【仁爱版】七年级下册:Unit 7 The birthday Party.Topic 3 Section C教案(精修版).doc

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1、仁爱版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 7 The birthday Party.Topic 3 Section CSection C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。.Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words: worth, effort2. Learn comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs with multiple syllables:Maria cooked ve

2、ry successfully.Jane cooked more successfully than she/her.I cooked the most successfully of the three.3. Talk about the correct ways to eat different kinds of foods:fried noodleschopstickstofu soupspoonfried chickenfingerssteakknife and fork.Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板/多媒体课件.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五

3、指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 6分钟)复习有关美食节的活动。导入1a。(让学生根据自己的家庭作业描绘“美食节”,并给予评价。)T: Boys and girls, now I will check your homework first.(检查作业,选12个完成较好的到前面发言。)T: S1, would you like to tell something about the food festival to our class? / would you please?/ can you try ?S1: T: OK, excellent. And who ca

4、n try? / Anyone else?(可以请12个自愿者上来讲一讲。可以让学生来评价,这样可以避免没有发言的学生开小差。当然也可以就发言学生的描述提出若干问题,以检查其他学生听的效果。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)呈现本课1a。1. (教师可以利用以下问题来引导学生对美食节进一步思考,同时便于导入本课目标语言。)(1)(以下问题使用小黑板/幻灯片展示。)T: Do you want to know more about the food festival? Please think over the following questions, a

5、nd discuss in groups. Ill ask some of you to guess the answers later. You may look at the picture on Page 69.How did the food festival go?Were the results worth the effort?Did the parents and teachers like the food?Who cooked successfully?Who cooked more successfully?Who cooked the most successfully

6、?What food and drink did they sell?Did they make a lot of money?(2)(让学生注意画线部分的目标语言和新词,教师予以讲解。要求学生掌握单词worth和effort;了解successfully。) (板书)worth adj.值得的effort n.努力successfully adv.成功地(讨论两分钟后,请部分小组派代表来讲一讲。如果学生对目标语言仍有问题,教师可以稍加讲解并再次练习目标语言,如此重复几次。) T:Who wants to report the result? S2: S3: T:Well done! / Th

7、ats almost right. / I dont think so. I think 2. (再次使用小黑板/幻灯片上的问题,引导学生理解课文,获取正确信息,检查学习效果。)T:Just now, we talked about the food festival. Do you want to know the results of it? Now, I will give you 2 minutes to read the e-mail which Kangkang sent to Daniel in 1a. In the e-mail, Kangkang described the

8、scene of the food festival very carefully. Read it carefully and answer the questions on the slide/small blackboard. (让学生口头回答这些问题,或让学生分组竞赛写答案,看哪组写得又快又好,及时给予评价。)3. (再读1a,然后完成下面的表格。核对答案。)T: Do you know the results of the childrens food for sale? Read 1a again, complete the table and youll know the res

9、ults.NameQuantity of sold-out foodAttitudeMaria35 dishes of beef curryVery successfullyJaneKangkangStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 6分钟)巩固1a,完成1b。1. (让学生根据上面的表格,运用副词的比较级,复述食品的出售情况。要求学生理解neatly。) T:We have learned the results of the childrens food for sale. Can you retell the results according to the

10、form above? Who wants a try? S4:Maria sold 35 dishes of beef curry. She cooked very successfully. S5: Jane sold 45 Indian curries. She cooked more successfully than she/her. S6:Kangkang sold 50 bowls of fried rice. He cooked most successfully of the three. 2. (复述后,教师给予评价。教师示范,让学生练习1b。) T: Nice work!

11、 Please look at the table in 1b. Can you make sentences about the childrens other performances after the example? First discuss in groups. Then report to us. Example: Maria cooks the food successfully. Jane cooks more successfully than she/her. Kangkang cooks (the) most successfully of the three. (学

12、生根据示范造句,并汇报结果;也可以小组竞赛,看哪组完成的最快最准确,教师给予评价,完成1b。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)操练本课2a和2b,完成3。1. (学习2a。要求学生了解单词scoop。)T: For the food festival, Kangkang cooked fried rice, Maria cooked beef curry, and Jane cooked Indian curries. But do you know what food Mina cooked for the food festival and how to e

13、at it? Lets come to 2a and youll know the answers. Listen to 2a and answer the questions on the small blackboard.(出示小黑板上的问题)What did Mina make for the food festival?How did they have them?(听完录音,核对答案。)T: Lets check the answers together.(让学生跟读两遍。)T: Please read after the tape twice.(让学生分组练习对话。)T: Work

14、 in pairs, please. Ill ask some pairs to act it out in the front.(选几组到前面示范表演,可以看提示问题。)T: Lets welcome Pair A!(及时给予评价、鼓励。)2. (练习2b。要求学生了解单词steak。)T: Just now we learned how to eat fish curry and bread. Do you know how to eat sushi, sandwich ? First discuss in pairs, and then match the food with the c

15、orrect way to eat it in 2b.(给学生12分钟连线。核对答案,或学生互评。)(根据示范对话,分组练习。巩固所学的食品名称和餐具名称。)T: Please make a conversation about eating. Work in pairs like this: (加入动作来体现对话内容。)S1: How do you eat steak?S2: I use a knife and fork.S1: How do you eat fried chicken?S2: I use my fingers.(可以请23组来表演他们的对话,提醒学生加上动作。)3. (完成

16、3。让学生先看题目,以降低难度。)T: Now Jane and her parents are placing an order in a restaurant. What will they order? Please look at 3. First read the sentences in one minute. Then listen to 3 and fill in the blanks.(学生听录音后,核对答案。)T: OK. Lets check the answers.(让学生再听对话,并根据听力答案,自编对话。)T: Listen to 3 again. Make a s

17、imilar dialog. Work in groups. Then Ill ask some students to act out their dialogs.(请一组或两组来表演对话。)T: Who can try? Act out the dialog in the front.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 11分钟)探究形容词/副词的比较级用法。1. (讲故事比赛。尽量用上1a,1b和2b中所学内容,给学生两分钟准备。) T: Say something about the food festival, especially the scene/the

18、 picture on Page 69, using the words and expressions in 1a, 2b and 1b as much as possible. Work in groups.(再次提醒学生尽量用上1a的内容,2b中有关食物的吃法、用具名称的表达和1b中的副词比较级内容,用得越多越好。)2. (开展竞赛。每组推荐一名选手讲关于美食节的故事,学生掌声的响亮程度决定名次,将得分记入各小组并评出表演最佳的小组。) T: Lets have a competition about the food festival. Each group votes a student to retell the food festival to us. Each group has one chance.3. Homework: (组织你的朋友们举办一次美食节。) Organize your friends to hold a food festival.


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