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1、Unit 7,Mind and memory,新 启 翔 制 作,新 启 翔 制 作,READING,A Memory,新 启 翔 制 作,A1 What do you know about memory? Discuss and say whether you agree (A) or disagree (D) with these statements.,1 When you get old, your memory gets better. 2 Making pictures in your mind helps you remember things. 3 A man with a g

2、ood memory can remember everyones telephone number. 4 We remember things better if they happen to us suddenly and surprisingly.,D,A,D,A,新 启 翔 制 作,A2 Read through the five articles and check your answers to A1. Then think about the main idea of each passage.,P1-2: We have a short-term and a long-term

3、 memory. When we get old, our short-term memory gets weaker. P3-4: A man lost his memory after an accident.,新 启 翔 制 作,P5: We can try making funny pictures in our mind to help us remember things. P6: Some people have amazing memories. P7: When something dramatic happens, we usually remember it well.,

4、新 启 翔 制 作,A3 Ken and Penny are talking about memory. Complete their conversation with the words in the articles. Put one word in each blank.,新 启 翔 制 作,joke,old,never,forgot,picture,mind,silly,strange,colourful,Tony,dramatic,新 启 翔 制 作,重点讲解,1. When people get old, their short-term memories get weaker,

5、 but they can still remember things from a long time ago. 人要是上了年纪,短 期的记忆就差多了,但依然记得起很久以前发生的事。 get old 意思是“老了;上年纪了”。此处的get是系动词 后接形容词作表语,表示“(状态、感情等)变得”。例 如: get long / short 变长(短) get hot / cold / warm 变热(冷、暖和) get angry / upset 生气了(不高兴了) a long time ago 意思是“很久以前”,相当于long (time) ago 或 long long ago;常用于

6、一般过去时。例如: The story happened a long time ago. 这个故事发生在很久以前。,新 启 翔 制 作,2. He said, “When you get old, three things start to go wrong. First, you lose your memory . and I cant remember what the other things are!” 他说:“你要是年纪大了,有三样东西会 出问题。第一,记忆,你会失去它,我记不起其它两 样了。” go wrong 意思是“发生故障;出毛病”。此处的 go是 系动词,后接形容词作表

7、语,表示“(自然或人为地)变 (坏、糟等)”。例如: go bad 变坏 go sick 生病 go mad 发疯 go sour 变酸 lose ones memory 在这里的意思是“没记性了”。例如:Ive forgot it at all Im losing my memory, you know. 我把这事完全忘了你知道,我的记性越来越差。 lose ones memory 还可以表示“失忆”。例如: The man lost his memory in the accident. 这人在事故中失忆了。,新 启 翔 制 作,3. He was often angry with her

8、 because he thought that she never visited him. 他经常生她的气,因为他认为她从来都没有来看 望过他。 be angry with someone 意思是“生某人的气”。例如: She was angry with him for having broken his promise. 她很生他的气,因为他没有遵守承诺。 如果要表示“因某事而生气”,用 be angry at。例如: He was angry at what she said. 他对她所说的话很生气。,新 启 翔 制 作,4. If you want to remember some

9、thing, you can try making a picture of it in your mind. 如果你想要记住一些东西的话,你 可以试着在大脑中描绘出有关它的一幅画面。 句中 try 意思是“尝试”,后面常接名词、代词、动名词。 例如: Try doing more exercises; youll soon lose weight. 尝试着多做些运动,你的体重很快就可以减下来了。 try 还可表示“试图;设法(努力)”等意思,后接动词 不定式,try to do something 意思是“设法去做某事”。例如: Dont shout at him; hes only try

10、ing to help. 别对他大叫大嚷的,他只是想帮忙。,新 启 翔 制 作,5. If the picture is silly, strange or colourful, you will remember it better. 如果(你想象的)这个画面很可笑、很奇怪或者色彩 很鲜明,你就能够记得更清楚。 if 引导的条件状语从句,如果从句谈论的是一个有可能 发生的事实及其产生的相关的结果,当主句用一般将来时 态时,从句用一般现在时态。例如: If you dont leave now, Ill call the police. 你现在若不离开,我就报警。 What will you

11、do if someone cuts in the line? 如果有人插队,你会怎么办?,新 启 翔 制 作,6. An easy way to do this is to imagine there is a “mile” between the first letter and the last letter.有一种简单的方法可以记住 “smiles”这个单词,那就是想象在第一个字母和最后一个字 母之间有一英里(“mile”)那么远。 此句中有两个动词不定式,第一个不定式 to do this 是用 来作 an easy way 的后置定语,而第二个不定式 to imagine ther

12、e is a “mile” between the first letter and the last letter 在句中 作表语。例如: A good way to relax yourself is to listen to some light music. 听一些轻音乐是自我放松的一个好方法。,新 启 翔 制 作,7. Memory is connected to our feelings. 记忆与我们的感觉有关。 be connected to 在此句的意思是“和有联系; 和有关”。也可以用 be connected with 来表达。例如: Brain is connected

