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1、基础英语语法4,从句(二),今日学习内容,1)同位语从句 2)定语从句 3)状语从句,今日学习目标,1)能够表达出长而复杂的英语句子 2)能够表达出多样化的句群,同位语从句,Appositive Clause,运用价值,在英语表达的时候,当首次提到某重要概念,可以以同位语的形式解释一下,让表述更加明晰,便于读者理解。,(1)在复合句中用作同位语的从句叫同位语从句。 它一般跟在某些名词后面,用以说明该名词表示的具体内容。如: I heard the news that our team had won 我听到了我们队获胜的消息。 I had no idea that you were here

2、我不知道你在这里。,(2)可以跟同位语从句的名词通常有news,idea, fact,promise,question,doubt,thought,hope, message,suggestion,words(消息),possibility 等。如: Ive come from Mr. Wang with a message that he wont be able to see you this afternoon 我从王先生那里来,他让我告诉你他今天下午不能来看你了。,(3)英语中引导同位语从句的词通常有连词 that,whether,连接副词 how, when, where等。 (注:

3、if, which 不能引导同位语从句。)如: I have no idea when he will be back 我不知道他什么时候回来。 He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not. 他必须回答他是否同意这样一个问题。,(4)有时同位语从句可以不紧跟在说明的名词后面, 而被别的词隔开。 如: Several years later,word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect them 几年以后,有消息传来说拿破仑要亲自视察他们。 The though

4、t came to him that maybe the enemy had fled the city 他突然想起可能敌人已经逃出城了。,(5)同位语从句与定语从句的区别。 同位语从句与前面的名词是同位关系,即说明它前面名词的内容;定语从句与前面的名词是修饰与被修饰关系,即限定它前面的名词范围,或补充一些情况。 The news that l have passed the exam is true 我通过了考试这一消息是真的。 (同位语从句,即从句所表达的意思就是前面名词的内容。) The news that he told me just now is true 他刚才告诉我的消息是真的

5、。 (定语从句,从句对前面名词起修饰限制作用,即“他告诉我的”那个消息,而不是别的消息。),(5)同位语从句与定语从句的区别。 关系词在句中是否做成分 。 The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. 计算机能够识别人的声音的想法使许多人感到惊奇。 (that在从句中不充当任何成份。) The idea that he gave surprises many people 他提出的观点令许多人感到吃惊。 (that在从句中作gave的宾语。),(5)同位语从句与定语从句的区别。 从句是否有疑问

6、的意义。若表示疑问,为同位语从句。 Do you remember the day when I told you that I loved you? (when引导的从句不表示疑问,所以这是一个定语从句) I have asked the question why it was true just now. (why引导的从句表示疑问,所以这是一个同位语从句),互动练习,在句子中使用同位语表达如下概念。 Generation gap Family harmony Social prosperity,定语从句,Attributive Clause,(1)限制性和非限制性定语从句 定语从句就其与

7、先行词的语义关系而言,可分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。 限定性定语从句与其先行词的所指意义有着不可分割的联系,缺少了它,作为先行词的名词便不能明确表示其所指的对象。所有的关系代词和关系副词都能引导限定性定语从句。 非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响 主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开。 关系代词和关系副词除了that、why、but之外都可引导非限定性定语从句。如:,This is the house which we bought last month. 这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。(限制性) The house, which we bought last mo

8、nth, is very nice. 这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。(非限制性),(1)限制性和非限制性定语从句 说明:当先行词是专有名词或物主代词和指示代词所修饰时, 其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的。如: Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. 查理史密斯去年退休了,他曾经是我的老师。 My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden. 我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。 非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这

9、时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数。如: He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me. 他似乎没领会我的意思,这使我心烦。 Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation. 液态水变为蒸汽,这就叫做蒸发。,(2)关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 who, whom, that这些词代替的先行词是人的

10、名词或代词, 在从句中所起作用如下: Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是你想见的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语) He is the man (whom/ that)I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语,可省略),(2)关系代词引导的定语从句 Whose 用来指人或物,只用作定语。若指物,它还 可以同of which互换。如: They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。

