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1、阅卷整体情况介绍,地点:华南师范大学 阅卷人员组成:来自各地的教师约1000人和部分华师 英语专业的学生;其中学生批改听取信息和语法填空; 教师按题型分为基础写作组和读写任务组批改写作部 分;每个组又分为17到20人的小组,由华南师大外语 学院的教师担任小组长 。批改大作文的教师数达到了 600余人。 试卷份数:约56万,阅卷程序,正式评卷开始前,先试评阅20篇作文,然后 与专家组对比自己的评卷结果,认真研究这 些试评文章,调整自己的标准。最后再次批 改经过重新排序的这20些文章,测试评卷员 的评分标准,出现的误差不能超过两分。试 评合格后,才可以进行正式阅卷。 与07年不同的是,今年的基础写

2、作采用小组 长跟踪,阅卷老师一评的办法进行;读写任 务部分仍采用二评,超过设置分差范围的试 卷进入三评。,关于评分标准的整体印象,可能要比我们平时的阅卷标准宽松一些。 在“语言水平”和“内容要点”之间,前者更被看重,也需要优先考虑。也就是说,首先根据文章的语言水平(这里应该包括“连贯性”)来定个档次,然后再根据内容要点等诸方面来进行调整。这和“少一个要点扣几分”的评分方法有所不同。,08年与07年各题目均分比较,题型,得,年份,分,(率),高考专题: 基础写作,仔细阅读一下高考基础写作,总结历年高考基础写作的特点,上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在 2600名学生中进行了一次调查(surve

3、y)。以下 是调查数据: 1调查时间、调查问题以及调查对象; 2男女生在以明星为偶像方面的差异; 3“父母”在男女生偶像中的排序差异; 4男女生在以伟人为偶像方面的异同; 5你的偶像及理由。,07年广东卷,你很荣幸地成为2008北京奥运会的一名志愿者,负责编写奥运比赛项目的英语介绍。 【写作内容】:请根据以下中文提纲,编写射击项目的英语介绍: 背景:射击最初只是生存工具,19世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动。 1896:第一次成为奥运项目 1904:中断 1928:中断 1932:重回奥运会 1968:第一次允许妇女参加奥运射击比赛 现状:稳步发展,1896奥运会只有三项射击项目,现今有17项。,

4、08年广东卷,你是校报小记者,最近进行了一次采访。以下是这次采访的情况: 时间:上周末 对象:眼科医生(eye-doctor) 王教授 主题:我国中小学生近视(short-sightedness)问题 基本信息:(1)发生率:略高于50% (2)人数:世界第一 专家解读:(1) 原因:很复杂 (2) 治疗:没有哪一种药物能治愈近视 (3) 建议:不要过度用眼;多参加户外活动 (4) 特别提示:如何握笔也和近视有关 【写作内容】 根据以上情况写一篇采访报道,并包括如下内容: 采访的时间、对象和主题 中小学生近视的发生率及人数 专家解读,09年广东卷,以下是一则关于中国政府决定禁烟的报道的主要内容

5、。 内 容:公共场所禁烟 实施时间:2011年1月1日起 实施范围:全国 目 标:所有室内公共场所无烟 措 施:张贴禁烟标志 相关数据:(1)吸烟人数:约3.5亿 (2)分 布:男性75;女性:25 (3)受二手烟影响人数:约5.4亿 (4)因二手烟死亡人数:超过10万/年二手烟:second-hand smoke 写作内容 请根据以上内容给学校英语墙报写一篇通讯,内容包括: 1.禁烟决定的内容及实施的时间和范围; 2.目标和措施; 3.相关数据。,10年广东卷,1、写作题材贴近考生的学习和生活。 2、信息点多,必须用5句话表达。 3、信息呈现方式多为表格、图表等。 4、以翻译为基础、注重考察

6、表达能力。,一、题型特点:,二、能力要求:,1、审题能力 2、处理信息的能力: 信息组合、排列合理 3、表达能力 语法正确 句式灵活 信息内容表达准确、完整 语篇连贯,三 How to judge the levels of the composition ?,15,评分原则 1 本题总分为15分,按5个档次给分,2 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后 以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。,3 词数少于50或多于100的,从总分中减去1分。,4 评分时,应注意表达内容、所用词汇和语法结构的表述是否 准确、上下文是否连贯及语言表达是否得体。,5 单词拼写与标点符号