13、to intelligence. 大脑和智力有关。 8. When something dramatic happens, we usually remember it well. 当一些戏剧性的事情发生时,我们通常能够记得很清 楚。 当形容词修饰不定代词(如: something, anything, nothing, everything等)的时候,形容词通常要放于不定代词 的后面。例如: Id like something nice to eat. 我想要些好吃的东西。 Is there anything new in todays newspaper? 今天的报纸上有新内容吗?,新 启

14、 翔 制 作,中考链接 (2009年广州市中考试题) Doctor, whats the problem with my son? Dont worry. It is _ serious. Its only a cold. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything,新 启 翔 制 作,9. For example, most elderly people in the USA can remember where they were when they heard about the death of President John F.

15、 Kennedy in 1963. 例如,美国绝大多数老人都能记得,1963年当他们听说约 翰肯尼迪总统死讯的时候他们在哪里。 此句是一个复合句,主句是 most elderly people in the USA can remember .;疑问词 where 引出一个宾语从句 (where they were .);宾语从句中又含有一个由when引 导的时间状语从句。 此句的宾语从句由where引导,用的是陈述句语序, 即疑问词+主语+谓语+其它成分。,新 启 翔 制 作,疑问词引导的宾语从句要使用陈述句的语序,从句谓语动词的时态要受到主句时态的限制。若主句是一般现在时态,从句根据实际情

16、况而定;主句是一般过去时态,从句用相应的过去时态(即一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时或过去完成时的某一种形式)。如果从句的动作发生在主句之前,则从句要用过去完成时态。例如: You must remember what your mother said. 你一定要记住你妈妈说的话。 Did you know who he was looking for? 你知道他在找谁吗? hear about 意思是“听说;得知”。 例如: Ive never heard about anyone doing that. 我从未听说有人做那种事。 与hear相关的常用短语还有: hear of 知道;听说

17、过 hear from 收到的来信,新 启 翔 制 作,巩固练习,(一)单词拼写。 1. Its necessary to make a l_ and a s_ plan if you want to do something successfully. 2. Mike is good at sports, while Peter is w_ at it. 3. The old mans b_ was so seriously injured because of a car accident that he forgets things easily now. 4. Your answers

18、 to these questions are all c_. Well done! 5. Arrange the books in o_ of size.,ong-term,hort-term,eak,rain,orrect,rder,新 启 翔 制 作,新 启 翔 制 作,(二) 单项选择。 1. As spring is coming, the weather is _ warmer and warmer. A. coming B. getting C. taking D. making 2. Mum was angry _ me because I told a lie. A. wit

19、h B. at C. for D. to 3. If it _ rain this weekend, well have a picnic. A. doesnt B. didnt C. wont D. wouldnt 4. Ive lost the key to the door. Lets try _ the room through the window. A. enter B. entered C. entering D. enters 5. Jack is bored. Please tell him _ to make him cheerful. A. interesting not

20、hing B. nothing interesting C. interesting something D. something interesting,heard about,went wrong,was angry with,get older,are connected to,a long time ago,新 启 翔 制 作,新 启 翔 制 作,(四)根据课文内容和首字母提示写出所缺的单词。 Everyone has a s_ memory and a l_ memory. When people get old their shortterm memories get w_, bu

21、t they can still remember things that happened a long time ago. People whose b_ is injured have a bad memory and they can forget things easily. A good way to help you remember things is to make a picture in your mind. The Guinness Book of Records tells some amazing stories about memory. For example,

22、 a girl named Gou Yangling could m_ 15,000 telephone numbers. A man from UK can remember the c_ o_ of 1,820 playing cards after seeing them just once. Memory is c_ to peoples feelings. When something d_ happens, people usually remember it well.,hort-term,ong-term,eaker,rain,emorize,orrect,rder,onnec

23、ted,ramatic,(五)阅读理解。 Two elderly couples were enjoying their afternoon tea and talking about their life. Then one of the men asked the other, “Fred, how was the memory clinic you went to last month?” “Excellent,” Fred replied. “They taught us all the latest skills it has made a big difference for me

24、.” “Thats great! What was the name of that clinic?” Fred went blank. He thought and thought but couldnt remember. Then a smile broke across his face and he asked, “What do you call that red flower with thorns(刺) all over it?” “You mean a rose?” “Yes, thats it!” Then he turned to his wife and asked,

25、“Rose, what was the name of that clinic?” 1. The two couples were _. A. young B. middle-aged C. old 2. The underlined words “went blank” probably mean “_”. A. couldnt remember B. didnt go out C. refused to answer 3. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The name of the memory clinic was Rose. B. Freds memory was not so good. C. The memory clinic helped Fred a lot.,新 启 翔 制 作,


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