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1、初中英语高级词汇,1。回收利用纸和书来拯救树,2。需要更多的支持,3。这个地方已经发生了很多的变化,recycle paper and books to save trees,need more support,There are many changes that have happened in that area.,4。期待做。,5。有那么多对家乡的美好回忆。,6。竭力主张做某事,我妈妈总是催我快把作业做好。,My mother always urges me to do my homework as quickly as possible.,urge sb. to do sth.,Th

2、ere are so many beautiful memories of my (hometown),look forward to doing sth.,7。导致,努力学习英语能找到好工作,过量的作业和过少的休息会引起疾病。,8。为了。,9。帮助脱离饥饿/无家可归的人,10。使高兴起来,当我遇到麻烦时,我家人和朋友总是帮我解愁,cheer up,help stop hunger/homeless people,in order to,Too much homework and too little rest often lead to illness.,Working hard at En

3、glish can lead to a good job.,lead to,11。乐意做某事,12。帮某人脱离困境,当我们有困难时,他总是急人之难。,13。好好利用某物,如果我们好好利用时间,我们有一天会成功。,If we put time to good use, we will succeed one day.,put sth. to good use,He is always willing to help us out when we are in trouble.,help sb. out,be willing to do sth.,When I am in trouble, my

4、friends and families always help me and cheer me up.,14。远离。,我主要吃水果和蔬菜不吃糖,15。生活充满快乐,16。面对挑战,17。对身体有害,在我看来长时间打电脑游戏既浪费时间也有害健康。,In my opinion, playing computer games for a long time not only waste time but also is harmful to our health.,be harmful to ones health,face the challenges,fill ones life with p

5、leasure,I eat mainly fruit and vegetables and stay away from sugar.,stay away from,18。俗话说得好,“条条大路通罗马。”,19。公众应该培养减少污染的好习惯。,20。使某人失望,21。全神贯注;全力以赴,我们应该把更多的时间花在学习上。,We should concentrate more time on our studies.,concentrate on,let sb down,The public should develop the good habit of reducing pollution.,

6、As an old saying goes, “All roads lead to Rome.”,22。阻碍;防碍,有时候这些爱好会防碍学习。,23。积极参加,24。为。感到骄傲,我父母一直对我做的好事感到骄傲,take pride in/be proud of,My parents always take pride in everything good I do.,take an active part in,Sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork.,get in the way(of),25。做。没用,26。阻止某

7、人做某事,27。决定做某事,28。把时间和精力放在。上,29。全身心投入;沉浸于,lose oneself in doing sth,focus time and energy on,make up ones time to do sth,stop/keep/prevent sb from doing sth,There is no use doing sth,30.让某人有机会做某事,它让我有机会接近大自然欣赏美丽的景色。,give sb. an opportunity to do sth.,It gives me an opportunity to get close to the nature and enjoy the beautiful scenery.,


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