How is the Mount Everest? 珠穆朗玛峰怎么样? -Its so high. Its the highest mountain in the world. 它特别高。 它是世界上最高的山峰。,布达拉宫 (西藏,拉萨),the P

2、otala Palace (in Lhasa, Tibet.),-What is the Potala Palace like? - Its so large and beautiful. (它很宏伟并且很漂亮。),How will we go?我们将怎么去那里?,我们坐飞机去。,Why not by train? Its slow, but we can enjoy the beautiful places along the way . 火车慢,但是我们可以欣赏沿途的美景,(为什么不坐火车呢?),by plane,-Will your parents go with you? -No, t

3、hey wont (will not). My friend will go with me. -Have a good time!(玩的开心) -Thank you/ thanks.,你的父母将和你一起去吗?,Map of Tibet 西藏地图,mountains,西藏三大圣湖,三大名寺,Where will you go this summer?,你打算去哪里? I will travel to Beijing, Hangzhou,Shanghai 我将去旅行,by bike,by plane,by car,by ship,by bus,by train,on foot,by taxi,b

4、y subway,Im going _ .,坐轮船,坐飞机,坐公共汽车,坐火车,坐汽车,骑自行车,坐地铁,走路,坐出租车,你打算怎样去那里?,我打算去。,你们打算住在哪里?,我们打算住在旅馆里。,Travel Plan,Were going to go on a trip.,Where?,How?,What?,Wherestay?,Were going to go to .,Were going to .,You can choose the right time. 你可以选择合适的时间出游。,Some tips for you!,Tibet, by plane,stay in a hotel

5、,7days, Go sightseeing, eat tasty food,8888元/人,Not cheap!,Our trip We are going to go to Tibet. Were going to go by plane. Were going to stay in a hotel. We will stay for 7 days. Were going to go sightseeing and eat tasty food. We will be happy.,You can stand in a line. 你可以排好队。,Some tips for you!,Do

6、nt throw the trash anywhere. 不可随处扔垃圾。,Some tips for you!,Dont draw anything anywhere. 不可随处乱涂乱画。,Some tips for you!,Dont sit or walk on the grass. 不可践踏小草。,Some tips for you!,Dont sit on it. 不可骑坐。,Some tips for you!,Foreign tourists(外国游客) They like self-guided tour. (喜欢自由行。) They spent more time for s

7、ightseeing. (多的时间留给参观的景点。) They dont spent more time for shopping. (看了就买,买完就走。) They go shopping for themselves. (购物一般是为了自己。) Chinese tourists(外国游客) We like group travel. (喜欢团队旅游。) We like shopping very much. (购物欲望较强。) We like to bargain and compare. (喜欢砍价,喜欢比较。) We go shopping for the others. (购物的主

8、要目的是送人。),Some signs for you!,标志,历史古迹,Some signs for you!,标志,e,a,b,d,c,Hainan,Were going by ship.,Were going to stay with relatives.,Shanghai,Were going by train.,Were going to stay in a big hotel.,长途客车,眼睛,哭,飞,我的,干燥的,为什么,罗伯特威尔逊和 丹尼斯 威尔逊,我们打算明年去北京。,我们喜欢骑车。,所以我们想看到自行车赛。,我们打算坐飞机去北京。,我们打算住在奥林匹克公园附近的旅馆里。,我们打算去看中国长城,看一些表演,并且吃一些中国的食物。,哇!这里很多人骑车。,They are going to Beijing.,They like riding bikes, so they want to see the cycling events.,They are going to stay in a hotel near the Olympic Park.,F,F,F,T,参观博物馆,吃美食,拍照,看长城,去观光,结识朋友,


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