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1、But now I exercise every day,eat a lot,sleep a lot,go to KFC,I used to (过去常常),miss be afraid of used to have to worry about,I _ the sea. I dont know how to swim. Dont _ things so much. It will make you stressed out.,am afraid of,worry about,Selfcheck,3. Sorry, I cant join you. I_ study for a test. 4

2、. I really_ my friend Tina. She moved to another town. 5. I _ have short hair but now I grow it long.,have to,miss,used to,Reading,He used to cause a lot of trouble,Always use the information around the word or phrase you dont understand to help you guess the meaning. Using context can help you lear

3、n new words and phrases.,Learning strategy (学习技巧):,Using context,Listening,Put the missing sentences back into the correct place in the reading.,5,2,4,1,3,He used to _. Now he _. Why? _.,Martin Murray,cause a lot of trouble.,is one of the best students in his class,His mothers love helped him to fee

4、l good about himself.,Reading,1-3组第一段 4-6组第二段 7-9组第三段 要求: 1.自读并找出本段的重点单词或短语 2. 组内交流并翻译该段文章 (可以每人翻译一句),1. He used to be a “problem child”,but a recent conversation with his mother changed his life. 2. His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education. 3. To do this, she had to work, and so wa

5、s often not at home.,Translations.,1. His mother looked after him as well as she could. 2. He was not interested in studying and he often got into trouble with the police. 3. In the end, she made a difficult decision: to send him to a boys boarding school.,Translations.,1. The head teacher said it w

6、as necessary for Martin to talk with his mother. 2. My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. 3. I realize that since my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.,Translations.,Its very important for parents to be th

7、ere for their children.,Translations.,Martin is a _boy. He didnt used to _trouble. However ,after his fathers_, his life became _difficult. His mother couldnt _his education. But his mother still looked after him _she could. Unfortunately, martin wasnt _studying and often _trouble. Luckily his mothe

8、r was patient and never _helping him. So his mother _to send him to a boarding school. But Martin hated it and wanted to leave the school. So he called his mother. _this phone call changed his life. Now he is working hard , and is_the best students in his class.,15-year-old,cause,death,much more,aff

9、ord to pay for,as well as,interested in,got into,gave up,made a decision,To his surprise,one of,summery,Discuss in groups: Why did the author write the passage? 小组讨论:作者为什么写这篇文章?,Post-reading (读后活动) Discussing(讨论),The author wants to tell us: Mothers love is great . He wants to tell us: Communication

10、 between children and parents can help them understand each other better.,Discuss,What can make those students who cause a lot of trouble change themselves? Why?,1. Love 2. Care 3. Help 4. Chance 5. Understanding 6. Ambition (雄心,志向) 7. ,Homework,配套reading 2. 作业本(H) 配套 14页Part3A1-6 17页part 3,Homework

11、,配套reading 2. 突破第四课时(红笔改错),Translations.,造成很多麻烦 一个十五岁的男孩 一个问题孩子 和他妈妈最近的一次对话 他爸爸去世后 几年前 变得艰难得多 他妈妈支付不了他孩子的学费。,cause a lot of trouble,a fifteen-year-old boy,a problem child,a recent conversation with his mother,after his fathers death,a few years ago,become much more difficult,His mother couldnt affor

12、d to pay for her childs education.,9.尽她所能照顾好他 10.惹事落到警方手里 11.放弃 12.设法帮助他 13.最后,最终 14.作了一个艰难的决定 15.送他去一间男孩寄宿学校 16. 浪费他的时间,look after him as well as she can,get into trouble with the police,give up,try to help him,in the end/ at last/ finally,make a difficult decision,send him to a boys boarding schoo

13、l,waste his time,17.帮我明白她给了我多少,help me to understand how much she has given me,16.令某人惊奇的是,to ones surprise,18. 即使 19、不再 20、对感到自豪 21、我做的每一件好事 22、设法使我妈妈更留心我,更注意我,even though,no longer,take pride in /be proud of,everything good I do,make my mother pay more attention to me,23、最好的学生之一 24、能够 25、帮助他找到自信 26

14、、父母的陪伴支持对孩子是很重要的,one of the best students,be able to,help him to feel good,Its very important for parents to be there for their children,death afford cause himself patient decision necessary exactly attention waste,in the end make a decision head teacher to ones surprise even though no longer take p

15、ride in pay attention to give up notany more,死;死亡 买得起 造成 他自己 有耐心的 决定 必须的 正;恰恰 注意;专心 浪费,最后 做决定 班主任 另人惊奇的 即使 不再 对自豪 对注意 放弃 不再,Goodbye,根据下面表中的表述,以 Changes in our hometown为题,写一篇短文.,Writing,John was a boastful(好吹牛 )boy.He talked only about himself and his family all the time. He told others how bright an

16、d rich his family was. His mother felt sorry for him and decided to teach him a lesson. She got two big empty tins( 罐 ).Then she filled up the first one with sweets(糖果),but only five pieces of sweets in the second one.,Fast reading,When John got home from school ,his mother asked him,“John,can you t

17、ell which of these two tins is full without opening them?” John answered, “No,Mother.” His mother asked him to hold each tin and shake(摇晃) it.John held the first tin. “This is heavy,”he said. He shook(摇) it but it did not make any sound.Then he held the second tin, “This is very light,”he said. He s

18、hook it and it made a tinkling sound,“Ting! Cling! Cling! ”“These tins are just like people,” said his mother.“The empty-headed ones are proud They talk too much about themselves while the wise ( 聪明 ) are quiet and humble (谦恭的).”Empty tins make the loudest sound.”John was ashamed( 惭愧) of himself.,1.

19、John often told others about _ A.himself and his family B.his friends and his family C.himself and his friends D.himself and his mother 2.The tin full of sweets was _. A.heavy and it made a sound B.heavy and did not make any sound C.light and it made a tinkling sound D.light and it did not make any

20、sound.,A,B,3.The empty tin is like _ person. A.a wise B.a humble C.a boastful D.an empty-headed 4.The wise people_. A.like to talk about himself B.always like others to praise him C.like to play with the tins D.are usually humble and quiet. 5.From this passage, we know the best title of this passage is _. A.John B. Full Tins and Empty Tins C.John Was Wrong D. John and His Mother,D,D,B,(谦恭的),(好吹牛 ),


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