11、Please pass me the book whose /of which cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书。,(2)关系代词引导的定语从句 which, that所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。如: A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语) The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to co

12、me unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语,可省略),(3)关系副词引导的定语从句 when指时间,在定语从句中做时间状语 I still remember the day when I first came to the school. 我依然记得我第一次去学校的那一天。 where指地点,在定语从句中做地点状语 Shanghai is the city where I was born. 上海是我的出生地。,(3)关系副词引导的定语从句 why指原因,在定语从句中做原因状语 I dont know the reason why he looks un

13、happy today. 我不知道他今天看起来不高兴的原因。 说明: A关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于“介词+ which“结构,因此常常和“介词+ which”结构交替使用,如: There are occasions when/on which one must yield. 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。 The reason why/for which he refused the invitation is not clear. 他拒绝邀请的原因并不清楚。,(3)关系副词引导的定语从句 Bthat代替关系副词 that可以用于表示时间、地点、方式、理由的名词后取代

14、when, where, why和“介词+ which”引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略。如: His father died the year (that / when / in which) he was born. 他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。 He is unlikely to find the place (that / where / in which) he lived forty years ago. 他不大可能找到他四十年前居住过的地方。,(4)判断关系代词与关系副词 从句中的谓语动词是及物动词时,关系词用关系代词; 从句中的谓语动词是不及物动词时,就必须要求用 关系副

15、词或者是介词加关系代词。如: This is the place which I visited last year. (visit Vt.) 这是我去年去过的地方。 It was raining on the day when they arrived. (arrive Vi.) 他们是在一个雨天到达的。,(5)介词+关系词 介词后面的关系词不能省略。 that前不能有介词。 某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的“介词+关系词” 结构可以同关系副词when ,where和why 互换。如: This is the house in which I lived two years ago.

16、This is the house where I lived two years ago. 这是我两年前住过的房子。 This is the reason why he came late. This is the reason for which he came late. 这是他迟到的原因。,(6)关系代词that 的用法 A限制性定语从句只能用that的几种情况 当先行词是anything, everything, nothing, few, all, none, little, some等代词时,或者是由every, any, all, some, no, little, few,

17、much,each等修饰时;如 All that can be done has been done. 所以能做的已经做了。 Any boy that wants to succeed must work hard. 任何一个想成功的男孩都必须努力学习。 当先行词被序数词修饰时;如: This is the first place that I want to visit. 这是我第一个想去的地方。,(6)关系代词that 的用法 A限制性定语从句只能用that的几种情况 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时;如: This is the best film that I have seen. 这是我

18、看过的最好的一部影片。 当形容词被the very, the only, the same, the last 修饰时;如: This is the very good dictionary that I want to buy. 这是我想买的一本很好的字典。,当先行词为既指人又指物的并列名词词组时;如: He talked of the man and the books that interested him. 他谈到了他感兴趣的那个人和那些书。 当先行词前面有who, which, what等疑问代词时。如: Who is the man that has white hair. 那个白

19、头发的人是谁?,6)关系代词that 的用法 B不用that的情况 在引导非限定性定语从句时,不用that 引导; 介词后不能用that引导。,(7)as, which引导的非限定性定语从句 由as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句,as和which可代整个主句, 相当于and this或and that。在定语从句中它们都可以作主语和宾语。但as 引导的定语从句可置于句首,而which不可。如: As we know, smoking is harmful to ones health. 我们知道吸烟对健康有害。 He is an Englishman, as I know from h

20、is accent. 他是个英国人,我可以从他的口音上了解到这一点。 He has to work on Sundays, which he doesnt like. 他周日得工作,这一点他是不喜欢的。,(7)as, which引导的非限定性定语从句 说明: 关系代词as既可以引导限定性定语从句,也可引导非限定性定语从句。当as引导限定性定语从句时,常用在“suchas” “the sameas”的结构中。如; Lets discuss only such questions as concern us. (as作主语) 让我们只讨论与我们有关的问题吧。 I never heard such