7、是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视 其对表述的影响程度予以考虑。,6 如书写较差,影响表述,将分数降低一个档次。,16,第五档 (1315 分),完全完成了试题所规定的任务。,应用了正确的语法结构和词汇,没有或有12处错误(为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致)如:拼写、标点、大小写等;具备较强的语言能力。,有效使用了词语间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,达到了预期的写作目的。,17,第四档 (1012 分) 完成了试题所规定的任务。 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求,有34处不影响全文意思的错误。 应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容结构紧凑,达到了预期的写作目的。,18,第三档 (79

8、分) 基本完成了试题所规定的任务。 应用的语法结构和词汇基本能满足任务的要求,有56处错误,但不影响理解。 应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯。整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。,19,第二档 (46分) 未恰当完成试题所规定的任务。 语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,错误较多, 影响了对写作内容的理解。 较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连 贯性,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。,20,第一档 (03分) 未完成试题所规定的任务 有一些和内容要求相关的词汇或短语, 通篇语法结构错误 所写内容与所要求内容无关或无法辨认 空白卷,21,考生存在的主要问题,1.部分考生明显没有把要求的内容写完整。,2

9、.整体而言明显的语法错误偏多,时态 主谓一致 常见词的用法错误 句子结构,3.上下文的连贯性不够,4.书写不清楚,从每天每个老师平均近400份的阅卷量来看, 糟糕的书写给分数带来的损失是显而易见的。 书写混乱的作文会让老师失去仔细阅读的耐 心,所以容易出现“冤假错案”。在阅卷后期 进行三改的时候,这些出现误差的作文大都 是龙飞凤舞,书写混乱的作文。,四、表达能力训练,1.写好简单句 简单句的五种基本句型: 1)主语+不及物动词 (S+V) 2)主语+及物动词+宾语 (S+V+O) 3)主语+系动词+表语 (S+V+P) 4)主语+及物动词+双宾语 (S+V+O+O) 5)主语+及物动词+宾语+

10、宾补 (S+V+O+C),Ex : 改正下列病句并指出基本句型。 My favourite subjects including English and Chinese. Last week we hold a discussion about this topic. The future life will become more and more better. The fire destroied their houses. 5. He spends two hours to study English every night.,_,应改为include,_,应改为held,_,_,应改

11、为better and better,_,应改为destroyed,_,应改为studying,6. He cost ten dollars for the book. 7. He felt confused,he didnt know what to do. 8. He watched TV for a while before went to bed. 9. She is confidence and patience. 10. In his opinion, get fat is a terrible thing.,_,应改为paid,_,应改为. He,_,应改为going,_,应改为

12、confident and patient,_,应改为getting fat,2、如何做到句式灵活? 1)并列句 2)复合句 (定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句) 3)强调句型 4)非谓语动词 5)倒装句 6)其他句型及结构,Ex:按要求改写下列句子。 1) English is widely used in the world. Most business letters are written in English. (合并为并列句) English is widely used in the world and most business letters are written in En

13、glish. 2) People thought of some ways to solve the problem. These solutions didnt work. (合并为并列句) People thought of some ways to solve the problem but these solutions didnt work.,3) I suggest that you visit the Great Wall. It has a history of more than two thousand years. (合并为定语从句) I suggest that you

14、 visit the Great Wall, which has a history of more than two thousand years. July 11 has been named the Sailing Day in our country since 2005. Zheng He began his famous voyage on July 11. (合并为定语从句) July 11, when Zheng He began his famous voyage, has been named the Sailing Day in our country since 200

15、5.,5) I will not be able to meet you at the airport. I have some experiments to do that day.(合并为状语从句) I will not be able to meet you at the airport because I have some experiments to do that day. The problem was complicated. He solved it in only two hours with a computer. (合并为状语从句) Though the proble

16、m is complicated, he solved it in only two hours with a computer.,7) In the past five years, there have been changes in peoples diet. It is a fact.(合并为名词性从句) It is a fact that in the past five years, there have been changes in peoples diet. 8) The weather was fine. We went to visit the ZhongShan Par

