【仁爱版】七年级下册:Unit 7 The birthday Party.Topic 3 Section B教案(精修版).doc

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1、仁爱版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 7 The birthday Party.Topic 3 Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。.Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases: lemonade, main course, salad, Coke2. Go on learning how to order and offer food and drinks:Could I order a m

2、eal by phone?What would you like?Well send the food to you in twenty minutes.May I have the menu, please?3. Learn how to make a menu by phone.Teaching aids 教具录音机/多媒体课件 .Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 7分钟)复习就餐的对话和已学过的食品名称,导入生词。1. (找几组学生表演就餐对话,教师给予评价。)T:Ill ask several group

3、s to act out your dialog about having meals. Then well decide which group is the best. G1: G2: 2. (检查上节课作业。组织学生互评,教师选若干份给予点评。)T: Please take out your homework. Let me check it. Oh, Look! This one is very beautiful!/ Good job! / Well done! / Excellent! / I like it very much! / Thats interesting! 3. (

4、由作业中的“食物分类”导入新单词。)(方案一)(竞赛: 分组到黑板上写出食品名称,组员可以补充,看看哪组写得最多、最完整。)T: Pretty well! Please read the words.(评价作品。学生朗读后,导入新知识。)T: Weve learned many kinds of foods. Now please look at some new foodsand drinks.(展示新的食品名称的幻灯片。)T: Lets use these foods and drinks to play a game: I “build” many “houses”. Can you t

5、ake the “babies” home?(做游戏,让学生将食品名称归类。)(边呈现边教学生词。游戏结束后,评出优胜小组。)(板书并要求学生掌握:lemonade, main course, salad, coke;了解tofu和staple。)lemonaden.柠檬水 tofun.豆腐 main course 主菜 staplen.主食 saladn.色拉coken.可乐T:Good, all the “babies” are at home now. Do you remember their “houses”? Lets read them together.Ss:Yes.(导入下一

6、步。)(方案二)(要求学生将收集的食品及饮料名称填入下列表格。教师帮助学生画出本课生词,然后教学生词。)T: Lets classify the vocabulary about foods and drinks that you collected, and then fill in the form below. Then underline the new words and read after me.Soups汤TofuStaples主食Main courses主菜Desserts甜点SaladDrinks饮料Coke, LemonadeStep 2 Presentation 第二步

7、 呈现(时间: 8分钟)呈现本课1a。(听1a录音,找出赵先生打电话订了什么。)T:Just now we learned many kinds of foods and drinks. Now lets talk about the food festival. Mr. and Mrs. Yang came to the food festival. They enjoyed themselves. However, Mr. Zhao is busy. He cant come to the food festival. But he wants to order some food in

8、the food festival. What should he do?Ss:Order by phone.T:Right. Please listen to 1a, and find out what he wants to order by phone.(听1a录音后,学生回答问题。)Ss:Hed like fried rice, roast chicken and a bottle of lemonade.T:Good! Read 1a and tell me how to order and offer food by phone. Then find out the key sen

9、tences.(教师板书重点句型,讲解后学生齐读。)Could I order a meal by phone?What would you like?I can e-mail one to you, if you like.Well send the food to you in twenty minutes.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)进一步巩固1a。1. (两人一组分角色朗读1a,然后表演。)T: Practice 1a in pairs. Then act it out.2. (学生利用菜单编新对话操练。)T: Now please make

10、 a new dialog with your partner, and the menu in 1a may help you. Then work in pairs.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)练习本课活动1b和2。1. (4人一组,复习菜单中关于食物和饮料的词汇。然后用同伴最喜欢的食物和饮料完成1b的表格。)T: Discuss the menu in 1a in groups of four, and then complete the form in 1b with your partners favorite food and drinks.2.

11、 (让学生朗读1b的两个例子,并把学生分组,让其根据A中的表格编对话并表演。)T: Please read the two examples in 1b and learn how to order dishes according to the table in A.T: Very good! Now lets learn more about ordering and offering food.(教师板书重点句型。)What would you like?May I have the menu, please?Just a little, please.(教师讲解如何运用这些句子,让学生

12、仿照例子,组织对话。完成1b。) T: Please work in pairs after the examples in 1b, and then act it out in the front.(学生表演之后,检查效果,并对学生给予充分的肯定。)3. (采用服务员与顾客对话的形式归纳复习就餐用语。) T:Well done! Everyone has his favorite food. When you eat out, do you know how to order the food? Lets ask some students to have a try. S1:Welcome

13、 to our restaurant. This way, please! S2:Thank you! S1:May I take your order? S2:Id like some fried rice, vegetable soup and fried chicken. S1:Anything to drink?S2:Some coke, please.(A moment later) S1:Help yourself ! S2:Thanks.(A moment later)S2:May I have the bill? S1:Let me see. Its¥40.8. S2:Here

14、 you are. S1:Wait a moment please. Heres your change. Thanks for coming. (如有时间可多表演两组,教师给予肯定并评价。) 4. (看2图,设置听力任务。)T:Look at the picture of 2. Two girls are talking about what food they will prepare for the party. Can you guess what they want to prepare? Ss:I think they will prepare noodles, ice cream

15、, (让学生猜的同时复习听力中可能会出现的食品名称。) T:Maybe you are right. Now listen to 2. And check your answers. (播放2录音,归纳总结,核对答案。完成2。) T:What will they prepare? Can you tell me? Ss:Yes. They will prepare fried rice, fish curry, Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)进一步巩固菜单的制作方法,完成1c。1. (海伦的爸爸计划投资一家餐馆,要求学生为他设计一份菜单。)T: Helens father plans to set up a restaurant. Please make a menu for him. You can do it with the help of the menu in 1a. (板书)RestaurantMenuSoup Staple (教师挑选一些好的“菜单”给予点评,鼓励。)2. Homework: (根据本课所学内容,想象并描述“美食节”发生的过程和结果。为下一课做准备。)


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