21、stories as he told. (as 作宾语) 我从未听过他讲的这类故事。 Her attitude to him was quite the same as it had always been. (as 作表语) 她对他的态度同她惯常的态度完全一样。,(8)先行词和关系词二合一 Whoever spits in public will be punished here. (Whoever 可以用 anyone who 代替) 无论是谁在公众场所吐痰在这儿将会受到惩罚。 The parents will use what they have to send their son to

22、 technical school. (what 可以用all that代替) 那对父母为了送他们的儿子上技术学校会倾尽他们的所有。,(9)同位语从句与定语从句的区别。 同位语从句与前面的名词是同位关系,即说明它前面名词的内容;定语从句与前面的名词是修饰与被修饰关系,即限定它前面的名词范围,或补充一些情况。 The news that l have passed the exam is true 我通过了考试这一消息是真的。 (同位语从句,即从句所表达的意思就是前面名词的 内容。) The news that he told me just now is true 他刚才告诉我的消息是真的。

23、(定语从句,从句对前面名词起修饰限制作用, 即“他告诉我的”那个消息,而不是别的消息。),(9)同位语从句与定语从句的区别。 关系词在句中是否做成分 。 The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. 计算机能够识别人的声音的想法使许多人感到惊奇。 (that在从句中不充当任何成份。) The idea that he gave surprises many people 他提出的观点令许多人感到吃惊。 (that在从句中作gave的宾语。),(9)同位语从句与定语从句的区别。 从句是否有疑问的

24、意义。 .Do you remember the day when I told you that I loved you? (when引导的从句不表示疑问,所以这是一个定语从句。) I have asked the question why it was true just now. (why引导的从句表示疑问,所以这是一个同位语从句。),1.我们去年在医院一直照顾take care of的老太太死了. 2.你想娶marry的姑娘昨天偷了我的钱包。 3.孙老师写的书是世界上最好的书。 The old lady whom we had taken care of in the hospital

25、 last year died. The girl whom you want to marry stole my wallet yesterday. The book that Mt. Sun wrote is the best book in the world.,4.你喜欢的女孩就是我喜欢的女孩。 5.昨天被我家的狗咬的人bite今天又被你家狗咬了。 6.你知道他打算娶reason你的原因吗? The girl who you like is the girl who I like. The man who was bit by my dog yesterday was bit by y

26、our dog today again. Do you know the reason for which he is going to marry you?,7.我讨厌hate我住过的那个旅馆hotel。 8.我永远也忘不了我们共同生活和学习的那个秋天autumn。 9.他爱了20年的那个女孩昨天嫁marry人了。 I hate the hotel where I lived. I will never forget the autumn when I studied and lived with you. I will never forget the autumn in which I

27、studied and lived with you. The girl whom he had been in love with for 20 years married someone yesterday.,状语从句,状语从句是由从句来充当状语的句子,其在句子中可修饰谓语动词(或其他动词)、形容词、副词或整个句子。它可以用来表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、让步等。,一、状语从句的引导词,续表,续表,状语从句讲解 一、时间状语从句 1when,while,as的特殊点 (1)表示带有规律性的“每当”或从句和主句的动作存在先后关系时,一般用when。 (2)when可用作

28、并列连词,意为“在那时,突然”,常用于下列句式: be about to do- when; be doing- when; be on the point of doing- when; sb.had just done sth.when- (3)表达“随着”或“一边一边”的含义时,一般用as。 (4)as作“当时候”解,从句的谓语一般不可是状态动词。 (5)while从句的谓语动词不可是短暂性的。,【例1】 _ the days went on,the weather got worse. AWith BSince CWhile DAs 答案 D 【例2】 _ you are at hom

29、e alone,please dont leave the door open. AUntil BWhile CBefore DAs 答案 B,2表示“一就”的时间状语从句 (1)as soon as常用一般现在时表将来。 (2)hardly/scarcely.when.或no sooner.than.结构中,主句谓语用过去完成时,从句谓语用一般过去时。把no sooner 和 hardly/scarcely提到句首时,应用倒装语序 (3)表示时间概念的副词充当连词,如:immediately,directly,instantly等。 (4)“the瞬间名词”,如:the moment,the