17、k. (独立主格结构) The weather being fine, we went to visit the ZhongShan Park.,9) You should never give up when you are faced with difficulties. (非谓语+倒装句) Never should you give up when faced with difficulties. 10) When a man and a woman meet, the woman first offers her hand. (改为强调句) When a man and a woman

18、 meet, it is the woman who first offers her hand.,11) 众所周知, 吸烟危害健康。 (一句多译) a. It is known to all that smoking does harm to peoples health. b. As is known to all, smoking harms peoples health. c. Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to peoples health.,四、如何使文章连贯?(过渡词的使用) 1) 时间: soon, then, suddenly,

19、 meanwhile, before, after, earlier, in the morning, afterwards, later, immediately, next, the other day, nowadays, gradually 2) 空间: above, below, up, down, under, near, far from, in front of, behind, beside, beyond, on the right/left, around, inside, outside, opposite to, next to, on top of, across.

20、,3) 列举: for example, such as, first(ly), second(ly), finally, besides, apart form, for one thing for another thing 4) 比较: like, unlike, on the contrary, in contrast to, on the one handon the other hand, than, not soas, asas, while, similarly, the former, the latter, someothers, onethe other, compare

21、d with,5) 逻辑关系: a. 并列:and, as well as, also b. 转折:but, however, yet c. 递进:besides, apart from, in addition, whats more, furthermore, moreover, to make things worse d. 原因:because, because of, as, since, for that reason e. 结果:so, therefore, thus, as a result f. 让步:though, although, in spite of,五、基础写作的

22、推荐步骤:,1、认真审题 2、归纳、排列信息点 3、确定短语和句型、连词成句 4、组句成篇 5、检查修改,某报设有一个求助信箱,请根据以下表中列出的信 息,以高三学生李华的名义给Mr. Helper写一封英文 短信。信的开头和结尾已写好,不计入五句话。 Dear Mr. Helper, Im a senior 3 student. I am now in great need of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure. _ _ I am looking forward to your advice. Yours sin

23、cerely, Li Hua,写作步骤:,第1步 审题,写信,描述高三学生现状。,第一人称。一般现在时。,6项,第2步 整合信息, 译成英语。,1) 每天在校时间约10小时。每天完成作 业时间34小时。 Every day we stay at school for about ten hours to have lessons. We spend at least three to four hours doing our homework. 2) 每天几乎没有时间娱乐、消遣。 a. We hardly have any time for relaxation. b. Hardly can

24、we find any time to do what we want.,3) 每天睡眠时间不足,不利于健康。 a. We dont have enough time to sleep, which does harm to our health. b. We suffer from lack of sleep, which, in the long run, is not good for our health. 4) 负担过重的原因是面临高考。 a. The main cause of our heavy burden is the pressure from the college en

25、trance examination. b. The reason why we are carrying such a heavy burden is that we are facing the college entrance examination.,5) 父母对我们的期望很高。 a. Our parents expect too much of us. b. Our parents have high expectations of us.,Lets try!,Dear Mr. Helper, Im a senior 3 student. I am now in great need

26、 of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure. Every day we stay at school for about ten hours to have lessons _ spend at least three to four hours doing our homework. _, hardly can we find any time to do what we want. _, We suffer from lack of sleep, which, in the long run, is not goo

27、d for our health. The reason why we are carrying such a heavy burden is that we are getting the pressure from the college entrance examination. _, Our parents have high expectations of us. I am looking forward to your advice. Yours sincerely, Li Hua,第3步 连句成篇,and,As a result,Whats worse,In addition,假设你最近参加了由某电视台举办的中学生英语演讲比 赛并获奖,该台准备组织获奖者去北京参加一次英语夏 令营活动。 电视台现就活动时间和活动内容征求你的意见。请按照 以下要求以书信形式给予答复。1、选择适合你的时间并 说明理由;2、解释你只能参加其中的两项活动(听英语 讲座和教外宾学中文),虽然你认为所有的活动都很有 意义;3、说明你选择的理由:听英语讲座了解英美文化 的信息;教外宾学中文因为2008北京奥运让越来越多的 外宾想了解中国。 Im glad to be invited to the English summer camp.,08样题,


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