30、 minute,the second等。,【例3】 Just use this room for the time being,and well offer you a larger one _ it becomes available.(2010安徽) Aas soon as Bunless Cas far as Duntil 答案 A 【例4】 She had _ sat down _ the telephone rang. Ahardly;than Bhardly;when Cno sooner;when Dno sooner;as 答案 B,【例5】 I went to see him

31、 _ I heard from him. Awhen Bwhile Cas Dimmediately 答案 D,3以time结尾的短语引导时间状语从句 every/each time,(the) next time,(the) last time,the first time,any time,by the time等短语也可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。 【例6】 I thought her nice and honest _ I met her. Afirst time Bfor the first time Cthe first time Dby the first time 答案 C,【

32、例7】 I seem to remember that _ we met I did most of the talking. Athe last time Bevery time Cat the time DA and B 答案 D,4since引导时间状语从句的用法 (1)主句常用现在完成时,从句常用一般过去时。 (2)若从句谓语动词是延续性的,表示动作的终止;若从句谓语动词是短暂性的,则表示动作的开始。 (3)固定句型:It is/has been段时间since一般过去时。 【例8】 Have you known Dr.Jackson for a long time? Yes,sinc

33、e she _ the Chinese Society. Ahas joined Bjoins Chad joined Djoined 答案 D,【例9】 What was the party like? Wonderful.Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much. Aafter Bwhen Cbefore Dsince 答案 D 【例10】 Do you smoke? _.Its three years since I smoked. AYes,I do BYes,I dont CNo,I dont DNo,I do 答案 C,5until/till引导时间

34、状语从句的用法 (1)用于肯定句中,主句的谓语动词是延续性的,表示相应动作结束的时间。如:He worked until five oclock.他一直工作到五点钟。 (2)用于否定句中,主句的谓语动词一般是短暂性的,表示相应动作开始的时间,意为“直到才”如:He didnt begin to work until five oclock.直到五点钟他才开始工作。 【例11】 A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners curiosity _ he reaches the end of the story. Auntil Bunl

35、ess Cwhen Dafter 答案 A,注:not.until可用于强调句或倒装句中。 如:I didnt know it until he came back. It was not until he came back that I knew it.强调句 Not until he came back did I know it.倒装句,6once引导时间状语从句的用法 once引导时间状语从句时含有条件意味,译为“一旦”。 【例12】 _ they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission

36、 procedures.(2010北京) AAs BWhile CUntil DOnce 答案 D,7before引导时间状语从句的用法 表示“在之前”。常用的句型: It will be some time before.意为“要过一段时间才”。It was long before- 很久才 It wasnt long before-不久就- 【例13】 John thinks it wont be long _ he is ready for his new job. (2010陕西) Awhen Bafter Cbefore Dsince 答案 C,【例14】 Why didnt you

37、 tell him about the meeting? He rushed out of the room _ I could say a word. Awhen Buntil Cbefore Dafter 答案 C 注:before的反义词是after,两者可以转换。如:We had stayed here four days before we went home. After we had stayed here four days,we went home.,8whenever的用法 whenever表示“无论何时”,相当于every time/each time。 【例15】 _

38、I come to Beijing,I call at my teachers home. ABy the time BWhile CWhenever DWhen 答案 C/D,二、条件状语从句 1引导条件状语从句的连词主要有if “如果”,unless“除非”(=if- not),as/so long as“只要”,on condition that“只要”,supposing“假设”,providing/provided“倘若”等。 【例16】 Our holiday cost a lot of money. Did it? Well,that doesnt matter _ you en

39、joyed yourselves. (2010江西) Aas long as Bunless Cas soon as Dthough 答案 A,【例17】 The little boy wont go to sleep _ his mother tells him a story.(2010全国) Aor Bunless Cbut Dwhether 答案 B 【例18】 The bell is rung _ there is a fire. Aeven Bthat Cif Dalthough 答案 C,2in case也可引导条件状语从句,意为“如果,万一”。 【例19】 _ I forget

40、,please remind me about it. AIn case BAs BUnless DThough 答案 A,3.“祈使句+and/or/or else/otherwise+简单句”句型,祈使句在意义上相当于条件状语从句。有时祈使句部分也可用名词短语。 Hurry up, or else youll be late. One step further, and the car will hit you.,三、原因状语从句 1because引导原因状语从句的用法 (1)含有很强的因果关系,回答why的提问,一般只用because。 (2)在强调句型中,如强调原因状语从句,只用bec

41、ause引导这个从句。 【例20】 Why didnt he come yesterday? _ he had something important to do. ABecause BAs CSince DFor 答案 A,【例21】 It was _ I was ill that I didnt go to school. Abecause Bsince Cas Dfor 答案 A,2since,as引导原因状语从句的用法 表示已知或明显的原因,通常放于主句之前。since比as更正式一些,since“既然”,as“由于”。 【例22】 _ everyone is here,lets be

42、gin. ABecause BSince CFor DBecause of 答案 B 注:表示“既然”的连词还有now that/when等。,【例23】 _ you wouldnt like to go there,you might as well stay here. AEven if BSince CNow that DWhen 答案 B/C/D,3for表示原因的用法 for表示原因时属于并列连词,不能放在句首,有时表因果关系(此时可与because等换用),有时不表因果关系,而是对前一分句的内容加以解释或推断(此时不与because等换用)。 【例24】 (1) The groun

43、d is wet,_ it rained last night. (2)It rained last night,_ the ground is wet this morning. (3)It must have rained last night,_ the ground is wet this morning. Abecause Bsince Cas Dfor 答案 (1)A/B/C/D (2)D (3)D,4在sorry,glad等表示“情感”的形容词后的连词 在表示“情感”的形容词后由that引导原因状语从句。 【例25】 Im sorry _ I havent met him. Ab

44、ecause Bsince Cas Dthat 答案 D,四、地点状语从句 引导地点状语从句的连词有where“在的地方”,wherever“无论什么地方”。 【例26】 _ he is,he will be thinking of his girlfriend. AWhat BWhere CWhether DWherever 答案 D,【例27】 She found her calculator _ she lost it.是状语从句 Athat Bwhere Cin which Dwhen 答案 B 【例28】 This is the factory _ her mother worked

45、 last year.是定语从句 Athat Bwhere Cin which Dwherever 答案 B/C,五、目的状语从句 1so that和in order that引导目的状语从句,从句谓语常用情态动词can (could),may (might),will (would)等。 【例29】 I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for class. Asince Bso that Cas if DUnless 答案 B,【例30】 He opened the window _ fresh air might come in. Asince Bsuch that

46、 Cin order that Das if 答案 C,2in case,for fear that也可引导目的状语从句,意为“以防”。 【例31】 John may phone tonight.I dont want to go out _ he phones. Aunless Bin case Cso that Dthough 答案 B,六、结果状语从句 1常用so that,so/such.that引导。 2须注意这几种结构:soadj.a/an可数名词单数;sucha/anadj.可数名词单数;suchadj.可数名词复数或不可数名词。 3结果状语从句中谓语常不用情态动词。 【例32】

47、 She told us _ story that we all forgot the time. Asuch an interesting Bsuch interesting a Cso an interesting Da so interesting 答案 A,【例33】 It was _ that all of us went out for a walk. Asuch fine weather Bso fine weather Csuch fine a day Dso a fine day 答案 A 注:如果可数名词复数或不可数名词前有many,much,few,little (少)修饰时,用so而不用such。如:I have so few relatives that I feel lonely.我几乎没有什么亲属,(结果)我感到孤独。,【例34】 _ little children got _ little information. ASo;such BSo;so CSuch;so DSuch;such 答案 C,七、让步状语从句 1although/though引导让步状语从句的用法 表示“虽然”,二者一般可通用。但用作副词(置于句末


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